The Last Remnant of the Daleks

by CombatProductions

Questions without Answers

The Dalek sat inside, reading it's data base and trying to locate other Daleks. Either the data base was corrupt or he was the last Dalek. He couldn't find anything, not even the Emperor had survived. After all that time in stasis he was hoping that that some sliver of the Empire remained.

The creatures that he encountered, one of them identified as a pony, a form of equine. It had escaped him which angered him to no end, at that moment just before it's extermination his causing began to process new information and a new energy. It was completely unknow, the energy had tampered with him but it did revive him.

Outside he heard lots of banging and shouting. It sounded like orders being yelled. He made his way over to the doors to investigate.

Outside royal guards where lining up in front of the museum, Twilight Sparkle had informed them of the events that had occurred to her friend. Celestia gave the order to mobilize them here as soon as she heard one of her subjects had been killed.

The guards stood tall preparing to enter. They did not expect the statue to suddenly come out the doors of the museum, it stood there watching them. It's eye drifting from one guard to the next.

"SURRENDER!" It yelled. The guards stood there speechless.

"It spoke" A younger guard exclaimed out loud.

"ALLOCATED SURRENDER PERIOD HAS EXPIRED, CONSQUENCE MAXIMUM EXTERMINATION!" The statue yelled once again. A beam of blue light shot from the small appendage on it's mid section striking a guard in the chest. The guard let out a scream of pain before falling down.

The guards all looked towards their fallen ally before a blitz of arrows and magic bolts where sent towards the statue. This did nothing to stop it as the arrows bounced of the hard metal and the magic bolts dissipated inches away from the metal. The statue that wasn't actually statue began to fire the beams of light again striking the guards causing them to fall one by one.

"THE DALEK RACE IS SUPREME!" It screamed out still firing at the guards.

It was at this moment Twilight and her friends came rushing towards the scene all baring their element of harmony. They came to a stop seeing the guards fall and the machine move further out in to the street.

"Ok girls you all know what to do!" She rhetorically asked.

"Right!" They all said. Their necklaces lighting up and ready to turn the machine to stone. They shot a large rainbow at the machine, Immediately it began yelling.


What was left of the guards saw their chance and rushed the machine, hauling a net over it. the machine was screaming at them to remove the net. They dragged the machine over to a large wagon and hosted it in to the back.

Twilight didn't understand. The elements should have turned it to stone but instead they merely disabled it, though that did stop it. Perhaps on of the elements didn't affect it? The question ran through her mind screaming for an answer.

The castle dungeons, such a awful place to be. But it was necessary, as it held some of Equestria worst criminals. But the latest arrival was the worst, a murderer the likes Equstria had never seen before.

"... Why did you kill those ponies?" Celestia sat at the other end of the cell questioning the machine. It hadn't responded to even one of her questions, it just sat there watching her. "You called you're self a Dalek, is that the name of your race?"

It continued to just sit there watching her. She had questioned it for 45 minutes with no results. She got up and left the room frustrated that she was not given answers. She walked around the cell to look at the chained up machine through the one way glass.

"Sister, perhaps I can make it speak. You know I have made any prisoner here speak." Celestia's sister Luna requested. She had been watching the interrogation go down, unhappy at the lack of answers as well.

"You may try Luna, But don't hit it around to hard." Celestia responded before sitting down next to the her student and her friends.

Luna entered the cell, acting calm and composed and began asking the same questions Celestia did. None of them were answered. Luna dropped the composed mask and hit the Dalek with her foreleg.

"YOU WILL ANSWER THE QUESTIONS OR THINGS WILL GET BAD FOR YOU!" She yelled at the Dalek. It was still un phased by her threat.

She began the circle it, kicking it now and then while asking the questions again. It's head rotated around to look at her as she circled it. The Dalek did not answer.

"YOU WILL ANSWER THE QUESTIONS WHEN I ASK YOU THEM!" She yelled in the royal Canterlot voice, hitting the Dalek one last time.

Then it spoke.

"YOU WOULD MAKE A GOOD DALEK!" It said to her in it's crackly voice before falling silent once more.

This took Luna off guard, she visibly shook from the statement. She backed out the room. She came back in to the room with her sister.

"Luna are you alright?" Celestia asked, worried for her sister.

"N- no I'm not. That thing I fear it." She responded, still shaking from the encounter.

"Um Princesses if I may ask, can I try speaking to it. If you don't mind." Fluttershy said her face partially hidden behind her mane.

The Princesses nodded, they didn't see any other way. Perhaps speaking to the one that revived it would make it give them answers.

Fluttershy entered the room, the Dalek immediately fixated on her as the trotted in. She was about to speak but it cut her off.

"YOU... YOU WERE THE ONE WHO REVIVED ME!" It stated, knowing full well that it was the truth.

"Um, well yes I did but no intentionally. All I did was touch your head and you woke up." Fluttershy responded with slight fear in her voice.


"Well I don't kno-" She was cut off by it.


The Dalek's weapon fired narrowly missing Fluttershy. She squeaked in fear as the beam passed her.

"WHY CAN'T I KILL YOU!? I MUST EXTERMINATE YOU!" It continued t o scream.

"Princess! I have done a magic scan on the machine and it appears to have traces of the element of kindness in it!" Twilight informed Celestia from beyond the glass.

"What how is tha-" Then it hit Celestia. When Fluttershy touched the Dalek, it absorbed some of the magic of kindness from Fluttershy. It also must have absorbed her D.N.A which is causing it to not be able to kill her.

By the time the interrogation ended, the Dalek was still screaming. Calling itself impure and how it will kill all life on the planet. It screamed and screamed never letting up.