//------------------------------// // At Pinkie Pie's House // Story: 'Twas the Night of Rarijack // by kleec13 //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie greeted Applejack at the door to her house and the last guest to arrive saw her friends all in fun Christmas sweaters looking happy as can be. “Applejack!!!” the gang exclaimed. “Hey y’all!” Applejack said, waving as she began to take her winter gear off. “Hope I didn’t miss much.” “How are ya, how are ya!!!” Pinkie Pie said, about to hug her friend. “Oh. Right. Been around a sick person. Shouldn’t hug quite yet.” “Well, I’m fortunate it’s winter so we were both gloved a lot of the time. We were both sanitizing, too. I’ll wash my hands, though. For more than one reason. Smells amazing in here!” “We're making homemade pizza!” Sunset said. “Good,” Applejack said, kicking off her boots. “I’m starving!” "Come," Fluttershy said. "I'll show you what options we have for toppings!" “Alright friends!” Pinkie declared later. “Is everyone done with their pizza?” The girls nodded. “What’s next, Christmas host?” Sunset asked. “Would you like to do presents now? Or would you rather play some games first?” the host asked. “I wouldn’t mind doing our Secret Santa exchange now. How about y'all?” Applejack asked. No one protested. “Great, it’s settled then!” Pinkie Pie said and brought all the gifts that were set aside on the table to the center of the living room. “Well, first of all, who got Rarity?” “Heh, well… I did,” Applejack said. “I gave it to her in the house. Brought her gift with me, too.” “The house?” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah, she was alone tonight. So I stayed a bit before coming here. I wonder how she’s doing…” Applejack wondered, glancing at her phone. “Eh. Probably just resting. Silly me. She has a cold. Not the plague.” “Well it was… nice of you to stay. I’m sure she appreciated it,” Rainbow Dash said. The girls eyed each other, seeming to get what Rainbow Dash was hinting at. Applejack, on the other hand, had no clue. “Aw. It was nothing,” Applejack said. “I’m certainly glad she was excited to try the art pencils. Fashion might not be my thing, but I know it means a lot to her and I wanted her to have the best.” The group continued looking at each other slyly. “Applejack, is there something you’re not telling us?” Rainbow Dash asked. Applejack started to catch on, but remained cautious. “Uh, what do you mean?” she asked. “The worrying? Making sure your gift for her was perfect? Going out of your way to make sure Rarity was comfortable at home?” Twilight listed off. “Just because I was a decent human doesn’t mean I have feelings for Rarity. I’d do what I did tonight for any of you,” Applejack retorted. “Okay fair,” Rainbow said. “But the question still stands. We’ve all been wondering since the fiasco with Vignette at Equestria Land last summer. Do you… like Rarity? More than just a friend?” The question didn’t come as a surprise to Applejack, but that didn’t mean she dreaded answering it any less. “I… I DON’T KNOW!!” she exclaimed. Not getting the response they expected, the others looked at each other unsure of what to say next. Applejack sighed as she began to elaborate. “Look. When it’s just us hanging out, I sometimes think ‘there’s no reason we couldn’t just… do the same things, but as girlfriends. I’d like that. That’d be nice.’” “But then you think about what being in a relationship with Rarity could actually mean,” Sunset finished. “Yeah, there’s the whole ‘if we don’t work out, what happens to our friendship?’ deal,” Applejack agreed. “But also, Rarity and I have known each other since we were kids. Y'all know that. As much as going on a date with Rarity would be nice, it’d also kinda be like me dating Apple Bloom or Big Mac and I just get weirded out. Do I have a crush or do I just have a strong sisterly bond with her?” “I understand,” Twilight said. “And hey. We’re only in high school.” “You don’t need to have everything figured out yet,” Fluttershy finished. “I suppose,” Applejack said. “It’d sure make things easier, though.” “But you know what’s always good?” Pinkie asked. “Talking about it!” “Pinkie’s right,” Sunset agreed. “Talking about how you’re feeling with Rarity could be great for both of you.” Applejack grimaced at the suggestion. “I’ve never been good at things like that.” “It’s easier said than done, I know,” Fluttershy said. “I’m sure it was a big deal to tell us what you did just now, let alone Rarity. But it felt good, right?” “Yeah,” Applejack decided. “Yeah, it did.” “And yeah… sorry about forcing that on you,” Rainbow Dash said. “I need to know when my kidding around can get out of hand.” Applejack shrugged, not wanting to excuse Rainbow’s behavior, but understanding her actions nonetheless. “Curiosity is human nature,” she told Rainbow. “And I will talk to Rarity. In my own time.” “We are truly glad you were there for her,” Sunset said. “Hope we didn’t downplay that.” “You didn’t,” Applejack assured. “It was actually fun playing nurse in a way.” "You deserve this party," Pinkie said. "Are you ready to celebrate properly now?" "Yeah," Applejack said. “Sorry to keep y’all waiting. I’m excited to see what we got each other!” “I sure hope so, because I got you!!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, handing over the gift and looking over at the rest of her friends with a big grin. “Alright everyone! Let’s get unwrapping.”