//------------------------------// // Day 2, The Most Awesome Roadtrip Ever! // Story: Quiet Days // by AlphaDidAlotOfThings //------------------------------// May 24, 2015 Dear Diary, I should probably start putting that more often if this is gonna be a record for future generations I'll have to do it right, y'know? Alyssa tried making bacon for breakfast but instantly spat it out when she tried to eat it. It seems small horses can unfortunately not eat meat. So we both just settled for cereal instead. It's still pretty hard getting used to hooves. But being a horse isn't all that bad, to me at least. Alyssa seems to be taking it differently, to her it's "Disgusting." (Her words not mine.) She's probably just jealous I have wings and she doesn't. These wings are actually pretty useful since using hooves is still pretty hard. I can use these as "feathery hands" instead! (I actually had to help her out with the cooking too) Eventually, I'll be able to fly. Just like pegasi in legends! Y'know, the more I think about stuff like that the more I'm reminded about how grim this situation really is. I always wanted to go to the fantasy world of my dreams, but not like this… I'll make it through, no matter what. And if I somehow don't- No, that's a problem for future me to deal with. Not now. That aside, we couldn't stay here so as part of my "super awesome end of the world scenario game plan by Emile!" We grabbed everything, food, supplies, everything. We used my old toy wagon I still had and put half of everything in there and the other half we used bags. Alyssa pushed the wagon, while I carried the bags. (What? She's plenty strong, she'll be fine.) And with that, we were off. Where are we going? I don't fucking know. We'll check the school for survivors, after that I don't know. Power will most likely go off in a couple of days, and all I know for sure is that we're not staying here. I guess we're going on a road trip! Yeah, that sounds fun. (Best Friends At The End Of The World roadtrip, go!) We finally reached the school, thankfully it's not that far of a walk, otherwise we'd be doomed. Alyssa had to kick down the doors, damn I knew she was strong, but not this strong! She seemed pretty surprised too, maybe the transformation increased her strength or something? But anyways, there was nobody there. Great. Well, onto step 2: Get Transportation! There was a perfectly vacant truck that seemed good, it was locked though… Luckily, Alyssa used her newfound monster strength to literally throw a hammer at one of the windows and smash it. (Go Alyssa wooo!) I kid you not, after that she just looked at me and said "There you go!" Classic Alyssa. She might get on my nerves sometimes, but honestly she's pretty dependable. Thank god I have her with me. I'm the only one with a license so I did the driving, my mom actually used to teach me how to drive before. (That's illegal, I know) Since I was too small to simply just drive it on my own Alyssa sat down and took the pedals, while I took the steering wheel. And like that our road trip is a go! (Also thank god this truck isn't THAT big.) We've driven past a couple blocks now. We saw a pack of stray doings but they ran away when they heard us coming. (Good, I don't like dealing with animals.) Still no people though. Or would it be horses now? God, that's getting kinda tiring. We don't seem big enough to be horses, so how about ponies! Yeah, that works… On the way to Whereeverville™ (Do not steal!) We made a pit stop and broke into (courtesy of Alyssa) one of those election stores. Now we have one of those cb radios! I'm not exactly super duper tech savvy but with this we should be able to contact other people! I'll just ask Alyssa if I need help with it, or uh anything like that really. She seems to be decent at it. Now we have supplies, a radio, and a truck! We're on a roll! Toot, toot, all aboard the last friends on earth train! (Truck?) We checked the radio for anything but, of course we got nothing… So to past the time me and Alyssa left a message and used to talk about our past lives! Honestly, they weren't too good. My mom was struggling with money, Alyssa's parents got divorced… But now we're the only people in the world! We can do whatever we want, baby! Psh, we (I) wish. This is probably getting repetitive but I hope our families are okay. My mom, and her brother… Stay safe. Okay? We'll all get through this, together. Not just our families, siblings, or us either. Everyone! We'll figure out what caused this and bring back everyone that disappeared! We need a name for our squad of two whole people. How about "The Operative Human Initiative!" OHI for short! Sounds cool, doesn't it? Humanity (Ponynity?) will prevail! Dramatic Theateratics aside, We've been doing pretty good so far though. We got a truck, supplies, food, we have pretty much everything we need! Me and Alyssa have been taking turns steering and using the pedals, whenever we're both tired we just pull over so we can rest. I'll probably start writing less and less as the days go on. There's only so much I can write about and only so much can happen in a single day. Especially when you're the only person left on earth. Well, I'm not the only person, I have Alyssa but you get the point. Tomorrow we'll do some "shopping" (shopping pretty much just stealing now. Sorry shopkeepers!) We need stuff like clothes, the ones we still have right now barely fit us. Well that's another thing for the to do list, make pony clothes. Well, Hopefully we find someone soon, I don't think I stand Alyssa 24/7. But for now this is Emile, the head of the Operative Human Initiative signing off, sayonara! (Yeah, I'm not calling us that.) - Emile