//------------------------------// // Day 17.5-18, In Between Everything And Back On The Road. // Story: Quiet Days // by AlphaDidAlotOfThings //------------------------------// 11:00 PM Dear Journal, I can't sleep. Those runes we saw earlier…. I can't sleep because of them. I was excited about them yesterday, but now…. I don't even know anymore… I feel terrible… But I'll just tell you what happened. I woke up in the middle of the night. Like now, I couldn't sleep. Those runes… They seemed so interesting to me! They're magic! Real magic! This isn't something that could ever happen normally. I could wait until tomorrow. I just had to investigate them. I woke John up, he was less than pleased to see that I was the one who woke him up. When I told him about how excited I was about the runes and how I wanted to investigate them right now he seemed pretty happy too. I'm guessing he figured that they could help us in some way, because he agreed too. We went out in the middle of the night and disguised it as a "late supply run." John's a unicorn, if those runes are really magic he can help me activate them. I would've brung Minuette along too, but her head hurts everytime she gets close to the runes. We can't risk having her get hurt. Thankfully there weren't any animals out, the streets were empty and quiet. We walked to the alleyway where we found the runes, it wasn't too far, just a short little walk. And they were still there, untouched and intact. First thing I did was have John stand in the middle of the circle and activate his magic. A green glow appeared around his horn, the runes lit up, anddd… Nothing. He didn't disappear, the runes didn't change, just nothing…. When I asked him what happened he just looked at me blankly for a minute and said "You have to see it for yourself." I took his word for it and stood in the magic circle. I let him blast me with his magic, the runes lit up and god I wish I didn't now. He was definitely right though, it's something you have to just experience. I'll try my best to explain it though. I saw grassy green fields, serene blue skies, blue beautiful oceans. Everything, so bright, colorful, beautiful, radiant. Nothing like this world… I saw the city. No, not this city. Another city. The buildings weren't tall or grand or anything like here. They had their own charm though, they were made of cobblestone and had straw roofs. Small, nice, and quaint. There were no people, not a single damned human around. Only ponies, they all have the weird symbols on their flanks "destiny marks." I've been calling them. There were lots without horns or wings like Alyssa but some were like John. They performed tricks, magic, and all kinds of beautiful stunts. Above in the sky were ones like me, they flew high into the clouds and beyond, so graceful, so daring! All these ponies they were all so different yet they all were so friendly, so lively! It seemed so beautiful, I wish I could go there! Then, it changed again I saw a radiant capital, distant farm lands with normal ponies where the earth simply blossomed with the touch of their hooves! I saw so many things, undiscovered distant lands, a realm of light! A battle for unity, a battle between hope and despair, battle for those who seeked the truth! I was everywhere and nowhere, I was in between worlds, dimensions, space, time, everything! Then, it stopped and I felt the presences of two people, ponies, entities? One, felt the same confusion and despair I felt. While the other, seemed like it was watching us. They knew us, they understood us, they felt the pain of everything I've been going through and they wanted to help us They reached out, and I tried to reach them back. I grabbed onto anything, something! And, it cut. Just like that. I fell to the ground and runes disappeared. After that I felt so drained, tired… I've felt anything like this before, I feel sick… So exhausted… John had to carry me back, nobody noticed that we left. He put me on the bed, he didn't ask me what happened he just looked at me worriedly and walked away. I think it's for the better. I don't what that was but I don't like it. I feel like there's something bigger at play here… Something even we can't comprehend. I'm gonna go before I pass out so this is Emile, goodbye. - Emile June 9th, 2015 Dear Journal, I feel better today, I have no idea what that was yesterday. Since I'm slightly better I'll try my best to explain it a bit more. It wasn't really like a "vision." I wasn't necessarily seeing something, it was like I had my senses enhanced and unlocked some kind of hidden sense. I'm sorry if I'm not being clear. It's just hard to explain… If that was the future, present, past, another world, universe, dimension. I don't know. I… This morning John asked me about what happened back there yesterday. I just responded with an honest "I don't know." I don't think he saw the same thing as me since he doesn't seem as tired. I guess I know what drugs feel like now… More magical weirdness aside, Alyssa made a caesar salad with dressing and everything! It might be salad again, but it's a damned good one! A proper last meal before we leave this place behind. We're packing everything up again so we can leave. I made another saddle bag for John this time around so he'll have an easier way to carry things with that broken leg of his. He might be a bit big compared to us but his measurements aren't that different. I asked Minuette if she wanted any clothes or anything before we leave, she just said no. Is she a nudist or something because she won't wear anything besides that bandana. It's fine I guess, we're ponies now. But it is a bit weird, and a bit embarrassing to say the least… John and I took the solar panels from the roof and loaded them onto the trunk since they'll be extremely useful when we settle down. We can fit a lot of stuff on that truck but we can't bring everything. So like before, we're only bringing stuff we absolutely need. Trucks all patched up, we got gas, and the engines all ready. We're good to go. There's one more thing I wanted to do before we leave though, I took the camera, made sure it had film and told everyone to go outside. "Alright, everyone say pony!" I took a picture of us all together, it's a memento of our first real home. We're really like a colony now, just one small happy family. I'm actually kinda sad we have to leave this place behind. It's been kinda growing on me these past couple days. But I know it's for the best. We'll make a bigger and better home once we settle down. John can't drive with a broken leg, so instead of me and Alyssa, it'll be me and Minuette! I asked if she wanted to and she said "Yeah, it looks like fun!" So here we are. Alright, we're getting in now so I'll update you when we take a pitstop or on the way. For now this is Emile, goodbye! I hope whoever moves here after us uses this place well…. - Emile