//------------------------------// // Day 18.5-19, Back On The Road (2)/Calm After The Storm. // Story: Quiet Days // by AlphaDidAlotOfThings //------------------------------// 1:00 PM Dear Journal, We're back on the road baby! Minuettes been pretty good at this so far. (It's not that hard to just use the pedals though) She's right here! Say hi Minuette! Minuette says hi. I'm the only (or was) with a license so I'm the one doing the rest of driving of course. We stopped at a RadioShack on the way. I thought they all shut down, but apparently there were still a few left. This one seemed like it was preparing to close down though. (We all know what postponed that.) It's one of my favorite stores actually. My mom used to work at one before she got a job at one of those "big" tech companies. I picked up one of those tape recorders there, with this we'll have another way to record our voices aside from just the camera of course. I might even record some Journal entries with it! We're in the parking lot right now, we pulled over to stop for "lunch." Minuettes eating one of her famous "Flower Sandwiches™." While I'm just eating one of those store bought english muffins, I put jelly on it. I'm tired of salad, okay? Cut me some slack…. Besides, it tastes good… Honestly I love bread. I probably just live off of bread and juice if I wanted to. John's eating some strawberries while Alyssa has some of the leftovers from the caesar salad. Speaking of, those two are right here! (Of course they are.) John's sitting in the seat next to me while Alyssa's in the back with Buddy. (Where he belongs. I'm joking, don't hurt me please.) According to the map we should be there before June 15th, hopefully. We're gonna go back on the road so I'll write more later, this is yours truly, peace. - Emile June 10th, 2015 Dear Journal, A decent amount happened today so I'll try to get everything down. I had another one of those strange "dreams" again. This time I saw cars, boats, trains, buses, you name it. Basically every vehicle in the world. They appeared in all places seemingly random, a car appeared in a section of a city, crashing into a pole and leaving a unconscious Stallion in the driver's seat. A pony tried to regain control of her plane while in the air but ended up crashing into a nearby farm. I watched like a spectator as ponies struggled to drive and use things definitely not meant for hooves. I'm guessing strange dreams are just the norm for me now. Maybe I am really a "herald of the future." I've been feeling weird ever since the incident with the rune. I'm not sick anymore. I just feel… Weird… (Maybe the dreams are a side effect of it?) Me and John haven't told the others about that "incident" yet, and we don't plan to, ever. They don't have to know about something like that, and I certainly don't need Alyssa scolding me again. Remember how I said there was someone in the vision who shared the same feelings I did? Maybe that was some kind of shared vision across the space time continuum or something. No, that's stupid… Though, with everything that's happened so far I wouldn't even be surprised if it was something like that. I wonder who that person was… Maybe they're someone like me… Whoever they are, I hope they're doing good. Maybe we'll meet them soon… (I hope so.) That aside, today, I picked up some rose seeds from a nearby flower shop. They're for a little "project" I wanna work on once we settle down. What kind of project? It's a secret. Maybe my destiny mark means I'm good at gardening or something, I don't know what else it could mean. Destiny… I wonder what Minuettes means… John and Alyssa have some pretty obvious ones that relate to their talents and what they're good at but Minuettes is just a hourglass. Maybe she has some kind of super secret forbidden time travel magic or something? Nah… Minuettes pretty nice, she's been kinda growing on me these past couple days. (No, I don't like her like THAT, she's just nice okay?) She's kinda cute too! I need a nickname for her… Minuette…. Min…. MinMin… Minny…. Minute? Huh, I guess that's what her names from. How about, Minny! That sounds good! Everyone's sound asleep and I'm up writing this entry… Minnies sleeping on my shoulder, I feel like if I move an inch she'll wake up. (Please don't wake up…) I've never been too interested in stars but I always wanted to see the milky way when I was younger, never could though. I can see it now, almost as clear as day. I'm guessing the light pollutions died down that much… How many lights are still on in the world? What's earth look like now from space? I dunno, I'm not an astronaut. What do you expect me to say? I feel weirdly drawn to the stars, they're just so bright… It's like they're calling to me… Still no people out here, every time we travel I get my hopes up that we might find someone just to get disappointed every time… Maybe I should… I should shut up, that's what I should do. I'm getting kinda tired now, so I'm heading to bed. So, as per usual this is Emile, adios. - Emile