The Story of Queen Opaline and who she could be

by The_PoppyPlaytime_Pony

Chapter 1

I am so excited! You probably want to know why, don't you? Well, today my family will be going from our home in the Crystal Empire, to Canterlot, and why, you ask?
Allow me to introduce myself; I'm Princess Skyla, the daughter of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Cadence for short, and the niece of Twilight Sparkle, the ruler of Equestria!
So it's only natural that we visit her occasionally, but this visit is more special than the others! Why? Because it's the day where Aunt Twilight announces who her heir will be, as she is retiring soon. I really hope that it's me!
My sister, Flurry Heart, thinks that it will be Aunt Twilight's student, Luster Dawn, to keep up with tradition. I don't blame her; Aunt Twilight was the student of the old ruler, Princess Celestia.
So it may be only fair that sweet Luster becomes the ruler, but I still hope that it's me, as Aunt Twilight had promised me several times, and no pony should break a promise!

"Skyla", my mother snaps me out of my thoughts, "We're here!".

Flurry and I rush to the window of the train and witness the beautiful city of Canterlot, its houses, and shops and cafes, all 'divine', as my aunt's friend, Rarity, would say.
As we get off the train, and walk through the city, Dad and Flurry exchange theories of who the new ruler will be.

"Hey, Skyla!", Flurry calls me over, I trot over to her and Dad.

"Who do you think will be Aunt Twilight's heir?", she asks, "I think it'll be Luster Dawn, and Dad thinks it'll be Mother. Who do you think it'll be?".
I think for a couple of seconds, and then I make my theory.

"Well, there are high chances that it's me, because you're in line to rule the Crystal Empire, and Mom is already ruling the Crystal Empire, so...". Flurry seems content with that answer.

Dad is knocking the large, grand doors of Canterlot, guarded by, well, guards. The guards somehow have the strength to open them and still guide us through the castle.
"Ooh! I can't wait to see Aunt Twilight and Luster!", Flurry squeals. "I can't wait to see how she's coping with those wings of hers."

Mom replies, "I totally agree with you there, dear. Luster has been struggling with those new wings of hers!".
Before we know it, we're outside of the throne room and it's still as grand as all four of us remember! As they open, we catch a glimpse of our beautiful aunt on her throne and her gorgeous student by her side.
When she looks up from her important documents and sees us, she wears a large grin on her face.

"Why, Shining Armour, Cadence, Flurry Heart and Skyla!", she says, "Welcome back to Canterlot!".
Flurry Heart flies towards her and squeezes her with all her alicorn might.

"Aunt Twilight! I've missed you so much!", she tells her, before rushing to Luster.

"Luster, how are the new wings?", she asks.

"Hey, Flurry Heart! The new wings are working alright?", Luster tells her.
"Hey, Skyla,", says Luster, "How's life at the Crystal Empire?".

I tell her that I'm enjoying it. Aunt Twilight smiles and says: "Shall we go outside, on the balcony? Spike is waiting for us as we speak.".