The Story of Queen Opaline and who she could be

by The_PoppyPlaytime_Pony

Chapter 2

We make our way onto the balcony, the same one where Aunt Twilight was crowned as ruler. Spike, her dragon friend, is waiting for us.
"Hi, everypony!", he tells us.

"Hi, Spike!", we reply.

"Spike, take a letter.", Aunt Twilight tells him.

"With pleasure, Twilight.", he replies.

" 'Dearest subjects of Equestria, I am delighted to inform you all that I have decided who my heir will be. She is a lovely and firm pony, who will know what to do when times will be tough. Please may I introduce my heir, my former student, Princess Luster Dawn!' ".
What, did she just say? Luster Dawn, princess, of Equestria? What is going on here?

"Should I send it now, Twilight?", Spike asks my aunt.

"Yes, please do, Spike.", she tells him. He took a deep breath and he blew out a green fire, that made the scroll disappear.

"Wait, what? But, she just became a princess", I blurt out. "What's going on?". Aunt Twilight and Spike exchange nervous looks. Everyone is surprised, even Luster Dawn!

"We should tell you the truth; Twilight, would you do the honours?", says Spike.

"Let's go inside, Skyla. I'm sorry I never told you sooner.", says Aunt Twilight.

Everyone went inside, back in the throne room. "So, what aren't you telling me?", I demand.

"Well, you're considered, the 'wrong hooves', let's say. I have a feeling, that you won't use the powers of an alicorn responsibly. Basically, you would use it for your own selfish purposes.".
My eyes widen in shock and then scrunch up in anger.

"Seriously?!", I tell her, "How could you think that of me? How does she get all of that power?".

"Luster is mature enough to know what to do!", she simply says.
The audacity of her to think that of me like that! Am I not mature enough?

"I hate you!", I whisper. I run out of the throne room, with tears in my eyes.