//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: The Story of Queen Opaline and who she could be // by The_PoppyPlaytime_Pony //------------------------------// The train has finally arrived at Canterlot. Before we get off, Mom pulls me aside and gives me a pep talk. "Listen, dear. Your father and I know how much this coronation will upset you, but please try to keep a smile on your face and try to be happy for Luster as she gets crowned.", Mom tells me. "Gets crowned", I think to myself. Why do those words fill me with such sadness and jealousy? "Don't worry, Mother. I'm completely fine with Luster Dawn being coronated. I don't know what came over to me last month.", I reply. Mom gives me a warm and loving smile and hugs me as Flurry and Dad wait patiently for us. "Hey, guys. I don't mean to ruin the moment, but we should get going! Aunt Twilight is waiting for us at the castle.", says Flurry. We all get off the train and as it leaves, I suddenly want to go home already. I can tell that this'll be the worst night of my life! "Well, Skyla, you just have to get through the night. Even if you are jealous", I think. Just then, I remembered the oath I made to myself last month. Tonight is the perfect night to start on that oath; I must prepare myself for evil and I think I know how... After Misty has told me everything about her little adventure, I am glad and immediately activate my magic water to see what's going on in the Brighthouse. But as soon as Sunny Starscout walks inside, I suddenly get a view outside of the Brighthouse. "No, what happened?!", I yell furiously. "Well, the mirror compact must not work inside the Brighthouse, Opaline.", Misty suggests. "You're right, Misty. I guess I'll have to send one of my allies to Maretime Bay, to spy on those pathetic little ponies.", I say. "Maybe I could go back to Maretime Bay for you?", asks Misty, giving me a smile that implies that she wants to go. I roll my eyes and reply; "Perhaps, Misty, perhaps.", I tell her. "I'll have a think about it, my dear minion. It's not like you'll ruin the plan!". And then, I start laughing. Not the good, genuine kind. It's an evil cackle, that shows that my plans are not jeopardised by anyone! As I keep laughing, I hear Misty laughing as well. I stop and she does too. "If you're going to do a maniacal laugh with me, Misty, at least be in sync.", I tell her. "Ready? Now, mwahahahah!". We laugh again, and Misty is now in sync. "That's better.", I think, whilst laughing of course!