The Story of Queen Opaline and who she could be

by The_PoppyPlaytime_Pony

Chapter 6

"Wow, Luster. You look amazing!", cries Flurry Heart.
We are now in Canterlot Castle, giving Luster Dawn a brief visit before her coronation, which could've been MY coronation.

"Thanks, Flurry!", Luster blushes.

"The dress is beautiful, my friend.", I say sarcastically. Mother gives me a dirty look and pulls me aside.

"Did you seriously just forget our talk on the train, Skyla?", she demands, quietly, of course. I stare at her blankly and say;

"No, I didn't, Mother.".

She drags me back to Flurry and Luster, pretending nothing had happened.
"I'll talk to you later.", she whispers to me. I roll my eyes and walk away from her. Just then, Aunt Twilight appears out of nowhere via her teleportation magic.

"Hey, Twilight!", Mom calls her over.

" 'Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and give a little shake!' ", they sing together.

" Hi Auntie!", calls Flurry Heart.

"Why Flurry Heart my dear, how are you?", Aunt Twilight asks. Flurry tells her that she's good and really excited for the coronation. I wish I was excited too. Well, time to get to work on being evil now.

I walk away from everyone and start tainting the minds of everypony attending the coronation via their dreams. First up, Luster Dawn's parents; Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer.

"Hi, Starlight and Sunburst. How are you?", I ask them, before convincing them that Luster is a bad pony. Then I do it to her other friends, then to everyone who'll be attending the coronation until they're all tainted. I don't bother with tainting Aunt Twilight's friends, the Mane 6.
Their minds are too strong for my convincing nature, so there'll be no point.

"Excellent, everything is going to plan!", I think to myself as I return to the real world, where almost no one will attend Luster's coronation. The old me would feel bad doing this, but that 'Princess Skyla', is gone. This is the new Skyla, a queen in my own mind and soon, all of Equestria.
As revenge for choosing a pony, incapable of ruling, I shall take all of the magic in Equestria, as well as ruin my aunt's legacy of 'friendship'. Friendship can only get a pony so far in life, but a life of tyranny and cruelty can get you further, and that's just what I'll do; just watch me!...

The End...