//------------------------------// // 5. Rara Tells All // Story: Flurry Heart's Story: Fillie Jean // by AleximusPrime //------------------------------// Later that day while eating lunch, Flurry and Pumpkin told their friends what happened earlier at Night Shade’s class. “And then he came back in and told us we gotta leave early. He looked really sad,” Pumpkin explained. “Did he tell you why he had to do it?” Pound asked. “He just said something came to his attention. That was the only explanation we got,” Flurry answered. “I’m worried about him,” Pumpkin said with her ears down. “I don’t like it,” Stormy said after taking a sip of his drink. “That guy’s keeping secrets.” “Now Stormy, let’s not just go jumping to conclusions,” Spike warned. “Yeah, he’s probably just having a rough time,” Chip suggested. “Maybe he got a phone call with some really bad news like a relative in the hospital or something,” Annie added. “I don’t think that’s it,” Flurry interjected. “It’s that zebra manager of his: Zeb. He demanded that Night Shade go in there with him right now. That guy always gives me a look when he sees me. I think there’s something wrong with Zeb, not Night Shade. I saw them arguing between songs last night.” “Why doesn’t he get a new manager then? What kind of zebra names their son ‘Zeb’ anyway? That’s like if our parents named us ‘Pone’ because we’re ponies,” Stormy blurted. “I think it’s short for ‘Zeboro’, Stormy,” Spike explained to the cheeky pegasus. “It’s a common Africolt name for zebra stallions. Anyway, Flurry, Pumpkin, I wouldn’t ask Night Shade what’s going on tomorrow. Just focus on those lessons for the last day and don’t bother him about it.” “I know. I just wish there was some way we could help,” Pumpkin sighed. “You know who could help? Coloratura!” Annie beamed. “Oh that’s right, Annie! I forgot Rara used to be friends with Night Shade.” Chip told his sister. “Oh yeah! Pumpkin, Rara’s over at Sweet Apple Acres this weekend catching up with Applejack. We can ask her this afternoon,” Flurry told her friend. “Flurry, you’re a genius!” chimed Pumpkin. “Okay, we’ll go to Chip and Annie’s and see if she can tell us anything.” “I’ll take you two over after lunch. Just be prepared, girls,” Spike warned them. “You might find out some pretty shady stuff about Zeb.” “Probably, but I’m sure Rara will clear it all up,” Flurry said, confidently. Later that afternoon, Spike took Flurry and Pumpkin over to Applejack and Tex’s house to visit Coloratura and ask about Night Shade. They knocked on the front door and were greeted by Tex. “Spike! Girls! Great to see you!” he said, warmly. “Hey Tex. We’re sorry to bother you, but is Coloratura still here?” Flurry asked. “Yeah, we’d like to have a quick word with her,” Pumpkin added. “Rara? Sure! She’ll be here till Sunday. Come on right in!” Tex stepped aside to let them in. Over to the right, they saw Applejack and Coloratura sitting on the couch, waiting for them. Coloratura, or Rara as she was commonly called was wearing her hair just like how she did after she stepped away from her management years ago. She no longer donned heavy makeup or studded clothes and wigs. She only wore dresses for special occasions and concerts. She preferred to not make herself too flashy anymore now that she was free of the music industry. “Howdy, girls! Howdy, Spike!” Applejack greeted. “Hey, Applejack!” Spike responded. “Coloratura, it’s great to finally see you!” Pumpkin said, nervously. “Princess Flurry Heart! And I’m sorry, what’s your name, dear?” “I’m Pumpkin Cake. I don’t know if Pinkie Pie’s ever told you, but my family and I are close friends with her.” “Oh, that’s right. The owners of Sugarcube Corner. Applejack ordered some tarts from there earlier. You guys make great treats!” “Hehe, thanks!” “Speakin’ of which: y’all three want me to get ya some cider and some of those tarts in the mean time?” Applejack asked, getting up from her seat. “Sure, Applejack!” Spike responded. “Yeah! They sound delicious,” Flurry added. “We won’t be long; we just wanted to ask Rara about something we thought she could help with,” Pumpkin told her. Applejack and Tex both went into the kitchen to prepare the refreshments. Flurry and Pumpkin sat next to Rara while Spike stood next to the couch. “So Flurry, how’s your time in Ponyville been so far?” Rara asked. “I’ve been having the time of my life!” Flurry said, happily. “Spike’s been watching after me and I’ve made some great friends like Pumpkin.” “Plus all the crazy adventures we’ve been through,” Spike added. “I’m sure Applejack’s told you about some of these villains we’ve been encountering like General Scutellum, Cozy Glow, Anatankha and Tirek.” “Yeah, that’s pretty amazing what you did with Anatankha and Tirek last week! Also, congratulations for winning at Night Shade’s concert! Did you learn a lot from his lessons?” “We sure have! I’ve even figured out how to sing a lot better now and he’s gonna teach me to moonwalk tomorrow,” Pumpkin told her. “Yeah, but we’re having a bit of an issue, or rather we might have noticed one,” Flurry said as the mood of the conversation dropped. “Uh oh. Is there a problem with him?” Rara asked. As Rara spoke, Applejack set a plate down with small treats and two cups of apple cider for the girls. “Thanks, Applejack,” Flurry said before returning to Rara. “Well, we’re not sure it’s Night Shade.” “Let me guess. Zeboro?” “Yeah…Zeb. Do you know him?” Pumpkin asked. “What did you girls see Zeb doing?” Pumpkin turned to Flurry as if to say she would be better at explaining this. Flurry finished chewing her tart and then spoke. “Well, he gives me this scowl every time he looks at me and he sounds like he controls everything Night Shade does. He looked like he was arguing with Night Shade last night at the concert after we sang with him on stage. Even more worrisome was when Zeb pulled Night Shade out of our class this morning to talk with him about something important. He came back in all moody and said he needed to cut the class short because something came to his attention.” “Flurry, has Night Shade said anything wrong to you?” “No, he’s been fine aside from cutting our class short. I think Zeb made him do it.” Rara took a sip from her drink as Flurry told her this. She had a very somber look on her face and didn’t seem surprised at hearing this. It was almost as if she knew what the girls were going to say all along. She closed her eyes and sighed before talking. “I know what this is all about,” she said as she put her cup on the table. “You see girls, back when I was a popular artist, I befriended a lot of the other artists in the industry, and Night Shade was one of them. I first spoke to him a few years before I left it all. He was very friendly. We had good conversations and he learned a lot from me, but everything changed after the Ponyville concert where I finally reconnected with Applejack and my true self. You have to understand, when my old manager Svengallop left me, I not only lost my contract, I lost practically everything else. My bank account was hit hard and I had to move out of my mansion. I even lost the trademark to some of my songs, most of which I didn’t write anyway. I was thrown out and shunned by everyone in that industry. I lost all the friends I made there, and Night Shade was one of them. I remember talking with him one last time after my exodus. He seemed fine at first, and that’s when I saw Zeb. He came in and whispered something into Night Shade’s ear. Night Shade then told me he had to go and Zeb grimaced at me. That was the last time we ever spoke. From then on, Night Shade just kept snubbing me every time I tried talking to him.” Rara took a moment to reflect. The girls could do nothing except exchange worried looks until she continued. “I learned the hard way that the industry really doesn’t like outcasts or anyone that chooses to go against manager orders or get too close to their fans. Svengallop hated that I was doing charity work and hanging out with fans, and Applejack and the others exposed him that day. Again, I lost everything, including my reputation in the music industry. They won’t allow their artists to associate with someone like me, and that’s what brings me to this now, Flurry: you’re a princess and you’re directly related to Twilight Sparkle. This is hard for me to tell you, but the industry hates the royals. They hate Celestia and Luna, and they hate Twilight and her family and anyone they’re friends with for that matter. They don’t agree with the Equestrian royalty’s way of governing and are against the constitution. There’s no doubt in my mind Zeb is keeping Night Shade away from you for this reason. And since you’re friends with her, that unfortunately means you too, Pumpkin. I know you don’t want to hear this, but Night Shade is too infatuated with his career. I do believe he cares about his fans to an extent, but if Zeb threatens to let him go, he’ll put his job first. It also doesn’t help that Svengallop is now the CEO of the very record label Night Shade has his music under, or so I’ve heard. For all we know, he could also be pulling some strings.” There was a long pause. Flurry and Pumpkin shared glances again. Spike had his arms crossed and looked very apprehensive. Flurry looked back at him and he nodded his head back and forth slowly. “Rara, I don’t understand…” Flurry said, trembling. “Why do they hate me and my family so much? What did we ever do to them?” “It’s hard to explain. Twilight helped expose Svengallop with her magic, which explains why he has such a gripe with her, but they hated Celestia and Luna before that. It’s sadly the way things are.” “You really think Night Shade would do that?” Pumpkin asked. “He seems so nice. It just doesn’t seem possible.” “I hope I have this all wrong, Pumpkin. I really do. I miss Night Shade and all the other artists I knew. The artists you admire may produce really good content, but most of them have this same problem. Thankfully, I hear the industry is decentralizing. Independent artists are starting to gain popularity too. I actually just befriended one recently.” “And what about Night Shade? Can he not go independent and leave it all behind like you did?” Spike asked. “I don’t think he could be convinced to. He’s already making so much money; he can’t lower himself any further. I think he cares more about the art than the money like a good artist should, but if he can’t express himself through said art, he’ll do whatever it takes to keep it. Some artists are waking up to all this; I just wish Night Shade was one of them.” Pumpkin lowered her head and sighed. Flurry put her wing around her. “It’s okay, Pumpkin,” she said. “Maybe I could just not come to the lesson tomorrow and I’ll try to say goodbye to him real quick when he gets on the train to leave. I’ve already had enough singing lessons as it is.” “I don’t want you to feel forced to stay away from him,” Pumpkin replied. “Besides, since we’re friends, I’m probably just as much of a problem for him now as you are.” “I’m sorry, girls,” Rara said as she put her hoof on Flurry’s shoulder. “This is just the part and parcel of being a singer. It’s why I’m more relieved than ever to be rid of it. I eventually found myself a home and settled in not too far from Ponyville. I learned to leave it all behind and frankly, it’s been the best thing to ever happen to me.” “Thanks for letting us know all this, Rara,” Flurry said as she and Pumpkin hugged her. “Any time girls. Here, let me get you something real quick,” Rara got down from the couch and rummaged through her purse. She took out a small CD case. On the front was a picture of a yellow pegasus mare with blue hair, brown eyes and a cutie mark of musical notes. She was sitting before a grand piano with a guitar in her hands. The case read “Restored: A Collection by Melody Heartsong.” “This is my friend’s album. It’s only got six songs on it and she’s just getting started, but she’s really good.” Flurry carried the CD with her magic and looked at the back of it. The songs on the back were Always Love You, You’ll Get There, Never Too Late, Come Home My Child, Restored and My Past is Gone featuring Coloratura. “You’re in one of these songs?” Pumpkin said, with a smile finally forming on her face again. “Yup. She and I met a few years ago and I helped her get back on her feet after she went through a rather impoverished life. We decided to collab on My Past is Gone. It’s such a great song.” “I’m guessing she’s more of an acoustic artist judging by the guitar and piano,” Flurry observed. “That would be correct. Restored is an instrumental piece she played solo on guitar. We mixed in a bit of modern pop with My Past, but she’s really good on both piano and guitar.” “She looks really nice. We’ll have to give this a listen later. It might make the girls feel better,” Spike said as Flurry gave him the CD to carry. “Well Rara, thanks for letting us know all this. It’s probably rough to talk about these things, but we appreciate it nonetheless.” “I hope we at least get to see Night Shade one more time tomorrow. We probably won’t see him again after that,” Pumpkin said. “Whatever happens, just be prepared for anything, girls. I’m rooting for you.” “Thanks for comin’ by, y’all,” Applejack said as she walked in. “Sorry to hear about Night Shade. Hope it all works out.” Flurry and Pumpkin nodded politely. Spike held the door open for them and they left. Flurry and Pumpkin sighed deeply after stepping outside. “Well I wasn’t prepared for any of that,” said a rather forlorn Pumpkin. “It’s too bad that’s how the industry thinks of us royals,” Flurry said. “I knew a lot of ponies didn’t really like us, but I didn’t think it was that bad.” “I didn’t want to say anything, girls, but Twilight already told me a lot of what we heard in there,” Spike told them. “I guess Celestia warned her how there’s a movement forming over in Gallopfornia that opposes the royals and wants Equestria to change. I won’t bore you with all the political details, but it’s not good.” “Do they even know what we do to help this country? How we try to spread messages of friendship and love?” Flurry asked. “Oh they know about it, but…well, let’s just say it’s complicated. Your mother will tell you more when you’re older.” “Well, now what? Just hearing this makes me afraid to be around Night Shade. It’s starting to change how I view him as a pony,” Pumpkin said. “I’m sure Night Shade is alright, Pumpkin,” Flurry told her friend. “You saw how nice he was to us. He let me into the class and even invited all of us to be on stage with him last night. It wasn’t until earlier this morning that he seemed to be ignoring us and that was after Zeb pulled him out. I’m sure he really wants to be a good pony; he’s just trying to be careful around Zeb. Maybe he really wants to talk to Rara again, he’s just waiting for the right time when Zeb isn’t around.” “Yeah, we’d hate for him to lose his job over all this. I just hope he doesn’t say anything mean to us.” “For now, let’s just pretend none of this happened, girls,” Spike said. “We’ll let the others know, but tomorrow, don’t say anything to Night Shade.” “Got it. Act normal. Maybe Night Shade has changed a lot since Rara last talked to him,” Pumpkin said as they continued back to Ponyville.