I Guess I Miss You

by Starlight Fan

When You’re Gone

Twilight’s hoof tapped on the map table as she narrowed her eyes at the crystallized projection of Equestria, she then looked at the glimmer cutie mark hovering over the other side of Equestria and sighed sadly.

It’s been a month since Starlight had been called for a map mission and she still hadn’t come back. Not surprising, it was across the other side of Equestria after all.

’And it just had to be when we were finally starting to form a relationship. What are the odds right?’ Twilight had thought bitterly.

Yep. Twilight and Starlight officially had begun to start dating, ever since Cozy Glow’s betrayal and attempt to conquer Equestria, Starlight and Twilight realized that they couldn’t waste a second more to confess their feelings for each other. The few weeks they had solidified their relationship had been the best of Twilight’s life for a while now.

But of course, life had a funny way of screwing with Twilight at times.

Starlight was called for a map mission and when Twilight found out it was at the other side of Equestria, she freaked out.

”No no no no no.” Twilight began flying around the map room in horror, “This can’t be happening. This just can’t!” She said fearfully, though there was definitely an underlying sadness to it.

“Twilight. It’s gonna be okay.” Starlight reassured her with that smile Twilight loved so much.

“What do you mean it’ll be okay?!” Twilight asked incredulously, “You’ll be gone for weeks, if not months and I have no insurance that you’ll survive Starlight! I can’t lose you over a stupid map mission!”

Starlight was shocked, this must have been really serious for Twilight if she was willing to call a map mission stupid.

“Twilight. I won’t be gone forever.” Starlight reminded the alicorn softly, “You know the first thing I’ll do when I solve the friendship problem is come right back.”

“You’re going through the other side of Equestria Starlight! Who knows if you’ll come back at all!” Twilight said sadly.

“Twilight, I don’t care if I have to fight off a bugbear or stop a war. I am not leaving you for good.” Starlight said sternly but with a comforting tone to it.

Starlight soon reached into her saddlebags on the throne and levitated a necklace onto Twilight’s neck much to her surprise.

“What’s this?” Twilight asked curiously as she held up the silver trinket to her face to find out it had Starlight’s cutie mark on it.

“I got it off a pawn shop. I had it made just for you.” Starlight explained reassuringly, “I figured it would show that I’m always here with you, even when we are apart.”

“Thank you Starlight.” Twilight embraced the unicorn, “I’m so glad to have you in my life.”

Twilight smiled fondly at the memory and rubbed on the necklace around her softly. While the trinket Starlight gave her did help give her reassurance, it still hadn’t been the same since Starlight had left.

Twilight missed having the sense of realism Starlight was willing to bring to the table. Seriously, she doubts that anypony would willingly share a laugh with her over the eccentrics that happen around in Ponyville. Heck, she was even able to use that realism to help Twilight with her problems like reopening the School Of Friendship by making her own rules.

Twilight also missed having somepony to share her common interests with such as reading and magic. She couldn’t really connect with the girls or Spike on the same level she could with Starlight on that front. On top of that, Starlight was always there for when Twilight needed to vent about the struggles of leadership and being a princess, which was something the alicorn greatly appreciated especially since Starlight could relate to her.

Twilight always felt she and Starlight had this unspoken bond with each other. They just had a special connection that she couldn’t explain. Starlight didn’t have to say it, she seemed to know it too.

Twilight knew it may seem silly to most, but she really did miss Starlight. On top of that, traveling to the other side of Equestria was pretty long and also seemed pretty dangerous. There could be storms, bugbears, and dangerous terrain.

If it weren’t for the fact Starlight sent some letters when she was able, she might have been more worried for her life than she already was.

Suddenly Twilight heard a knock at the door, much to her surprise. She wondered who that could be.

She teleported herself to the front, not really wanting to waste her energy before opening the doors.

Twilight was shocked at the sight of what she saw next, it was Starlight, smiling softly and just outside her doorway.

“S-Starlight?” Twilight asked in shock.

“Yep.” Starlight spoke happily, “It’s me.”

She then gave out a sigh and spoke with remorse, “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you I was coming back but I ran out of scrolls to send you and I wanted to find more but I didn’t want to miss the quickest train…”

Twilight just embraced the unicorn with a smile plastered onto her face.

“You’re back! You really came back!” Twilight smiled as tears fell from her eyes out of joy, “I missed you so much.”

“I can imagine.” Starlight chuckled giddily, glad to be in Twilight’s embrace like this again, “I missed you too. Every night I went across Equestria, I thought about you.” She admits happily.

The two released each other and Starlight smiled at Twilight, “I suppose you want some big recap about what I learned during my mission huh?”

Twilight had to admit, she was curious about what Starlight had gone through during the friendship quest but for now, that was the least of her concerns.

“There will be time for that later.” Twilight smiled warmly at the unicorn, “But for now, I just want to spend time with you.”

Starlight smiled brightly and embraced Twilight again, “I’m so glad to see you again Starlight.” Twilight said happily.

“Well I did promise I’d come back no matter what, didn’t I?” Starlight smiled back.

Twilight knew that was true, and she also knew that Starlight always kept her promises.