Doctor what?

by Wilhelm

The plot thickens.

Authors note, yet another one of my brain farts on paper, well microchips, samething. Enjoy and such.
Also you better not make a plot joke, I mean it.
The Doctor came to slowely, bits of the Tardis slowely breaking the darkness surronding his vision as he regained consciousness, he couldn't help but feel as if something was wrong as he pulled himself upright, but dimissed it to: 1. The last of the eggnog in his system and 2. He had just broken through a dimensional wall and crashed in a ball of flame.
"Wait a second,flame, flame...flame, why does that seem so important." Wondered the Doctor as raised his hoof to his chin." Flame, flame, I just don't see it.. wait a second do I have a sutble, I must have, I mean my chin is so hairy, I haven't turned into a Ape,... again?" The Doctor turned on the spot, only to be confronted by a flamming piece of the Tardis roof. "Oh, now I get it flame... Flame!. The Doctor bolted out of the Tardis as fast as he could and quickly slammed the door behind him.
"Well that was close, think I'll give the old girl some time to recover, now where am I?" The Doctor scanned the area around his Tardis, seeing some dust covered trees and a horse with a yellow mane wandering around near some wierd leaves.
"Not much intelligent life around her it seems." The Doctor saw the horse turn to face him, obviously suprised by his sudden appearance. "Why hello there, you don't happen to know where I can get a decent cup of tea do you?" The Doctor hadn't expected a response, it was a horse afterall and so imagine his suprise when the 'horse' inquestion flew across and land next to him.
"A Pegus, I haven't seen one of these in over 456 years, wait does this mean I'm back in Ancient greece, hopefully not near Troy, last I recall they were still a bit mad about helping the greeks with the woodern horse, then again I did try to-" The Doctor's long winded ramble was cut short by the 'horse's' rather rude interruption.
"Woodern toy horse?"
The Doctor lept back in surpise. "It talks!"
"Well, duh of course I talk, why would I?" Stated the horse, rather puzzled by what had just happened.
"A... A talking horse, oh this is brilliant, now I've seen everthing." Said the Doctor, grinning as much as a child who had just been let loose in a sweet shop.
"Ahem, I'm a pony, and why are you grinning so much, you're acting as if you've never seen a talking pony before". Questioned a slightly irritated Ditzy who was begining to suspect that the stallion infront of her may have been a bit loko in the coco.
"Of course I haven't, I mean look at me, I look nothing like a pony."
"No.. no you look pretty pony like to me."
The Doctor sighed, this pony obviously wasn't the smartist mind on this world.
"Now look here, I am not a pony I am a Time Lord." Stated the Doctor smugly.
The Pony looked back blanky.
The Doctor sighed again, this pony must not be very clever.
"You know TimeLord, last of the timelords, resembles homosapiens, Humans?"
"Homohug what now?"
"You know bipedal apes."
Diztys face remained blank.
The Doctor facepalmed, only to notice that he didn't have a palm anymore, just a ...hoof?
"What in the 7 moons of raknohar happened to my hand, its all furry and where have my fingers gone?" Exclaimed a quite startled Doctor.
"What are fingers? and whats a hand anyway, don't you know it's called a hoof, you are a very strange pony mister." Ditzy was getting more confused by the second.
The Doctor didn't seem to notice this as him was to busy staring at his new Anatomy.
"This can't be happening... unless. Oh." The Doctor facehoofed himself as the realisation hit him.
"Of course why didn't I think of it sooner, the base coding of life in his universe must be equestrian not humanoid."
Ditzy had had enough of his. "Are you sure you're okay, you seem to be talking a lot of gibberish, you didn't bang you heard did you."
"Of course I fine, infact I feel fantastic, whoah haven't done that in a while."
"Sure you are." Dizty rolled her eyes, well tried to anyway."I think you should follow me, Zecora should have something to make you feel all better."
"Why that sounds like a great idea, wait who's Zecora?"
"She's a Zebra but don't worry she's really nice."
"Zebra.. why would I be afraid of a zebra? That just doesn't make sense."
"I know, its just that some ponies think she's weird and scary just for been different."
"Rasict pony's, know I have heard everything." The Doctor muttered to himself. "But I take it that you aren't one of the people that do that?"
"What, me? Never." Ditzy seemed to be hurt by even having somepony think that see would do something like this. "I never judge on appearances, it's whats on the inside that matters."
This remark brought a smile to the Timeponies face. "You know, that is a really nice thing, I wish more people were like that, miss what did you say your name was again?"
"I didn't, but it's Ditzy Doo whats yours?" Asked Ditzy staring directly at the Doctor.
"It's the Doctor."
"Doctor what?"
"No just the Doctor."
"Thats a funny name, I think I like you mister Doctor."
"Your welcome and once again its just the Doctor."
Ditzy stared at the Doctor for a while before turning around and walking along an old dirt path.
"Where are you going?" Cried the Doctor as he rushed over to Ditzy.
"To Zecora's, remeber?"
"Arh, yes I remeber, well lets be off then." The Doctor rushed down the path a breakneck speed, Dizty unraveled her wings and took of after him.
"Urm.. Doctor?" Asked the Pegus as she flow steady with the running stallion.
"Yes, Dizty?"
"Zecora's is the other way."
The Doctor instantly stopped on the spot, Ditzy wasn't so luckly, the speed at which she had been travelling caused her to fly into a nearby tree.
"I'm okay." She said as she pulled herself out of a a treetrunk.
"Dizty?, are you alright? Cried the Doctor.
Dizty shook her self down and pushed over to the Doctor, an act that nearly caused a double heart attack when he turned around.
"Dizty, there you are. I wondered where you got to, now onto Zecora's." The Doctor raised his hoof triumphantly. "And I have no idea where she is, so... Ditzy take the lead."
"Okoe, doke mister Doctor." Said Ditzy as she started walking towards Zecora's hut, with the Doctor following close behind.
A few moments of silence occured before been broken by a very nervous Doctor.
"Erm.. Ditzy?" He asked his voice shaking slightly.
"Yes, mister Doctor?" Replied Ditzy, seemingly unaware of the Doctor's nervousness.
"I could help but notice that you seem to have a tattoo of some bubbles on your back, not that I was looking." He added quickly.
"Thats my cutie mark silly, don't you know anything."
"Lets say I don't, can you tell me what these tattoos are for exactly?" Asked the Doctor his nervousness forgotten as his desire to know kicked in.
"You must have hit your head really hard. Cutie Marks aren't tattoos, they're marks that appear when a pony discovers what their special talent is."
"That makes...sense, I suppose, Just one question though, why is yours a pile of bubbles?"
"I don't know, why is yours a hourglass?"
"Is it? I probally should have checked. So it is. Anyway back to the piont, it's an hourglass becaus-". The Doctor tried to explain but was cut off by Ditzy.
"I know, I know, because your a clockmaker, am I right?"
The Doctor chuckled to himself.
"No, not a clockmaker, though I'm sure there is a universe where that is true, no miss Doo I am a timetraveller. Stated the Doctor proudly.
"Ok.. if you say so." Replied Dizty, not entirely convinced.
"Do I detect a hint of non belief, I know that it seems like a tall story but I swear it's true." Said the Doctor sternly.
"Well.. ok then, you don't seem like the type to lie, anyhow we're here know." Said Dizty as she came to a stop infront of Zecora's hut.
The Doctor took in the scene before him.
"It's... nice, very cosy."
"Ow, Ditzy Doo, who is this stallion beside you?" Asked Zecora as she came out of her hut with Dinky in toe.
"He's called the Doctor, he was in that flying box that crashed, can you make sure he's alright, I think he banged his head, he's been rambling about sap monkeys and base primes."
"Hmm let me see, I'm sure I have a remedy."
Zecora pooped back inside her hut and began searching around.
"Why did you tell her that? I'm not crazy." Complained the Doctor.
Dizty was about to respond when Zecora returned carrying a bottle of a strange purple fluid in her teeth.
"Give this ago and your thoughts will clearly flow."
The Doctor was going to refuse the kind offer, well untill he saw the stare that Ditzy was giving him, so he sollowed his pride, along with the fruity tasting potion.
The Doctor licked his lips, "Well, that wasn't that bad." He declared before promtly falling asleep.
"Is he okay?" Asked a worried Dizty.
"He will be fine, just give him some time." Replied Zecora. "While you wait for him to awake, I have some potions to make."
Zecora went back to work inside her hut, leaving a bemused Ditzy and Dinky with a very sleepy Doctor.
"Jelly... monster, wall, wood, fruity, fruit." Muttered the Doctor form his dream like state.
"He's funny, mummy." Said Dinky in a cheerfull tone.
"He sure is muffin, he sure is."
See, told you there was more, hope you enjoyed it. On a sad note, school starts soon so updates will go back to once a week, sorry about that. And I'm serious about the Plot jokes, I happen to know a certain pink pony who needs ingredients.
You have been warned.