The Kingdom of Discord

by The Pirate Prince

Chapter One: Canterlot's Tenth Anniversary

The sun rose over Equestria, pushed through the heavens by unicorn magic. As the morning came to a close, the ponies of Canterlot gathered in the streets and the castle grounds. Today was special, for not only were they celebrating the passing of Equestria's first decade, but at midday, the wedding of the Princess Platinum and Commander Wonderbolt was to be held. This union between a unicorn and a pegasus was to be the first mixed marriage since the three tribes were first founded. With the earth pony, former-chancellor Puddinghead performing the ceremony, it was to be a great symbol of ponies coming together in harmony.

Wonderbolt stood on his bedroom balcony, watching the assembled crowd, thinking of the situations leading to his engagement. Commander Hurricane's younger sister, Cloudfeather, had died during childbirth, leaving Hurricane as the colt's sole guardian. As he was growing up, Hurricane rarely spoke of his father, who died in battle under her command, shortly before his birth, something that Cloudfeather never really forgave her for.

Wonderbolt remembered back to the day the letter arrived over five years ago, informing him of his future. Stationed at a fort by the western boarder, Wonderbolt was a high ranking officer for his age. Well respected by the rank and file, the news that he was engaged and was to pack up and move to the capital was met with sincere congratulations, regrets that he was leaving and joking advise for him “not to turn into a pampered prince pony.”

While in some ways he was an adult, he was still young. Hurricane was the head of the family and since he had no other romantic relationships, she was well within her right to agree to an arranged wedding, which was not uncommon among the ruling elite. This didn't stop Wonderbolt confronting her when he returned to Canterlot. After an intense argument Hurricane told him that the decision was final, that the country needed this and that it was his duty to make sacrifices for his people, something that she had taught him since birth.

His people...

Wonderbolt smiled, no longer surprised that he included unicorns and earth ponies in that statement.

As for Princess Platinum, they had gotten close over the years, he had to admit. The two of them had first met during the anniversary celebration five years ago. With everypony staring at them, it had been awkward to say the least. He had spent most of the evening quietly standing to attention while she tried to make conversation with anypony that would come near them. But, as the years passed and they were forced to spend more and more time with each other, the walls between them eventually broke down.

When Hurricane had died during a campain against the the Diamond Dog slavers three years ago, only a few metres away from him, Platinum had been an invaluable confidant in dealing with his grief. When the Generals' Council voted that he'd be promoted to replace her, again Platinum was there, willing to listen to his fears and self-doubts. Bolt wondered if he would have fallen in love with her if the situation was different, if they were allowed to meet without the political pressure.

A sharp knock at the door signified that the ceremony was about to start. His mind snapped back to reality; replacing his helmet, he completed the formal dress uniform that had been polished to a mirror shine. He gave one last look over the castle grounds, focusing on Commander Hurricane's memorial. He could see a group of ponies, unicorns, pegasi and earth, standing on its steps, talking and laughing with each other. Major General of the Equestrian Army, Commander Wonderbolt sighed, turned and marched out of the room.

When Wonderbolt entered the chapel, all eyes turned to him. He smartly nodded in acknowledgement of Puddinghead's excessive wave and marched to join her at the altar. He stood at attention to her side, but allowed himself to give the best mare, Clover, a warm smile. She felt very out of place wearing the expensive dress and was looking forward to being able to change into something more practical. Still, she was the obvious choice, she had become a close friend to both of them, and she did inadvertently give the idea of having the wedding to the Unicorn King five years ago. Clover quickly suppressed her memories of when the princess found out. At least she seemed happy about it now.

The groom looked over the crowd, who had begun talking among themselves again. Among the family members, military personal and friends were several important guests. 'The Queen of the Plains,' wife of the Zebra King was present along with two of the Minotaur Overlord's sons, tended to by a number of their servants.

The music started up and everypony went silent. As the flowerfillies entered the chapel, Wonderbolt closed his eyes and breathed deeply. He opened them again and gasped. She looked divine walking towards him, dressed in her white wedding dress embroidered with the metal of her namesake. Accompanied by her father, the Unicorn King, Wonderbolt thought she walked more gracefully than he could ever achieve in flight. When they had drawn level with him, her father stepped back into the crowd. The bride and groom glanced at each other; she gave him a sweet smile, which he, unsuccessfully, tried to return. Platinum stifled a giggle and they both turned back to Puddinghead.

“Mares, gentlecolts and esteemed guests, though I notice the Griffons couldn't bother sending someone. It's not like it's difficult for them, they do have wings after all.” She cleared her throat. Wonderbolt suddenly had very mixed feeling about this.

“We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Princess Platinum and Commander Wonderbolt. Who would have thought that these two would end up getting married? Well everyone did five years ago when it was announced, but who would have thought they'd click so well? I'll tell you who, me, that's who. I remember talking to Princess Platinum the day after they first met. All she could talk about was how rude she thought he was. Even when I tried to change the subject, she just wouldn't stop. So I said to myself, I said-”

“Pudding, sweetie. Maybe that sort of thing would be best saved for after the ceremony,” the princess advised; the sniggering had grown to be very noticeable. Wonderbolt now felt a bit more at ease. Puddinghead was always good at making ponies feel relaxed through sheer force of silliness, although he did want to hear the rest of the story. He'd like to learn more of Platinum's first thoughts about him.

Former-chancellor Puddinghead grinned, refusing to let the interruption faze her. “This union is a momentous occasion. For the first time in history, ponies of different tribes are coming together in marriage. Unless, of course, some sneaky someponies have already done it in secret and didn't tell us. Then wouldn't this all be embarrassing. But still, now everypony knows you don't have to keep your love a secret, so isn't that just wonderful? The rings if you please.”

The ring bearer was a young colt named Silver Feather, who was the son of Wonderbolt's aunt on his father's side, Corporal Pansy. On the pillow was a small ring that the groom placed on bride's horn and a larger ring that was placed on his foreleg.

“I now pronounce you mare and colt.” The crowd cheered and applauded. The minotaur guests loudly and rhythmically beat their chest, much to the surprise of their neighbors. The bride and groom shared their first kiss as a married couple and moved to the chapel balcony, joined by Clover and Puddinghead. The pair of them waved to the crowds as they erupted with celebration. The royal band started up and showers of confetti in fell from the towers and flying pegasi.

For Princess Platinum and Commander Wonderbolt, it was the happiest moment of their lives.