//------------------------------// // Day 57-58, Recollection. // Story: Quiet Days // by AlphaDidAlotOfThings //------------------------------// July 18, 2015 Dear Journal, Yo, Alyssa here. Emiles just been laying down for the entire day, so I'm writing for him instead. When I asked him if he was okay he just told me "yeah" he's just a bit "tired" though. He's definitely lying. I've known him for a long time now, what kinda friend would I be if I couldn't see through an obvious lie like that? I know I looked through his diary before, but that's behind me now. Whatever he puts in here isn't my business. I just hope he's okay though… 57 days. 57 days in this stupid pony body. It's not all that bad though, I got this super awesome super strength out of it! John has his magic, and Emile has his wings! He still can't fly all that well, but he's definitely trying his best! It only feels like yesterday since I met Emile…. He used to be a real loner, it was honestly kinda sad! But that's why I decided to be friends with him in the first place. "I'll uh catch up with you guys later!" Ivan just looked at Alyssa oddly with the rest of the music club members. "Oh, Alright." Why didn't she want to spend lunch with him, we'll whatever it was it must've been important… Now, Alyssa redirected her attention to something else… That boy… A boy with messy orange hair, slightly tan skin, brown eyes, and a dark gray hoodie over his school uniform, with the hood draped over his head. Wait, wasn't he in the same homeroom as her, he was in a lot of the same classes as her too… How come she didn't notice him before…? Or did she just not bother to…? He looked kinda lonely… Welp, she would be the one to change that! Alyssa went over to him and looked at him with a bright smile. "Hey, mind if I sit here?" She asked. The boy just looked at her meekly and muttered a quiet "No." Alright, step 1 of operation "make a friend" was a success! Except it wasn't, the two just kinda sat in silence for a bit. Well this was awkward… "So, what's your name?" "Emile." Did he not have a last name or…? "Just Emile-?" Unfortunately, for Alyssa "Emile" immediately cut her off and interrupted her thought process. "Just Emile." Well that didn't help at all… In fact it just made things worse. Well uh, why not try talking about something else? The weather…? No, that's too generic…. Oh, I know! How about that book he was reading? He seemed pretty into it. "Whatcha reading?" "It's a story about a hero of legend." Emile went silent for a bit. "I wish I could be like him…" Alyssa got up and looked at Emile with a look of sheer determination. "You can." What…? Did she really think something like that…? And why about him of all people, she barely knew him. "You really think so…?" Still, Alyssa didn't change her mind even when Emile questioned her words. "I'm sure of it!" I…. Emile didn't know what to say. Aside from his mother this was the first time anybody ever said something like that to him. He barely even knew her, and yet her words still felt genuine to him. Emile took his hood, letting Alyssa see his face for the first time ever. "Thank you…" He muttered. Alyssa didn't say your welcome or anything like that, she just looked at Emile with a big cheeky grin while he tried to smile back the best he could. Hehe… Looks like Operation "make a friend" was a success after all! Actually, not yet… She didn't even ask him if he wanted to be friends yet! "Hey, hey, wanna be friends?" The boy. No, Emile just looked at her curiously. Friends…? He's never had a friend before… "Sure…." he said meekly. And from there on out, the two would be the bestest of the friends. It's been so long since then… Brother would be proud… I finally made a real friend, Akira. It's not like I never had any real friends though! I'm not Emile… Some of the music club members were cool, like Ivan! I wonder if he's alive. He wasn't in the school when we checked though, so I guess not… People seem to be slowly coming back though, so maybe one day he'll return. One day… One day… How long will this last…? Months? Years? Centuries? I'm getting too ahead of myself. I gotta focus on the present. Hehe. That sounds like something Emile would say. Well, uh there's not much else to report today. Everything's going good for us. Emile will be better tomorrow, probably… Should I only use this for important stuff or…. Whatever. Well, this is Alyssa, peace! - Alyssa June 19th, 2015 Dear Journal, Emile still hasn't gotten up yet. He keeps telling me he's "okay" but I don't buy it. I'm worried about him… Why won't he just tell me what's wrong…? I'm his friend… He's never been this down before. Like, ever and I've known him for a long time. Did something happen…? Oh well, I might not have my best friend but at least I have Buddy to keep me company! He's well, my buddy. Emile doesn't like him, which is understandable. I know he doesn't like dogs, or just animals in general for that matter. Emiles birthdays tomorrow. I'm gonna do something for him. I'm his friend, I'm gonna do every damn thing I can to help him, whether he likes or not! - Alyssa