//------------------------------// // Day 67, The Meeting. // Story: Quiet Days // by AlphaDidAlotOfThings //------------------------------// July 27, 2015 I thought they would've wanted us to meet in separate spots but I guess not. Whatever, it doesn't really matter. Just whatever works for them is fine. Alex brought a radio and a microphone so the others- Well, his group at least can hear what's going on. I don't have anything like that but maybe the satellite phone would work…? Hey, would you look at that. It does. I mean, there's no reason it shouldn't, right? We're not THAT far from home. I just told Alyssa and the others to keep themselves on mute for now. We're walking in now, there's some people in the seats at the top, it looks like they're watching us and woah, woah, woah. Are those snipers? Do they want us to feel safe or not? I have my UMP in the saddlebag, and Alex probably has his P90 in his. If they try to open fire on us, we'll just return the favor. Probably. No, Minuette I'm not gonna actually do it, it was a hypothetical. Wait, Alyssa, why are you encouraging me? I thought you wanted me to stay safe? Make up your mind will you? Okay, that was a bit rude. I'm sorry. They also set up this weird container…? There's cables, a whole lot of cables. I swear, this entire thing is something out of a science fiction movie. Ever seen anything like this John? No? Alright. Here they come now. We now have actual confirmation if these people are human or not, for the most part at least. There's about five of them, they're all wearing the same armored hazmat suits like in the dream, and before. I can actually kinda see their faces… I'm guessing the one with the ornate suit is Dr. Parker. Then the one who looks like he's observing him in a similar suit is that Dr. Carter Alex told me about. I have no idea who the third one is though, he has one of those fancy looking suits but it doesn't look as decorated as the others. I'm guessing he's not as important…? Something about him feels offly familiar though… The other two in the back look like they're either talking about something or setting up something, I can't tell from this distance. There's this weird thing in the middle. Circle, dome, sphere? I'm not sure. Hey John- No? That's what I thought. What about Madeline, she was a cop that's affiliated with the government, right? She doesn't know either. Figured so. Alex's talking to his friends. I wonder if they can hear us… They probably think we're insane. Maybe we are. "Don't take another step. If you try to even go past those yellow markings, we won't hesitate to open fire." Geez, that was oddly aggressive. "We understand, but I can't keep-" Woah. Did he read his mind or something because as soon as he said that a drone came in a dropped a microphone with a little speaker for us. "Thank you…" I'll just let Alex do most of the talking. Even with his current "state" I still feel like the youngest one here. I guess mental and physical really are different after all… "You must be Lonely Day and-." "Bliss Flower." "Right…" "And I'm guessing you're Dr. Parker?" "Correct. I'm deeply sorry for not being closer because well, I can't." "But why, there shouldn't be that much radiation out… That's what Jo- my friend said at least…" "Your bodies are like an exposed core. If I tried to even get close to you, especially without a suit my brain would probably get fried in a instant. Inviting you two here was big enough a risk already." "So, anymore questions?" "You said you knew what was going to happen with this whole "collapse" thing, right? Why didn't you do anything to stop this…?" "We already told you, we did everything we could. Believe me, there's only so many people on this planet you can fit into bunkers." Did everything we could my ass. This bastard abandoned me and my mother just to come years later, like this…?! He doesn't care about anyone but himself. "Tell me why… Why did you abandon me and mom?!" Noah fell silent for a bit. "WHY DID YOU LEAVE US LIKE THAT?!" "Emile, calm down!" Calm down?! He wants me to just calm down?! I waited forever for this, and this bastard still can't give me a real answer! "You should listen to him, if you don't calm down we might have to cut this short. Your radiation levels have already increased by eighty percent." "Y-You and you want me to just-!" Bang. What…? It became very obvious what happened to Emile. A bullet flew by, cutting off a fraction of his hair and slightly grazing his neck. He was left speechless. Badump. Badump. Did they just…? "You… YOU!" Wait, what's going on?! No, no… Stop it! STOP IT! "'I'm your son, daughter, whatever, you can't do this to me!" Alex could only watch helplessly as Emile was forcefully dragged off by two people. The whole left him speechless and in shock. They were willing to- Just because he- Dammit! He carefully turned his attention back to Dr. Parker. "What do you want from us…?" "It's simple, we need you, you need us. Why don't we set up a trade alliance of sorts? I honestly thought you were lesser beings but you're clearly different from the rest." "We're human…." "No you aren't. Humans don't walk on four legs or have fur. You "ponies" as you call yourselves are nothing more than animals." "We were all human once….!" "Yes, yes, sure. I believe you." "Tell me, Lonely Day, how many "ponies" would be able to get into government satellite systems? How many ponies would be able to fix up a plane in mere days? How many ponies would be able to conserve resources like you do?" "How many ponies would be able to get where you are today…? You may be animals but your group clearly sets yourselves apart from the rabble." "You can give us the resources we need, and we can give technology far more advanced than what you have today, we can give you stuff that was never available to the public." "You give us the information we need, and we can make all that and more come true. Think about it, this is a once in a lifetime chance, you'd never get an offer like this normally." "If you don't comply, that's fine. But if you act like your friend over there… Well, it's obvious what would happen." "Yeah…" "So, whaddya say?" There wasn't much to lose from this. It was a win-win situation. But with the HPI potentially stalking their every move he didn't know what to do. "I need to talk this over with my friends first." "Go ahead." … "It's a deal." "It's a pleasure to do business with you." "Before I go, tell me what you mean by "radiation." "Thaumic radiation. Super dangerous to humans, you and your kind are practically made of it. And like I said before, it fries your brain to a point where you're brain dead." "I see…" After that, Alex left the stadium outside at the entrance was Emile, sitting down with cold dead eyes. He had a couple of bruises on him, likely from him trying to fight back. "He…" Emile's face visibly welled up in anger. Alex had a good childhood for the most part so he didn't fully understand everything. But still, for some unknown reason he felt like he knew what he was going through. He wanted to help him. Maybe they really were partners in destiny. Intertwined, forever. "I know." Alex tried to help Emile up the best he could with the body of a 16 year old pony. "Let's go." "Yeah…"