Quiet Days

by AlphaDidAlotOfThings

Interlude 3, The Meeting. (2)

Alright, looks like everything's set.

Hopefully Noah and his attitude don't fuck anything up this time.

Seriously, could he learn to be softer please? It's not like he was always like this though.

He had a pretty normal life before actually, he even had a nice little family with that Elin!

But ever since then and the collapse, he's just been "different." Owen couldn't exactly put his finger on it so that was the easiest way to explain it.

Hey, would you look at that. They're here.

But seriously, seriously Noah better not screw this over, otherwise they'd both be in big trouble.

Hmm… Something about that purple pony feels oddly familiar.

Eh, it probably just a weird gut feeling or uh something like that.

But of course, Owen didn't know that things just wouldn't play that way.

"Emile, calm down!"

Emile…? Wait, wait, wait. Could it be…?

No, it was too good to be true. There's over a million people on the planet, there's no way it could be him.

What he said about his "mother" though… It wouldn't make sense for it not to be him.


If it truly wasn't him, then Noah better have a good explanation for all of this.

Dr. Clark grabbed Parker by his shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"What the hell were you thinking back there?!"

Here we go again. Such arrogance indeed… But Parker should've expected this kind of insubordination from Carter by now. Well, if he wanted to remain blind then so be it.

"You might be my superior but your actions back there could've heavily affected the organization! You're lucky things even went somewhat according to plan!"

Yes, they would have affected the organization, but in a good way. If he couldn't see that, then well….

Dr. Parker just let a cold snicker.

And Dr. Carter, of course, didn't take much of a liking to this.

Did he just…? Was this some kind of sick game to him?! You… Why, you!

But before Carter could anything rash Owen came in and stopped him.

"Hey, hey, break it off you two. We're all buddies here, right?"

Crickets. Geez, this is the toughest crowd he's had in ages. Lighten up a little will you?

"Hey, Carter, can you leave me and my brother alone for a bit?"

He wasn't too thrilled with the idea but… "Fine, if you insist."

They'll just have to settle this later.

So, with them alone would Noah finally talk…? "Noah, you better have a good explanation for what happened back there."

Noah just looked at Owen coldly. "I don't have to explain anything, what happened is none of your business."

Playing hard to get are we? Well, we'll see about that.

"It is too my business, we're brothers…!"

Brothers…? Ha… What a funny joke. To think someone as idiotic as HIM would be from the same blood as him.

"No we aren't."

And with that Noah stormed off without even saying goodbye.

I see… So that's how things were. Fine then, he'll play along.

He'll just figure things out himself, and if Noah wasn't gonna help he would just do things his own, his style.
