Quiet Days

by AlphaDidAlotOfThings

Day 78-79, The Truth.

August 7th, 2015

Dear Journal,

I'm so sorry for not writing anything yesterday, I was so busy I barely had any time to get anything down! If you wanna blame someone, blame Sunset not me, alright?

Yup, guess who randomly decided to reappear after disappearing for a week: Sunset Shimmer!

According to her, she "Just had some things to do somewhere." She didn't tell us where but, alright. I believe her.

When we told her Kaiser didn't take us anywhere she just said "Of course he didn't…" with a sigh.

So, she took us everywhere, and I mean everywhere. That's why I didn't write anything yesterday.

We learned, saw a lot of things, met a lot of ponies, creatures, whatever.

This world is everything I've ever dreamed of… I want to stay here-

What the hell am I saying…? I can't stay here. I can't abandon my friends. Besides, when my mom comes back I gotta be there to greet her.

But, maybe I could try to-

Ugh! Shut up, shut up, shut up! There's no way in hell I'll do that! They have families too! And lives there…

Heh, heh… Anyways, I can't sleep so that's why I'm writing this right now. Minuette was up too; she's probably asleep now though.

She asked me if I "would be okay if she chose to stay here."

I just told her "Of course, it's your choice. I'm not gonna stop you."

Which is right. It's her life, Earth, Equestria. Wherever she wants to stay at is her choice to make, not mine.

The more I think about it the more I just feel like things would be better if we stayed here. It's peaceful here… We wouldn't need to worry about the HPI watching our every move or anything. We could all live happily here…

Maybe I'll-

I'll think about it. If not then-

I should probably go to sleep, I wanna have all my energy for the meeting tomorrow.

- Bliss Flower

August 8th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Today's the day we'll learn the truth from Princess Luna Princ- or well just Selene. I don't know if I should feel excited or conflicted…

But uh anyway there's a couple things I wanted to get down before I go.

I've been reading some of the history books here and even some of the "restricted" stuff in the castle library. (Thanks for that Selene!) And using the power of these memory crystal thingys (magic…) and Selene and Twilight filling anything magic couldn't, I finally figured out what those visions were!

They were adventures Selene and his friends went on! Like the first part was a venture he and his friends went on in a state of "peril" to unify a part of Equestria that defected off of it because of a conflict over a thousand moons ago called, Adrestia.

The second one was a trip to the kingdom of Vala to save it and the entire world from this evil sorceress called Gullveig. Selene and Twilight wouldn't tell me much about her because they didn't know who or what she really was either.

The third one was supposed to be just a trip to a festival of sorts but because of a mysterious cult and Kaiser, who tried to kill his brother, Gale Windchaser, it didn't exactly go as planned… Which also explains Kaiser's behavior…

The ponies in the glass murals I saw were Selene and Twilights friends respectively.

The elements of harmony and disharmony… I have so many interesting stories to tell everyone when we get back home.

Selene seemed a bit bothered by something when I told him about my "future" visions, I wonder what that was about…

But, uh he's right I should really get going! I have a meeting to get to.

I'll probably update you later. Maybe I'll put the transcript of the meeting in here or something. Maybe Day will do it…

One more thing though, remember those first couple dreams I had? Those were Selene's memories. That was how he lost his wings. Unfortunately Alicorn wings don't grow back.

Did you know Alicorns are actually practically like gods? Pure breed ones at least. Not that one's who became one. They're of divine descent. So they're like demi-gods of sorts.

Also "normal" ponies aren't called normal ponies, they're earth ponies. They're heavily connected to things like the earth so that explains their strength and "earth magic."

Okay that was a couple more things. Gotta go, for real this time! Don't wanna be late…

- Bliss Flower

"I'm kinda nervous honestly…"

Selene put down his book and turned his attention to the pony who entered his room who of course was none other than Bliss.

"Don't worry, my mother is a kind and gentle soul, I'm sure she'll treat you nicely. Plus, I'll be there too."

It kinda eased her worries knowing someone she already knew was going to be there, not that she didn't know Luna but still. Selene was just different, he gave off a far more casual air compared to the royal sisters he looked a lot less "grand" too.

"Oh and there's something else I've been meaning to tell you for a while now." Bliss added on.

"I've been having these strange visions, like they're from the future…"

Selene didn't say anything and just stared blankly for a moment. This sounded familiar this was just like- But why….? Why would she do that…? Was it possible they didn't really defeat her…?

Unfortunately Bliss interrupted Selene's train of thought by asking him something. "Is something wrong…?"

Selene just looked at her with a smile. "No, it's nothing. Besides, don't you have a meeting to get to?" He'll have to ask Fickle Fate about this later…

Oh crap, he was right! "Oh yeah!" Bliss galloped off as quickly as she could. She couldn't be late for something like this!

Soon after she met up with the others, Lonely Day, Sunset, and Kaiser. Just on time…

Lonely Day was just about as nervous as Bliss Flower. It didn't matter if she already met Luna to her either. She was most the nervous she had ever been in her life. After all, she was about to meet with a literal demi-god and learn the truth… She was terrified, terrified of learning the truth, terrified of everything.

But no matter how afraid she was she had to learn the truth. She had to know, why this happened, who and what caused this. They both had been dying to know since their very first day.

The dress didn't really make her feel any better either. Lonely Day had on a serene blue dress with a cloud theme, ironic since she wasn't a pegasus. While Bliss had on a beautiful white dress with a flower theme that perfectly clashed with her black coat. It almost looked like a wedding gown.

Lonely Day had her mane in her usual braid, with her tail being braided this time too. And Bliss had her mane in a ponytail like her old cut except lower. A bit too fancy for both of them.

At least they had their guides with them. Or guide since Kaiser didn't really do his job. They both took them through the castle halls which they both knew very well all the way to Lunas tower.

"Here we go again…" Kaiser grumbled. Seems like he had went here before.

Sunset just looked at him with a smirk on her face and nudged him on the shoulder. "C'mon, it's not that bad."

It was indeed that bad. Stairs… Far too many of them… As for why she built her tower this way, who knows? Maybe it's to make it purposely difficult to meet with her.

"Can't you just do that thing again where we just poof somewhere?" Day asked.

"Hey, I could carry you up if you want." It seemed like Blisses mood still didn't change even now. As carefree as ever, like always. I swear… Her sometimes…

"No thank you." Bliss ignored that and picked her up with her wings anyway. Day seemed out of breath, so Bliss just decided to help her. Hopefully she didn't mess up their dresses…

Bliss held Lonely Day up in the air like a parent trying to make their kid "fly" Plane sounds included. "Vroooom!"

A faint "Hey, put me down!" could be heard in the distance… Seriously… Never change Bliss, never change…

Sunset just giggled at the sight, despite being obviously tired from all those stairs.

While Kaiser on the other hoof… Ahem. Uh-oh, here comes the fun police…

Bliss put Day down as soon as she heard Kaiser "cough." Right… Back to the matter at hoof, the meeting.

Kaiser looked at the two with the same old stern face he always had. "We'll wait out here."

They couldn't come…? Why not…? "Don't worry, I feel like you'll like Selene and Luna, they've both been through their fair share of stuff too." Sunset said in an attempt to ease both of Bliss and Day's very obvious worries. Damn you, pony ears.

Yeah… They already knew what Luna and Selene went through… Bliss understood it, being the big magic fanatic she was. Day didn't, probably…

"We'll be right out here waiting for you." Sunset smiled at the two and carefully patted them both on the head, easing their worries.

And with that, the two went ahead. But before they left Bliss swore she could've saw what was the faintest trace of a smile of Kaisers face, it might've just been her imagination though.

Everything they had been through had led up to this moment, they were going to find out the truth behind the event and why humanity vanished. And maybe, just maybe she or they could make everything right.

The door opened. Darkness… Pony eyes still aren't good for the dark…

The duo could see something. A galaxy…? Stars…? The projection shined just as bright and as radiant as the real thing.

The room wasn't as dark as they thought.. They could see the faint shadow of two ponies. One, with a mane as lustrous as the night sky, the other, a purple that perfectly reflected his mother's.

"Welcome." Luna said.

"We've been expecting you." Selene added on.

Oh, right! Royalty! Lonely Day dropped into a bow and nudged Bliss to do the same and she did.

Luna just giggled gently. Reminding them both once more that they were just anypony else in this world, princess or not. "There's no need for such formalities here."

Luna signaled for the two to stand back up, they did, straight and tall. "You've both been using the names Lonely Day and Bliss Flower here, correct?"

The two nodded.

Selene looked at them with a smile. "Or would you prefer if we used your true names, Alexander Haggard and Emile Parker."

His words triggered something in Alex, and in them both. "How did you-"

Bliss stepped in and cut her off. She knew how to be serious when the situation called for it. "You've already seen our dreams, so you already know everything about us, right?"

It didn't matter if Alex never even told Sky his name or if Emile never told Alyssa his name. Their names before, their appearances, life experiences, they knew it all.

The princess of night's expression changed a bit. "Correct."

Bliss didn't even know that was Alex's name, she never told her, but she assumed she had her own reasons for it. Just like how she didn't tell her, her full name either.

Selene and Luna took their obvious change in tone as a silent request not to use those names.

This was already getting tense and barely anything happened yet. The two felt like they wanted to cry, so Bliss pulled Day closer to her with her wings. Unintentionally or intentionally, whether it was for Day's comfort or her own, it didn't matter. It's what she did.

Perhaps it was just an impulsive decision she just felt like doing.

Selene and Luna turned their attention towards the projection of the galaxy. "In truth, we've been watching you and the other ponies left on earth."

"Considering there are few of your kind left, it hasn't been hard." Selene spoke with a bit of sadness in voice. He could not…? He felt sorry for them too.

Luna turned her attention to her son's sorrow, she felt the same way as well. "We had to make sure you both were fit as emissaries for us."

"We're certain you're both perfect for the job we have laid out ahead of you." The Prince tacked on.

Job…? The duo wanted to ask them what they meant but they were interrupted by Luna and Selene both levitating a pair of saddle bags with a elegant moon and a bright sun on one side and the other, however there was a four pointed star embedded on the strap representing someone very obvious. "Here."

"In those bags there is everything you need for the future, and an explanation of sorts for the others…"

Bliss took the saddlebags so Day wouldn't be weighed down by them.

Honestly, Bliss just wanted to grab Day and get the heck out of there but she couldn't do that. Not when they hadn't gotten their answers yet, or the truth…

"We ask that you hear us out." Selene commented.

"We will answer all you seek, we simply ask that you-"

Selene silently nudged his mother with a slight cough. "I ask that you be patient with us.

Day and Bliss silently nodded, and the princess of the night and her son turned their attention to the projection of the galaxy once more. "Very well."

"Let us begin."