//------------------------------// // Aerial Recovery Part 2 // Story: Rainbow Factory: Dangerous Experiment // by DangerDean //------------------------------// No idea what Sayori’s got in her brain, but if it’s key to get me out of this thing then… I guess I gotta trust what both Sonic and Sayori suggest but I ain’t doing this quietly. Danger thought to himself as walked to the door to lead him to the staircase which would take him to the roof of factory. But a split second later, Danger went into the one of the lab rooms, Lab RD0475 to be exact, to loot anything he sees. Unfortunately, it was all what Danger figured would be a laboratory, vials, syringes, chemicals and several boxes of Rainbow Blood. Then… Danger heard a voice. He quickly hid between on of the 3 meter tall boxes so he wouldn’t get spotted. “How many more subjects shall we send to Prisma Shredder?” One of the laboratory workers said. Prisma Shredder? What’s that? Dnnger thought to himself. “Well, Rainbow wanted three more to send their deaths. But there’s one she wanted to send for a while but she didn’t get the chance to,” another scientists said. “it’s gonna haunt her for hours.” “Who is it?” “Danger Dean.” What?! Rainbow was going to send me to this Prisma Shredder all this time! So THIS is the experiment all along! She was going to firstly… insert the syringe into me and take a sample of my blood, run it through the Sonos Mechanius to see it’s pure, then if my blood wasn’t up their standards, she would shred my body into a thousand pieces so my blood would be used for the Spectra Mechanica to purify it! I better tell Sonic this sooner or later. Danger thought as the horror was like a stab in the back. “Well, a tranquilized patient will be remain here until the Prisma Shredder is available,” the first laboratory worker announced. “OK, but it will be another two hours gets his demise served to him,” said the other laboratory worker while wheeling in the tranquilized patient. Who is this? Danger thought. “I better get back to Rainbow, you better come with me or you’ll be sent into the Shredder.” “Of course, how I could let her down.” After the two scientists left the lab, with the door locked. Danger slammed his fists on the floor. Dammit! They locked the door on the outside and I can’t get out. Then, Danger went to the patient that was covered from shoulders to feet in a white blanket and strapped up four times. He gathered the patient was female but of the Twilight-style hair she had. He knew it wasn’t Crimsonia because she was on holiday in Velocity City with her sister, Azura for two weeks. It couldn’t be Blazing Lionfire because she had red eye-shadow. The patient did have eye shadow, but not red. It was purple. None of Danger’s friends had purple eye shadow (that he knew of, anyway). Her hair was similar to Sonata’s tail but in light purple, white and pink Maybe I could ask her for advice. Danger thought to himself. But she’s basically a slumbering dragon with 20 tonnes of precious metals. Is there anything that would extract the tranquilizer fluids out of her bloodstream. After finding a syringe, Danger decided to do something which gave him flashbacks to when he was filtering water from one of his own cars back in Danger City. He was going to hopefully extract the tranquilizer out of her. To make life easier for himself, he put on a lab coat to protect his shirt, coloured red with his insignia in a white silhouette. After a long time extracting, Danger managed to somehow extract all of the blood that has been mixed with the tranquilizer fluids out of the girl’s body and… her eyes opened. “Please, Dash! Please! Please don’t send to the Shredder! I got my sister to look after!” The girl spoke in a worried and pleading tone. “Calm down. It’s alright.” Danger said, trying to ease the tension. “Please! Don’t do this to me!” She sobbed. “It’s alright. You’re safe with me. Trust me!” Danger put his hand on her shoulder. The girl took a good look at Danger and started calming down. “Sorry, I’m just worried about Rainbow sending me to the Shredder. She looked like there was something wrong with her.” The girl apologised. Then, 3 seconds later, she remembered something. “Who are you?” She asked. “Danger Dean,” he replied, “I’ve come to rescue you and I’ve been in a similar situation you were in about 25 minutes earlier” “I’m Anna Crystalis.” She said trying to get out of her straps. “Anna, don’t waste your energy.” Danger placed his hand on her shoulder again. Danger unstrapped her in about 30 seconds and when he finished untying the last strap, Anna hugged Danger for saving her. “Your safe now, Anna… Why don’t you get yourself on the roof of the laboratory and wait for Sonic’s helicopter. 20 minutes later, Rainbow was looking on the top floor of the building and she found that Anna had escaped. Rainbow was shocked by this and searched around the room to find her. Nothing. Not even her clothes were left in the room as she put them on after Danger told her to wait on the roof of the building near the helipad. Her lips quivered as she realised that she may have escaped. Then she heard a voice from behind her back. It was Danger’s. “Looking for someone?” Danger asked. Rainbow jumped and anger portrayed her face. “YES!” Rainbow hissed, while pulling out her Rainbow Tranquilizer gun. “Yessssss. I am looking for patients that have escaped, you are one aren't you? I am not gonna ask again, are you a escaped patient or not?” “I may or may not be.” Danger said, not full of confidence. “Hmm, well if you are not a escaped patient you wont mind if I do this, won't you?” Rainbow asked, aiming the tranquilizer at his chest. “Or maybe you are gonna be able to convince me that you aren’t a escaped patient, because if that’s the case I won't hurt you.” Rainbow walked closer to Danger “Dashie... your mind as been corrupted... please snap of it! This is not you Rainbow.” Danger pleaded. “I AM TOTALLY ME! I AM EXACTLY ME! I am Rainbow Dash, I am a worker in the Rainbow Factory and I am a psycho that likes to see you in the Prisma Shredder and make sure everyone and I mean EVERYONE will not escape the factory, is that clear?” Rainbow asked like she was the Rainbow Factory’s manager. “Dashie... seriously! Do you really want to send someone to the Shredder who liked you. Someone who liked you for over decade and been there when I was in dire straits.” Danger said, trying to undo the effects of the Spectra Energy manipulating her body. “Are you seriously trying to guilt trip and manipulate a psychopathic killer like me?” Rainbow asked, getting closer to Danger.” YOU ARE A ESCAPED PATIENT! YOU ARE NOT A FRIEND! YOU ARE A ESCAPED PATIENT THAT I WOULD RATHER NOT HAVE AROUND ME! NOW BACK AWAY OR YOU WILL GET SENT TO THE SHREDDER!” The venom in her voice was too much for Danger to handle. His friend… his best friend was not the Rainbow he knew too well. Whatever the Spectra Energy did to her was too much for his brain to cope. “I can't believe a person that LIKED me ESCAPED the Rainbow Factory!” Rainbow spat out with venom in her voice again. “RAINBOW PLEASE!” Danger begged but in a split second, his voice turned to hostility. “THIS IS NOT YOU! THE SPECTRA ENERGY CLAIMED YOU AND REPLACED THE RAINBOW I KNEW WITH… THIS!” “Are you gonna back away or am I gonna need to get drastic? Well? I am waiting for you to take your decision... I don't like to waste time...” Rainbow asked, readying her tranquilizer. “BACK AWAY OR GET CRUSHED BY THE SHREDDER!” Danger weighed his options thoroughly.