//------------------------------// // Pinkie Pie - Giggling is Good for You // Story: Pony Stimulation for Weary Travelers Season 2 // by KenDoStudios //------------------------------// Huh? Anypony out there? Well, why are you out there, silly? Come inside where the party is. There’s no use for you to just stand out there all alone, just like there’s no use for me to throw a party for one. I’m Pinkie Pie. I’ll be the party’s host and you be… you. Except, we need to do something about your frown. You know, it’s dangerous to be alone; here take this. Ha-ha, I booped your nose. I made you giggle. And here’s your frown again… Here, help me put up these streamers. A good party needs good foundations, and so too do your giggles, else they don’t last. So, let me fix your foundation so that you don’t end up in a dark corner of your room all alone. Let me tell you about the most important thing in life: giggling! What, were you expecting something deep? I don’t want to drown you, silly, I want to make you laugh! Did you know that giggling is like a potion? A magical potion. An addictive, magical, giggly potion that makes you want to keep drinking that you have to hold yourself back because you don’t want to overdo it like Berry Punch. She also giggles all the time, buuut she has a different foundation for it than what I’m teaching at my parties. And you’re at my party now. We’re here to have fun! You don’t want to be darkly frowny at a party. Instead, you should find an opportunity for a giggle. And if you don’t, giggle at that. When you giggle, those around you giggle with you. You spread joy and happiness all around you! And the happier your friends are, the happier you’ll be. And I want you to be happy. *giggles The parties are just a start. Soon, we’ll bring joy to all of Equestria and the entire world. Sure, it might seem weird to you to see people giggling. Perhaps you even think it's crazy. But you know what a crazy person in a crazy world where everypony is a bit crazy is called? Normal. Which means that it’s perfectly normal and fine for you to giggle a little. Dare to be a little crazy. Be happy. Personally, I don’t like the word crazy. I prefer the word fun! And boy do I have fun things planned for you tonight! I bet you thought that you’ll be stuck with me tonight, but oh, are you in for a treat! Solo is boring. Duo is funzzy. But let’s not stop there, let’s go for a foursome, and I’m not talking about anything dirty like playing golf together in dirt. Let’s go beyond! Come closer. I’ll whisper in your ear what tonight's party entails. I invited all my marefriends over, and they can’t wait to meet you! See, I made you giggle again, and this time I didn’t even have to boop you. This is what friends are for. Why giggle alone if you can giggle in a group. One giggle can start a cascade of giggling. It’s like some sort of chuckly, laughty, babbly, glee-snorty, snickery-wibbly-wobbly magic. You can’t connect with others when you’re sitting in your room alone. That’s what this party is for. That’s why I invited you over. There’s nothing like a good giggle to release those endorphins that you’ve been harboring in the basement. Let them flood your brain. Let the giggles flow through you and loosen you up. And hey, if any of the neighbors come and ask you why you’re giggling so much, just tell them Pinkie Pie told you to do it! Thy know better than to oppose the crazy. One of these days I’ll make them crazy as well and we’ll all be giggly-crazy together and we won’t have a care in the world. As long as we're having fun, that's all that matters! While giggling is great and can make you feel amazing, it's important to remember that there are some situations where it's not appropriate to laugh, and that’s why parties are so important to me because they shield us from all the darkly-frowny-innapropriatlies. For example, if someone is telling you about something sad or serious, it's not respectful to giggle or laugh. In those situations, it's important to be supportive and understanding. And of course, it's important to remember that not everyone has the same sense of humor, especially if they’re in a serious mood. What might be funny to one person might not be funny to another. So it's always a good idea to be aware of the people around you and their feelings. But you don’t have to worry about these things when you’re here with me. At my parties, you can giggle without restraints. Forget about the stress of yesterday and live for today. I know that deep inside you have the spark. We all do. But you need to let that spark shine. Nopony likes canned laughter, after all. You have to let it out naturally! Then again, wouldn’t it be fun if we could actually have laughter in a can? I’d buy myself a ton. And then I’d share it. I’d go on stage with cans of laughter in my lap and I’d go: Hey there, everypony! It's me, Pinkie Pie, and today I want to talk to you about something that's going to revolutionize the way you laugh: canned laughter! *giggles* That's right, with canned laughter, you don't have to worry about coming up with your own laughs! We've got you covered with canned laughter. There’s a whole variety of laughs for you to choose from, ranging from a subtle chuckle to a belly-aching guffaw! And the best part is, you can take it with you wherever you go! Need a laugh during a boring meeting? Just hit the button on your canned laughter machine and let the good times roll! giggles again Now I know what you're thinking: "But Pinkie Pie, isn't canned laughter fake?" Well, sure, it might seem that way, but that's only if you're not doing it right! You see, with canned laughter, it's not about faking it, it's about making it! You have to commit to the laugh, and let it take over your whole body! Once you do that, you'll forget that it's canned laughter at all, and you'll be laughing fresh and for real! *giggles uncontrollably* Canned laughter is contagious. do not partake if you are laughing and are planning to become laughed at. Muscle fatigue, rapid heart rate, and an inability to stop laughing are all possible symptoms. Canned laughter is just one way to bring some extra joy and laughter into your life. You don't have to rely on it all the time! Sometimes, the best laughs are the ones that come naturally! *giggles* So go ahead and give canned laughter a try, but make sure you're doing it safely and responsibly. And if you find yourself unable to stop laughing, just embrace it! Laughter is the best medicine, after all! I'm glad you had fun, everypony! Laughter is such an important part of life, and it's always great to share a good giggle with friends. So go ahead, let out a laugh, and spread some joy today! giggles I’ve already surpassed the 1000-word limit, so we could end it right here, but I’m not throwing the parties to make myself happy. I want to make you happy! And I can’t possibly stop now. There are no breaks on this party train. The fun has only just begun. I’ve rambled so much with my run-away sentences about making you happy that I almost forgot the most important thing at a party: partying! Instead of talking about laughter I should make you laugh instead. I mean this isn’t a talk show where everybody just talks over eachother. It’s a party so I should do all the parts of the party parts that partake in a party of party-goers: *rough voice* Whatever we should do for our next party. *Regular* Ooh, I love parties! What's the occasion? *high pitched voice*We don't have one. We just want to throw a party for the fun of it. *Regular* Well, that's the best reason to have a party! But you know what would make it even better? *rough voice*What's that? *Regular*A giant inflatable cheese wheel![beat] *rough* Uh, what? *Regular* Yeah, you know, like one of those bouncy castles, but in the shape of a cheese wheel! It would be so fun to bounce around in! *high pitched* I don't know, that sounds a little weird. *Regular* Weird? Nonsense! It's the perfect party accessory! Trust me, everypony loves cheese! *high pitched* I don't think that's necessarily true… I’ve heard there are some who are intolerance-lactosy. *Regular* Oh, come on, everypony! Let's live a little! Who needs a reason to throw a party when you can have a giant cheese wheel bouncy castle?! *rough* Alright, fine, we'll consider it. *Regular* Yes! ohh ohh. I'm going to bring in my special cupcakes then! *rough* What's so special about them? *normal* Well, they're magic cupcakes that can make you fly! yeah yeah, go ahead... Just take a bite, and you'll be soarin' through the sky in no time! *Highpitched voice* I'll try *takes a bite* *poof* nothing is happening. *Normal* Mares and gentlecolts, it’s Sorin! *in Sorin's voice and get up* please laugh already. I may be a party mare, but changing into a new costume every 1 second is exhausting even for me. Especially this Sorin’s furtight bodysuit that I bought in filly size and doesn’t fit me at all. I can’t even breathe in it! Catch me, I’m fainting. *giggles* You caught me! See, you do care about others. And others do care about you. If you could tolerate all my crazy skits, imagine how much everypony will enjoy your company when you don’t overwhelm them as I tend to do. You are here for fun and nothing else. I know What am I talking about, I know you’ll have a blast. But if you do ever manage to pull yourself from your friends, come back to visit me sometime, and we’ll throw another makeshift party together. Just for giggles. But that’s for the epilogue, our party is just getting started. I spy through the window with my big eye, my marefriends coming over to join us. Well better they find the right tenants then Celestia's lieutenants. Because it's going to be a loud party! and I'd rather not get shut down again *door opens* Rainbow, my favorite Dash! Come in, come in. Are you ready to party? “Heck yeah, I am pinkaroo! And so are the rest of my fliers. What? You told me I can bring friends.” Rain bow said “WELLL… As long as they know how to giggle *wink*”