Dragon Ball Z: Equestrian Saiyan

by Kamen rider accel 2

Episode 2: The Monkey Tail boy meet The Curious Girl/ The People in the black Mask

It was morning at a jungle as the mountains were seen showing the beauty of the place. The jungle was scene were many animals were at. The birds flew and chirped happily. The deer and her kit was scene drinking water at the river. The jungle showed quite beauty to look at.Suddenly a figure was scene jumping from one tree branch to another. The figure was moving faster then the eye could tell. Soon the figure stopped to reveal a boy. The boy had blue hair and eyes as he was wearing a blue gi outfit with a (勇敢) symbol meaning brave written on the right side. He was wearing black boots and red wrist bands. He also had a weird furry belt wrapped around his waist. This boy is Flash sentry.

"Ha~, Traveling around is shore kinda fun."Flash said as he stretch a bit."So now back to continue on going." He said in determination as he start to run again."Hm, I wonder where I'm heading to there be strong fighters."Flash thought as he continued.

He suddenly stopped as his stomach growled much."Oh looks like I'm hungry." He muttered putting a hand on his stomach."But... Where will I find food na." He looked around.

He suddenly heard growling coming from the woods."Huh? That wasn't my stomach"Flash said as he heard the growl again. Suddenly a wild Bear came in from the bushes. The bear growled at Flash as Flash only looked at him.He then developed a smirk"Ok, looks like I found my self food."

The bear growled and soon ran to attack flash. Flash got in to battle position as the bear came in for the kill. Flash quickly dogged the strike and another he then got an opening as Flash delivered a heavy punch right on the bear face with enough force that the bear was send Flying back and hit the tree. Soon Falling dead now as Flash went easy.

"Awesome. I got fresh meat to eat." Flash cheered happily.

Meanwhile at a mountain site a car was parked there as a family was at a mountain site. They were to be know as the sparkle family as they were checking out the mountain area. A girl in purple skin and and lavender black hair wearing glasses was seen typing on the computer. She was so focused on the task on hand that she didn't hear her family call out.

"Twilight. Please use the computer later. You know we came hear for a fun family time."Her mother told."I know it's important but get a bit off time from screen Now and then."

"I know mom. But it's a bit important." Twilight said not taking her eyes off the screen.

"What can be that important that you don't want to hang out with us." A young boy with purple skin and green hair told.

"If you must know. It's about the Dragon Balls." Twilight told making the others take back.

"The old fairy tail?" The other man asked who had white skin and blue dark hair and we'll fit body."You mean to tell me about those dragon balls that can grant you any wish you want."He asked."Twilight that's just a simple story that uncle chuck told us when we were young."

"Yes honey. Your uncle was a bit, you know over the top on adventure and all so he used to tell about his adventures." Night light told while eating his food."There no such thing as The dragon Balls."

"That's were your all wrong." Twilight said making them looked at her."I know there real. Cause That day before uncle chuck went away he told me he saw a dragon ball him self. But it belonged to a man name den. He told that it was know that if all seven Dragon Balls were to be found. The ancient dragon will rise and will grant two wishes. After that the dragon balls will be lost and will be hard to get." She explained.

"Ok, that sounds like a tale of a sci Fi fantasy series." Spike muttered."But how will you even find them. Even if you may now know this Den person. How will you find the other dragon Balls. They could be any where."

"Spike got a point. Even if they do exist. How will we find them." Velvet asked.

"That's were this baby comes in." Twilight told proudly pulling out a stopwatch type device with a green screen.

"Um, what's that?" Shining armor asked.

"This my family is the dragon raider." Twilight told."See when I heard about the dragon balls. I figured that the dragon balls may be having an unknown power source or energy. It may not mach with the same positive energy with the world meaning of I could be able to see where the main stronger energy of the dragon ball is leaking. I could be able to find the exact location of where they are. Each dragon ball grows stronger and stronger when they are close and weak when not so it may give me time to find them easily." Twilight finish explaining to her family. The two adults got it but the other two boys clearly were trying to process what she told.

"Twilight, this is amazing." Night light exclaimed."So with this we could find the balls then." He asked.

"Oh so now you believe me." Twilight said.

"Well.. we did needed answers first before seeing or deciding if it real or not." Night light sheepishly told.

"But other than that will it work twilight." Velvet asked.

"Only one way to find out." She said as she activated the device. After a few seconds the device suddenly blinked making twilight surprise."It... It's working." She muttered. She quickly got up and looked around to see where the signal is coming from.

"Twilight what's the matter." Shining armor asked.

"The dragon raider is working and it's showing where the signal is coming from." She excitedly told. The others were surprised hearing this.

"So wait. The story of the dragon balls are true." Spike asked surprised.

"It could be or it's something else." Shining armor answers."But other then that of the signal is correct then."

"We may discover something ground braking." Nightlight muttered.

"Guys pack this up. Where going on another road trip." Twilight cheered.

Soon the family were driving the car on the mountain forest side area as the other side had a cliff down to the forest. The car was driving unaware to them there were two figure on the upper part of the mountain watching them go. They both were clad in military outfit design for stealth. They had a symbol of a an eclipse on there shoulders.

"Sir, the targets are on the move. It looks like they found a way to track down the dragon balls." One ma told on his com

=Good, I want the device there using to track down the dragon balls.=

"What should we do about the others. Should we capture them." He asked.

=No need, of they have the device to locate the dragon balls. Then I only want that. So for the others kill them. But make it look like an accident. Remember no evidence on how we were involved.=

"Yes sir." He agreed as the line went out. He looked at his partner."We got orders to retrieve the device. But leave the others dead. But we gotta make it look like we weren't involved."

"So it's like old times hah." The other said casually." But dam you think we should kill the two women's there busty as hell."He said in a pervert toon.

"Just do the job. If the boss is happy he may give us a raise." The first one told.

"Ok, ok spoil sport." He muttered the last part.

The sparkle family were in the car as Night light ad Velvet were at front and the others were at back. Twilight looked at her raider to see the signal.

"Huh, that's odd," she muttered.

"What is it sweetie." Velvet asked.

"The signal from before. It showing that it's coming closer." She told.

Before the others could continue listing. The car tyre suddenly popped causing the car to lose balance. The others were horrified seeing this as nightlight desperately try to stop the car.

"Hold on everyone!" He shouted trying to stop the car. The other braced them self for what's what gonna come. The car then droved off the cliff side as it was falling down to the forest.

The sparkle family braced them self. Twilight thought this was the end. She didn't even achieve much and didn't even come close to finding the dragon balls. Did luck really hate him this much. She soon prayed her life to be well in the after life. As the family prepared for there demise it never came. The hold family waited for a few sec and soon they slowly opened there eyes and we're surprised to see that yeh car was stopped in mid air. How was this possible?! Who was doing this.

"Oi, Daijōbudesuka." They all heard as they slowly looked to the side to see a boy with blue hair in a blue gi suit was holding the car in mid air." I saw you all falling so I thought of helping out. You guys are ok right." He asked innocently not realizing on there reaction.

The sparkle family blinked many times and we're shocked seeing a boy saving them from near death and was holding them in mid air. He only had a silly smile.

In an office room. It was shown to have a big window showing the view from behind of a beautiful city. The interior of the office had well good supplies meaning it was of a rich man. The office desk was shown as a chair was spun around the city view.


A hand came in to view as it belonged to a man. It had a ruby ring on it. He picked up the phone and brought it up to his chin."Hello." A voice answers as it was gruff.

=Mister somber.=The voice on the other line spoke.

"Ah. Mister Edward. I'm hoping that your calling for the mission to retrieve." He asked.

=Um. About that, they may have been some miscalculations on it.= The other man spoke in a bit of fright.

"What kind of miscalculations." He soon change to anger."I want the device which I told you about to retrieve. I don't care what happens or how it's done. Just get me that device. Or the next thing will be your last. So do I make my sled clear." Somber told as he spin around to show his full view of a man with black skin long hair and red blood eyes.

= Y-Yes Mister somber sir. Then we gotta need back up for this.=

"Fine, But don't disappoint me next time mister Edward. I'm paying top dollars for this and I don't like any freeloader getting it for no work done." He said as he ended the call. He put the phone back as he stood up from his chair and went towards the window to see the view.

He looked at the city with a hard gaze."No matter what I will get the dragon balls and I will get my wish. No matter what obstical will come I will drive it down to reach my goal." He muttered in cold toon.

Unnoticed to him that his plans were gonna be foiled by a certain blue hair boy.

The sparkle family were getting out of the car and were still shocked and surprised as they were saved by a mysterious boy.

"You guys are ok na. You were falling down from the mountain side area." Flash said pointing up.

"We're Fine thanks to you boy." Night Light told.

"Hey how the hay were you able to catch us mid air?!" Shining armor asked him. "There's no way you could have had a jetpack, also you were carrying the car like it was nothing!" He demanded.

"Yeah, how were you able to do that." Spike asked as he had stars in his eyes."Your were like superman back there."

"Who?" Flash said in confusion. "Also I saw you all falling down so I just flew and caught you." He simply told.

"That doesn't answer our question." Twilight told coming in. "A human can't do that. Not even like simple flying." She told him.

"But I just did. Flying is also kind of easy you know. I did that when I was a kid." Flash said with a smile as he suddenly start to float up making them surprise again. "See it's really easy. You just gotta let loose." He said while sitting in mid air.

Twilight blinked several time trying to process this. "If it was then humans would have it easy way. Not counting on planes then!" She told back.

"Planes? What's that?" Flash asked in confusion.

"How can you not know what a plane is?" Velvet ask in confusion seeing the boy stupidity. "Wait, what's that behind you?" Velvet then notice something on the back of the boy and was completely baffled. "Is that a tail on you?" Velvet asked the boy when all four of them noticed the till moving around like it was real.

"Yeah. It is, so where's yours then." Flash asked in confusion not realizing there shock looks.

"Okay, a kid with a monkey tail is new." Shining armor muttered."Okay, who are you?" He demanded.

"Boku wa Sentry. Flash Sentry nice to meet you all." He said before he came down and bowed infront of them.

"You speak Nighpon." Nigh light asked. "Where are you from kid?"

"Oh. I lived my Grandpa since I was little." Flash explained crossing his arms. "I was living with him and trained with him. He thought me all I know."

"That involves the... flying thing you can do." Twilight asked trying to get the answer on how this is possible.

"Hm, yeah he thought me crane style so I could fly easily. He also thought me many martial arts and many more moves." Flash explained.

"So where is this grandpa of yours?" Velvet couldn't help but ask.

"Oh. Grandpa passed away a few days ago." Flash replied.

"Oh dear. Sorry for your loss then." Velvet told in sad toon.

"It's ok actually. Grandpa told me that I should travel the world to accomplish my desire." Flash told with a smile.

"What's that then?" Spike said.

"My desire is to become stronger and fight stronger people." Flash said in determination.

The others blinked at that. That's one goal he had to battle the strongest and win.

"Hm, that's a.. quiet good goal." Night light muttered. The sparkle family only could think alot as they meet a new boy with incredible feet's.

Back at the mountain side heavily armed man were standing on the cliff side watching the sparkle family and the mysterious boy.

"All right people, we got a big assignment in our hands."The one in charge spoke up."The people down are know to be our targets. We need to capture them and get answers from them. Our client wants something from them and he paid us big money to get the answers." He told them.

"What about the boy with the tail." One asked.

"His not with them and he doesn't have what we want. So kill him." He told sinister toon.

The men soon gathered there gun and then out on black masks with x markings on them.

The sparkle family were still in shock of the boy but decided to dewel on it later. Shining was fixing the car tyre and nightlight was helping.Spike was busy talking with Flash.

"So wait you trained since child hood."Spike asked in bewilderment."You learned all that when you were 4?!"

"Hai. My grandpa told me that I was a fighter when I was young. So he trained me to fight and protect my self." Flash told as he sat down to talk." He told me that my skills were needed to be trained. He trained me on not just fighting but also on different aspects aswell."

"Like, the Flying technique you did back there."

"Yup. But also more."

"Like what?" Spike asked.

"I could loft up very heavy objects and am able to control and harness ki energy."Flash told.

Spike was confused."Ki? What's that?"

"Ki is known as "latent energy" or "fighting power," which translates as "life force." This force is a tangible energy inside every living being, with its major focus being in the center of the body. By drawing it out, an individual is able to manipulate it and use it outside the body. It can be used in many ways in fighting and helps in healing ones mind and system." Flash explained as spike was surprised hearing about this. He never knew about power with in.

Meanwhile twilight and her mom were sitting a bit far and we're working on the dragon raider as they couldn't help but listen to what Flash said.

Twilight couldn't believe it as she never heard of this."Ki? Is it possible to manipulate an unknown energy particle like this." She asked her mother.

"Actually. Yes it's possible." She confirmed her words.

"What it is?!" Twilight asked in bewilderment."How do you know?"

"My brother actually told me about this a few years back,"Velvet explained." when Chuck was traveling out. He told me that he met an ancient monk back at a temple. There he learned about ki and spiritual energy. when he told me I first thought it was a simple jock of matter as science could prove better. But when I learned about on the books and all. There I start to see it and science in different ways."

"But can a person really heal others wounds by it?" Twilight asked still in that thought.

".."Velvet thought about it."I... I actually don't know." She admitted making twilight slump." He told me but I couldn't actually believe it fully." She said sheepishly.

Twilight then looked back at Flash. This kid came in and saved them in an impossible feat. His an unknown element she wants to understand. How can a simple human do this.

She then thought about her dragon raider. She quickly took it out and on it. Soon the raider.


She quickly got up seeing the signal beep again. The others looked at her as she looked where the signal was coming from and saw it was coming from non other then flash as he looked confused. She checked the device then him. She did that three to four times. The she ran towards him.

"How is my raider picking you up." Twilight said as she checked him."It was spouse to find the dragon balls."

"Dragon....Balls?" Flash ask in confusion as he tilted his head in confusion.

"Um, don't you have something that is making my Dragon raider showing you."Twilight said.

"Something on me?" He said thinking that he had something. The it suddenly clicked."Oh yeah I do!" He said hitting his fist in his palm gently.

Twilight waited so did the others as he took out a small bag from behind and soon opened it showing something that made twilight gasp. He had a small orange crystal ball with 3 stars on it in the middle.

"It.. it's can't be." Twilight muttered as her glasses shined seeing this.

"Twilight, what is it." Nightlight came in seeing what Flash had in his hands. Flash was confused as them.

"It's the dragon ball." She muttered as the others heard her and they were shocked hearing this.

"Wait, that's a Dragon ball!" Shining armor shouted in surprise.

"Dragon Ball?" Flash spoke up in confusion." You mean my lucky charm." He held up the ball."My grandpa gave me this before he passed away. Saying this is very important."

"Wait, who was your grandfather." Nightlight asked.

"Oh, it was grandpa Den." Flash told with a smile confirming there thoughts.

"So, Chucks story were true then." Velvet said."He was telling the truth."

"Hm?" Flash blinked hearing that.


Before he could have asked he was suddenly shot on the head as he fall down on the ground. The dragon ball fell down as it roll and stopped towards twilight feet as she and her family had a shocked looks on there faces. They couldn't speak as they all saw a boy get shot on the head.

Soon they heard laughing as they turn there heads to see 7 men in Black x masks coming out of the forest area as they were holding guns. One man's was smoking meaning he was the one who shot Flash.

"Look at that. The guy went off in one bullet. Didn't even see it coming and the boss told he was dangerous." The man said as he laughed.

Shining quickly pulled out his gun but was stoped a bullets hit the ground where he was."Don't even think about it bub. If you want to live you better stop or else you'll be joining this guy." The other one ordered as he pointed his gun at them.

Shining grunted his teeth as he had no there choice so he step back. The sparkle family were now in danger as the men in the black mask were aiming there guns at them.

"What do you want from us." Shining demanded.

"Well be asking the questions hear, so shut up till the boss gets hear. Or else!" The grunts said in hostile toon.

Soon a military black car came in driving as it stopped. The door opened as a man came out as he had black skin and shady red hair. He was fairly built as he was wearing shades. He came out and looked at the sparkle family.

He went towards them as Velvet pulled spike in a hug to comfort him. The others held back as the man came to them. He soon looked at them as he was examining them.

"W-wh-what do.. you want from us?" Twilight Shakely ask as the man was seeing them.

"The dragon raider." He spoke thus shocking her.

"How do you know about that?!" She demanded from him..

"Our client hired us to find an item of his.He told that you had a way to find them. So we monitored you and found out you do know a way." He told her.

"Client?" Twilight said as she thought that someone knew her.

"No one you should worry about. Now be a good girl and hand over the dragon raider." He demanded harshly.

"Boss, I think this is one of the balls the client told us about." One grunt came in as he gave him the dragon ball. The man looked at the ball and soon smirked.

"Huh, guess we will be getting a bonus with this." He said with a smirk. He looked at Twilight and saw she was holding the raider. He quickly snatch the raider from her."Looks like you won't be needing this if you want to live."

The sparkle family got back as the man and the grunts aimed there guns at her.

"What are you doing?!" Shining armor demanded.

"We don't want to leave any evidence that you were hear now do we." He told with a smirk.

The grunts aimed there guns at them. As the sparkle family closed there eyes not wanting to see there fait.

Suddenly the same grunt who shot Flash before felt a tap on his shoulder. He shrugged it off. But soon the he was tapped again. He start to get angry as he was tapped once more.

"WHAT IS IT CAN'T YOU SEE I'M -" He stopped as he saw Flash standing there as he was holding the bullet.

"Excuse me, but is this yours." Flash asked as the man was shocked. How was he alive and uninjured. He couldn't think further as he was hit on the face and was knocked back hitting the tree.

The sparkle family opened there eyes hearing the noise as they saw Flash and we're shocked to see him fine. The others also were shocked seeing the kid was ok.

"What the, shouldn't you be dead?!" The man demanded seeing that Flash was ok."There's no way your fine after the shot!"

"Oh you mean this." Flash said holding up the bullet as it was twisted."Yeah, it hurt a bit but I'm fine. Didn't hurt much still." He told as he dropped the bullet and then looked at them serious."But now you won't be fine. You were gonna hurt them na. So you better prepare cause im not showing any mercy."

The man grunt his teeth."Fire at him." He ordered.

The grunts opened fire at him. Flash disappeared in a blur as the bullet went through where he was. He appeared right Infront of them and kicked them on the face knocking them back. The others went for the shot but Flash went in high speed and hit the two grunts on the stomach hard knocking them back. The other were left as they were ready.

While the grunts were fighting him. There boss sneaked in to his car not want to get in the fight. He knew that the boy was dangerous and he needed to get out.

Flash finished knocking down the last grunt. He looked back at the Sparkle family."Daijōbudesuka." He asked them.

"We fine. But that guys getting away with your dragon Ball and sis raider." Spike told.

Before they could see the car was soon driven away in high speed.

The man was driving away as he had a smirk on his face. He looked at the dragon ball and the dragon raider. He had a smirk on his face as he soon put on the speed. But he felt something off. He looked around to see that he wasn't moving at all. He was shocked by this.

"What the?!" He yelled.

"You shouldn't take stuff that's not yours."He heard as he opened the door to see Flash holding the car with one arm."So you gonna give them back or do you want to do this the hard way." He asked.

The man could only look in pure defeat.

The grunts and there boss were tied up to a tree beaten and bruised and there masks were off. The sparkle family meanwhile had fixed the car and took some things from the grunts.

"I called the near by police station at the mountain area. They said they will come and check it." Shining armor told as he got off the phone.

"Ok, so now that there taken care off. We should get back home." Night light said.

"Agreed on that." Velvet said.

"So it looks like I'll be off then." Flash told he was then ready to leave.

"Actually we had another thing in mind." Night light said making Flash stop."You saved our Family lives and you also have a dragon ball that was said to be a mith."

"Dad where are you getting at." Twilight asked reading her dad thought.

"Well it's simple. Would you like to come with us." He asked surprising the family.

"Honey, is that a good idea." Velvet asked not in concern but a surprise toon.

"Dad, is that good thing to do. We don't know what he's capable off." Shining armor asked. While his glade he saved them but he's still a mystery.

"I think that's a good idea. We can hang out more." Spike cheered."Maybe he will even help me in his training."

"It's a good idea." Twilight spoke up. He has a dragon ball and he can also help out in the family on finding them. The ball belongs to him so he will keep it with him. In easy terms he will be with us till we find the seven dragon balls and once our wishes are done we can give it back to him." She explained.

"Right, so how about it Flash will you join us." Nigh light asked. The others looked at him waiting for an answer.

"..." Flash looked at them and saw there expression so he decided."Will I get something to eat there." He simply asked.

Sombra just received the image and video feed from a drone he send to look at the result. There now he see a unknown monkey boy stopping his plan.

"So he took out my men and ruined my plan." Sombra said as he looked closely and zoned in on Flash."Who ever you are. You won't be coming in and ruin my plans." He stopped at the image of the dragon ball." But looks like my work is cut out from finding the third dragon ball." He smirked and soon laughed.

On his table side were five of the dragon balls. They were put in a bowl and we're showing each star.