An odd family: The foundations.

by EdBoii

A Feathery Curse

Insanity and beaks.

My screams filled the air as I fell through the thick foliage of several trees, hitting branches as I fell.

"Oh please, don't be such a cry baby... There will be enough for that later today!"

My eyes darted from side to side trying to spot the source of the mocking voice, however, it's hard trying to find something as you fall to your doom.

My stomach collided with a large branch producing a loud thud and a painful gasp from me, eventually my body slid off the branch and landed on the hard forest floor.

My head was in turmoil, my stomach felt as if it were on fire, and a terrible headache started to surface.

Eventually, I managed to compose myself and get on my knees, looking around confirmed my suspicion that I just wasn't in Kansas anymore, not that I had ever been to Kansas but the joke was too funny to ignore.

"Where... Where am I?" My voice was soft and confused, barely audible even though the forest was dark and quiet, few noises could be heard and most grew silent as I stood up.

"Why, you happen to be the luckiest whatever you are on the whole planet!" The same voice as before said in a mocking tone, he seemed happy that I was here, but I didn't see a reason why. "As to where you are, well, let's just say that it's the beginning of a new life for you! As well as several others..." The voice chuckled knowingly, he seemed rather amused by the whole situation.

"Who are you? Where am I? What the hell is going on?!" I shouted confused and angry at being played with, the headache was fully grown now and my stomach hurt like hell.

"Tsk tsk tsk, such language... You wouldn't like the little ones learning that would you?" The strange voice seemed more entertained by the minute, and something about the way he spoke made me certain that he had planned something for me.

"Dude, what the fuck! I don't have a goddamn clue as to what you're saying! Just fucking explain it already!" I was standing up now, the anger making me ignore the pain, my furious glare darting from side to side looking for whoever was responsible for this. "I don't have time for this shit! I have to write a stupid essay for Monday! If i don't get that shit done I-"

"Silence!" The voice grew louder, but it didn't sound angry, only mildly upset. At my words perhaps? "Now you are definitely a very rude individual... Excellent! You'll make for a perfect father! And if not, then you can at least be quality entertainment for me!" His cheerful tone back, he simply clapped his hands, or at least clapped, I wasn't sure whether the somewhat muffled sound could be made by hands.

Then it hit me, no, I mean literally hit me!

A loud screech resonated from somewhere above me, and an eagle of some sort landed on my head before I could dodge, scream, curse, or raise my hands.

"Son of a-!" Came my exasperated cry as the little creature on top of me pawed at my- PAWED!?

"What the fuck?!" I backed away quickly, eyes wide in amazement and fright at the sight before me.

The little creature, possibly a baby or small... Cub? What were baby eagles called? Whatever, not that it mattered, it wasn't an eagle.

It's head and wings were those of an eagle, but the body resembled a large feline, a lion perhaps.

"Hey! Language mister! What example are you giving the poor little gryphon?" That mocking voice was really getting on my nerves by now, but his revelation was too shocking for me to be angry.

"Gryphon? What in hell is going on here?!" Those things were not meant to exist! They were mythological beings from ancient tales, gryphons, minotaurs, centaurs, chimeras and hydras all belonged in Greek tales and stories, NOT IN FRONT OF MY GODDAMN FACE!

"Why isn't it obvious? The little baby has lost his father and needs to be cared for. Congratulations! I'ts a boy!" The voice laughed harder than i thought possible, frightening the little monster in front of me.

"What? I'm not taking care of it! I want to go home!" I turned around looking for the strange voice.

"Nope, not happening, sorry!" The voice seemed to be circling me, taunting me, mocking me.

"Dude, cut it out! This is not funny! Take me home now!"

"Hmm, what is this 'dude' you keep referring to? Is it another term for draconequus?" The 'draconequus' stopped circling me and I sensed it looking at me.

"Draco-what? What are you?"

"Oh! Oh my! So sorry my good two legged ape! Why, my name is Discord! Lord of chaos! Pleased to meet you..." The voice acquired a dangerous tone, and the strangest sight in human history emerged from the shadows.

My eyes grew wide, my mouth hung open, and I almost pissed myself right there and then.

The most horrible mixture of animals appeared before me, it had the head of a horse, with a deer antler on the right, a goat horn on the left, one long fang, and a goat beard. He had the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat, and a dragon's tail, the shape of his body resembled that of a snake.

So many animal parts on a single body could not be healthy, but the simple truth of it all was that I was probably the one who wasn't healthy, I was possibly going insane.

Discord, as he called himself, extended his lion paw and awaited for me to shake it.

My reaction was as unexpected as it must have been hilarious.


He cringed a little at my shout, and then face... Facepawed? Who the hell knows in this freaky place!

"You really are a strange individual aren't you?" He said under his breath as I kept on staring slack-jawed.

As our conversation carried on, the baby gryphon made his way towards me, clumsily trying to place a paw after the other.

He eventually reached me, and to my surprise, he nuzzled my leg with his beak.

I looked down and stared at it, bewildered, the thought of kicking it away crossed my mind.

What? You think I'm evil for the thought? Dude! It's a freaky monster thing out of mythology and it's cuddling against my leg!

Whatever, it's not like I kicked it, I just couldn't! It was probably as scared as I was, it would't be fair to deny it comfort when it needed it as much as I.

Besides, it was kind of adorable, its plumage was light brown, his beak was orange and two large eyes looked at me pleadingly, he had yellow irises and black pupils that seemed to pierce into your very soul... Long story short, I almost let out a DAAAWWWWWWW!

Discord noticed this and smiled gleefully, his plan was apparently working quite well.

"So, my dear friend... What would your name be?" He asked as i took the little gryphon into my arms.

I looked at the strange lord of chaos.

"Eduardo, If you can't pronounce that, then just call me Iron." My name was not especially hard to pronounce, even in English, but several friends of mine felt uncomfortable with the unusual arrangement of letters, so I just opted to be called by my preferred online gamer name. Iron Galley.

"Very well Iron, will you take care of the little youngster here?" Discord asked, smiling. "Time in your world has been paused, and as soon as the little one here is ready to leave the nest I will return you to your world."

I looked at him with distrust, I didn't like the idea of being his play thing, but I had little options.

"Very well, I will take care of him, but as soon as he is ready to 'leave the nest' you will send me back home!" I glared at him some more before the feeling of drool on my arm caught my attention. The baby was asleep.

"Fair enough, now tell me... Where would you like to live?" The draconequus smirked at my sudden confusion.

"Huh? What? Oh, um, I'm not sure... What can you tell me of this place?" I asked cautiously, If i was still on earth, which i doubted, then civilization was better avoided so i could raise this creature in peace, but if I was in a gryphon planet or something, then the best course of action would be to go to a small town where he could go to school.

"Why, you are currently in the magical land of Equestria! Home to talking ponies and other magical beings!" Discord then proceeded to narrate a brief historical, geographical, cultural and political explanation of the land around me.

This was bad... The gryphon kingdom was NOT a good idea, they would tear me to pieces if they were as brutal to outsiders as Discord claimed, the minotaur homeland was no better, I didn't like deserts so the zebras were out, and no other places seemed welcoming, so in the end, my dear reader, guess were I opted to raise a gryphon child by myself?

The buildings in the distance seemed rather similar to those back on earth, although they had a more medieval style to them than the houses back at home.

Discord had teleported us, the baby, himself and I, to a small pony village at my request, I figured that herbivorous creatures would be more welcoming than carnivorous ones, so there we where! On the outskirts of Ponytown? Ponyvillage? Ponyhouse?

"Welcome to Ponyville my dear Iron! I truly hope you lead a most wonderful life in companionship of your new sons!" Discord waved his paw at the town in general and smiled.

"Heh, thanks I gue- WAIT WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY SONS?!" I hollered, waking up the babies... Yup, gods do NOT play fair...

Laughing his tail off, discord produced two more weeping infants, one was a small Minotaur, his black coat had spots of white and two tiny horns sprouted out of his little head, his two legs ended in small hooves while his arms held two tiny, little hands. The other was a bit more extravagant, a Centaur, the lower body resembled that of a small foal, his upper body was that of a human, it's coat was a shining white, while blonde hairs covered it's little human head, it was a she.

Discord handed them to me, and waved goodbye.

"I'll be watching you Iron! I hope you prove to be as entertaining as I expect you to be! Congratulations on your offspring! They truly resemble their father!" And with a small *puff* the lord of chaos was gone, leaving me with a gryphon, a minotaur, and a centaur.

Did I mention how horribly frustrated I felt? No? Allow me to explain...


MY shout of rage echoed throughout the morning mist, the babies doubled their efforts in their crying and wailing, but it mattered little, they had already been set off into their weeping mode by my earlier holler...

After calming myself down, I slowly accommodated the babies onto my arms and started the slow and exhausting walk towards Ponyville, the little ones crying the whole way.

The baby gryphon kept on biting at my left ear while the minotaur tugged at my hair with it's hands, it was surprising to see how much strength he had at such a young age, the little centaur was the best behaved of all three, she just lay there beneath her 'brothers' occasionally she would kick at my forearm with her little horse legs, or slap my chest with her little arms, but overall, she just sat back and enjoyed the ride.

I, on the other hand, was having the walk of a lifetime! Between the biting, tugging and the cold mist of the morning I just didn't think it could get worse!

"Oh, this is just dandy! So happy I ran into you Discord! So glad you gave me such cute little motherfuckers... NOT!" I kept on muttering to myself as I walked past a small bridge that led into town.

"You know what? I should just name you guys... I cant keep on referring to you as gryphon, minotaur and freaky mutant horse-girl..." I sighed and looked at the babies, the gryphon and minotaur were snuggling closer to each other and myself for warmth, but the baby centaur was shivering wildly, her lack of fur or feathers on her upper body exposed her to the worst of the cold, at least I had some clothes, but she didn't have anything...

"Oh boy, I better get you all inside a house or something... Damn it, damn it, damn it! How did I even end up like this?!" I stuttered as the cold began to get a hold of me as well.

Walking faster I suddenly noticed a small light inside a house, It was early so whoever was awake at such hour must have little to do.

"Thank you Spongebob! Thank you!" I laughed delightedly as I joked to myself, after a few shivers ran through my skin because of the cold, I immediately rushed over to the strange house, it was a really odd building, the design looked like a carousel on the second floor, while the overall pinkish painting gave it a strange look in my eyes.

"It looks like a four year old chose the design..." I muttered as I approached the door.

knocking a few times on it, I waited for a response. Several voices could be heard from inside before I knocked, they grew silent after I battered on the door.

The muffled voices returned, but slightly muffled and hurried.

After several seconds of torturing waiting, the door finally opened, revealing a purely white pony with a purple mane, it also had a horn, but i had seen so many goddamn weird things in a single day that it did little to astonish me, also, Discord had briefed me on the different races of ponies.

As the unicorn caught a glance of the mutant babies and of myself, she let out a surprised shriek and backed away. The exhaustion of the whole day was bearing down on me, and I was on the brink of fainting, but it did little to ruin my playful attitude.

"Whiteish fluffy unicorn creature! Do not despair! I come in pea-" I let out a shriek of pain as the baby gryphon bit down on my ear drawing a few drops of blood.

The unicorn looked at me in utter confusion, while I desperately tried to free my ear from the grasp of the baby gryphon, all the while without dropping any of the other two babies.

After a lengthy struggle I finally managed to free myself, but now i was too pissed for jokes.

"Just help me out will you?" I walked into the strange building and left the three little creatures on the floor.

The unicorn stared a bit more before asking in a shaky voice.

"Wh-what are you?" Her eyes were wide with surprise and a slight hint of fear.

"Me? Oh, I happen to be the idiot who ended up as a father to three completely unrelated creatures that shouldn't even exist! FUCKING DISCORD!" I shouted the last bit in frustration.

The unicorn suddenly looked more curious than afraid.

"Discord you say?" She arched her eyebrow, taking a step forward.

"Why yes! The freaky little dragon, goat, horse, lion thing! Real charmer that one! First he makes me crash into a tree and then he makes me a father..."

The unicorn looked at the three little infants.

"Do you have family around town I may contact to receive you?" Her voice seemed a little unsure and somewhat distrustful.

"No... I'm new to this whole country and I'm stuck with three kiddos... And I think that one has a cold!"

As if on cue with my words, the baby centaur sneezed and started to cry.

Sighing, I lifted her up in my arms and started to soothe her into sleep. The unicorn stared at us with surprise, before continuing the awkward conversation.

"My name is Rarity, may I ask for yours?" She walked over to another small unicorn that had been hiding behind a mannequin.

"Yeah, sure, name's Iron Galley, pleased to meet you." I extended a hand forward, she placed her hoof on top of it and I gave a little handshake before going back to calming down the baby centaur, the other two where done exploring the house and began to cuddle and fall asleep.

"So, what brings you to my boutique at this hour?"

"Huh? Boutique?" I asked a little surprised, sewing didn't seem possible with hooves and both unicorn ponies were naked, why have a boutique?

"Why yes! I make the most marvelous dresses in all of Ponyville! Sweetie Belle here helps me out whenever she comes around." Rarity seemed rather proud of her boutique while the filly known as Sweetie Belle huffed and rolled her eyes when Rarity aid she helped.

"Oh, well, that's um... Nice! I guess..." I was somewhat thrown off at the strangeness of the unicorn, making dresses? And being naked all the time? How does that work? "Could I um... Is there like a guest room where i can lay my head down? And somewhere the kids might be able to sleep?"

Rarity smiled kindly and said that we were welcome to sleep in a small guest room on the first floor, as long as we didn't disturb any of the dresses inside it.

After settling down the babies into the bed, I followed suit and soon enough fell into blissful sleep.

Tomorrow, or later today if you want to be pedantic, is going to be an interesting day...