Our Duet

by Its a Birdy

Vinyl's Requiem

“Yeah, it was rough. I remember the whole thing too. It all seemed to happen so fast! I still can’t believe it. Oh well. Not much I can do about it now, right? A pony in my position should just move on." My voice shuttered and I gulped trying to keep my composure. "You know? I can’t though... I just can’t,” I took a drink from my glass. I was sitting with Lyra at her favorite bar.

“Well, what happened Vinyl? So far it just seems like it was an accident or something,” Lyra’s slurred speech wasn’t really noticeable, even if she was a light weight.

“A lot, I’ll try to give ya the shortest version I can,” I took a sip of my cider and just looked into the cup afterward. Fighting off the tears that wanted to flow, I began my story. “It started about two or three weeks ago. I and Neon were on the edge of a musical breakthrough. We… We almost had our first song with vocals done. I was going to play it at the nightclub out in Canterlot.”

“Hey, Neon!” I turned my head towards him, to see him beatboxing quietly to himself. With a smile, I tapped on his shoulder and after he removed his headphones I continued, “That beat. You should write it down, man.”

He laughed, “I don’t even remember what beat I was doing. I was zoned out for a bit there, sorry.”

“It’s cool dude. It was wicked, though,” I replied turning my head back towards my own work. Oh crud! Where was I? I looked over all of my controls real quick before starting up the recording to listen to it. It started with a good slow tone, thick and consistent but with enough rhythm to not seem boring. After a short while, more tones built into a symphony of success. Everything seemed to be nearly done. Even if we’ve only completed the basics!

“Hey Vinyl, you almost done with that draft? I want to hear it!” Neon’s excitement was answered when he was passed a headset by yours truly.

After giving the stallion a few moments to listen to the music, he removed the headset and just smiled, I returned his smile. “You like it?” I asked leaning back in my chair after taking my own headphones back.

“Of course, Vi, your mixes are always awesome!” Neon was seeming really amped up for some reason. Just then his expression went soft and everything went quiet. I was pretty much done for what I was working on for today. Noticing Neon’s ears twitch, as if tuning something in, I began to swivel my own ears back and forth until I picked up on what he was hearing.

“Bro, don’t worry ‘bout it. It’s just Tavi, she probably got home early and started practicing. That’s what she usually does,” I explained though he seemed to ignore it entirely.

“Vi,” he paused still listening, then directed his attention to her. “We should go listen to her,” he slowly stood up and started for the door without waiting for an answer from me. I took my headset off and followed him into the next room, which was the living room. Across from it was Octavia’s studio, It opens into a room that is shaped like a hexagon and three walls facing outwards were made completely of glass. The room had a good view of the mountain ranges and valleys from its place in Canterlot. If she knew Tavi like she thought she did, it was pretty obvious that she didn’t want company and that she had opened the windows to her studio. I know she likes a cross breeze when she practices. Especially if she's been having a bad day.

“Dude, we should really leave Tavi alone. She doesn’t like it when ponies listen to her practice,” I said quietly as Neon hesitated at the studio’s door.

Neon simply stared at me. “I guess but…” he paused and reached a hoof forward and turned the knob of the door.

Silently swinging the door open he took a step into the room, listening to the magical notes of her Cello. I love it when that mare plays…

I silently stepped forward catching sight of Octavia standing in the center of the room, facing the open windows, her mane and tail caught the wind in every breath it took. Her dark coat was glimmering, probably from a rough day at work, and she seemed to simply ignore them even though she had to have noticed them by now.

After a little while, she finished her song and turned towards them. “So what is it you two wanted this time? Vinyl, you know I don’t like anypony in here, other than you of course.”

“Okay, Tavi, trust me... It wasn’t my idea. He just heard you playing and…” He just kind of walked in on his own.

Neon had interrupted me, “I really liked it, Ms. Octavia.”

“Neon, I understand that you’re usually not over here whenever I am practicing, but that’s because I usually try to avoid practicing while you two are together. Your noise makes it hard to concentrate. However, I do feel I’m still entitled to privacy within my studio in my own house, am I wrong?” Octavia simply snorted in disapproval before turning herself back towards the windows. I watched her for a moment longer, although she just stood there with her nose up in the air as she waited to hear her door close.

Another minute ticked by before I got Neon Lights to wait in my own studio. After closing the door I stepped forward and rubbed my head against Tavi’s shoulder. “What happen at work babe, you seem tense today.”

“Nothing happened. That’s what happened. Nothing. Also, who does he think he is! He’s a guest in our home! Don’t I have privacy anymore?” Octavia laid her Cello down and took a seat near her desk. She simply stared out the window as if longing for something.

I had nothing to say and so a lump formed in my throat. I just nuzzled her neck for a moment, “I wub you.” After that, I left her alone in her studio.

Silently I returned to my own studio, in the room Neon was waiting for me. He had the headset around his neck and he was smiling a big grin, “I think we’ll be able to finish it next time I’m over!”

“Oh yeah?” I smiled my usual cocky grin and adjusted my glasses. I took a seat and continue working on the baseline while Neon continued working the melody of it all. We worked hard for another few hours, even though Neon kept pausing every once in a while to listen to Octavia’s music. Faintly, I could hear her singing something, it sounded sad.

“Alright, I’ll be back tomorrow, same time,” Neon had turned and left, closing the front door behind him. Octavia had only been out of her studio once that night and since I didn’t want to spend the afternoon alone, I talked Neon into playing some video games before he left. We ended up wasting hours on Dead Mare Rising.

I sat down in my usual spot on the couch, in front of the television and began flipping through channels. After a moment, Octavia’s door cracked open and I turned my head. Octavia was standing in the doorway. She had a towel around her neck as well as a bottle of expensive Lavender Lily Bubble Bath in her mouth. She simply looked over at me and nodded then tilted her head towards the bathroom before walking off in that direction.

Turning off the television I stood and followed her towards the bathroom. Pausing at the hallway closet to snatch me a towel. Once I reached the bathroom, Octavia had already tossed her towel over a nearby stool and had started the water. Steam and bubbles began rising from the bathtub before Octavia turned it off.

“Tavi? Are you alright? You seemed really distant today. Everything alright babe?” I couldn’t help but ask, even if it didn’t seem appropriate considering they were about to bathe.

“Vinyl, you really should stop worrying about me so much. It was just a long day at work. That’s all... Well, I also have a headache, so can we keep it quiet for the rest of tonight?” Tavi had already stepped into the bath water and was slowly settling down into the large marble tub.

I couldn’t help but smile a little, after all, the bloody screams and music, I could go for a silent velvety bath with my favorite pony in the world! Dropping my towel on the floor I stepped forward and slid a hoof slowly into the steaming water, I found that it was the perfect temperature, as always. I could always trust Tavi to be accurate with anything she enjoyed, and hot, steamy, baths were her favorite way to relax, indoors at least.

Sliding into the tub I settled down next to Octavia who didn’t move other than a small smile and a sigh of relief. I smiled watching her expression. It seemed distant. After a few moments, something sparked in Octavia’s eyes and her head tilted as she shifted her body so she could lay her head on my shoulder. I simply nuzzled her mane, taking in her smell. Just like the velvet we laid in, her mane also smelt of sweat and dust. She must have been exhausted.

“Hey Vinyl, What did Neon think of my music? It’s the first time he’s heard it right?” Her head didn’t shift on my shoulder, I could feel her calm breath on my chest and her steady heartbeat against my side. Her hoof moved across my stomach and she pulled me a little closer.

“He liked it. Well, he didn’t say anything really, but it was obvious he likes your music just as much as he likes mine and his own. After all, he is a musician.”

Tavi moved and sat up a bit, “Well, that piece you two walked in on was only a first draft, so I was hoping to maybe get an opinion.” She had a smile on her face and her eyes were soft as I looked into them.

“You’re music’s always amazing Tavi!” I said calmly.

“I know, you always say that, though. I was hoping for a non-bias opinion. I’m sure you understand, right?” she seemed a bit uncertain of herself, but it didn’t matter, she had a point.

I simply gave her a hug and lightly kissed her cheek, “Well, you can talk to him next time he comes over. We can sit in on your practice after we’re done with ours. Sound good, babe?”

“Yeah, that sounds good.” Octavia had closed her eyes and seemed to have fallen asleep leaning against me. She was always adorable when she was asleep, but I could tell she was only relaxing. She wasn't the type of pony to fall asleep in a bathtub filled with bubbles.

Lyra interrupted her for a moment, “Scratch, can you get to the point? As much as I enjoy a good romantic story involving bubbles and bathing, I don't think that's the story you're wanting to tell me. Right?”

I shook my head, “Sorry, I guess I got off track there for a minute.”

Lyra simply took a drink of her cider and looked out her window. Lyra and I had moved away from the bar and took seats near a window, still drinking cider and talking. I followed Lyra’s gaze, she was watching the sun as it was beginning to dip into the skyline. After a few long moments, Lyra looked back at her. “You know, You need to get your senses cleared and your feelings figured out before you even attempt to write anything like this. A requiem requires everything you are. It's not something you can create out of nowhere. This music requires heart. It requires feeling and it requires dedication.”

“I know, I know. I don't plan to start it anytime soon, I just wanted to talk to someone who knew a thing or two about that genre,” I bit my lip and thanked Celestia I was still wearing my glasses. “Anyways, skipping ahead a bit... Neon and I had finished our song, and Octavia was available, which was a rarity for her. So we talked her into coming down to my club and listening in on the new single when it dropped with the new album I had created. I was so stoked! I can't believe something so great happened and then everything fell apart.”

I sat behind the bar of my club that night, just waiting for that clock to hit twelve. I was getting impatient, the new album was to drop tonight and my single was the premier for it. It determined everything! Rather or not I'd make any sells on this album or not. It had to go right! It just had to!

“Vinyl!” Octavia's voice woke me from my daze, I had apparently been scoffing my hoof at the counter where the liquors sat on display.

“Vinyl Scratch! Are you listening? I was hoping we could share a drink.”

“You? Drink? What?” I was in utter confusion at this because Octavia has a reputation for being classy and not being one to drink, much less at a night club. It just wasn't apart of her usual char­ac­ter­is­tics. It seemed... out of place.

“Yes, I do drink believe it or not. Now, what should we share? Obviously nothing strong. You still have a long night ahead of you as it is.” said Octavia with a bit of a smirk. Her body didn't seem as enthusiastic as her words sounded. She was shaking a little as if she were nervous.

“Tavi, I've known you for how long now? You aren't one to drink at all, even on rare occasions, what's up?” I asked a little concerned about her motives. “What's wrong?”

“Nothing's wrong with me. I just wanted to share a drink with you.” Her smile quickly vanished as she crossed her hooves and began looking around the bar. I followed her lines of sight down the bar to where Neon Lights sat with several mares, all of which were talking at once.

I simply smiled at her, “Alright then. If you're going to have your first drink, I want to be there to see it.” I lifted my glasses and winked at her then spun around on my bar stool and grabbed a liquor. “How about we start off with something that doesn't sting too bad,” pouring a bit of liquor into the bottom of two glasses I spun around once again and passed her one of the cups.

“What is this?” Octavia asked curiously sniffing the cup and recoiling in pure horror.

“That.” I took a sniff of the drink and smiled with a pleased snort, “My dear, is called Silver Berry Burst. It's a berry flavored whiskey, hence the small amount. Trust me, though, the taste isn't as strong as the smell.” With that, I took a drink and drank the small portion with pleasure.

After my display, Octavia looked down at her glass with a grim look on her face. After a few moments though she sighed and squeezed her eyes closed. Lifting the cup to her lips she downed it all, immediately she began coughing uncontrollably.

“You okay?” I asked with a small grin spreading across my face.

Once she stopped coughing she gave me the stare. “It was good,” she finally stated before looking off in a different direction.

“Thought you may like that one. Want more?” Without waiting for an answer I spun around, grabbed the bottle in my magic and refilled both our glasses, this time to the brim allowing the liquor to spill over onto the counter.

“Vinyl! You're getting it everywhere.” Octavia spoke in her usual tone whenever I messed up.

“Relax Tavi. I was just refilling our drinks,” I said with an eye on her as I passed her a glass.

“But you spilled it everywhere!”

“I didn't spill anything Octavia. That's just how I like to prepare my drinks.” I held my glass out for her and she complied, lightly tapping her glass against mine. Causing the drinks to spill even more.

“So wasting alcohol is just a normal thing around here?”

“Nope, I actually don't like it when ponies spill their drinks on my bar. But then again, it's my bar so I'm allowed to make an exception for me, right?” I smiled to myself and took a drink of the Berry Burst.

“So you're allowed to make messes here, but no one else is?” Octavia asked with a quizzical eyebrow raised.

“Pretty much, yeah.” I chuckled, “Take a drink.”

Octavia grimaced at the toxic smell of the drink but then looked up to catch my eye for a moment before she looked back at her glass. She proceeded to scrunch her nose in disdain of its smell before taking a drink. A small drink, but a drink none-the-less.

I simply smiled and cocked my head to one side. “C'mon it's not really as bad as you had thought, is it?”


“What was that the music is too loud!”

“I said No.”

“Sorry still didn't catch that, what'd you say?

“Vinyl! I said it wasn't as bad as I thought it was!” Octavia's face went flush for a moment as she glanced around her, no pony was paying her any attention, besides me of course, and I thought it was just adorable.

I laughed and leaned across the bar, “You're adorable when you're embarrassed. You know that, right?”

“Right.” She simply looked down at her drink but I noticed a smile on her face.

I looked at the clock which hung over the collection of liquors, “Crap! Midnight! Sorry to bail on ya, Tavi!” I left my glass sitting in its liquor puddle on the counter before almost galloping across the room to where my music station sat, risen off the floor in the corner of the dance floor. I quickly turned down the music and began speaking into the microphone which amplified my voice.

“Yo everypony! DJ PON-3 here to present you with a new album! It's droppin' later on tonight! but for now, have a taste of our latest work! Droppin' it in 3! 2! 1!” I started the music and cranked the volume to the 8th notch. After that, I let my head bob with the music as everypony below me began dancing.

Off the dance floor, there were many ponies who bobbed or danced a little while carrying on their conversations or playing their games. Everypony seemed to be doing great tonight. The club was full, everypony had some sort of beverage in hoof, and the air was foggy with smoke, music, and laughter. It was a good night.

I continued scanning the scene, but something seemed to be missing. Well, whatever it didn't catch my eye immediately and so, I shrugged it off and let the music control me. I worked the station for a couple more hours before having a bar mare set up the albums and begin to sell them. What pony wouldn't love to be at the premiere of their favorite artist's album at their favorite artist's club!

Looking at the clock I noticed it was almost time to close. I decided to find Octavia and see if I couldn't get a few more drinks into her before I closed up and we headed home. Unfortunately, Octavia was nowhere to be seen. Feelings slightly disappointed I began asking ponies if they had seen her.

No pony had an answer though one mare had said she'd seen Neon Lights and Octavia talking by the bar for awhile early on. Other than that mare, no one had seen Octavia sense early that night.

I continued searching around the club but couldn't find her. After awhile I just sat down. Poured myself more Silver Berry Burst and chugged it. It lost all its flavor and felt like I was washing my mouth out with Rotworm acid. Just a little upset over Octavia leaving without a goodbye or anything. No big deal. Octavia was a bit shy so it's understandable if she had decided to leave while I was busy.

“It wasn't long before I decided to go home, hoping Octavia was still awake, I don't like having to slip into my own bed, and she knows that I always wake her up.” A low hollow chuckle escaped my throat.

“Wait, so Octavia bailed on your album premier night? Why would she do that?” Lyra didn't seem to be showing any emotion other than curiosity.

“You tell me,” I simply looked down at my cider, I had almost wished it were spiked with something strong, how unfortunate that it wasn't.

I walked home, not entirely drunk, but with enough alcohol in me to be questionable. I had left the club closed and locked with not a soul remaining inside.

Once I got home I was pleasantly surprised to find the door unlocked, which usually meant that Octavia was still awake, probably reading a book before bed or something like that.

I opened the door to find the lights on, and low music playing. It sounded as if it were classical music. Following the sound of the music, I found that the living room light had been left on, and it seemed the couch and chair were moved recently. The chair was pushed up against the couch, which was pushed against the wall. Usually, the couch sat in the center of the floor, no more than ten feet from the television. The chair usually sat catty-corner to the couch with a side table in-between them. I didn't take note of the oddity of the furniture and the possibilities of what might have happened in that room.

Feeling a bit happier, hearing Octavia's music as well as an image of her waiting in bed with her nose in a book, I smiled with anticipation. Using my magic I slowly opened the door, inside, the lights were dimmed, Octavia was already laying down asleep, the blankets pulled up over her shoulders. Laying next to her, also asleep and a hoof under Octavia's head and his other around her waist was Neon Lights. He had her back pulled snuggly against his chest and his nose buried in her mane.

In complete shock, I didn't know what to do. My mouth went dry and the alcohol I'd consumed was urging its way back up my throat. Stumbling backward away from the door. I sat down against the wall and just stared at the scene that lay before me. My mare and my partner were in the same bed! In my bed of all beds!

“After that, I just left. I came straight down here to The Horses Mouth in Ponyville. Since then I really haven't slept much. but I just don't know what to do! I can't go home, she'll be there. I can't talk to her either! So, I figured I'd find someone else to talk to first.” Tears wailed beneath my glasses and the fur below them was starting to get matted. I rubbed a hoof against my eyes real quick trying in vain to dry them.

“You should, at least, give her the chance to explain what happened.” Lyra bowed her head probably not sure what else to say.

“Yeah, well, I don't really want to hear what she has to say. I already know the two of them hooked up!” I answered angrily before giving a loud sigh out of frustration. “I'm sorry, I guess I should give her a chance to explain herself. But I haven't seen her since then and that was two days ago.”

“I think it just happened to be an accidental surge of hormones. She was drunk and she was already acting odd before hoof.” She seemed lost for words before finally she frowned and shrugged, “You sure it wasn't just seeing things? You were drunk.”

“Yes, I'm sure. Seeing that... seeing them... She's a good pony I know she is, but I don't know if I can face her again.” My words came as gasps between breaths of air. The table between the two of them had a small puddle forming on her head.

“So are you going to talk to her?” Lyra asked hesitantly.

“Actually.” I removed my glasses and looked at Lyra, my brow was furrowed, “It feels like she's abandoned me. I don't know if I want to return to her with my tail between my legs. I know that if I see her, all I'll be able to do is yell at her and make her feel worse.”

“That's not right, Vinyl. You need to talk to her.” Lyra said with a bit of anger boiling in her voice. Though it was quickly replaced with sympathy. “Vinyl. You know as well as I do, that Octavia isn't the kind of pony to go and admit to something like this. We both know she'll want to bury it away in the past and forget it ever happened. You have to talk to her first, or else she's gone to you forever.”

“Lyra, I still want to write that requiem, but you do have a point. Would it be alright if I stayed at your place for tonight, I haven't slept in two days and have nowhere to go right now. The club's been closed since I left Canterlot. Ponies are probably wondering where I've disappeared to.” I sighed and stood up, setting my half empty cider mug on the table.

“Sure, just promise me you'll try talking to her before you decide to write this requiem.” Lyra waited for me to answer, once I nodded my compliance she stood and led the way out of the bar.

I didn't have a key to the front door and it was locked. So I used my magic to fiddle with the lock, a moment later, the door popped open and I entered. Closing the door behind me but otherwise leaving it unlocked, I went into our bedroom and found no traces that Neon had even been in the room. The living room was organized back into its original design, and the kitchen was recently cleaned. Octavia's studio seemed normal as usual, nothing was out of place. All her instruments (especially her prized Cello) were neatly assorted on their usual stands.

However, when I entered my own studio, everything was different from how I had left it three days before. All of Neon's equipment and sheet music, as well as his own chair, were now gone. Some of my own scripts and project sheets were also missing, namely because Neon had been apart of their production. This did annoy me a little, much like Octavia, I didn't like any pony in my own studio. Especially when I wasn't there. But it was obvious that Neon Lights had been in my house at least once in the last day or two.

I simply sighed, turned, letting my feet lead me into Octavia's studio. I opened the windows, much like she would have done, before I retrieved her prized Cello from the wall of instruments and laid the case on the floor. Opening it carefully, I took it out and carried it to the center of the room. Where I laid down with the Cello standing before me in a cyan blue glow.

With my own eyes closed, I imagined that sad song Octavia had begun to practice. I and Neon had sat in on four or five of Tavi's practices and so I could summon the song in my head. I allowed my magic to play the instrument in tune with what Octavia had written. However butchered it may have sounded, it was obvious what song was being played. Quietly and consistent for hours on end. I cried multiple times, I got angry and felt the urge to destroy the precious piece of wood. Just crush it in my magic, or throw it out the window, or smash it on the floor.

After those hours of conflicting feelings, I heard the front door open. Octavia must be getting home. Though there were no voices, just her weary footsteps echoing throughout the house. I continued to play her song. Sad and slow as it was originally written.

I heard the door open behind me. I didn't move a muscle. I kept my head down and my eyes closed. The Cello providing the only sound in the eerie silence. After another two or three minutes, I finished the song and the cello was laid on the floor in front of me. Octavia didn't say anything, but I could hear her sniffling and crying.

I sighed and stood up, I couldn't listen to this. I couldn't stand to hear Octavia cry. Of all the ponies that had reached into my heart, Octavia was the only one to keep a grip on it. I turned around to tear whaling in my eyes. “Why?”

“I don't know.” she answered.

“Why did you do it? On that night, Why?

“I don't know, Vinyl! It just happened! He said we were friends and we were talking about that song. One thing led to another and the next thing I know we're staggering through our living room! I barely remember leaving the club!” Octavia had crumpled to the floor. She faced the floor and tears matted her cheeks. “Where have you been?” She asked in a quiet, shaking voice.

“I went down to Ponyville to try and clear my mind. I've slept once in the past three days.” I walked over to Octavia and stood over her, looking down at the mare I loved as she cried at my hooves. It was a scene I had hoped to never see.

Octavia took a deep breath and sat up so she was eye level with me. “Vinyl, I'm not sure...”

“Not sure about what?” I asked as my stomach tightened with fear.

“I think we should take a break, I need time to recover from this. I have no problem with us being roommates, but we need to take a break. You've just lost your musical partner, and well, I just lost my pride.” Octavia turned her face away and looked at the windows.

“Fine.” Was all I could force to come out, even though an arsenal of language was prepared and ready to fire. However, my mouth decided not to cooperate. I stepped past the crying mare and went to my own studio and locked the door behind me.

I rummaged angrily through my papers. Eventually, I came across a song I had written for Octavia. It was called, Lullaby for a Loved One. Of course, it was a temporary title until it was actually completed. I quickly read through the lyrics of the poem and crumbled it into a ball and tossed in into the corner of the room. I did the same with several more songs I had written until my desk was almost completely cleared.

“Hey, Lyra you home?” I was back in Ponyville, looking for Lyra to let her know what had happened.

But of course, Bon Bon is the one to answer the door. “Oh! Hey Vinyl, what brings you here?”

“Hey, I'm looking for Lyra.” I said not really trying to hide my desperation or despair.

“Why?” Bon Bon asked quickly, her ears pricked with a new alertness.

“Well, I am trying to figure out how to write a requiem, though I'm not entirely sure how.”

“She's down at the Horses Mouth, or at least, that's where she was heading earlier.” Bon Bon answered with a nod and dismissed me.

I ran as fast as I could towards The Horses Mouth. It wasn't very far to go however it still left her breathless by the time she arrived. I waited a moment before entering to catch my breath.

I entered and looked around, the cyan blue mare was sitting near the window in the corner of the room. Vinyl sighed with relief and sat down with her.

“Oh! Hey there Vinyl, how are things going? Did you talk to Octavia?” Lyra seemed anxious to learn more.

“Yes, I and Octavia spoke, we're taking a break from our relationship. Apparently, Neon Lights got her drunk and had a good time while she was drunk. Either way. Neon was in the wrong, no matter how drunk he was that night though no one has seen him since the day after, and that last pony was Octavia when she told him to get out and never come back. He apparently grabbed his equipment and his work from my studio and left.”

“Oh. Well, I'm sorry to hear that that happened. I hope the two of you can mend your relationship. But personally I think you need to be there for Octavia. She's the real victim here.” Lyra said as she raised her drink to her lips.

“I already planned to, but I want to give her the space she wants. We aren't in a relationship anymore and so I don't know what would be overstepping the boundaries, especially with a mare like her.”

“Well, at least, you've got an idea of what to do. Tell me, are you still planning to write that requiem?” Lyra asked quizzically. As if she knew something more.

“Well, yeah. But I don't want to write it for a dead memory of a pony, I want to write it for that pony so she's never forgotten in time. She's too important a pony to be lost like that.”

“I'm glad you figured it out. Requiems aren’t written for some ponies death, that's what the obituary was invented for. No, a requiem is written to memorialize something, rather that be an even or a special pony. Though I must say, I am excited to hear a requiem written in your style.” Lyra winked and smiled at her.

“So how do I write a requiem?” I asked without an idea of how to start it or what style I was spinning my music into.

“I can't help you write it. I can simply tell you that it has to come from your heart.”

“Alright. Thank you, Lyra.”

“Anytime Vinyl. You know I'm here for you when you need me.” Lyra had levitated a quill and a pad from her satchel which sat on the floor next to her. “Care to grab us some drinks?”

“Sure, what you want?” I asked quietly, somehow she had read my mind.

“Just grab me a Rosemary.” Lyra smiled softly, “I'm sure you don't want to be heading home anytime soon.”

I simply nodded, accepting her bits and heading to the bar. After a moment of conversation with the bartender, I turned around and headed back to the table where Lyra sat. She was writing furiously. With both drinks levitating in front of me I walked over to her and sat the drinks on the table.

“Thank you, Vinyl.” Lyra said without looking up. She levitated the drink to her lips and took a sip of it. After she had finished her train of thought she looked up, her eyes wide and a grin spread across her face. “Hey, would you like a quill and some ink? I have extra.”

“Sure, I don't see why I can't start on it now.” I took a drink from my own drink then accepted the quill, ink, and paper that Lyra had offered me. From there I pondered what I should write. I didn't know what exactly went into a Requiem.

Vinyl's Requiem

When a love dies, you lose the most important part of what makes you; you.

Out of the ashes a new world is born and a new you rises through.

When a love dies, you lose the most important part of what makes you; you.
Out of the ashes, a new world is born and a new you rises through.

This blazing hatred,
This burning desire,
All these pains I endure.

Never would I suspect such a tragedy.

To forget where life has led us,
To abandon all we’ve shared,
To forge a new path,
To act as if we never truly cared.

Our feelings are one in the same...
How could I forget someone like you?
For all your faults, I’ll always stay true.
You’re the one I love.
The one in my dream.

Now I ache.
This was the last straw.
The last mistake.

You abandoned me.
In my time of need.
When will you see?
He is driven by greed!

Living my dream,
Striving for ecstasy.
You were lost in the moment,
and my fears came to life.
A Nightmare unfolded,
With a sight too obscene,
Alone I stand now,
cradling my Hearts' gleen.

I staggered,
revolting at such a scene.
I disappeared,
revealing to no one what you did to me.

They say love can not die.


Love can make us Suffer.
Love can make us Kill.
Love can deceive its heart
Creating an all consuming darkness.

Love is Warm.
Love is Delicate.
Love can fill one with hope.
Purpose and happiness too.

A stolen heart can’t be healed or forgotten.
Everything I once felt now feels just so rotten.
The love that heart once felt will never be the same.
As if every single moment was simply a game.

How would it feel to be Disregarded?
How could it feel to be Undeserving?


Good Night.

~~Vinyl Scratch