//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: The Ponyville Horror // by Wheller //------------------------------// Chapter 7 Pinkie Pie was asleep, dreaming a wonderful dream of her and Twilight spending time together in the library. In her dream, the two of them were huddled next to each other under a blanket during a cold, rainy spring night reading a book on chemistry together. The two of them were researching for a way to make better and better fireworks for the Summer Sun Celebration. This dream was a common one for the pink party pony, and with everything that had happened, it seemed like it was becoming more and more likely to become reality with every passing second. At least it did until Pinkie Pie was shaken awake; she looked up to discover that Twilight Sparkle was on top of her, looking down upon her angrily. ‘Where is it Pinkie Pie?’ Twilight asked. ‘What?’ Pinkie Pie asked. ‘I said... WHERE IS IT?!’ Twilight screamed at her. ‘I... Twilight... what are you...’ Pinkie Pie began to ask in confusion, but Twilight was quick to interrupt. ‘Don’t play games with me Pinkie Pie!’ Twilight said, clutching Pinkie Pie and yanking her forward. ‘Where is the book!?’ ‘Twilight... please... I...’ Pinkie Pie began but did not have the chance to finish. Twilight raised a hoof and smacked Pinkie Pie across her face. Pinkie Pie looked up in horror at what Twilight had just done to her. ‘Twilight... you hit me’, Pinkie Pie said, almost as if she was trying to convince herself it had actually happened. ‘And it’s not all I’m going to do if you don’t tell me where the FUCKING BOOK IS!’ Twilight screamed at her, raising her hoof to strike Pinkie Pie again. ‘Twilight no!’ Pinkie Pie cried out doing her best to cover her face. Twilight blinked, and blinked, and blinked a few more times. ‘Pinkie Pie...? What... what’s going on?’ Pinkie Pie said nothing, just continuing to cover her face. Twilight looked up and discovered her hoof in the air and set it down. ‘Pinkie Pie? What’s going on?’ ‘You... Twilight... you hit me’, Pinkie Pie said sadly. ‘I... what!? No! Pinkie! I would never do that!’ Twilight cried out, sounding like she was trying to convince herself as much as she was Pinkie Pie. She got off of Pinkie Pie and rolled onto her back, looking up at the ceiling. ‘I... remember... I remember going closing my eyes... I must have gone to sleep, the next thing I know, I’m on top of you with my hoof in the air... Pinkie... I... I don’t know what happened’. ‘You hit me Twilight’, Pinkie Pie said adamantly as she pulled the covers off her and climbed out of the bed. Her mane and tail had gone straight. ‘I’m sorry Twilight... but I have to leave’. Twilight’s head shot up in panic. ‘What?! Pinkie! Wait no!’ she cried out, pleading for Pinkie Pie not to leave, but Pinkie merely shook her head. ‘I’m sorry Twilight, you’re my friend, and I want to help you... I really really do’, Pinkie Pie said as she walked to the door. ‘You’re still my friend, and I do care about you, but I’m not going to be abused’, Pinkie added as she opened the door and closed it behind her, and hoping to both princesses that she was making the right choice. Princesses. That was it; Pinkie Pie knew what needed to be done next. Pinkie Pie’s suspicions about that book had all but been confirmed with Twilight’s last outbursts. Pinkie Pie knew that they were all out of their league on this one. They were going to need help. Pinkie Pie quietly walked down the hallway to the other room and pushed the door open, Spike had moved the basket that he slept in into this room after Twilight and Rainbow Dash had gotten together so that the two of them could have some degree of privacy. ‘Spike?’ Pinkie Pie called out to him quietly. ‘Huh? Wha...?’ Spike said quietly as he sat up and rubbed the sleepiness from his eyes. He turned around and looked at Pinkie Pie, barely recognising her with her straight mane and tail. ‘Pinkie? Is that you?’ Pinkie Pie nodded and trotted into the room and closed the door behind you. ‘Spike? Can you send letters to anypony besides Princess Celestia?’ Pinkie Pie asked. ‘Uh... yeah, sure, I guess. I mean, in theory. They would have to know how to accept the transfer... why?’ Spike asked. ‘Would you be able to send a letter to Princess Luna?’ Pinkie Pie asked. ‘Princess Luna? I guess, sure. She would probably have the knowhow to get it... I think, why?’ Spike asked. ‘That book that Twilight hasn’t been able to let go?’ Pinkie Pie said. Spike nodded that he knew what she was talking about. ‘That book is evil’, Pinkie Pie said quietly. ‘I think its hurting Twilight and I think we’re going to need Princess Luna’s help to save her’. Thunder cracked out, and they looked at the windows, rain drops began to splash against the windows, right on schedule. Pinkie Pie had tossed the book out the window hoping that tonight’s scheduled rainstorm would ruin it, but something else told her that it wasn’t going to be that easy. ‘All right... I’ll try’, Spike said, he went over and grabbed an empty scroll and scribbled a quick note to Princess Luna asking her to come to Ponyville, and that it was urgent. He rolled it up and concentrated hard on who he wanted to send it to. Ordinarily, sending letters to Princess Celestia was all that he did, and as such, was an easy task, but sending it to someone else would require a bit more concentration, he breathed his magical fire onto it and the letter turned into a wisp of smoke and headed for the window, which Pinkie Pie pushed open and then pulled shut again to let it out. Now they would have to wait. It ended up not being very long, a few minutes later, Spike opened his mouth and belched loudly, a scroll appeared in magical fire and plopped on the floor. Spike opened it up and read it out loud. ‘Coming. -L’, Spike read. ‘I told her to meet you at Sugarcube Corner, you go on ahead, and I’ll stay here and make sure Twilight stays safe’. Pinkie Pie nodded, thanking Spike for the help and went outside, not even minding the fact that it was raining on her. She went over to the bushes and looked at the book that was still lying there, with a single towel wrapped over it. Princess Luna was probably going to want to see it, and keeping it away from Twilight was going to be her number one priority. She picked up the towel in her teeth, noticing that the book seemed to be repelling the water as she looked at it, so much for her brilliant plan of dumping it out the window. Pinkie Pie pushed open the door to Sugarcube Corner and set the towel covered book on the table. It wasn’t long before a dark figure appeared in the doorway. Pinkie Pie looked up, it had to be Princess Luna. Lightning cracked, partially illuminating the figure. It was not Princess Luna. It was Twilight. Twilight said nothing; she leapt at Pinkie Pie tackling her to the ground, causing the earth pony to hit her head. Pinkie Pie watched as Twilight grabbed the book from off the table holding it close to her. Twilight’s horn began to glow, and in a flash of light, Twilight teleported away. Pinkie Pie’s eyes became heavy and she drew to a close, she quickly lost consciousness. ... Pinkie Pie awoke to find Princess Luna standing over her, shaking her awake. Pinkie Pie sat up. The rain had stopped, and the sun was beginning to rise, she had to have been out for a few hours. Princess Luna helped Pinkie Pie to her hooves, the pink party pony struggling to keep her balance. ‘What happened?’ Luna asked her. ‘Twilight... she attacked me, she stole the book and teleported away...’ Pinkie Pie said. ‘This book... describe it for me’, Luna said. Pinkie Pie wracked her brain for a moment. ‘Uh... big, it had to weigh at least a kilogram, black leather cover, there wasn’t any writing on it though, and I didn’t look inside, I could feel that the book was evil’. ‘The Tome of Alhazred’, the princess of the night said in a matter of fact tone. ‘You know it?’ Pinkie Pie asked. ‘Yes, come’, Princess Luna said. ‘I will explain along the way’. Pinkie Pie followed Princess Luna out the door, where they ran into Rarity. ‘Pinkie Pie! You look terrible! What happened?’ Rarity asked. ‘Twilight attacked me’, Pinkie Pie said, causing Rarity’s jaw to drop. ‘Allow me to explain’, Princess Luna said, as the two of them began to walk. ‘That book that came into Twilight’s possession is the Tome of Alhazred, an ancient magical artefact penned by the twin brother of the unicorn that would become known as Star Swirl the Bearded. Alhazred was a unicorn that lived long ago, and was insane. Long story short, the tome is the extension of his mad will. The Tome was in the possession of the royal family... until recently, when it went missing’. Pinkie Pie and Rarity’s jaws both fell open. ‘How did it escape?’ Pinkie Pie asked. ‘I am not sure, my best guess is that the Tome influenced a weak minded guard into smuggling it out of the castle. The Tome is kept under close supervision at all times, its guards are chosen very carefully, one may have slipped through the cracks’, Princess Luna said. ‘Let’s focus on Twilight; however, did she have any major events in her life recently with a negative impact?’ ‘Rainbow Dash cheated on her, and they broke up’, Pinkie Pie said. ‘And who did Rainbow Dash cheat with?’ Princess Luna asked. Rarity and Pinkie Pie looked at each other, and discovered that neither of them knew the answer to that question. All Twilight had told them was that Rainbow Dash had cheated, but with who, she had not said. ‘If you all want to know the answer to that question, all you have to do is ask’, said a voice from ahead of them. The group looked up to see Rainbow Dash carrying bags of supplies walking towards them, looking down at the ground guiltily. ‘It was with Whirlwind’. ‘Whirlwind?’ Rarity and Pinkie Pie asked at the same time. ‘Rainbow Dash... Whirlwind is in South Island with Vinyl and Surprise!’ Pinkie Pie cried out. ‘He said he came back’, Rainbow Dash said. ‘Haven’t you seen him?’ Rarity and Pinkie Pie looked at each other, and shook their heads in the negative. ‘Wait... then...’ Rainbow Dash asked. ‘Then what happened?!’ ‘Likely nothing’, Princess Luna said. ‘If I were to guess, the Whirlwind that you encountered was nothing more than an illusion. The Tome feeds on negative emotions, it needed to create something for it to gain strength’. Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened. ‘So... so... are you saying I didn’t cheat on Twilight?’ she asked. ‘More likely than not’, Princess Luna said. ‘South Island is too far for a Pegasus pony to make the trip in any small amount of time, and there is one way that we can know for sure. Does anypony have a telephone in their homes?’ Everypony looked at each other, telephones were not necessarily a new invention in Equestria, but they were not common in the rural town. Neither Pinkie Pie, nor Rarity, nor Rainbow Dash owned one. ‘No, but there is one at the post office!’ Pinkie Pie said. ‘Then we shall go to the post office’, Luna said, as the group made their way across the town to the Ponyville post office, Luna pushed open the door, and the large, brown coated beared Pegasus stallion, Pete the post office boss, at the counter looked up in surprise. ‘Your Highness!’ Pete exclaimed in surprise. ‘Good morning’, Princess Luna said. ‘May we use your telephone?’ ‘Of course!’ Pete said, and pointed to the corner in which it resided with a hoof. ‘Thank you’, Luna said as she used her magic to pick up the receiver and prodded the rotary dial with a hoof, pulling the zero all the way back and allow it to return. ‘Operator’, said the voice on the other end. ‘Yes, please connect me to an international operator’, Luna said. ‘Putting you through...’ ... Vinyl Scratch was fast asleep on her bed in her cushy Swan City hotel room when the phone began to ring. Vinyl Scratch rolled over and looked at the rotary dial telephone as it continued to ring. Somepony had better have a good reason for calling her while she was taking a nap! She picked up the receiver with her magic and held it up to here ear. ‘Hello?’ she asked. ‘I have a collect call from a... Luna, for a... Vinyl Scratch, would you like to accept the charges.’ said a voice that clearly belonged to a female schäferhund. ‘Yeah sure... I’ll accept them, but them through’. There was a click on the line and Vinyl Scratch continued to talk. ‘Luna! I was napping!’ ‘Oh no, whatever shall you do?’ Luna asked sarcastically. ‘Vinyl this is important, is Whirlwind in South Island with you? Did he leave at all?’ ‘No! He’s been here the whole time’, Vinyl said. ‘Is that it? I was napping!’ ‘Yes, it is, thank you Vinyl’. ‘You’re welcome’, Vinyl said, hanging up the phone and rolling over and going back to sleep.