The Human and His Lopunny

by Burningbloom78

Rough and Tumble!

Of the past is a lingering memory of a little babe's fear and the reassurance of her father.

It was dark with naught a single paltry sign of light for many, many miles. Everything was black: the sky was black, the horizon was black, and the ground was black save for faint rippling shimmers that offered no real aid.

She shivered, rubbing her paws against her arms to keep herself warm, but it seemed to get chillier the more she tried, and she felt lonely too.

The little pup called out to the echoing darkness, desperate for the voice she longed so much to hear. "Daddy! Daddy, where are you?!" But her pleas weren't heard, yet she didn't give up even when her cries became laced with fear. "Daddy," she continued to wail, "where are you?! I'm here! I don't know where am! Daddy, help me please!"

Her heart began to pound as unknown noises assaulted her sensitive ears, causing to small Pokémon to shriek and huddle into a ball. Tears streamed from her clouded eyes as she veered her horrified gaze around her, the frightening noises becoming louder and louder, making her ears ache. She longed to stop the unnerving sounds, but fear had frozen the tiny Pokémon to the ground.

She clenched her chattering teeth as the chill began to seep through her fur and grace her skin. She held her head with her tiny paws, her eyes widened to large orbs as she rocked back and forth, begging for the pain to stop. She needed him here to calm the world around her. She needed his warmth and protection from the cold. She needed to hear his voice.

With fear overtaking her cold body, she opened her mouth to call out to him again. "Daddy!" she wailed, her voice cracking.

Suddenly, something touched the tyke's back, and she whipped around to see something with a glowing white outline kneeling behind her.

"Focus," the voice soothed, embracing the scared Pokémon; the warmth was nearly overwhelming. "Breathe in and breathe out, sweetheart."

Entranced, the little pup did as she was told. She took a deep breath, smelling the sweet, calming scent of flowers, and breathed out slowly. The sounds that had threatened to break her whittled away, the cold had left her body, and her heart began to slow to a steady beat. She gazed up at the white figure and saw the glow fade to reveal the face of her father; her Aura had allowed her to see him, albeit vaguely.

"I'm here, my adventurous little Riolu," he whispered, wiping the tears that stained her face. "You were just overwhelmed; you're still very young to use your Aura properly. I know being blind is hard, but that will make your Aura and your senses stronger as you grow older."

Still feeling the fear gripping her heart, the little pup buried her face against her father's chest, holding onto him tightly for if she thought she did not, he'd be gone forever. "I was so s-scared and alone. I-I-I didn't know w-w-what to do, and I co-couldn't find you, and... and... and..."

"I know, but I will always be here for you," her father murmured, stroking her head; the comforting gesture made the Pokémon sleepy as he picked her up and held her close as he could. "Let's head back. Your mother is frantic."

"Thanks, Daddy," Yuna whispered with a yawn.

"Anytime, sweetheart. Anytime."

Joey awoke the next day feeling rejuvenated. He sat up in his bed and turned to the left to view Nian snuggling close to him, cradling his arms while she slept. He fought to suppress a chuckle at Nian's snoring; her snoring was light but long, and Joey thought it sounded cute. He watched on in blissful silence until Nian began to stir. She opened her eyes and gazed up at the human, shuffling closer to him and contently breathing in his sweet-smelling aroma. This is when Nian was at her sweetest when she didn't act all sassy or violent.

Aside from Joey being the Trainer the Pokémon obeyed without question, Nian was the one they answered to as well; she was the leader when Joey wasn't giving out commands or orders. All the Pokémon, including Narros, respected Nian for not only her strength but her diligence and duty when it came to taking care of others. Pokémon like Nils and Narros even call her 'Boss', solidifying her role as the go-to leader of the Pokémon team.

After exchanging a few words, Joey and Nian leaves the bed and get themselves ready for today. When they had finished freshening up, they headed down the stairs, greeting Pokémon like Jenny, Lena, and Yuna, all of whom had left their room to head outside with Joey and Nian.

Outside, Nils is seen lazily preening his feathers, enjoying the wind flow through the air. Narros is seen curled up against a tree furthest away from the house and the Pokémon fast asleep. On the roof, Mechan, as usual, is scanning the area for any potential dangers or intruders. So far, everything was great.

"Alright!" Joey announced; he clapped his hands together as the sound resonates around his home, gaining the attention of all his Pokémon. "Gather around everyone, it's time for some sparring." He points to the open field just beyond his home. "Let's go!"

Following Joey's joyous declaration, the Pokémon, excluding Narros and Yuna, all cheered with him. They fell in step behind Joey as the human marched out to the open field. When everyone was situated, Joey calls out Nian's name. She bounded up to him while Joey called for Mechan, to which the giant robot teleported in front of him awaiting orders.

"Okay," Joey began tersely, "we'll start slow. Mechan, I want you to try and knock Nian on her back while she tries to do the same to you."

Mechan nodded seriously. "As you wish."

"And Nian," Joey said, turning to his furry partner, "you are not allowed to use your Mega Evolution. That clear?"

Nian agreed with a bob of her head. "Crystal clear, Joey!" The rabbit was jogging in place excitedly, punching the air as if she was fighting an invisible enemy, dodging and weaving. "Come on, come on," Nian urged with a fire in her eyes. "My paws are aching for some action!"

"All right, then." Joey steps away to join the other Pokémon on the sidelines. "Let the sparring begin!!!"

Nian Vs. Mechan

In an instant, Mechan levitates off the ground using its psychic powers. Its giant metal claws shined with a silvery hue: Meteor Mash, a devastating move that can knock out any powerful Pokémon if they weren't careful.

Mechan rushed toward Nian, rising its glaring claws to bear down on her skin. The rabbit braced herself, crouching low to the ground slipping out of the way at the very last second as the attack destroyed the spot she stood. Though she dodged, the force of the attack sent Nian tumbling to the ground before skidding her to a halt. Mechan was always a strong opponent no matter how many times the brown rabbit sparred with it.

Nian felt excited; she could feel the weightlessness of her paws, her steely eyes blazed with ardor, and her fur began to tingle uncontrollably. "Is that the best you got?" she goaded. "Bring on the big stuff!"

"We are sparring," Mechan reminded her, "not destroying one another. Your attempts to rouse me into annoyance are ineffective, Nian." A shadowy blob began to materialize in front of Mechan. "However, I will entertain you. This attack will suffice, for now."

Nian let out an exclamation of shock and bewilderment. What was the point of using a Ghost-type move on a Normal Type like her? It won't have any effect; it'll just pass right on through her as the wind passes through the rustling leaves on a tree. The brown rabbit stood her ground, unafraid of Mechan's odd choice, and faced its move head-on! Nian watched as the shadowy blub of darkness grew in size and was aimed right at her.

Mechan releases the black orb as it shot through the air, but something about the trajectory of the dark ball confused Nian. Why would it be aimed at the ground near her paws? As the orb of darkness got closer, Nian suddenly knew why Mechan had it fired so oddly. When Shadow Ball hits something, it explodes!

Nian prepared to evade the clever attack, but the brown rabbit found that her paws wouldn't obey her commands; she was firmly rooted to the ground like a Cradily! But why? Nian snapped her head down to her paws and saw that they were coated in a pinkish-blue hue. Realization sparkled in the brown's rabbit's eyes. She gazed up at Mechan, whose eyes were a bright blue instead of a deep red; it was using Psychic to hold her in place for the Shadow Ball to explode next to her.

Although she figured out Mechan's ingenious plan, it was too late for Nian to break free of the psychic force Mechan had over her paws. Suddenly, as if abruptly taken out of her thoughts, Nian's eyes were filled with smoke and debris, and the sound of an explosion rang in her ears. She felt her body lift off the ground without her doing so, and she felt a pain shoot up her back and head as she hit the ground tumbling, skidding halt, and resting on her belly; dazed.

When the smoke cleared and Nian could see, she saw Mechan hovering over her with its bright metal claws shining and knew the Metagross attempted to use Meteor Mash again, but Nian would not let Mechan win. She bent her knees and tucked her legs close to her stomach and gave a swift leap back on her paws before narrowly dodging Mechan's attack.

Nian was impressed; it wasn't often Mechan participated in sparring matches, but when it did, it always became a fun time for her. And since Mechan's hard metal body could withstand most physical attacks, Nian didn't have to worry about hitting the big lug too hard; she knew that it could take most of anything she dished out.

"Clever trick," Nian complimented.

Mechan dipped its head briefly. "Your praise is welcome, but please be more attentive in the future. Never mistake an attack as something not worth caution; you might set a bad example for Yuna."

Nian huffed, slightly vexed. "Did you have to be critical like that? Besides, Yuna does well enough on her own."

"She takes after you in a certain aspect, as a child should to their parent," Mechan said, causing Nian to tip her head in confusion.

"Oh yeah?" she retorted. "Like what?"

"Not looking before you leap," it said. "Also, underestimating your opponent, which I can understand. You are a special Lopunny with feats that most Pokémon cannot regularly achieve on their own, despite the guidance of a Trainer."

"Are you trying to make me happy or angry?"

Mechan shrugged. "Take my words with what you will. We've dithered enough; let us bring this bout to a close. Other Pokémon are waiting for their turn, and we mustn't keep them."

Nian punched her fists together creating a spark of red lightning that flowed around them. If Mechan desired to end the sparring match quickly, then Nian would happily oblige with Power-up Punch. It was a fierce move that not only packs a powerful blow, but also amps the user's strength with each spark, and Nian planned to give Mechan that and then some.

Mechan responded by channeling a move very few Steel-type Pokémon could possess. A move that is dangerous to the user but with a reward that was well worth the pain. Nian scarcely recognized it; a move so rare and rarer to use: Steel Beam, and of course, Mechan knew it. Nian remembered the time she saw it last. She and Joey, along with Mechan, were pursuing one of the remnants of Team Rocket that stole a valuable gem capable of enhancing a Pokémon's inner strength; the Team Rocket member used the gem's arcane powers to boost their Pokémon's powers in an attempt to escape.

The Pokémon was a large, centipede-like creature, vicious and unnaturally quick on its many legs. Amped with the gem's power, the Pokémon was going to send Nian and Joey six feet under the earth if it wasn't for Mechan using Steel Beam, instantly winning the fight and incapacitating the Team Rocket Grunt and his Pokémon, allowing Joey and Nian to capture them and return the stolen gem to the owner.

With that memory fresh in her mind, Nian was mindful of Mechan's attack, yet she would meet it without hesitation. "Bring it on!" the brown rabbit shouted, bounding swiftly toward the Metagross. Mechan didn't flinch at Nian's fierce yell. With its Steel Beam fully charged, Mechan shot the brilliantly silvery beam toward Nian, who raised her fists in response. The force of Steel Beam was magnificent; three shining silver rings rippled like waves on a water's surface, and Mechan had to dig its sharp claws into the earth to balance itself.

Nian thrust her fists in front of her as they met the Steel Beam. Immediately Nian began to be forced back, but she plants her feet on the ground, stabbing through the earth and making two deep furrows in an attempt to fight back. Although she tried her best, Nian found that she could not withstand the attack much longer without being forced to the ground, she uses her paws, with great effort, to deflect Mechan's attack, sending the Steel Beam high in the sky as it slowly faded into nothingness.

Nian saw a jolt of silver bolts travel around Mechan's body, making it flinch with slight pain, but then it shook off the recoil quickly. That was the thing with using Steel Beam; it damages the user substantially. But Nian knew Mechan wasn't too badly affected by the harsh drawback. Despite being the oldest Pokémon Joey has, the robot was tough and always ready for battle; all Joey had to do is tell Mechan to do something, and it will do that thing to the best of its ability.

Nian fell to one knee, panting. Mechan always outputted a lot of power during a training session, but that is what makes it so fun for Nian to fight. "That all you got, Mechan?!" the brown rabbit jeered, forcing herself off the ground and hopping in place. Her strength had returned, and the rabbit threw punches into the empty air. "You got to try harder than that to take me down!"

Mechan nodded, its face giving nothing away as usual. "Of course," it said, its head giving off a sparkling glow. "Then this should be more up your alley."

Before Nian could speak, Mechan rushed forward in an almost blinding blur. That move, Nian realized, was Mechan's Zen Headbutt; the large robot was going to ram her. Nian braced herself and shot forward, her arms outstretched. They collide in a large crash, sending dirt and dust flying around them. The Pokémon and Joey stood on the sidelines watching with anticipation. Even Narros turned his head to glance at the fight, though he looked disinterested as an Absol usually is.

After the dust clears up and the audience could see, Nian had caught Mechan's body in her paws. Her feet dug hard into the ground, and her limbs were trembling with the strain to Mechan from running her over. Though she is the nimblest Pokémon Joey has, Nian couldn't blitz around Mechan as much as she liked to. The giant robot was smart enough to halt any sneak attack the brown rabbit could think of, and with it being a Psychic Type, Mechan could easily stop her movements, so the direct approach was the only option she had.

Nian grunted with the effort of holding Mechan back; the robot wasn't letting up, and if the fight goes on like this, Nian knew she would lose. With her kick and punch moves off the table, Nian only had one other option of attack, and since Mechan was right in front of her, it would have no means of escaping while it tried to bowl her over.

Nian took in a large intake of air, rearing her head back with her cheeks puffing up. Then she shoved her face right in front of Mechan's and lets out a horribly loud, resounding shout. It was so strong that it sent ripples through the air, warping the area around her and Mechan. Joey and the rest of the Pokémon had to cover their ears the best way they could. Mechan, hit directly by the powerful force of Hyper Voice, staggered back in a dazed stumble. Being struck by a close-range Hyper Voice in a battle is nearly assured to knock out the opposing Pokémon, but although Mechan had trouble focusing after the attack, it still stood on its four wobbling legs with a conviction to win, as all Pokémon with trainers strive to do.

Taking the chance while Mechan is recovering, Nian dashes up to the dazed robot and used Mega Kick on the ground, causing a slab of rock to split from the earth underneath Mechan, propelling the robot into the air with a staggering force before it plummeted to the ground on its back, defeated.

"Nian wins the sparring match!" Joey exclaimed, the sounds of the other Pokémon, excluding Narros, cheered for Nian.

With the match over, Lena skips over to Mechan to check its injuries while the robot sits in a comfortable position on the grassy earth.

Victorious, Nian pumps her arm in the air. "I am the winner!" she rejoiced merrily. She hops over to Mechan who was enjoying Lena's Life Dew coating its metal in a shining blue. "That was a good fight, Mechan; you had me on my toes," Nian said, dipping her head respectfully.

"Our bout was a sufficient experience; the next time will be different," it said tersely, its eyes narrowed as Lena continued to heal the injuries.

"Nian, your next, and this time there will be no exceptions. Understand?" Lena murmured as she concentrated on Mechan's wounds.

Nian never liked being fussed over, especially when she was hurt, and Lena would be all over her. She understood that Lena is the main reason she, Joey, and the rest of the Pokémon can train and spar more roughly than most, but she still disliked having to sit and wait. However, when Lena tells you to do something, you do it, and Nian didn't have a choice to refuse.

"Alright, fine," Nian grumbled, thumping her foot on the ground impatiently as she waited for her turn. "Joey," she called, "who is going up next?"

Joey rubbed his chin with a hand as he thought about who else should spar. He looked at the Pokémon lolling on the grass: Yuna, Nils, Jenny, and Narros. It was obvious Narros wanted nothing to do with any session that involved fighting, and Joey knew he wouldn't force him. Nils, though he was awake and invested, still looked a little tired. Yuna was playing with a flower over one of her ears when she visited Fluttershy, while Jenny watched the vast plains with an unreadable expression across her face.

"Hmm, perhaps that would work," the human muttered with his eyes narrowed. "Jenny. Yuna." The two Pokémon looked at him expectedly. "Would you two like to spar with one another?"

Yuna stiffened and turned her cloudy gaze to Jenny. Although Yuna couldn't physically see Jenny because of her blindness, her Aura would tell all that she needed to know. "Umm... I g-guess, uh, we c-c-could."

Jenny gazed at the anxious Lucario and nodded. Jenny was never a fighter nor was she a good one, but if it was to please Joey and help Yuna gain some measure of confidence, then she'll do it. She skimmed across the ground with Yuna dragging her paws behind after her.

"Mechan, let's clean the mess up a little, yeah?" Joey said. Immediately Mechan obeyed, using its psychic powers to repair the ground where it and Nian sparred. It wasn't perfected, but it was a whole lot better than leaving it a hazardous mess.

Jenny faced Yuna who stood a couple of feet away, summoning her Nevermeltice with a flick of a finger and placed it in her mouth, breathing in its chilling mist and blowing out a billowing white cloud. She crossed her arms and tilted to the right slightly, her eyes narrowed with anticipation.

Yuna was the opposite; she didn't have the willingness to fight unless she had no other choice, or if Joey asked her to. Sure, she wanted to spar with her mother Nian, because she had mustered up the courage. That courage was gone now, and Yuna was reluctant to fight, but she couldn't get out of it now, and she didn't want to disappoint him.

With her knees knocking against one another, Yuna stammered, "I-I-I'm r-re-ready!"

Jenny looked incredulous; she didn't seem convinced. No one was.

Joey had to walk up and kneel to her level and whisper in her ears, "Jenny will go easy on you; just do your best and I'll be proud of you, okay?"

"I'm s-sorry," Yuna murmured, her cloudy eyes fixed on the ground.

Joey watched as Yuna strived to stop the shaking in her legs but found that she couldn't; she needed help. He sat down in front of her and gently gripped her legs and he felt them trembling as if she was out on Mt. Silver overnight.

"Just breathe," he whispered, rubbing her legs. Joey hasn't done this since Yuna was a Riolu when she needed constant care and attention whenever available. "All I want is for you to just try. I don't want you to overexert yourself for my sake. I just want you to give it what you got." Though the trembling lessened, it was still there. "How about this? You and I, at the end of the day, will stroll into Ponyville and get some tasty treats if you spar with Jenny and give it your honest try," he bargained.

Yuna shifted her blind gaze to Joey. Her legs had stopped shaking, and Joey could tell his bargain interested her. "I'll try," she whispered, breathing deeply and exhaling. "I'll t-try for you..."

Joey nuzzled Yuna's face as she did the same, giggling. "That's my brave, wonderful girl. I'll be cheering for you. Nian too. Do your best, sweetheart."

Joey could see a small fire being lit in Yuna's eyes. "I'll make you and Mom proud!" she declared.

Joey backed away until he was with the other Pokémon. He saw Nian fidgeting under Lena's care, grumbling and thumping her foot on the ground. When Joey joined, it was announced that the fighting would begin.

Jenny Vs. Yuna

The battle kicks off with Yuna summoning a thick bone coated with blue energy. The move Bone Rush is a natural sight on a Lucario that has many creative uses for certain situations; Yuna summoned the long version gripped tightly with her paws.

She leaps toward Jenny, aiming for her stomach, but she never got close as something snared one of her hind paws, making the Lucario shiver. Yuna looked down and, using her Aura, to see her right hind paw is ensnared with ice, rooting her to the ground. A white cloud of mist wreathed around the paw; a constant sting of pain, making Yuna grit her teeth and wince. Thinking fast, Yuna uses her bone club to smash the ice around her paw, releasing the young pup from the creeping chill of pain.

Yuna gazes back at Jenny, who still had her arms crossed as if she was bored or daydreaming, inhaling her Nevermeltice in long huffs. "He-here I come, Aunt Jenny!"

Yuna rushed at Jenny again, mindful of any frosty tricks. As she drew nearer to her target, Yuna's cautiousness was rewarded, as Jenny tried to ensnare her paws again; the Lucario evaded the trap and closed the gap between the two. She thrust her bone forward, landing a direct hit on Jenny, but the blow softened by a thick layer of ice.

Jenny repelled Yuna with a wave of ice erupting from her, causing the Lucario to skid across the earth. Then, before she could recover, looming above Yuna was a white cloud. It sent small icicles cascading down, threatening to slice her flesh. Using her Aura, Yuna was able to avoid the attack using her bone club to deflect the shards of freezing ice. When it was over, Yuna saw Jenny clapping her hands together, clearly impressed. Yuna blushed at the praise, but then she shook herself; she mustn't lose focus.

Yuna broke the bone club and threw it at Jenny at fast speed, but the Jynx was faster; she avoided the attack with ease, teleporting out of the way as the bone clubs dissipated. Not letting the Jynx retaliate, Yuna punched her fists together like mother Nian does, coating them in steel: She was going to use Bullet Punch. She rushed at Jenny, almost taking her by surprise. Jenny used Blizzard to throw shards of spine-chilling ice, but Yuna was able to dodge the attack with ease as she struck, not too hard, the Jynx's stomach and chest, making Jenny stumble back.

Yuna could hear Joey and Nian cheer her on and felt elated; she was doing it. If she kept this up, they will be very proud of her.

"Yuna!" called a voice. It was Nian. "Head in the game, you silly pup!"

Distracted by the praise, Yuna hadn't noticed Jenny channeling a clump of snow and frost on the ground. It shot forth and bowled the Lucario over, causing her to barrel across the ground. When Yuna stopped, her body was weighed down as if she was buried in an avalanche. Then she realized that the snow was coated with a shiny blue outline; Jenny was using her psychic powers to hold her down.

Yuna gritted her teeth and struggled against the chilling snow and biting frost, straining to break free of the icy bonds. Thinking fast, Yuna uses Bullet Punch to soften the ever-hardening snow, each rapid blow shattering the snow until she was able to break free. She panted, the cold air making her feel weak and tired. She realized that the longer she fought Jenny, the quicker she'll lose the fight.

"I have to end this now or I lose..." Yuna struggled to her paws, the cold sapping her strength. "I got an idea," she murmured under her lips, her breath billowing out white mist.

Yuna's muscles began to ripple; a dark gray aura emanated from her, allowing the Lucario to build her strength as well as her defense. She was using Bulk Up, a move that increases the user's physical capabilities. Then, Yuna coated her fists into steel, using Bullet Punch. She rose her paws in the air and began punching the earth rapidly as clouds of dust began to engulf the field in murky brown darkness, obscuring Yuna from Jenny's view. For Yuna, she was able to see Jenny clearly through the use of her Aura.

Hidden by the dust cloud, Yuna held her paws together and gathered energy to use Aura Sphere. She knew the shine of the attack will give away her position, and that was just what Yuna wanted; She was going to trick Jenny. She stretched her arms wide to each side and concentrated hard. Manifesting mere inches away from one paw was the blue energy of Aura Sphere and then to the other, creating two. The light from the murky darkness didn't give away both of Yuna's Aura Spheres, so she had to assume Jenny only suspected one.

"Okay, it's now or never," Yuna puffed under her breath.

She chucked one of the spheres while she hastily made her way forward. She watched as Jenny was alerted to the sphere and used her ice to deflect it. This was her chance while the Jynx was distracted. Yuna leaped forward still in the dust cloud and throws the second Aura Sphere. That one caught the Jynx off guard. Jenny tried to deflect the sphere, but it was too late, and it detonated right in her face, causing the Jynx to stumble back. The explosion swept the dust cloud away.

With Jenny straining to regain her senses, Yuna shot forward, summoning just enough strength to conjure another Aura Sphere. She shot it and watched as Jenny was powerless to defend herself. The third sphere detonated, sending the Jynx flying backward and tumbling on the ground before skidding to a halt. Yuna watched Jenny struggle to stand but was too tired and stayed down.

Yuna heard Joey say, "Yuna is the winner of this sparring match!" and she felt excitement and happiness burn like the sun over her fur as she leaped in the air.

"I did it!" she shouted triumphantly. She turned to her parents, Joey and Nian, who were cheering for her. "I did it! I did it!"

Nian bounded up to Yuna and embraced her. "That's my daughter," she said cheerily. "Good thinking with the dust cloud hiding your movements!"

"Thanks, Mom!" Yuna replied, smiling wide, but then she stumbled, suddenly weak and tired.

"Take it easy," Nian soothed, stroking Yuna's head fur gently. "You aren't used to fighting so hard."

Out of all the Pokémon, Yuna was the one with the least amount of experience, and it showed. The Lucario nodded wearily, leaning onto her mother who gently eased her toward Lena who was going over Jenny's injuries.

Yuna turned her head to Joey, her father, and saw his caramel face beam with pride and joy. She showed him how strong she could be, that he could rely on her more. With the sparring matches over, everyone slowly traveled back to the house.

Night has fallen...

Narros stirred next to Nils' tree, opening his red eyes to view the dark grass lit by the moon. He stood up and arched his back in a luxurious stretch before yawning, showing rows of thorn-sharp teeth. He narrowed his eyes and pricked his ears: Sounds of Nils snoring and the soft-blowing breeze reached him, ruffling his snow-white fur. Most Pokémon, and Joey, have retired into the house to sleep. Only Mechan was awake, staring out to the horizon scanning for any signs of danger.

Narros gazed at the robot as it stared back. He could feel his fur rising from the glare Mechan gave him, but the robot soon shifted its iron gaze elsewhere. Narros assumed Mechan had better things to watch than him, and he was thankful.

Narros turned his sullen gaze beyond the white fence that bordered Joey's territory, stretching in the direction of the fields where the sparring match took place earlier on in the day. He was never one to fight or to watch fights, opting to sleep instead, but he did take glimpses of Nian's and Yuna's matches. He was impressed.

Narros thought about his battle skills. He seldom used them since he joined Joey, and his latest fight was in the Forbidden Jungle. He held his own pretty well, but he was rusty, and he had to rely on Nian to protect him from Lunaris' attacks.

Narros knew if Joey wanted him to fight he would without hesitation; he'd even kill for Joey. Ever since the Forbidden Jungle, Narros was brooding more than usual, often seen curled up in a ball of white fur no one would disturb; Pokémon could sense anger or frustration if it was strong enough. Narros, with his current reputation in the family and the recent events, was completely alone.

"Except for Joey," Narros murmured, his glaring eyes softening as the feeling of anger began to ebb away. "He'll always be there for me..."

Narros trailed slowly beyond the white fence and made his way to the sparring area. He saw the remnants of the past matches scouring the earth, although Mechan had indeed repaired most of the damage. He stood in the middle of the area, his claws shredding the grass under them into small strips. The fight in the Forbidden Jungle showed that he had to work on his battle skills, for Joey's sake. He had surprised himself with how well he was able to hold his own, but it wasn't enough.

"Look at me, an Absol trying to refine his battle moves," Narros said absently, feeling a small prickle of unease ripple throughout his fur. "Next thing is a Chansey murdering a Togepi..."

Narros spread his legs across the grassy earth, lowering his head as his scythe-like horn glowed an eerie purple. He reared back and swept his head forward sending out an ominous purple crescent wave. It rents through the air, cruising across the earth, leaving scars in its wake before dissipating. It wasn't too big, but the scars that tore the earth were deep.

"Not bad, but I could do better," Narros said, repeating the move over and over until at least ten scars were left on the earth. By the time Narros was finished, he was panting.

But he wasn't done yet. Before he could do anything else, a slow clap came from behind. Fur raising from the familiar scent, Narros turned to see Nian on the sidelines, her scarlet eyes glowing eerily in the moonlight. Immediately Narros began to tremble. It wasn't too long ago that Nian nearly murdered him because the Absol was curled around Joey. Since then, there has been some type of understanding between them, but Narros wouldn't put it behind Nian to break his neck.

Narros dipped his head. Regardless of if he feared her or not, he respected her and recognized her as his leader next to Joey.

"Night training?" Nian asked, not bothering to dip her head, not that Narros expected her to.

"I am," Narros muttered, trying not to meet the brown rabbit's gaze for fear he might see something he wish he hadn't. "I wanted to hone my skills for a bit."

"Why?" Nian asked. Narros glanced at her and saw the rabbit crossing her arms.

"I want to be of more use to Joey," he answered. "Lunaris made me recognize how out of practice I was."

"I was wondering why you were brooding more than usual. Look at me," Nian ordered, her foot tapping the earth. "You aren't a child."

Ears flattening at the insult, Narros met Nian's eyes gingerly. He flinched at them; sheer intensity flowed in those eyes, and the lingering resentment she had for him was still burning.

Narros shuddered, but he fought to keep his gaze on Nian's. "Shouldn't you be sleeping with Joey?" he asked.

Nian shrugged her shoulders. "Joey will be fine without me for a while. I saw you leaving and followed you. Those Night Slashes were doing you a service, but it isn't enough."

Narros looked away. "I know that. Why do you think I'm out here?"

Nian glared. "No reason to get snippy, especially with me. You know better than that, Narros."

Narros sighed and dipped his head again. Nian was right. "I'm sorry," he apologized. "I just want to be of more use is all."

"Then why not spar with me?" Nian suggested, putting her paws on her hips. "It's better to train with someone else. Doing it alone only takes you so far."

Narros shot Nian a wary look. "Is that a good idea?" he murmured, shuffling his paws uneasily on the earth. "You and me, alone."

Nian narrowed her eyes and smiled. "What? Do you think I'd kill you by accident?" When Narros didn't reply she chuckled. "You might have been right," she said, sweeping on, "if that was a few weeks ago. I would have killed you, but not anymore."

"You don't inspire me with confidence with that confession," Narros said. "Will you be able to control yourself?"

"Of course," Nian replied, but then she leaned forward until she and Narros' noses nearly touched. "I'm not a murderer... Yet."

Nian was menacing when she wanted to be, but Narros knew that it was just to mess with him. He couldn't blame her for saying those things to him; he deserved it.

"Please don't do that," he pleaded, his claws scraping the ground anxiously. "Will you help me or not?"

Nian chuckled again and reeled her face away from Narros. "I will," she answered, stretching her limbs. "Let's focus on your dodging skills for tonight."

Narros looked confused. "Why?" he asked. "I use Detect to see into the near future; I can dodge anything."

Nian sighed. "You can only move so fast, and the more you focus on your speed, the better you'll be able to become untouchable. You are already strong, but focusing on your defense is better for now."

Narros rolled his eyes, but he didn't argue. "Alright, so what-"

Narros was cut off by a brown leg sparkling bearing down on him. With little time to think, he used Detect. He dodges, albeit narrowly, hearing the air roar above him, and the sheer force of the attack sent him pressing his belly to the ground.

Narros felt his fur rising as if he was in mortal peril. He looked up warily to see Nian's intense scarlet eyes glimmering in the moonlight. Whether with malice, excitement, or both, Narros did not know.

"I thought you said you could control yourself," Narros hissed, trembling. "Using Mega Kick could have killed me!"

"No, it wouldn't," Nian retorted. "It would've hurt, but you would not have died. Have some faith."

Narros snorted, easing himself off the ground. "Give me a warning next time," he grumbled.

"Okay, fine," Nian conceded. "Are you ready to continue? We have all night."

Narros nodded, now cautious of Nian's every move. "Let's start."

"Great," she said, lifting her leg off the ground as it began to sparkle. "Let's see how you handle this!"