The Foal Six

by blayzekohime

2. Pinkie Pie

Pinkie’s excitement at being able to see Twilight as a cute little filly turned into confusion as, in a single blink, she was somewhere else. As her eyes slowly focused, she found herself in a dull-gray crib, padded with an overly-firm mattress patterned with different types of rocks. There were various-shaped plush rocks inside the crib with her, as well as a few actual rocks. The crib itself was in a room that looked suspiciously like her room back at the rock farm.

Wait, was she… living her own life as a foal instead of seeing Twilight? This would be super fun!

She didn’t see or hear her parents, so maybe they were out working on the farm or dealing with business. Seeing a window near the crib, Pinkie tried to stand up taller to see out of it, but her shaky hind legs couldn’t prop her high enough to look. Instead she fell onto her back, rolling on her crinkly diaper in the process. It was on pretty tight making it harder to move.

But when she fell, Pinkie realized there was a second squeak other than her own, and turned to see her twin sister Marble sitting on the other side of the crib, half of a plush rock in her muzzle as she kicked her hind hooves about randomly.

Overcome with cuteness, Pinkie squealed a high-pitched ‘eeeee’ as she rolled herself towards Marble, heedless as Marble's eyes got larger. She then struggled to sit up and pulled her into an awkward hug. Marble briefly seemed to panic, hugging her rock closer as if thinking that Pinkie had come to steal it, then creased her forehead in confusion when Pinkie just clung to her.

“Mm-hm?” Marble said, sounding like a question. It was hard to say since it was muffled by the toy she was slobbering on.

“I can’t believe how cute you are!” Pinkie started a tirade about this, but a few paragraphs in, she realized that for all her efforts, what was actually coming out of her muzzle was a salad of indiscernible syllables. Still, Marble seemed to listen attentively, shocked by the wisdom of her sister’s nonsense. It wasn't unlike how Marble sometimes listened to her in the present; maybe she hadn't grown as coherent as she gave herself credit for.

She needed something else to get Marble truly into the experience. Foals their age didn't remember much later, so Pinkie had to make things so amazing and/or weird that it engraved itself in Marble's memory forever! Pinkie looked around, then spotted a pile of rags probably meant for emergency spills. She reached through the bars of her prison, barely able to sticky-hoof two over to her, then carefully folded each into something almost resembling a party hat. It took quite a while because her wobbly front hooves wouldn’t always do exactly what she wanted.

It wasn’t easy to get it to stay atop her head with her younger straight-maned style, but Pinkie managed. She then put one onto sis as well, but Marble just looked shocked again. She got very still as if unsure of what the thing on her head might do if she moved too much, her eyes slowly crossing more the longer it was there. Pinkie realized that from Marble's point of view, Pinkie was probably acting strangely even by her standards, but that wasn't her fault. She didn't really remember exactly what she acted like back now herself!

“Mm-hm…” Marble said again, very slowly moving the plush rock up so it would defend her from the strange thing on her head. When it fell off her head, she briefly spasmed in panic, but when it just lay on the mattress instead of attacking her, she calmly put the rock down and stuck the party rag in her muzzle instead.

Well this was incredibly cute, but it was also super boring! Pinkie had to think of a way to spice things up.

“Give back Boulder,” a high-pitch monotone voice said as Pinkie heard the cloppity clop of hooves about to pass her room. The voice sounded calmly enraged.

“Help me Maud!” the very tiny voice of Boulder cried out, which only the Pies could hear for reasons too horrifying to attempt to understand. “Last time I was rocknapped, she tried to flush me!”

Her other sisters! Surely they were more communicative and would adore the makeshift party hats!

“Maud! Limestone!” Pinkie cried out, or at least tried her best to. Who even knew what they heard. “Come in here and join the party!”

But the toddlers weren’t listening. Limestone wobbled down the hall past the bedroom door carrying Boulder in her teeth with a genocide-level evil grin on her face, followed quickly by an equally wobbly Maud in hot pursuit, both looking like they might trip over their own hooves at any moment.

“Boulder dumb name!” Limestone called back as she went back out of sight. “Name is Tuff now!”

“I would end you if it would not leave me with more chores,” Maud casually threatened as she disappeared as well.

This was shortly followed by loud banging noises, sounding as if they’d gotten into a fight and were literally body slamming one another into furniture. It didn’t surprise Pinkie that they were somehow more adept at having sisterly fights than walking down a hall. For normal toddlers this might have been a concern, but they were pretty hefty even at this age. The bigger concern was boredom! That could be lethal if not treated!

“Come on sisters!” Pinkie tried to call. “Come to my room instead! If Mom finds out you were fighting to the death she’ll make you sit in the comfy chair or poke you with the soft cushions!”

Pinkie shuddered at the mere thought of those punishments. Then again… at least getting in trouble would draw the attention of her parents and she’d get to see them. Actually that was an okay idea.

But what could she really do in this weak body that seemed to lack many of her physics-defying abilities that she enjoyed in her everyday life? Her first attempt was to find the biggest non-plush rock in the crib and throw it at her bedroom window, but it bounced off harmlessly. Unfortunately, she was not currently in an action movie or any other type of fiction where windows shattered violently if you so much as looked at them funny.

She wondered if this was how bored Pound and Pumpkin got when she made them stay in their crib, and had a new understanding for their plight. Finally, she decided the only choice was escape!

Pinkie grabbed Marble, who squeaked quietly as Pinkie rolled her to the edge of the crib, then propped her up against the side. Pinkie paused to pat Marble’s head and kiss her cheek.

“I’ll be back with more fun, I promise!” Pinkie attempted to say to Marble as she blinked and blushed at Pinkie. Marble probably wouldn’t have understood even if the words hadn’t come out as jabbers.

Pinkie then casually stepped up atop Marble’s head, making her little twinster squeak louder, but succeeding in pushing herself high enough to get over the railings and plonk on the floor. Luckily for her, she hit the floor diaper first, so the soft padding broke her fall. Actually it was a slightly squishier than she’d realized padding that broke her fall, but what did she care? She had to keep her priorities in order!

Still, she felt like she might cry on instinct after falling. This sure was a lot of trouble. If only she had some way to just call her… oh right! Foals could cry annoyingly loud; it was practically their job, so that’s just what she should do! She somehow forgot that.

She breathed in as much air as she could, opened her muzzle wide, and squalled. The cry turned into a shriek as it was louder than she expected, and she quickly covered her ears. Still, she continued taking in another breath and wailing out again while keeping her ears covered.

Marble, who up to that point had just been looking at her outside the crib with a scrunchy face, began to cry too now that her sister was crying. The wail sounded suspiciously like a very loud ‘mm-hm’, at least from what Pinkie could hear over her own cry. She felt a little bad for making her twinster cry.

Though the first to arrive wasn’t her parents, but her sister Maud, who apparently abandoned her fight to the death with Limestone as soon as she heard her younger sisters wailing. She was so fast that Pinkie barely saw her coming in the door; she was just suddenly in front of Pinkie in a battle stance like she was ready to fight whatever had made the twins cry. She looked around the room to ensure there were no villains, then slowly calmed herself.

“Hey!” Limestone staggered in the door next, worse for wear after the fight but not permanently damaged. “I gave you back dumb rock. Didn’t have to keep breaking things on me… what happen?”

“Marble body slam Pinkie out of crib,” Maud deduced in her squeaky yet monotone voice.

“Always quiet ones,” Limestone nodded as her eyes widened a fraction. “Like Nana Pinkie said.”

Pinkie immediately forgot she should be crying now that her other sisters were here, flopping forward to glomp Maud into a hug. Maud was like an immovable rock, but did raise one hoof to pat Pinkie when she was hugged. Pinkie reached for Limestone to invite her into the hug too, but Limestone took a step back as if she thought it might be an assassination attempt.

Marble was just sniffling to a stop too when the parents arrived. They were both huffing and puffing, so were probably in the field when they heard the crying via their sense of parental annoyance.

“What is going on hither?” Daddy asked, seeing Pinkie out of the crib hugging Maud.

“We toldeth thee not to taketh thy sisters from the crib,” Mommy added, shaking her head in disappointment at Maud.

“We no do,” Maud said. “Marble throw Pinkie out.” Both untrue and no more believable than the truth; this could be a problem.

“We busy fighting!” Limestone pointed out, then back-tracked when she realized that might be worse. “Cuddling! Busy cuddling! Happy time!”

“Art thee falsing to us?” Daddy peered down at Maud. “Doth not maketh us bringeth out the comfy chair.”

It was a good thing they had school and Nana Pinkie’s influence, or the Pie sisters would have never learned to speak proper modern Equestrian.

“You tricky!” Limestone pointed at Marble angrily. “I yeet off cliff!”

“Limemina Diane Pie!” Mommy gasped. “What has’t we toldeth thee about threatening to murder family?”

“Tis very impolite,” Daddy agreed.

Marble wouldn’t know what Limestone said, but saw a pointed hoof and an angry face, so broke into tears again, hiding behind a giant rock in self defense, one of the real rocks in the crib that were there for reasons.

Oh no, Pinkie had messed up! She’d gotten most of her sisters in trouble and no one knew what actually happened! Worse, she couldn’t tell them what happened because of her stupid non-verbal muzzle. She only had one horrible, terrible trick up her figurative sleeve, one she only used in the direst emergencies! Fake a medical emergency!

Or maybe she just thought it up on the spot? It was hard to tell. Pinkie usually didn't think much before acting. That way she got to be just as surprised as everypony else.

Either way, she stumbled across the room, ran headlong into a standing lamp, then dramatically pulled it atop her as she fell onto her back, choking and squirming. It probably wouldn't have been a believable act as an adult, but no one expected foal to fake an injury before they could even say 'I'm injured!'.

"Goodness!" Mommy exclaimed, rushing to her side and moving the lamp from atop her. "Art thee hurt?"

"Our daughter art crazed," Daddy said, but did also move to make sure she was okay. "Tis no wonder she was thrown out." It seemed he was in a better enough mood to make a joke, so things were moving in the right direction!

"She gets it from thy mother," Mommy managed a smirk at Daddy once she confirmed that Pinkie was indeed not dying.

"Nana Pinkie fun," Maud said after also checking to be sure Pinkie wasn't dying.

"Nana Pinkie cray-cray!" Limestone countered, and within seconds they were chasing each other down the hall again screaming back and forth.

Fortunately neither parent followed them, so it seemed that the distracted had successfully shorted out the argument! Pinkie would have to look for more opportunities in the future to have fake or even real medical emergencies. That was fun!

Nothing was said about the squishiness of Pinkie's diaper, though the parents seemed to automatically communicate the situation since Daddy went to the drawers to get a fresh diaper and powder, while Mommy took Pinkie to the changing station. Pinkie let them without complaint, since all the excitement had her a little tuckered out. Her young body didn't have the energy reserves her older body did; probably due to a lack of candy at the rock farm. Sad.

"Be-est respectful of thy grandmother!" Daddy called to Limestone, but didn't make any serious attempt to stop them as crashes came from the next room again. Instead he looked to Mommy and chuckled. "Tis good that mine mother is pink, or thee might has't been accused of..."

Thankfully, Mommy cut him off with a soft smack to the head as he arrived with the diapers. She tossed the used one in the trash nearby and began to clean Pinkie up with a cloth front-to-back, an always unpleasant task for an earth pony, but one done without complaint.

"Speaking of our children," Mommy said from around the cloth in her muzzle. "What doth thee bethink about having ano-"

"No," Daddy said, sounding more serious than Pinkie had ever heard him, and that was a feat.

"But we doth not yet has't a son," Mommy said as she pampered Pinkie with baby powder that may as well have been tiny rocks.

"Maud and Limestone square like colts," Daddy countered. "Yond is good enow f'r me."

Pinkie briefly panicked that she might have changed the timeline and created another sibling, which would get her in trouble with Twilight, then realized it was a false alarm. Then she promptly panicked again, realizing that she might have just missed a chance to have a cute little brother! Oh well, it'd have to be this way. Sticking a brother into the show for too little reason wouldn't make sense, now would it?

At the very least, the brief spout of panic distracted her from the embarrassment of getting her diaper changed by poor earth ponies that had to use their mouths for everything.

She didn't realize how awful the wet diaper had felt until she had the fresh one snug around her body and was placed back into the crib. Getting sleepier now, Pinkie rolled back over to Marble, giving her twinster a soft hug. Marble jerked a bit at first wondering what Pinkie might do now, but relaxed after a few seconds and hugged awkwardly in return.

As the two fell asleep together, Pinkie had to admit she wouldn't mind doing this all over again, but she figured Twilight wouldn't have messed up that badly. She'd certainly wake up in her old newer body.