Pinkie vs the robo-pony

by Reily

Ch 3 Robo Pony Alert

Pinkie burst through the doors of the Sugarcube Corner ready to relay what she learned from the delivery. 

“Mr. Cake!? Why didn’t you tell me that robo-ponies were a thing? And please tell me I’m not replaceable.” 

Pinkie proceeded to pout and pressed her bottom lip against her upper lip. 

“Pinkie. I understand your concerns. There’s a popular model called the General Pony Taskmaster Mark Four. It’s very expensive to rent however. Mrs. Cake and I simply don’t have that kind of money these days to get one. It was far cheaper to get the crystal tracking system and rely on you to transport deliveries.”

Pinkie's mane deflated and she then ran off. "I see how it is. I wasn't supposed to get a promotion in the first place." 

Mrs. Cake only shook her head.

“Don’t worry dear. Pinkie will be back when she calms down.”

“I sure hope you’re right, sugarplums. Though I might have worded that poorly.” 

Elsewhere at the Golden Oak Library, the doors burst open with a loud bang.  Twilight immediately turned towards Pinkie and away from the book she was re-reading for the fourth time. Spike unfortunately was missing out on fun and excitement,  as he was out preparing geode seeds for Rarity. 

“Twilight! Mr. Cake thinks a machine could do something better than I can.”

Twilight only proceeded by blinking. "It's not unheard of for gadgets and machinery to help assist in various pony's occupations. But to flat out replace somepony, that's pretty much unheard of." 

“Say that again Pinkie.”  

Pinkie took a deep breath and tried again. 

“A machine Twilight! Mr. Cake would probably replace me in a heartbeat…” 

Twilight took hold of Pinkie's right foreleg. "Maybe a quick example will her put things into perspective and quell her fears." 

“Come with me.” 

Twilight proceeded to walk Pinkie to a desk with a quill attached to a microphone on it. 

“See that, Pinkie?” 

Pinkie proceeded to nod.

“That is a dictation quill. It’s supposed to help automatically transcribe whatever I say onto a piece of paper. It’s not quite as good as Spike writing down my letters and still has minor issues to work out. But it is great in a pinch if he’s busy. And ultimately, he is the one that sends the letters to Celestia.” 

Pinkie nodded as an idea started to form. She now knew the perfect way to get the Cakes to appreciate her. 

“So, what you’re saying is if I can prove myself to be a better deliverer than that robo-pony, the Cakes will come to appreciate my talents and my unique skills even more.” 

Twilight face-hoofed. Twilight sighed thinking to herself, “Best to do here is to just indulge her for now. What’s the worst thing that could happen? 

“You know what. Sure Pinkie. You can challenge that robo-pony to a delivery contest. I think I can help you set it up too.” 

“You will! Thank you! Thank you! You’re the bestest best friend ever, Twilight!” Pinkie said as she proceeded to squeeze Twilight. 

Twilight patted her friend on the back. 

“Mind letting go Pinkie?”

“Okie dokie loki.” Pinkie proceeded to let go of Twilight, and grinned ear to ear.