//------------------------------// // Have We Met? // Story: Doctor Whooves: ...But Who you know // by dangerousDoc //------------------------------// Laughter, the entire control room reverberated with laughter. A laughter the Doctor was more than familiar with. It teetered on the edge of hysterics and excess adrenaline. The telltale laugh of someone who escaped or rather, somebeing who escaped. "You should– you should see the look– on your face," the thing exclaimed in between manic bursts of laughter, "Priceless!" The creature was writing on the floor, kicking its mismatched legs in the air in its hysteria. Whatever it was it couldn't be a threat… Yet. The Time Lord did a quick check of his surroundings he was trapped behind the controls and the uninvited guest. It would be impossible for him to get out of the control station. There was however a distinct lack of purple laying by the TARDIS doors. At least Spike was okay, with that the Doctor felt a bit relief... A relief that became swallowed in sirens and flashing mauve warning lights. What is it with this universe and its impeccable sense of timing. "Pulling out all this fanfare for little old me?" said a all to smug voice. Sometime during the absence of observation the, for lack of a better word, Creature had managed to not only get up and compose itself but also move up behind the Brown colt. It slowly stalked around the Time Lord on its two of its mismatched legs. "I have to admit it's really flattering," it, raised one of its forelegs that was previously intertwined behind his back and contorted the lion's paw into a shape that showed surprising dexterity. "Nevertheless, flattery does not cure one's headache," and with a simple flick of its forearm came a loud, clear snap. Followed by another and another and another. They increased in number and pace. Eventually every small finger snap came with an expletive or a high-pitched "NO!" Every snap brought more and more frustration as the Creature turned away started snapping with the Eagle claw on his other side. The serpentine body that was covered in brown feathers arched over the creatures arms almost completely hiding the gray and black fur that made up what could only be the neck. Its wings one that was bat-like and one in bright blue feathers flared out in anger. Angry muttering and rapid snapping continued, until finally with a snap the alarms went off. Almost instantly the composure of the creature changed. It's straightened up almost a full height and spun around the twist of its mismatched legs. The expression of pride and accomplishment was plastered across its goat-like head. It didn't last. “There," said the Doctor in a singsong tone. His hooves dancing across the TARDIS controls like there was no tomorrow. "The friction matrix is stabilized, the polarity of neutron flow has been reversed...twice, and the tea is done. Now then,“ The Doctor said, swinging around to see the stunned creature's face, “where were we?" The small brown pony swung a hoof around started to stroke his chin. "hmmmmmmm," mumbled the Doctor the normal chipper tone draining from his voice. "Let's see in no particular order you have: trespassed onto my TARDIS, taunted me with your bipedal nature, laughed in my face, scraped up my floor, snapped your whatever in my face until I turned off the alarms, and made me spill MY POPCORN! " With every "crime" the Doctor had mentioned he marched a step forward narrowing his blue eyes. Making the thing take a step back with in both surprise and intimidation. At the end the creature was leaning on one of the guard rails surrounding the control panels. "I believe we have reached the part where I. Start. Getting. Some. Answers! And they'd better be good ones." "Why, of course, of course! Certainly Doctor there is no need for interr-” "What?" The Doctor's eyes widened. "What did you just say? "I said that there is no need for–" "No… You just called me 'Doctor!'" "Well it's what you call your self isn't it?" "No – I mean – Yes b-but I never introduced myself… Have we met?” The creature stood there for a second. It's entire body still for what was quite possibly the first time since it entered the TARDIS. The Doctor's last question echoing in it's head. It couldn't help but laugh. It doubled over, clutching what could only be its stomach. Its wings flapped barely keeping it upright. “I'll take that as a yes," the Time Lord huffed. "HA! Now Doctor, while I do apologize for laughing in your face… twice." Creatures arms shot out and lifted the Doctor from the floor as it spun in circles. " It's merely because, for the first time since I have met you, I finally have the advantage," the creature shouted the last words seeming to hold more than one meaning. It swung the wriggling Doctor up to eye level with its arms fully extended and looked into his eyes with a sense of longing. "Oh Doctor, just looking back at the things that you are going to experience. All the games we will play, all the intellectual conversations we will have, and all the challenges we both will face. And it will all… start… here." At this the Frankenstein reject unceremoniously dropped the poor Doctor onto the floor. A look of panic swept across its face as it babbled to itself, "and what an first impression I am making. No, no, this will not do." It swiftly moved to the pathway to of the TARDIS doors, popping up and straddling both legs between the safety rails, giving its already impressive height a small enhancement. It flared both its wings at the side, spread its arms out wide and stretched its long body until it was almost perfectly straight. It cracked a toothy grin and said, "the lack of theatrics aside, you will come to know me, as the clever, cunning and chivalrous Disco –" "DISCORD!" The expression on Discord's face didn't have much time change as when he looked in the direction shout all he could see was the rapidly growing cover of Galactic Copyright Law And You as it ushered him like many of its readers into unconsciousness