//------------------------------// // Not Normal Day // Story: Unexpected Traveler // by DatGuy1st //------------------------------// The sun is above them, judging the two beings with its heat rays, glaring at them for their actions against one another and the environment. The environment around them is a mess. The ground shattered, plants ripped apart, clouds blown away, and the mountains crumbled as the two beings clashed in a tornado of magical spells, punches, and kicks to destroy each other, with the environment caught in the crossfire. The two beings ripping each other apart for hours appeared to be two ponies. One is a unicorn with a red coat with dark purple lines covering the body like cracked glass, while the other possesses a shining white coat with a horn and wings, an alicorn. They both have injuries, but the alicorn seems to be in better shape compared to the unicorn. "Surrender, Glorious Light! You can't win!" shouted the alicorn as he looked down at his opponent with his horn lighting up for a spell. "Four shots... yet it's not enough to beat him!" Sacrificing his body for power, but the alicorn is too powerful for him to reach. No matter how much power he gained. "I haaatteee yooouuu... I HATE YOOOUUU," screamed the unicorn at the flying alicorn. The one who discovered his research, destroyed his hard work, then banished him from Equestria. The one who ruined his life. WHYWHYWHYWHY CAN'T I BEAT YOU?! The unicorn suddenly cast a spell covering the area with smoke, with the alicorn backing away in case of an attack. The dense magic inside of the smoke prevented him from sensing the unicorn. Not taking any more chances, the desperate unicorn immediately summoned a syringe filled with purple liquid and injected himself with it, giving him an addicting boost of power for the fifth time. Pushing his body beyond the limit, he started charging for a final attack as his horn felt like getting stabbed by thousands of needles. The pain almost blinded him from his goal, but his hatred kept him steady. As each second passed, the smoke was getting blown away by the strong gusts of wind. It seems the alicorn sensed the buildup of magic. The area was now free of smoke, allowing him to see his target as the alicorn looked at his state with shock. "Enough, you fool! You're going to kill yourself!" shouted the alicorn as he watched in concern as cracks appeared on the unicorn's body like he was about to break apart. “If I’m going down today, YOU’RE COMING WITH ME!” The unicorn let out a scream of pain and determination as he sends his final attack toward the alicorn. The overuse of magic is too much for his body immediately break apart like a shattered statue, leaving behind ashes as his corpse. The attack appears as an orb expanding until it transforms into a black hole consuming everything in its range. The alicorn tries to fly away like a speeding bullet, but the black hole is pulling him towards it like a giant magnet. There is no escape. The black hole is too strong. Fighting for hours... too tired. The alicorn screamed as he was pulled toward the black hole, along with the grasses, trees, and rocks. Once he felt his legs enter the black hole, a sense of desperation filled his body for an escape from a place with no light. Screaming for survival, he uses the teleportation spell over and over again until- CRACK The sun rises over Canterlot, shining gloriously its rays to signal a new day. At one of the many gardens of the prestigious Canterlot Castle, all is quiet until a ball of magic appears out of nowhere, scattering the animals away from it. It expands slowly until it bursts, giving temporary blindness to those close to it but no sign of damage to the area. BOOM Once the light disappears, an alicorn can be seen standing at the center of the explosion site. Disoriented, he quickly opened his eyes. “What happened?” thought the alicorn as he scanned his surroundings with his magic. “Where am I?” As he looks around while collecting his thoughts, he immediately recognizes he is in one of the gardens of his castle. There are no hostiles or traps waiting for him. Everything appears to be fine as he sees the beautiful plants in the garden, hears the chirping of birds, smells the scent of flowers, and feels the comforting cool air. It seems like nothing happened, and that slightly unnerves him. The alicorn takes in the peaceful environment as he closes his eyes in deep thought of everything that happened. “I woke up, prepared for work, solved the issues of my subjects, and took a break until the crazy unicorn that I banished somehow snuck in to kill me. I brought him into a clear area, and we fought until he died, creating a black hole to kill me. Now, I’m here.” "What a mess." the alicorn sighed. "I need to have a conversation with the Royal Guards about how he sneaked in with nopony noticing him." "I know my work is boring, but I did not ask for this much excitement." the alicorn said before looking up at the sky. “Wait a minute... Isn’t it supposed to be noon?” It was supposed to be noon, but it appears to be morning. This was bad. Really bad. "There's no way it is morning. I fought him for hours..." he whispered to himself. "Did I go back in time? What is going on?" There is no time to waste. He must gather information, and the castle is a great source. The alicorn looked at himself. "I will stand out looking like this. I need a disguise." Using his magic, he transforms into a version of himself before he ascended to an alicorn. His body shrinks, and his wings disappear until he appears as a regular unicorn. After lowering his magic to an average level of a unicorn to avoid getting attention, he is now ready to explore. He walks towards the castle with his head full of questions. “It was supposed to be a normal day.” he flipped his mane and huffed indignantly.