//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: The // Story: In Equestria // by ARandomLonelyDude //------------------------------// I woke up feeling cold. I opened my eyes to search for my blanket but found that it was too dark to see. That was unusual. The streetlights outside should have been putting some light into my room. Were they off? Or did I forget to open my eyes? I tried opening my eyes but could not feel them. I tried moving but felt nothing. Was I experiencing sleep paralysis? Suddenly, there was light. I was blinded for a moment but my eyes adjusted. I was... in a field? It looked like a field but it seemed off. I couldn't tell what it was but something was off. Were there eyes in the grass? A black liquid-y mass started gathering in a spot in front of me, taking along with it all the eyes in the grass. I tried running, like a normal person would, but found that I was stuck in my place. I couldn't even close my eyes. The slime had now come together to make a weird blob of eyes and other things that I could not describe. "YOU ARE MINE YOU WILL FIND THE KEY YOU WILL DELIVER I WILL PUT YOU IN A VESSEL YOU WILL WAKE SOON" it said all of a sudden. As soon as it was finished, the world around me became black once again. Was I going back to sleep? A drop of water fell on my forehead. I was looking up at the grey sky. A second drop fell to my right eye, only for my glasses to stop it. I was lying in a field, with the sound of the wind blowing and the smell of rain and the feeling that you get right before a huge storm. I was wearing something that felt like a raincoat. And something that felt like hair under my back, and my rear end, and everywhere else. I tried looking down at myself but was stopped by the sharp pain of someone tugging on the hair on my head. Another drop fell on my nose, bringing my attention to it, and allowing me to notice that something was off about me. My nose was a lot more longer than I remembered and was now covered in white fur. More drops fell around me and on me. The drizzling was starting to turn into rain. I rolled over and discovered that my hair was a lot longer and that my limbs ended in stumps and that I was wearing a dark green raincoat. A part of me told me that I should have been freaking out but strangely, I wasn't. In fact, the weird limbs felt almost normal. I stared at my new but familiar appendage for a moment and tried to figure out what it was called. An answer came into my mind from a memory of a class that I... did not take? The memory was of me sitting in a first grade class, learning basic anatomy but strangely it wasn't human anatomy but rather, it was a multitude of creatures. Griffon, changeling, pony were the main ones from the class and if I was right, I was a pony and had hooves and not hands and feet What was going on? Confusion slowly took me along with a smudge of dread. Was this a dream? The rain that was increasing in intensity by the minute felt too real for this to be a dream. I looked around to gather more information about my situation. I was lying atop a hill that was surrounded by trees on all sides. In the distance, a tower rose above the foliage but I couldn't tell what it was due to my rather poor eyesight. Beyond that, there was an enormous mountain that stood alone. On its side was a fortress of some sort. A meter from me was a bag. Where was I? Was I somewhere in Europe? Why was I a pony? Was I dreaming? No answers came for those questions unfortunately. I decided that my best option would be to explore. I got up on four legs that ended in black hooves and not human appendages and walked over to the bag with unexpected ease. The knowledge of how to move as a pony was like second nature to me even though I remembered that I was a human. I picked up the bag with one... front leg... arm? I'll just call it arm since that's easy. It was a simple brown drawstring bag that didn't have any markings. A dark green aura surrounded the strings and I ope- A dark green aura? Just as I noticed it, it went away. I only had a vague hint that I had made that aura appear. I focused on the bag and once again, the aura appeared, surrounding it completely this time instead of being just on the strings. I suddenly staggered as a sharp pain went through my head. More memories flooded in and I suddenly knew what the aura was. It was magic, that I made, through my horn. But I didn't have a horn, I was a human! No, I wasn't human, I was a- a unicorn. I had been a unicorn my entire life! ...What was going on? The rain kept pouring harder and harder as I sat there like an idiot, trying to figure out my memories. I was brought out from my effort by a black mass materializing from the ground in front of me. It was the same one I had seen in my weird dream! Or was it a dream? First, it took the shape of a tall unicorn with wings. An alicorn. Then, it started growing eyes all over itself. All that took a second but I was sure that the sight would stay in my memory forever. After its transformation was complete, all the eyes on its head focused on me, making me a bit scared. "WE ARE HERE" it said in a indescribable voice that came from everywhere around me. "YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED BUT YOU REQUIRE WISDOM FOLLOW ME" it continued and started... sliding towards the tower I had seen in the distance. I stood there for a moment, trying to take this all in before realizing that it moved surprisingly fast for something that was sliding on grass. I picked up the bag and quickly joined it in its walk through the forest. "GOOD YOU ARE OBEDIENT YOU WILL SUCCEED IF YOU REMAIN SO" it commented as I trailed behind it. We were soon within the forest. I finally came up with a question. "What do yo-", I tried asking before realizing that I did not sound like myself. My voice was feminine. That combined with the long hair made me come to the conclusion that I was female now. Hadn't I been a male? A massive headache, the likes of which I have never had before, suddenly came to me. It was so great that I staggered and stopped where I was, hooves to my forehead, trying to contain the pain. The thing I had been following stopped for me and seemed to analyse me as if my head nearly exploding due to pain was a mild oddity. "YOU DO NOT ASSIMILATE WITH YOUR VESSEL WELL NOW BUT IT WILL BE RIGHT SOON" it said as it extended a dark, watery appendage to my forehead. As it touched, my body started moving on its own, getting up and continuing to follow the thing. While the feeling of the appendage and the lack of control over myself was concerning, I didn't protest much as the headache started subsiding, as if the thing had done something. I, unfortunately, did not get to ask my questions and could not until the thing let me go. The rain has only gotten stronger as time went on and it the sky became darker. I guessed that the thing and I had been walking for an hour towards the tower thingy in the distance. Even though I had been thoroughly bored the entire walk, I was also able to come up with all the questions that I wanted to ask. Another thing I had figured out was my memories. I had two sets of memories, one of my human life and one of this pony that was my 'vessel' according to the thing. I, however, was convinced that the vessel was just an alternate universe me. Most of the memories matched up almost perfectly, bar the differences in physical body, the world and natural phenomenon. The human world where I was had no magic or different species but here, it was the opposite, with multiple species/races and magic being commonplace. The only other places they differed was the most recent ones. The last memory of my human life was me going to sleep. Here, it continued for a bit longer. I had apparently left my 'home' in Manehatten to go live elsewhere with me eventually ending up here. Another important detail was a magical incident a few years back that changed the vessel's gender. It was quite fascinating, comparing two different worlds through my memories, and disappointing to learn that it was much the same. The thing and I came to a halt. "YOU WILL CONTINUE ON YOUR OWN FIND THE HOUSE AT THE EDGE OF THE SETTLEMENT AND PURCHASE IT USING THE CURRENCY IN YOUR BAG" it said as it faced a dirt path that we had come across. The appendage that had been on my forehead the entire time came off, and I suddenly was in control of myself again. The first thing I felt was the mud on my hooves, and the second was exhaustion, as if I had just ran a marathon. "ONCE YOU REACH THE DWELLING MAKE THE SYMBOL FROM YOUR MEMORY FOR US TO SPEAK AGAIN", the thing said as it started melting. "Why can't you come with me?", I asked. "THE INFLUENCE OF CHAOS ENDS AT THE FOREST IF I MOVE FURTHER I WILL BE SEEN" it answered before completely melting into a puddle which then disappeared into the shadow of a tree. I was alone now. I guessed that I had to keep moving and did so, taking the dirt path out of the forest. I came across a town or a village, judging by the thatched roofs of the houses that I could see. The streets were lit up by streetlights that looked like they came from the Victorian era. No one was outside, the rain and the dark being responsible. I didn't see many signs that could help me find my way to the house that the thing had told me about but I had a feeling that it'd be on the other side of the town. I started walking, the cobblestones paths in the village being a welcome relief from the mud I had been on previously. At what I guessed was the town center, I found a building shaped like cake or something and guessed that it was a bakery. Another building I came across was a round one that resembled that one attraction that was at every fair, the one that goes round. It had a light on so maybe someone was up at this time of the night. As I reached the edge of town, the paths became mud once more and the foliage became somewhat thicker, not as thick as in the forest earlier but still a lot. I followed the dirt path and soon I came across a house. It was a two storied brick house with dull brown walls and a roof that was an even darker brown. There were four windows on the front side, two for each floor, and all of them had their curtains drawn so I couldn't see inside. A single "For Sale" sign decorated the tiny but overgrown front lawn. It seemed that I had come where I had to. I walked up to the bare front porch which was illuminated by a lamp on top of the door. I hesitated for a second before knocking on the door. I heard some rapid footsteps inside and the door swung open revealing a green coloured pegasus stallion who wore a dark raincoat. He looked exhausted. "You're the buyer, right?", he asked immediately. From what the thing had said earlier, I replied, "Yes." The stallion seemed happy to hear that and gestured for me to follow him inside. I left my raincoat on the coat hanger next to the door and closed the door behind me. Inside, I was in a hallway that ended in a staircase. To the left was the entrance to a moderately sized kitchen, and two other doors further down the hall that were closed, and to my right was a larger entrance to the living room. The pegasus had went there and took a seat on a old red sofa. In front of the sofa was a low table, on which were a few papers that I expected to be legal documents. Other than that, there was a second sofa, same as the first and arranged to be in a L formation with other sofa, a fireplace, a gray rug, and glass doors that led to the backyard. I took a seat on the second sofa, after which the stallion slid the papers on the table towards me along with a pen. "You'll have to sign here, here, here, and here. Once that is done, you can make the payment. The quicker it is, the quicker I can get away from here," he said as he pointed to some dotted lines where I had to sign. I quickly skimmed over the documents, seeing that they were two copies of a proof of sale and a registration form. I signed those quickly, and he took one of the former. "And now, the money," he said, a bit impatiently. I opened my bag and saw that it had an ID card, some papers and pictures, a folded up jacket, some other clothes, and two smaller bags that made the telltale sound of coins. I took the larger of the two and handed it to the pegasus, who quickly counted the coins in it before putting it in a pocket in his coat . "Here are the keys, enjoy your new home I guess. Make sure to submit the registration form at the town hall to the mayor", he said as he took out a bundle of keys from a coat pocket and put it on the table. I couldn't reply as he got up and left, leaving me alone. I had a few moments to process things. I had bought a house. It might've been cursed or something, judging by how the pegasus wanted to leave so bad, but it was my own. I had my own house! Things were off to a seemingly good start, but I knew better than to celebrate early. I still had to draw the symbol that the thing had told me to. That could wait, however, as I wanted to look around. With the keys in my hoof, I set off to my first location, the kitchen. It has an electric stove and an empty fridge. I moved on to the door that came after the kitchen. I tried the handle and found it unlocked. The door swung open to reveal a laundry room. An old looking washing machine and dryer were opposite to the door. The only other thing of interest was a green laundry basket. I moved onto the second door and found it to be the entrance to the bathroom. I then made my way to the stairs, and spotted a door on the side of the stairs. I decided to check that afterwards and went upstairs, only to find that none of the steps were of the same size after almost tripping on them. Upstairs, the lights were off. I fumbled for a light switch in the dark for a moment before remembering that I can use my horn to cast a light. I focused a bit and cast the horn light, which was a lighter green than my normal magic colour. I found a light switch and flipped it, only for nothing to happen. I tried it a few more times and confirmed that a light bulb needed replacing. It wasn't that much of an issue since I could make my horn light brighter, which I did. In the light, I could see that I was in a hall that was decorated with an empty bookshelf, a patterned circular rug, and a clock which, if correct, showed that it was currently midnight. Other than that, there was a hallway towards the right (if one was oriented according to the main entrance), on the opposite end of the hall. I followed it and found a light switch that worked and lit up that hallway for me. There were two more doors along the hallway on one side and windows that faced the path I came from, on the other. I tried the handle of the first door and found it locked. I tried the keys one by one and found the right key. The door opened to a bedroom which had a desk, a chair, a window that faced the backyard, a night table, a wardrobe, and a bed with a mattress. I moved to the second room, which only had a bed and a night table. So far, nothing seemed off to me, making me question why the pegasus wanted to leave quickly. That one door below the stairs was still unopened, however, and might give me an answer. I made my way downstairs and unlocked the door, which opened into a staircase leading into a dark void that was the basement. A light switch next to the door solved the problem as a suprisingly bright yellow light lit up the staircase. I went down the stairs and found the basement to be littered with random boxes. I wanted to check them but a twitch of my nose told me that it was too dusty to explore right now. I didn't want to deal with the dust, knowing the state it reduced me to, and put off opening the boxes for later. I went back to the bathroom, washing off the dirt on my legs in the bathtub and drying them off. I also decided take a look in the mirror. I took a look on the mirror and then wished I hadn't. Despite being in a different body, the face was all too familiar. The left eye that didn't open as much as the right, the slight offset of the jaw to the left, the dull expression, all made my face quite ugly. The colours were new, however. I was mostly gray but had a white snout, a white underbelly, and white fur on the lower part of all my legs, making them resemble socks. There were brown patches of fur all over me, most prominently on the left side of my face. My hair was still black and my hooves were black as well. I noticed something on my flank and turned to look at it. I saw a picture of a brown book with a cog on it. A memory told me that it was my talent mark and that it denoted what I was good at. I grimaced at the sight of the talent mark and didn't waste more time looking at it. I didn't linger in the bathroom much longer and went back to the living room. I took out the rest of the stuff in the bag and put it on the table except for the jacket which I left on one of the sofas. I had to draw the symbol now and luckily, I had one sheet of paper and the black pen the pegasus had left behind. I started drawing the symbol as I remembered it, a circle with a triangle within along with some weird symbols that resembled animals. I waited for a few moments and nothing happened. I waited longer and still nothing happened. I felt the room becoming colder, probably due to the rain outside, and took the jacket from my bag. It was black, one size too large for me, had a zipper, and was fluffy on the inside, which was basically the perfect jacket for me. Another feature was ear pockets on the hoodie which would keep my now large ears comfortable. I waited for what seemed to be an hour and just as I started drifting off to sleep, something happened. The markings on the paper glowed for a bit before the paper burnt up and a dark blob rose from the ashes. It grew in size quickly and was once again an alicorn shaped black mass. This time, however, instead of being covered in eyes, it had coloured dots all over that made it resemble the night sky, only a lot more vibrant, which I thought was pretty cool. "YOU HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL IN ACQUIRING THE DWELLING VERY GOOD THE SYMBOL HAS BEEN BURNT AS WELL MORE GOOD HAS THERE BEEN DIFFICULTY?" it asked. "None so far," I answered before asking my own question, "Why'd I have to make the symbol though, couldn't you just appear like you did earlier?" "THE MARK IS AN ANCHOR IN YOUR REALITY THAT I CAN USE AS A BEACON AND A WATCHER FOR THIS DWELLING NO OTHER BEING FROM BEYOND CAN INFILTRATE THIS PLACE TO GAIN CONTROL OF YOU" it explained. I understood it as the thing placing some protection charm on my house so others like him couldn't get me. I had a new question though. "If they can't get me in here, what stops them from getting me when I go outside?", I asked. "THAT IS WHY I HAVE MANIFESTED NOW FORTUNATELY THE INFLUENCE OF CHAOS IS ENOUGH FOR THE PROCEDURE " "What pro–", I tried asking but was cut off as the thing jumped at me and tackled me on to the sofa. It deformed from its shape somewhat to hold me down on the sofa as I tried to resist for a second. The dark blob that made up its head deformed and then completely covered mine. The next second, I became still. The thing was so warm and friendly, I wanted to help it, do what it wanted me to. Information entered my head about how to avoid the void things, protection spells against eldritch leeches, how to avoid temptation that other slime used, what would happen if I told anyone about this all. I felt light headed, something was being done to me. I didn't resist. "IT IS FINISHED", the thing proclaimed as it reformed back into its alicorn shape and got off me. I tried getting up but my legs failed me and I fell to the floor. I was so exhausted for some reason. The thing picked me up and put me on the sofa. "I SEE THAT YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR PREVIOUS WORLD YOUR PURPOSE AND YOUR VESSEL AND I WILL ANSWER NOW THAT THE PROCEDURE IS FINISHED" it said. I took a breath, still suffering from the sudden exhaustion, before asking, "What happened to where I came from?" The thing was silent for a second before answering in a tone of triumph, "YOUR WORLD WAS BURNT AWAY IN THE AFTERMATH OF ITS GUARDIAN BEING KILLED" "What?" "I WILL EXPLAIN, YOUR WORLD WAS A LOWER EXISTENCE THAT EXISTS WITHIN MY WORLD SIMILAR TO A TERRARIUM, EACH OF THESE LOWER EXISTENCES HAS A GUARDIAN TO PREVENT INTRUSION BY OUTSIDERS, AN ARMY OF GREAT STRENGTH GATHERED AT THE GATE TO YOUR WORLD AND FOUGHT ITS GUARDIAN ULTIMATELY DESTROYING IT AND MAKING IT DISCHARGE ALL ITS ENERGY, THE DISCHARGE BURNT YOUR WORLD AND DESTROYED IT WHILE DISRUPTING THOSE CLOSE TO IT, I TOOK YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS FROM THE MOLTEN WRECK OF YOUR PLANET AND PUT YOU INTO A VESSEL I MADE FOR YOU IN THIS WORLD" I think I understood the general idea of what happened. Strangely, I didn't care that my world had been destroyed. "Is the... vessel uhh... your creation or did you put me into someone else, because I have two sets of memories?" I asked. "THE VESSEL IS MY CREATION I MOLDED IT WHILE THIS WORLD WAS STILL BEING AFFECTED BY THE FALLOUT OF THE GUARDIAN'S DEATH, THE VESSEL IS A PERFECT-", The thing stopped, and I felt that it was unhappy. It then continued, "ALMOST PERFECT ANALOGUE OF YOU IN THIS WORLD ,YOUR MEMORIES OF YOUR PREVIOUS WORLD STAY BECAUSE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OVERWRITE THEM WITH NEW ONES YOU HAVE NOTICED THERE IS A FAULT WITH YOUR VESSEL, AN INCIDENT WITH NATIVE FLORA HAD CHANGED ITS BIOLOGICAL MAKE DIFFERENT FROM YOUR PREFERRED BIOLOGICAL STRUCTURE, HOWEVER THERE ARE PRIMITIVE PROCEDURES YOU CAN UNDERGO IN YOUR WORLD IF YOU WISH TO." I thought about that for a moment. I could undergo surgery and hormone therapy, like the thing said, l to go back to being male. However, if I was correct, it would be very time consuming, hard, and costly, and I did not like doing things that could be described using those three words unless I got something great in return. Plus, I didn't need to do it since the vessel had like, six years of memories of being a female. "You said something about me having to find a key, could you tell me more about it?", I asked, remembering the thing talking about a key. "THE KEY IS AN OBJECT OF GREAT POWER BUT THOSE THAT DESIRE IT CANNOT FIND IT I DESIRE THE KEY BUT YOU DO NOT YOU WILL FIND IT FOR ME THE KEY HAS NO CONSTANT SHAPE IN YOUR WORLD HOWEVER AND WILL BE HARD TO GET", it answered. "What if I couldn't find it?", I asked, a bit nervously. "YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS IS BINDED TO A CELL BY THE PROCEDURE, SHOULD YOU FAIL TO FIND IT IN THIS LIFETIME I WILL MAKE ANOTHER VESSEL AND PUT YOU IN IT," it answered coolly, as if turning me into a lich is no big deal. "I MUST DEPART NOW FROM THE PHYSICAL PLANE OF THIS REALITY AS THE SUN GROWS SUSPICIOUS IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK TO ME YOU HAVE TO WAIT SEVEN DAYS AND I WILL BE THERE, REMEMBER TO KEEP EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS CONFIDENTIAL SHOULD AN OUTSIDER KNOW ABOUT OUR CONNECTION MY PLAN WILL BE COMPROMISED", it said suddenly, stopping me from asking more questions. "YOU MAY CALL ME VOTH FROM NOW ON." In a flash, it– no, Voth was gone, leaving me alone in the house. I... didn't know what to do. I was in a different but familiar body, in a different but familiar world, with one task that I had to do. I just hope things turn out fine.