We're all Equestrians now

by Wrinklenator

To Everfree

We’re all Equestrians now

Chapter 4: To Everfree

“CAPIDAS!” Hollynight yelled, “Oh my goodness,” she gave me a hug as I lied on the ground. “You were out completely,” she started to giggle a bit, “I am so glad you’re okay.”

I was all sweaty and panting. I looked around to see an orange pony with a yellow mane and cowboy hat looking relieved.

“Shoot, ah thought ya’ll was never gonna make it.” She said.

“Who are you, and what happened exactly?” I said still panting.

“Mah name is Applejack, stranger.” She gave a tip of her hat, “Ya’ll were on the groun’ squirmin’ a bit when ah entered the store. Ah heard Hollynight cryin’ out fur some help and ah thought ah’d come in to see what ah could do. Ah was about to get help, but then ya woke up from yer seizure.” She smiled and I shakily got up.

“Hollynight, Applejack,” I started to say, “we have to go right now, there’s a great threat lurking over Equestria right now.

“Huh?” Hollynight and Applejack asked in unison. “I had a vision where this mare named Princess Celestia appeared to me and warned me. She told of a human named Chaoi-Wa who has come to Equestria and works for some dark spirits.”

“Dark Spirits?!” Applejack jumped, “Whoa Nelly! Why are they comin’ here, Capidas?”

“They've already BEEN here before, girls.” I said, “and they are coming back to feed off the souls of ponies.”

Hollynight and Applejack stared at me looking frightened.

“What are we going to do, Capidas? What can we do to help? Just tell us where you want us and what to do.” Hollynight questioned. Her worry switched to determination in an instant.

Oh crap. What to do? What to do? Why didn’t the princess give me any advice on what to do!?

“I… uh… I don’t know, exactly.” I had an embarrassed look on my face.

Hollynight facehoofed and thought, “I got an idea, but we should get Glaciem, Capidas. Applejack, we’ll go fetch Glaciem to help us, what should you do?”

Applejack face lit up with an idea, “Ah think it may be time ta get the Elements of Harmony! Ah’ll go get the others. We got ourselves a villain to beat.” Wow, her accent is just so FREAKING SWEET!

We galloped out of Sugarcube Corner and went our separate ways. Hollynight and I started to go to Glaciem’s house. “Hollynight, this is my entire fault, the one who is bringing those spirits back was the man I met who turned me into a pony.” I said.

“Capidas, don’t blame yourself for this. You didn’t know after all, right.” She replied and we turned a corner. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I still can’t help but feel guilty.”

“Don’t be hard on yourself yet. We need you to stop this guy.” Hollynight assured me.

“Hollynight, what are the ‘helements of armory?’” I asked.

“Elements of Harmony. There are six of them: kindness, laughter, generosity, honesty, loyalty and magic. Only six ponies can use their power, you’ve met three of them. Pinkie Pie, Twilight and Applejack. They are the most powerful things in all of Equestria. Only they can stop this monster and his allies.” We made it to Glaciem’s house and she knocked on the door.

No answer. “Oh great, of all the days…” she said, “We’ll never find her. She could be anywhere!” I turned around and saw Glaciem trotting away happily.

“There she is!” I exclaimed.

“GLACIEM!” Hollynight yelled and ran over to her. “Glaciem, we need you right NOW. We ha- uh, what’s with the bag with herbs in it?”

“Oh. I need them for somepony I met.” She said and used her wing to open the bag briefly to show us its contents, “he needed it to perform this amazing spell he said could help my flying ability to help condense clouds!” she closed the bag and started to trot off. “Hey, maybe he could help you two as well.”

“We don’t need silly spells right now! We need you to help us-”

“Who is this pony?” I interrupted and we followed her where she was going. “He’s not really a pony. He’s a zebra. That same zebra we bumped into when I first met you, Capidas. I finally got to my promise to see him again.”

That zebra. That same zebra! “Glaciem, he’s not the zebra you think he is.” She stopped in her tracks,


“Glaciem, that zebra is the same man who transformed me and himself to equines and brought us to Equestria.” I told her. She looked at me funny.

“Are you sure?” I then nodded.

“What’s even worse is Hollynight and I know what he’s after. He wants to bring his Voodoo friends back here to feed on ponies’ spirits.” Her look went from a bit skeptical to a more nervous state.

“Oh dear.” She said, “Maybe these herbs weren’t for the spell he said he was going to cast.” Hollynight then spoke up,

“Where is he right now?” “He said he wanted me to go to the Everfree forest to produce the spell, but he first wanted to meet me near the library so we could go together.”

“Hey, Glaciem. He doesn’t know that you know who he really is.” I started to scheme.

“Hmm, yeah.” She said slowly.

“If you two are going to Everfree, we can delay him long enough for Applejack to round up the Elements of Harmony and her friends to defeat him.” I firmly planned.

“Capidas! You’re a genius!” Hollynight called out. She gave me a quick hug, “Let’s do this, everypony. Let’s save Equestria.”

Hollynight and I watched from behind a bush. Glaciem moved up to the zebra, Doctor Choai-Wa. We saw them speaking and they started to walk toward the Everfree forest slowly. We snuck to the entrance of the library. The door swung open and we were grabbed and pulled in to the dark room.

“SURPRISE!” A large room of ponies shouted and Pinkie Pie jumped out from the crowd and into the middle of the room. “Hi there Capidas I’m Pinkie Pie do you remember me do ya do ya do ya and I threw this party for you of course it wasn’t a surprise party considering I let slip that I was planning one for you. Buuuuuuuut was it expected that it would be RIGHT NOW! Were you surprised? Huh huh huh?!” She bounced and said in her high-pitched squeaky voice. Again, I know this is a serious situation, but SHE IS SO FREAKIN’ CUTE!

“Pinkie Pie! This is no time for a party!” Hollynight interjected angrily, “We’re trying to save Equestria fro-”

“Don’t be so frustrated, silly!” Pinkie Pie shoved a cupcake in her mouth.

“Calm down……. now….. CALM RIGHT BACK UP!!! Isn’t this great? We got a pony’s welcome party to celebrate!” she bounced off into the crowd.

“Hollynight, don’t we need her to activate the Elements of Harmony?” I raised my voice to drown out the loud music and chatter. “I guess Applejack never got to her yet.” She yelled back to me.

The door swung open. “What in tarnation?” Applejack said. She trotted over to Hollynight and me. “Applejack, did you get the others?” I asked.

“Well, Ah got Rainbow Dash to get the elements and ah got Rarity an’ Fluttershy. Then ah made my way here ta get Twiligh’, an’ ah’m seein’ this!” she slammed her hoof on the ground in frustration.

“Well, Pinkie Pie-” Hollynight started to say. Applejack facehoofed. “Great, ah hope we can find Twilight here.”

“Hollynight, you go fetch Pinkie Pie and Applejack and I will go find Twilight in this mess. Meet back here as soon as we fulfill goals.” I said and we went our separate ways.

We ran around the place. Ponies. Ponies everywhere (I hate that meme by the way) Talking, laughing and playing games like… ‘pin the tail on the pony’? What? But, they ARE ponies. Why not pin the tail on the dog or cow or ANYTHING! Anyway, I turned to Applejack. “Applejack, I’m taller, maybe I could stand on you so I could look around.”

“Ya’ll stan’ on me?!? Now, ah don’t like ta sound like Rarity but I have ta be ‘onest sayin' this: Have some manners will ya. Ah’ll get on yer back.”

I rolled my eyes, “Fine. Just don’t- GAH!” She hopped on me and her rough hoofs dug into my thin back. ''

“ARG!” I cried in pain.

“She’s thar!” Applejack exclaimed, “For Equestria, parner!” she cried and pushed her way through the crowded mob. I galloped through the path cleared by Applejack.

“Twilight! We need ya, it’s an emergency.”

We tapped Twilight on her back. She turned around, “Hello, Applejack and Capidas. Capidas, how has adapting to pony life been going. If it’s okay with you, I can get my notes and we can write down how you’re adjusting.” She rambled on.

“Good gravy, girl! Will ya stop goin’ on about yer studies and listen! We got a really CRISIS at han’ and the Elements of Harmony are the last hope we have!” Applejack blurted out.

“Crisis, what crisis? What’s going on?”

“This weird spell caster weirdo McWeirdy is gon’ bring his spirit buddies and they’re gon’ be here any minute now unless we do somethin’!” Applejack said quickly.

“Glaciem met with the zebra and she’s being taken to the Everfree Forest. We tipped her off that the zebra was working for the spirits while she was on her way to meet up with him again.” I explained.

“Zebra? Is it Zecora?!” Twilight asked shocked.

“Nah girl, it’s this weird witch doctor named Choai-Wa. He’s on his way ta summon dem righ’ now with that Glaciem filly. We gotta meet up with Pinkie Pie and get goin’ ta Townhall where Rainbow Dash should be thar with the Elements of Harmony.” Applejack rapidly defined the situation.

Applejack then made her way through the crowd to the center of the room. Twilight and I followed as we struggled to make our way through the loud and obnoxious crowd. We saw Hollynight with Pinkie Pie who looked depressed.

“Hello, ladies.” I cried out as we finally made our way to the center.

“Capidas! I’m so sorry we had to cut your party so short I mean you just got here and now we have a super duper nasty wasty evil creepy villain to defeat. Hey, I know! We can reschedule your welcome surprise party to another time or we could just make it a welcome party because-”

“PINKIEEEEEEEEE” Twilight screeched.

“Sorry, Twilight.” Pinkie shrunk cowardly down.

“Glaciem has to be in the Everfree forest by now, but don’t we have to meet up with Fluttershy, Rarity and Rainbow Dash with the elements?” Hollynight laid out for everypony to update themselves.

Applejack was pensive for a second or too, “Ah have an idea! Capidas, Hollynight an’ Twilight will go an’ hold off Chaoi-Wa an’ the rest of us’ll get Rarity, Fluttershy and Dash with the elements.”

“Sounds great, now we got to hurry, Chaoi-Wa could be at his destination by now.” I said and we ran out of the library to execute our assigned tasks.

We started to race off until...

“Twilight! Wait for me!” a voice came from behind us.

“Spike! This is dangerous and it’s no place for a small dragon like you.” Twilight countered.

“Ah come on, Twilight! All of you go on adventures all of the time without me, could I just go on this one, please!” he dropped to his knees and begged to the point of kissing Twilight’s hoofs.

“FINE!” Twilight groaned and used her magic to float Spike gently on her back. Spike now had an ecstatic look on his face.

“Forward, mush!” Spike claimed in a triumphant tone and Twilight rolled her eyes. After a few minutes of travel, We entered the Everfree Forest.

We made our way through the forest and Hollynight stopped to pant, “Hey, guys?” Twilight and I halted and looked back.

“Let’s take a small break. Besides, there’s a pond there that’s not mucky like the rest of this place.”

We caught our breaths which also gave Hollynight the opportunity to explain the whole situation to Spike starting from Hollynight discovering me.

“Capidas, do you like being a pony?” Twilight asked me and sat next to me as I stared into my own reflection in the lake.

“Minus the fact that there is a crazy witch doctor out to destroy the place, it seems so tranquil here in Equestria.” I said, “The world is quiet here and I…” I looked up just as my eyes began to tear and I weakly smiled, “Oh how I love this place. I really do love being a pony, Twilight.”

I turned to her and saw that she had a concerned and melancholy look. “So you don’t miss being a human?” she asked.

I thought about what the Princess Celestia had said to me about not being able to stay here once that’s done.
“Not at all, like I said, the world is quiet here. My home world is nothing like here. It's awful, starvation, wars, constant killing, people who rise to power through the help of foolish masses....”

I smiled and tried to stop my depressing thoughts from popping back up. I won't be here to last. Once the connection is broken with Chaoi-Wa, I will leave. Wow, just like that. I was kicked into this world not knowing why or how and wanting to get home. Now, I really want to stay. Should I tell Hollynight? I'm going to have to leave and I can't break it to her. She really cares about me too much. If I told her, I'd only crush her feelings and that's not a great mood when fighting a bad guy.

“Okay, everypony, we’ve rested enough and due to the hoof tracks I think they went to the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters.” Hollynight came up to us which made me jump a bit. I had almost completely forgotten her and the situation.

“Capidas, you look a bit scared. Are you worried we’re not going to win?” Hollynight asked me. “Oh it’s nothing. Let’s go girls.” I took one as drink of water. “Ah, that’s the stuff.” (Reference drop to those who got it. No? You wanna piece of me, boy? Go! Go! Go!)

We galloped to our destination. Hollynight and Twilight lead the way except this time Spike was on Hollynight’s back. A few more minutes passed and we at last reached a ruined castle that was broken by nature.

“I’m guessing that’s it?” I predicted. “That’s right. But hold on a second, were we supposed to meet up with the others?”

“I don’t think we planned that.” Twilight said flatly. “Fantastic. Well what do you thi-”

“SHH!” Hollynight whispered, “Listen. Follow me.” She waved her hoof, motioning us to join her as she quietly trotted to the entrance.

“Any way, Mr. Chaoi-Wa…” we heard Glaciem say.

“That’s DOCTOR Chaoi-Wa to you, Glaciem.” Chaoi-Wa snapped back. We looked through a crumbling window sill. Glaciem was there with her back turned to us. Chaoi-Wa was drawing some weird marking around a circle painted on the ground surrounding a single pillar with five pillars sticking out.

Chaoi-Wa had finished drawing his markings, “Now, give me the herbs.” He requested her.

Glaciem obviously remembered our plan and started to stall.

“Herbs are nice! Did you want me to get some for you at the store or something?” Chaoi-Wa just looked at her as if she spoke Greek.

“Listen, filly, give me the herbs.” Chaoi-Wa insisted and he held out his hoof.

“That’s a great idea let’s go get them from outside! Nothing like the herbs being fresh from the wild!” she quickly turned around and we ducked out of view now that attention was being drawn to the entrance.

“I think I know what’s going on here.” Twilight, Hollynight, Spike and I started to sweat with nervousness. How could he have caught onto our plan? Is he THAT SMART!?

“What’s that, doctor?” Glaciem turned to ask attempting to conceal her worry just as much as we were.

“You don’t want to get a flight enhancement spell after all,” he shrugged, “I understand.” Our four jaws dropped. Is he THAT STUPID!? We peaked out the hiding spot once more.

“That’s exactly it, Chaoi-Wa.” She bowed her head. “Please forgive me, sir.”

“I still want my herbs.”

“That’s not possible!” Glaciem retorted.

“How so, young one?” Chaoi-Wa asked, leaning in, obviously acting suspicious.

“Girls, we got to help her out now!” I whispered to my friends.

“Agreed.” Hollynight said back. We turned the corner rapidly to enter through what was supposed to be the door.

“Stop right there, Chaoi-Wa!” I cried out, “I know who you are and what you’re planning to do.”

“Me? Planning? I was only trying to help this needy Pegasus enhance her flight with my enhanced flight spell!” he said with an innocent tone stepping back as if taken aback.

“You’re not fooling us, doctor.” Twilight asserted and stepped forward in front of Hollynight and me, “In just a few minutes, our friends will be here with the Elements of Harmony to stop you!”

“What is it that you three think I am trying to do?!” Chaoi-Wa asked us, sounding a bit frustrated and scared.

“Do you think this guy is telling the truth or putting on an act?” Hollynight whispered in my ear. My ears perked up. Oh no, what if we got the wrong guy!

“Twilight?” I gently addressed her.

“What? What do you mean?” Twilight said back.

“Do you think we got the wrong, one?”

“Uhh… good question.”

“We’re here with the Elements!” a sky-blue Pegasus called out.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight cried out in relief.

“We’re all here now, so let’s melt the crony!” Dash said and she gave Twilight her crown that matched her cutie mark.

“Rainbow, I think we made a mistake.” Twilight said and pointed to Chaoi-Wa who was now covering himself with his front legs and quivering in fear.

Rainbow Dash peaked behind Twilight and noticed the zebra.

“Oh jeez, uh.” Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie already had their necklaces on and entered the now crumbling royal entry hall.

“Ladies,” Rainbow Dash turned to address them, “I think it just a small tiny possibility that maybe we could have accidently nailed the wrong pony.” She looked as embarrassed as Twilight now.

“So I stopped my hooficure for NOTHING?!” a white mare with a purple mane whined. “Of all the worst things that could happen…”

“This is…

She drew up an old ancient bench with her magic and fell on it.


“Rarity! Ah quit goofin’ aroun’!” Applejack said and helped brush her off.

“Now what do we do?” Pinkie Pie asked hopelessly.

“I guess we just pack up and go home, false alarm right?” Twilight addressed them. They all nodded and took off their necklaces and put them in each of their saddle bags and Twilight put hers in Rarity’s bag.

“I don’t get it. Celestia told me about the threat and the name of the pony and everything.” I questioned.

“Maybe it was just dream?” Glaciem suggested.

“No, no, no.” I assured her, “we just need to find the right one.”

“But who is it, anyway?” Hollynight stomped.

“It was I the whole time.” Chaoi-Wa jumped up and laughed, “Are you really THAT STUPID.” The witch doctor slammed his hoof and was surrounded by purple swirls that engulfed his body. Once the wisps cleared, he looked exactly as he did in my memory. He wore the same brown and tattered cloak; he had the same tiki necklace and white paint on his dark skin. He was a human once more

“I love acting, isn’t it fun?” he snapped his fingers and all of us were flabbergasted as nine voodoo spirits slithered out a saddle bag in his cloak. They were thin and tall with arms as long as their bodies with just a tail for legs. They had fingers long, slender and clawed looking. Each one was as black and night except for the mouth which, when open, was one hundred percent transparent. They all had bright purple eyes that moved as if the edges were on fire.

“I luckily got myself a few to tag along for the initial ceremony, kid. Soon, PONYVILLE WILL BE ALL MINE! THEN, EQUESTRIA WILL BE OURS!”

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"It's much easier to hate that to create."
-Smart People