//------------------------------// // Demon's Midnight // Story: Demon's Midnight // by Mokoma //------------------------------// Early in the morning, some twenty minutes before the classes would begin, the halls filled up with groups of students who prepared for their school day. And the two students who were enamored with one another saw each other on the opposite sides of the hallways. Their eyes lit up. "Sunset!" The glasses-wearing girl grinned, hopping in a bubbly manner as she waved over to the red-haired girl on the other end of the hallway. "Twi!" The leather-jacket-wearing girl grinned, running over to her partner as fast as she could through the corridor without attracting hall monitor attention. She jogged up to Twilight Sparkle... And the two hugged one another tightly. Then, they would clasp each other's hands, and let their eyes feast upon one another. Sharing their gazes, they had nothing but the utmost admiration for one another. "How's your weekend?" Twilight grinned. "Great! I had the chance to visit the archeology museum! They've had this new exhibition recently, and--" And so, the two girls would chat, chat, and chat some more. Talking about various things. Cutesy things. Things about recent, casual topics - that teenage girls usually spoke about. In the darkest corners of the room - in the darkest corners of their consciousnesses...Two figures stood. Figures that had no real existence in the physical world. Yet, they opted to look at the two with their arms folded, and watched these two with a bemused, spiteful gaze - as they leaned against the row of lockers. One of the corporeal beings was fiery and orange - almost looking somewhat like the red-haired girl, but was more demonic in her appearance; with jade-bright eyes and sharp teeth. The other, with her dark purple skin, gazed with her light cyan eyes. Those eyes were surrounded by what appeared to be a pair of glasses made of white fire. They were polar opposites of their hosts - the ice to their fire, the oil to their water; the matter to antimatter. "...Look at them." Midnight Sparkle groaned. "Seriously? Museums? Trips to the park? Lunch? They have all this time in the world, and this is what they talk about?" "You really gotta remind me just how badly I got it with this one?" Demon Shimmer pointed at her human counterpart. "Honestly. She's just so...passive. I almost had the world at my fingertips. I almost had it all. I almost had Equestria. But no. She's gotta be...a schoolgirl." Midnight Sparkle exhaled - deeply as she dragged it out. She closed her eyes, her fingers clawing somewhat into her arms. "Mine has the brains - and absolutely none of the ambition. Doesn't understand her own power, and doesn't know how much I can do for her. Like a simpleton sitting in the world's grandest library and limiting herself to reading comics." Shimmer nodded. "And mine decided that ambition and revenge takes a backseat to having friends. Equal parts sad and pathetic. Weak." She said - and the longer she gazed, the more her sharp teeth grit. "And now...What's worse..." Demon Shimmer scowled through her teeth. "This." "Yes..." Midnight shook a little in anger and disgust. "They're..." "Dating." The two said in unison. With that, they both sighed - watching the two humans as they eagerly chatted away. Twilight and Sunset were unable to keep away from one another, standing close, holding hands - and all with Sunset being flirty and a little playful. All Twilight could do was blush and giggle coyly at her girlfriend's forward and feisty - in a good way - nature. "..." "What do they even see in each other?" Demon Shimmer grunted. "Oh, lots." Midnight admitted. "They think the other is cute, sweet, and lovely. All attractive traits for a simpleton with nothing quite else going on in their lives one can consider significant." "Mhm." Demon nodded. "No kidding. Besides, I can think of like a million qualities better that should be present in a partner." "Oh? Like what?" Midnight rose a brow and looked at her side. She was spending enough time with the demon as is. Might as well finally get to know her roommate somewhat. Demon needed a moment to think, and shrugged. "Well, how about brains, for one? I'd wanna be with someone smart - someone who can plan things with me. A cold and calculated kinda person." Demon said in thought. "I don't wanna be stuck with an airhead, you know. Yourself?" Midnight put a hand to her chin, scratching it. "Myself? Huh. I'd want to court someone ambitious and strong. Someone who's got the guts to dream big, and someone who seeps with raw power in everything she does. Someone fiery and strong." "Huh." Demon chuckled softly. "Not many like that at all around here. Definitely can't be our hosts." She said, pointing at her. "They are totally opposite of us, after all." Demon Shimmer expected Midnight to make a remark. And yet, silence came. Demon Shimmer curiously turned her head - to see that Midnight was looking away with a hot-red blush on her face. "Uh...Earth to Midnight?" Demon coughed. "Yo, Midnight - what's gotten into you?" Midnight nervously chuckled - adjusting her magical glasses. "W-Well, er...You let a bit of a...Freudian slip. You see, you mentioned you like smart people. But you just mentioned that our hosts are the opposite of us...S-So, by this logic, you must like me." She said - smugly yet nervously; and awkwardly. To salvage the situation, Demon faked a cough and mustered up her wit. "O-Oh, uh...Well, I didn't mention which one was the smart one." Midnight Sparkle gasped sharply and turned to Demon Shimmer with furrowed brows and shock. "W-What!? I-I...That's preposterous! I can't believe you'd even joke like this!" "W-Wait!" Demon Shimmer defensively raised her hands. Why did she get defensive? Wasn't it in her nature to be a bully? Why...did she feel like she didn't want to upset Midnight? "I-I was kidding, I was kidding, okay!? I..." She quieted down and looked aside. "I...I do think you're smart. Alright?" "And you'd be right." Midnight grinned shortly after, folding her arms - satisfied that her intelligence was settled in stone after all. "Eugh." Hissed the she-demon. "You can tease me all you want. But if it feeds your ego, I'll have you know that I genuinely would much rather spend time with you than with any of these losers." And again - Midnight Sparkle blushed heavily, folding her arms tighter. "Er, w-well...of course you would." Snidely she responded - but used it to hide her stammering. "...Don't sell yourself too short, though. I did say that I prefer the company of the ambitious and strong. You...er...fit the bill." Demon Shimmer was happy that her face was already red - and her blush was nowhere to be seen. "U-Uh, earlier you...used the phrase..."court"." "What?" "You said you want to "court" someone who's ambitious and strong." "...I-I said that!?" Midnight Sparkle stammered hard - struggling to regain composure. "W-Well, I-I...I did! It is all hypothetical! The hypothesis does not always fit reality! Don't g-get ahead of...y-yourself, nitwit!" "So you'd hypothetically get with me!?" Demon yelped with surprise. "You...Y-You got some nerve! I mean, I-I have high standards too, y-y'know!" "Oh, same, same." Midnight Sparkle feigned relief. "Indeed. If you wanted to be my lover you would've had to succeed at defeating Twilight Sparkle!...The, uhm, other Twilight Sparkle." This earned a bemused look from the other villain - she was offended enough to snap out of the awkwardness. "You didn't really get very far either." She scowled at her bemusedly. "I-I...This is just a temporary setback!" Midnight exclaimed. "Soon, this pathetic girl will embrace me! One day!" "When?" Demon scoffed. "Look at these two. Think you're gonna have luck corrupting even one of them? No - four ey--...I-I mean, Midnight Sparkle. We're...stuck here. We're stuck here waiting. For whoever knows how long until maybe we can find the right way to get into those heads of theirs." "..." Midnight scowled softly, balling her fists in displeasure. Demon Shimmer huffed, putting her hands on her hips. "But...at the very least, at-least now I feel better knowing that it's not all a completely lost cause." "What, you have hope in the redhead?" "No...I'm not talking about Shimmer...I'm talking about the waiting..." "What could possibly be good about the waiting?" Midnight Sparkle scoffed. "You." ...Midnight's fists opened. "..." "..." "Shimmer, what did you just say?" "D-Don't take it to heart! I'm just saying that you're enjoyable to be--U-Ugh...A-All...All I'm trying to say is..." Demon grunted, then released an anxious sigh. "I-I...I think if I'm gonna have to wait for my host to finally embrace me once again for what may be a near eternity...I...I don't mind having to do so beside someone like you-" Not even the power she received when she put on the crown could match to the shock and surprise Demon Shimmer felt. When the pair of purple lips softly pushed against hers. And with her wide-opened eyes, she stared right into the half-lidded, bright turquoise eyes of Midnight Sparkle. They both closed their eyes, and Demon Shimmer threw her arms around Midnight's shoulders, and then her upper back. The two pressed close to one another - finally closing this gap that they, for whatever reason, once created between one another. The frustration was finally put to an end. The two pulled away from one another - and refused to look anywhere else. It was a long, uninterrupted gaze. Midnight gently whispered. "You are...also...quite...adequate for this...endeavor. So...If we're gonna have to wait for my--...our turn. When we're going to finally get that which we deserve...I'll be happy to have had someone like you to wait beside..." "...I think the same." Demon Shimmer softly said - eyes unable to blink as they were dedicated to soaking in this image. The image of Midnight Sparkle. "...All this potential eternity we're gonna be sitting out...Doesn't seem so bad with someone as devious as you with me..." "...Heh..." Unsure what to say - it felt as if silence was the better option. To let both of them understand that in their long wait, they were in it together - whether or not they even wanted to. They slowly pulled away from one another, but maintained eye contact... They gazed upon each other for a few more minutes - until it was time to look back at their hosts and continue observing them. And as the two started to lean once again against the wall spectating the humans...Their hands slowly drifted closer to one another's... And clasped together. *** And all this time, their hosts were still chatting away. "You know Sunset, I always wondered..." Twilight took off her glasses - rubbing off the condensation with her handkerchief. "Both your demon-self and Midnight Sparkle exist somewhere deep in our consciousness, right? And perhaps since they're magical entities, one can suppose they possibly exist on the same plane of existence?" "...Maybe?" Sunset finally finished organizing her locker for the week, and pulled out a bag of marshmallows she was set to share with her partner before the classes started. She offered them to Twi, and she was all-too-eager to stuff her face with a handful. "Why?" "Whh, dfth yth thkf thth--..." The girl stopped herself, closed her eyes - chewed the sugary mass through, swallowed, and finally spoke clearly. "Well, do you think that if they're gonna be there in such close proximity to one another, do you think that they'd too start dating just because we are?" "...Hm...Nah." Sunset chuckled. "I know that part of myself too well. And based on what I saw when I faced Midnight, I got the feeling that there's no way two megalomaniacs would get along." "Psht, yeah." Twilight took some more marshmallows into her hand. "They probably can't stand each other's guts."