A Thirsty Nightmare

by WinterStormed

Princess of Persia

Auriel found himself in a bedroom. He looked around and realized it wasn't his own. The room was beautifully decorated, with a large four-poster bed, plush carpets, and ornate Middle easternfurnishings. He had no memory of how he got there or why.

Ah. Now he remembered

He stared at the swirling calligraphy on the ceiling. Farsi, not Arabic. He was in Persia. "God dammit Discord." It seemed this was done on purpose. Auriel felt his heart quicken. Persia was not a good place for him to be. If she catches him here....

The doors opened.

Too Late.

"Auriel. We finally meet at last." The Princess of Persia said. She was an earth pony of horse descent. Her coat was pinkish white and her long, beautifully braided mane was a light shade of pink. Her light blue eyes sparkled, excited by her new visitor.

"The answer is still no, Leila." Auriel said as he faced her.

She pouted. "You know if my guards had not found you outside the gates you would have died ?"

The pegasus sighed. "And you have my gratitude." He tried to leave but she stood in front of him. She was around the same size as Twilight.

Her hoof went against his chest, circling his chest. "I want more than just your gratitude Auriel." She purred.

He pushed her hoof away. "Don't do anyhting rash Leila, remember what Hoofiya said."

Leila rolled her eyes as she pushed Auriel backwards unto the floor. "What happed to the strong Auriel ?"

Auriel felt pain all over his body, he was too weak to resist, still recovering from all his injuries and blood drain. "S-stop Leila, Hoofiya-"

"Are you my Step- brother's lover or something ?" Leila said with a huff. "Hoofiya is not here nor does he even know that you are here. In fact he is in Canterlot right now, looking for you."

Auriel's eyes widen. "What !?"

Leila gave a soft smile as she carresed his cheek. "I think we going off topic."

"I don't have time for this Leila." Auriel struggled to get up but Leila was on top of him. "Get off me !"

"Only if you call me the prettiest mare in the world." She said with glee.


She smirked. Oh, how she missed playing this game with him. She gave him a sultry stare her muzzle close to his. Her breath smelt of strawberries.

Auriel felt his heart beating crazy. She was pretty. Alicorn pretty. She could easily rival the Alicorn sisters in the beauty department. Which is an incredible feat for a non-Alicorn, made even more unbelievable that she wore no make up whatsoever. Not that he will tell that to her face.

"I'v seen better." He glowered. "Get off me !"

Leila's smile faltered, ignoring his demands. "B-Better ? What do you mean better ?"

Oh no .He just said it to get back at her. "Look, Leila..."

She got off him, glaring. "I'll show you better ! Delicate Silk ! Soft Heart ! Prepare my wardrobe !" She said as she left the room. "Your heart will explode when I'm done Auriel !"

Auriel sighed as the doors closed. Can he get out of here ? He eyes fellow on the large window. Could he just glide down ? Auriel thought to himself. "It's worth a shot."

Lifting himself up, Auriel limped towards the window. "Today's going to be a good day." He said. A small smile forming. He totally forget the palace was near the euphrates river. He simply needed to jump and let the currents do the work of taking him away from the palace.

Opening the window, he stared at the roaring currents. This will work. Right ? Taking a deep breath, he dived into the river.

The currents were too strong. "Help !" He screamed his head surfaced and sumberged, fighting to stay afloat.

*Splash !*

Auriel felt two hooves hugging his barrel. "I never knew you could'nt swim !"

" Thanks Leila ." Auriel said as she pulled him towards the banks. They were some distance away from the palace. She smirked. "I think I need more than just gratitude."

"What are you doing !?" Auriel said, alarmed as she pressed her body agaisnt his in the wet sand. She was wearing her regalia made out of pink diamond and gold trimmings. No doubt she burst into the room as he dived into the river.

"To put it simply Auriel." She said as she kissed him. "I'm getting my reward in full."

She hugged him tighter as she kissed even harder.

Auriel was to weak to protest. Why was this happening to him ? All he wanted was to go home and live his life. In despair , tears began to roll down. The once mighty Vampire hunter was reduced to a pudding.

Leila reined her lust when she saw the tears in his eyes. "Hey. Are you okay ?" She immediately got off him.

"I-I-I just want to go home."

Folding her ears, Leila looked away in shame. "I'm sorry Auriel. I took it too far this time. I-I just..I've been in love with you since Hoofiya introduced us. I'm sorry."

Auriel said nothing as she lifted him up, putting him on her back . He fell into a deep sleep as they entered the palace