Scootaloo's First Period

by The REAL Seth Standmore

1. Scootaloo Has A Problem

Rarity was hard at work in her boutique sewing and creating the clothes and fashions of the new year. It was almost the season for dresses so she was making several dresses that ponies could wear around town and to places such as the Grand Galloping Gala. On top of that she knew that pony's would be going to the new school of friendship that Twilight Sparkle built to teach pony's how to hug properly and, some of them would want to wear dresses such as Yonah.

She was humming herself a song about being fabulous as she sewed. "Oh my Opal this is surely going to be my finest dress yet." She exclaimed excitedly to her cat Obsolescence who licked her leg and meowed. Rarity was single.

The machine was thumping and snipping when all of a sudden a knock knocked at the door. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!

"Someone is knocking on my door." Rarity thought knowingly. She said to Obsolescence "Opal darling would you please get the door?" she said singly.

But she did not get the door. The door knocked again. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!

"Oh honestly it is so hard to find good help these days." Rarity grumbled richly. She trotted up to the door and opened it. In front of her was a certain familiar small light brilliant gamboge pegasus willy with moderate cerise hair and wing's that were not big. Her grayish purple eye's looked up with the sadness and scare of a small child who was also an animal.

Rarity recognized her immediately. It was Scootaloo, the best friend of her younger sister Sweetie Belle and Applejack's younger sister Applebloom who together with the three of them were the Cutie Mark Crusader's! "Oh Scootaloo hello darling, are you looking for Sweatie Bell?"

"No Rarity actually um I was........... hoping I could talk to you." Said Scootaloo worryingly.

Suddenly Rarity realized how much concern and worry there was in Scootaloo's grayish purple eye's. That was not normal. Usually Scootaloo was full of confidence and vigor due to her association with Rainbow Dash, Rarity's best friend and athlete cloud-busting weather pony wonderbolt! She did not know what was wrong with Scootaloo but she was going to get to the bottom of it.

"Well Scootaloo you know my door is open, except when it is closed but you can always knock on it to get it open which....... you did!" Rarity let Scootaloo into her house and locked the door behind her so that the killer could not follow them inside the house that was also a boutique. "Well Scootaloo what is wrong with you?"

"Well Rarity I woke up this morning and................. well its very embarrassing." Said Scootaloo embarrasingly.

"Don't worry." Rarity soothed soothingly. "I promise I will not judge you or be mean about it. Tell me what is wrong!"

"Well Rarity the thing is um...................... when I woke up this morning I noticed that my vagina was bloody and I had all kinds of cramps and pains!!!!!!!!!" Tears started to shine in Scootaloo's grayish purple eye's and they dripped down her light brilliant gamboge face. "I'm so scared and in pain Rarity, I think I might have Ophelian Cancer!!!!"

Rarity started to laugh. "Ha Ha Ha" She chortled. "Oh Scootaloo you silly little darling thats not Ovelian Cancer!!!"

Scootaloo stopped crying. She looked very reliefed now. "Thank Goodness." She sighed with lost worry. "But if I don't have Ovidian Cancer then what could it be, my vagina does not bleed most of the time and I only get cramps when I work out too much or drink milk, what could it be?"

"Well you see Scootaloo you are growing up and reaching puberty, it seems that you've finally reached the age where you begin your minestrone cycle also known as you're Period!"

Scootaloo looked very confused. "Huh?" She exclaimed without understanding. "What's that?"

Rarity was confused too, most pony's learned about the Minnesotan cycle and puberstasis when they were Scootaloo's age, she remembered learning sex education when she was in school and she was very well taught and learned about it to practice safe sex practices and the bodily development of pony's. She said. "Scootaloo don't they teach you this in school?"

Scootaloo shook her head negatively. "The only things we learn in school is princesses and hugging."

Now Rarity was very confused, she learned about princesses and hugging too but, the circulium at school when she was a little filly at Scootaloo's age also had sex education. She decided she would tell Scootaloo about it.

"Well you see Scootaloo inside of your stomach is another stomach called a uranus, when pony's have intercourse to make a new pony called a filly, the filly grow's inside of the uranus and then slides out in child birth, every month the uranus starts to get ready for the baby but, if a baby does not happen then the uranus must expel the eggs, that is the blood that comes out of your vagina during you're period."

"Ohhhh that make's so much sense." Said Scootaloo nodding yesly. "So this is going to happen every month, but it hurts so much!!!"

"Yes well there are some thing's we can do to help, one thing we can do is get you a hysterectomy where they take out your uterus but, I don't think we need to do that. However we can still do other thing's to help you such as, taking you to the store and buying you product's to help with your pain and uncomfortable."

"Rarity that would be great, thank you for helping me with this." Said Scootaloo gratefully. "I tried asking Rainbow Dash but she's stupid and useless."

"Yes but I'm very fabulous." Said Rarity with usefulness. "ALso I have lots of money because I am single. Anyway let's go to the store to get you some products to help with your period. Obsolescence please take care of the store while I am gone, I have to get Scootaloo period medicine."

So they left the store to go to the store.