//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Here We Are Here We Remain // by TheArcanPony //------------------------------// Inside the Cantrlot palace, the elements of harmony, the royals of the Cristal Empire and the two alicorn sisters are currently having a meeting inside a room with a large table covered by a map of Equestria. "We shall now discuss the territory acquisition of Princess Twilight Sparkle." Said a mare standing right beside Celestia. "Is this really necessary, I mean Twilight, successfully run a school" Rainbow Dash said resting her face on the table. "That was a school Ms Rainbow, not a territory and certainly not a kingdom." Rarity said . "Lady Rarity, is right running a kingdom is not easy" Cadence said while putting a hand on Twilight's shoulder. "Where is Twilight's new land anyway?" Spike said while looking all over the map. "We've thought of this long and hard, and we decided to bestow Twilight the entire ever free forest and ponyville!" Luna announce getting mixed reactions. "Forgive me princesses but why the the ever free forest!? Is it that the most dangerous place in the kingdom!" Shining Armor said in concern. "Worry not price Armor, Twilight will be provided with military aid from the government." Luna said trying to reassure everyone on the table. "And this will be beneficial to Twilight. It's a vast territory with many resources and it's not claimed by anypony in the nobility, so none of them will complain." Celestia added. "And Twilight, already has her castle there, She won't have to move." Starlight said. "Wow this is such an honor princess, I will not fail you!" Twilight said while spreading her wings. "Will Twilight, have her own royal guard and house banner?" Spike asked excitedly. "Yes Spike, and I believe Rarity will be up for the job." Celestia said looking at Rarity. Rarity uttered a few words before dramatically fainting, making the rest of them laugh a bit. Rarity then rose up wobbling from side to side. "Speaking of banners." Luna then teleported the torn up the Atreides banner in front of them. "Can you fix this Lady Rarity?" "Of course princess, it would be an honor." Rarity, using her magic unfolded the banner in front of her. "Who's insignia is this princess Luna? I've never seen any of the nobility having this seal." "Of course you haven't Ms Rarity, It's from the Atreides household" Luna explained. "Atreides?" Twilight asked in curiosity. "House Atreides is the reason why the Kingdom Of Equestria was formed, without them all of us wouldn't be here." Celestia added. "They sound very important princess, but why haven't I read about them in ancient equestrian history?" Twilight pointed out. "That will be a story for another time Twilight, but in summary they all suddenly vanished without leaving a trace of their existence." Luna said. "I will be finished by tomorrow princess, I will be honored to no that this will be hanged on one of the most prestigious museums." Rarity said with joy. "Oh, you are mistaken lady Rarity, this won't be hanged on a museum." Luna said with a smile. "Where will it be hanged then?" "It will be hanged on the throne room of course," It took a moment before those words sank in, and when it did rarity left for a bit than dramatically fainting again. Inside one of the training halls of the Atreides's palace, Paul and a earth pony stallion are currently fighting each other. "You're getting good sir." The station said while firmly holding his short swords. "Really? It only took me an entire war to finally be able to defeat you Duncan." Paul said pointing his sword. "You are improving, but defeat me? Ha! Not a chance." Both of them then charge towards each other trading blows and slashes. Moments later Paul casted a fireball hurling towards Duncan, and exploding. Paul's front was clouted in dust I see tries to take a break, when suddenly Duncan appeared out of the dust cloud tackling him to the ground and bearing his swords at his neck. "See sir, not a chance" She said smuggly as he stood up and offered him a hand. Accepting his defeat, Paul you stood up with the help of Duncan. Suddenly the doors do the training hall opened revealing a single female soldier. "My lord, the scouts have returned and the rest of the council members awaits your arrival at the meeting hall." "Very well, Tell them that I'll be there shortly." "Yes my lord!" The soldier said as she exited the room. Moments later Paul and Duncan arrived at the meeting hall, wearing their proper attire. All the council members stood up and treated his arrival. "Report." Paul said as he motioned the entire council to sit down. "Our pegasus scouts have found, How should I put this..." She passed for a moment. "Ruined settlements around our borders." "Ruined? Ancient should be the right word, One of the castles on those settlements were covered in vegetation It was almost unrecognizable" Another one said. "What else?" Paul asked as he was starting to get worried. "We found an explorer near the forbidden jungles, we managed to get a few things out of her before she escaped." "What did you get out of her?" "The good news is the Kingdom Of Equestria still exists, so is The two alicorn sisters." "Well that's a relief." "And she also said that their capital is on a mountain, She pointed at the general direction then she escaped." "Can we confirm this?" "One of our scouts stated he saw a castle on the side of the Foal mountain, safe to say she was telling the truth." They then debated on their next course of action. Some say that they should make contact with the kingdom, while others stated the opposite. "Prepare five of our ships to head towards this Cantrlot and load them up with my personal guard." Paul said as the entire hall became quiet. "But my lord it could be dangerous!" A unicorn warned him. "Stop worrying we'll engaged stealth mode, how long will it take to arrive there?" "Three days at full speed, six days if stealth mode is engaged." An earth pony said while rolling his pupils upward. "Then we must leave immediately." Paul said as he stood up. "I will be joining his lordship" Duncan said as he followed Paul. The two of them walk along side each other as they head for the sky ports. "You know, the council does not approve of your actions" "I know they mean well, but I can't just stand back and watch." Paul replied. "Do you think we're ready to face any threat out there?" "Your asking the wrong question" They then exited the palace and entered the sky port. Paul then looked over the port and smiled. "The real question is, are the threats ready to face us" The entire port was covered by thousands upon thousands of ponies in formation really for war. Among them hundreds of airships really to setsale to any destination. The ancient army of equestria has finally returned. To Be Continued...