A Day With Your Best Friend

by Sazura

The Best Day Ever

A/N: This is something I’ve wanted to try for a while. Just something light and happy. Not exactly an original concept. Throughout this fic, you’ll find some parts of the text in blue. These are the very few links to videos / songs that will be incorporated into the story, so just open those up as they come. Anyways, enjoy ;)


A Day With Your Best Friend

By Sazura

Twilight trotted around the library, idly putting away books. It was busywork she was accustomed to, and her body went on autopilot while she allowed her mind to ponder other subjects. Mainly one subject. Rainbow Dash. The athletic pony had been coming around to the library more and more recently. Sometimes to just borrow books, sometimes for a quick chat, and on occasion, she’d stay over to watch movies on the library projector. Twilight especially enjoyed these nights where she and Rainbow would curl up under the same duvet munching on snacks, entranced by the actors on the big screen.

Twilight felt they had become closer as friends, and possibly…more. The slightly scatterbrained unicorn had no previous encounters with romance. Sure there were a few stallions back in Canterlot that tried to catch her eye, the personal (and rather attractive) student of Princess Celestia herself, but her attention always seemed to be focused on some ancient tome rather than the stallion obnoxiously flexing his muscles and suspiciously cocking their eyebrows in a poor attempt to woo the oblivious maiden.

This is why Twilight was giving so much thought on this particular subject matter. She felt something new whenever she was with Rainbow Dash. She believed the correct term was ‘butterflies in her stomach’. Which was physically impossible. And ridiculous. Butterflies wouldn’t be able to adapt to an environment like her stomach. It was just silly.

But she understood how the term was coined. Several times, she found herself tripping over her own words, turning away without meaning to, her face turning so bright and red that ponies would probably think Celestia accidentally shrinked the sun. She wasn’t sure if Rainbow felt the same way. Even if she did, the brash pegasus wouldn’t have any trouble expressing it, she was sure.

Twilight thanked Celestia for Rainbow’s natural thick-headedness. If it were anypony else they would have been sure to pick up on her feelings.

As of now, all Twilight knew was that she was falling for her friend. Her best friend.

“Uhh…Twilight, you alright? You’ve been staring at that shelf for 10 minutes.”

A surprised Twilight had forgotten that the pony she was pondering was actually right next to her. Rainbow lay propped up on one of the library shelves, idly flipping through ‘Daring Do and the Quest for the Goron’s Ruby’.

“Uhh…yeah. Sorry Dash. Got a bit…distracted,” replied Twilight.

“Did you hear what I was talking about? Airhead,” Rainbow smiled.

“That would be a negative. And I’m not an airhead,” Twilight rebutted.

“Whatever you say. Can you…listen properly this time? I really didn’t want to say this more than once,” said the brash pegasus a little sheepishly. Twilight looked at her in puzzlement. There was very little in this world that would cause the Rainbow Dash to behave like this.

“Of course. Go ahead, Rainbow,” Twilight said patiently. The slightly socially awkward unicorn wasn’t the best at giving advice, but she’d do her best. Especially given who was asking for it.

“Umm, well…I don’t know how to put this. But…it feels like my life isn’t going anywhere at the moment. I mean, I’ve been trying to get into the Wonderbolts for ages now, and…it hasn't happened. I've won the Best Young Fliers competition. I can pull off a Sonic Rainboom on command. Even helped save Equestria twice. But they still don’t want me. I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with me,” Rainbow rambled. “Don’t get me wrong, I like where I am now. Spending time with you and everypony else, but…I feel like I’ve been stuck for a while.”

Twilight processed this flood of information. She had no idea that Rainbow was feeling this way at all. It had come out of nowhere. Unsure of how to console her friend, she said the first thing that came to her head.

“Rainbow…it will happen eventually. You’ve been working so hard, there’s no way it couldn’t happen.”

“Exactly. I’ve been working so hard. And it hasn’t happened. I’m in my prime now. Why don’t they want me? I’m obviously just not worthy of them,” Rainbow uttered her last sentence with extreme sarcasm, but Twilight caught a hint of truth.

“Rainbow, you couldn’t possibly be thinking that you’re the reason for it, right?”

“I can’t think of any other explanation. I mean, look at you, Rarity, AJ, Pinkie, Fluttershy. You’re all living exactly how you want. I’m the only one who isn’t…”

“Rainbow…you’re an amazing pony. You can’t ever forget that. Everypony looks up to you. You’re a leader, somepony who isn’t afraid to do what’s necessary.”

“Yeah…well. You might have your faith in the wrong pony.” Rainbow slid off the shelf and headed towards the door. She wore a stone expression on her face, and unreadable expression, but Twilight knew that she was feeling emptier than ever.

“Thanks for talking to me Twilight. I’ll…see you around.” Rainbow opened the door and prepared to launch into the sky.

It was then that Twilight made a decision that, unknown to her, would change everything. As Rainbow’s hooves left the ground, she was yanked back to the earth by a purple aura.

“Ugh. What they hay? What’s the big deal?” Rainbow shot back.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” Twilight blurted suddenly.

“Uhh…nothing? Why?” answered the suspicious pegasus.

“Come to the library tomorrow morning. I’ve got something that will cheer you up.”

“I doubt that,” Rainbow scoffed. “But alright…I’ll come around. See what you cook up. See you tomorrow.” She didn’t give Twilight a moment to react this time before launching off into the sky leaving a spectrum hue.

Twilight didn’t waste anytime. She had a lot of preparation to do.


Twilight went through a mental checklist, making sure everything was ready for Rainbow. She didn’t want anything to go wrong, and her slight OCD had almost driven Spike to insanity the previous night.

“Spike, everything set?” she yelled.

“For the 43rd time, yes, it’s all ready!” the exasperated baby dragon yelled back. “Why are you going through so much trouble anyway?”

“I…uh…” Twilight uttered in return. She couldn’t bear to tell anyone how she felt about Rainbow at the moment. She hastily changed the subject. “Are you alright to stay with Pinkie while I’m with Rainbow?”

“Yeah, I like staying over there. She gives me sweets,” Spike answered as he walked down the stairs.

“Don’t eat too many. Remember that time you ate 22 tubs of ice cream?”

Spike shuddered at that particular memory. Partly because of the ice cream. Mostly because it was the second time Twilight had gone insane.

A knock on the door declared that Rainbow had arrived. Twilight jumped and started frantically tripping over her own hooves in a messy attempt to get to the door. When she opened it, a stone-faced Rainbow Dash greeted her. Her usual confidence had been replaced with silence.

“Hey Twilight. So, what are we doing today?”

“Umm, well. Come in. Got a few things ready for you. It’s a surprise.” Twilight smiled nervously.

“Well, I’ll take my leave. Have fun on your date you two,” Spike teased as he passed the pair through the door, heading toward Sugarcube Corner.

A flood of colour rose through Twilight’s face. She thought she imagined it, but Rainbow also avoided meeting here eyes for a fraction of a second.

“Wouldyouliketocomein?” Twilight’s words mixed in together with each other and came out as an incoherent mess, but Rainbow still somehow managed to understand.

“Yeah, that’s what I assumed I’d be doing,” Rainbows teased as she gave the ghost of a smile.

Twilight walked over to the projector and began setting up a particular video she though Rainbow would enjoy.

“We’re watching a movie?” Rainbow asked with a perplexed look. “Don’t we do enough of that already?”

“This isn’t really a movie. Just watch.”

The pair sat facing the projector watching the pony’s rather…enthusiastic reaction to a weather phenomenon. The video finished, and Twilight hesitated before facing the other pony.

Her hesitation was unjustified, however. Rainbow had broken into a wide grin.

“Did that guy eat something funny?” she giggled.

“No…he just really likes rainbows I guess,” Twilight smiled.

“Ohhh, that’s why you showed it to me.”

“Yeah…I just wanted to show you that they’re beautiful, and always worth appreciating.”

The hardened daredevil felt her heart skip a beat from her friend’s words. Nopony had ever called her that before. “Th…thanks Twilight,” Rainbow stuttered. She felt a slight blush enter her face, and hoped the pony sitting across from her wouldn’t notice.

“Rainbow, take my hoof.”

“Wh…what? Why!?”

“I need to teleport us somewhere for our next activity.” Twilight blushed as she said this, turning away.

Rainbow understood her friend’s intention, and hesitantly put her hoof over Twilight’s. The magically gifted unicorn concentrated into her horn, teleporting the pair to who knows where.


The temperature was so much lower than the place they had just departed from. Rainbow took a look around, and instantly recognised her hometown, Cloudsdale. Pegasi ponies soared through the air around them, while the white clouds made up the columns and roads of the magnificent sky city. The sight never failed to amaze.

“Why are we here?” she asked.

“You’ll see.”

Twilight had apparently already cloaked herself with several spells before hand, as she wasn’t falling through the clouds or being affected by the cold. Rainbow followed behind her friend as she wound her way through Cloudsdale, occasionally checking a map to make sure they on the right track.

Rainbow didn’t interrogate her partner for details. After Twilight had managed to break her out of her initial apathy with just a video, Rainbow trusted that her friend knew what to do to lift her from this rut.

Eventually, they arrived at a small field, where several fillies and colts were practicing their flight skills. Among them was a familiar orange filly with a mane of shocking purple.

“Hey, Rainbow, you made it!” Scootaloo exclaimed as she neared.

“Huh? Squirt? What are you doing here?” Rainbow’s tone was one of surprise.

“Well Twilight said you’d help us with our flying techniques today,” the filly answered with slight confusion.

Rainbow looked beside her to see that Twilight had become particularly interested in a small cloud floating past, and purposely avoiding eye contact.

“Twilight…? Care to explain?” Rainbow’s tone was disapproving, but she had a slight smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

“Well, after yesterday when you…never mind. I just wanted to show you you’re a pony worth looking up to, that’s all.”

“And I’m supposed to…?”

“Teach these little foals how you fly. I know you like to show off,” Twilight teased.

Rainbow stared at Twilight for several seconds before she let out a sigh. “Alright, you got me. C’mon squirt. Let me show you how Equestria’s greatest flier does it.”

The athletic pony and her excited companion raced back to the main group. Scootaloo happily declared to everypony that would listen that she got Ponyville’s coolest pony to teach them some amazing tricks. Some other foals were sceptical that Rainbow was as great as she said she was, but after performing a few of her signature tricks, she had the attention and adoration of every foal, mare and stallion in the vicinity.

Twilight watched from the sidelines as Rainbow’s eyes lit up teaching her new admirers how to ride the wind, basic flying techniques, and other fundamentals that she herself mastered long ago. Something warmed in the unicorn’s heart as she watched Rainbow laugh. She was being appreciated for something she loved doing, which wasn’t an alien concept to the daredevil, but the cheers of the adorable foals seemed to bolster something new in her. Twilight was happy in the knowledge that she knew what to do to make her friend happy.

After several hours, however, the smaller foals were beginning to show signs of fatigue. Sensing their tiredness, Rainbow declared it quits. This was met with major resistance. The children begged her to return sometime. They couldn’t get enough of their new idol. Rainbow proudly promised that she would, and returned to where Twilight was seated watching the scene from afar.

“Did you enjoy that?” asked the satisfied unicorn.

“Yeah…I didn’t think I would,” Rainbow replied panting slightly. “They got tired pretty quickly though. Only what, half an hour? Wait what?” she exclaimed as she looked at the clock on the scoreboard. She only just noticed that 3 hours had passed.

“You’ve been waiting here that long?”

“You seemed to be having so much fun. Wouldn’t want to stop that,” Twilight smiled.

“But still…3 hours. Sorry about that Twi.”

“Rainbow, you forgot the only reason I’m here in the first place is to cheer you up. Stopping that would be counter-productive,” said the unicorn with a slightly smug tone.

Rainbow felt another lurch of her heartbeat. She wondered if there was something wrong with her. She should probably get that looked at.

Twilight silently stretched out her hoof again, and Rainbow held it with eager anticipation for their next location.


The pair materialised in the middle of Canterlot town square, earning several disapproving looks from a few startled high society ponies. It was late afternoon by now, and the sun was close to dipping into the horizon.

“No use asking why we’re here?” Rainbow piped up.

“None at all,” Twilight replied. She was certain that her friend would enjoy the next activity to no end. What she was dreading, however, was what she had planned afterwards. She was starting to get cold hooves. But there was no use worrying or backing out now. Just go along with the schedule.

Twilight led Rainbow through the cobblestone streets of Canterlot. Around them, ponies idly flitted from shop window to shop window, sitting at cafes enjoying the glow of Celestia’s sun, and parents walked hoof in hoof with their foals. An ordinary day in the capital.

Eventually, they arrived at their destination. The Sky Arena. The sign posted outside proudly boasted that an air show was to be performed by the Wonderbolts in about half an hour. Outside, ponies were queuing up with their tickets, excited to see Equestria’s most well known daredevils.

Rainbow had mixed reactions. Her usual excitement to see her idols was still there, but slightly tainted by the thoughts she was experiencing the previous day. A slight bitterness mixed in with adoration. But still, Twilight had gone to all the trouble to get tickets, and she was always genuinely excited to see the ‘official’ best fliers in all of Equestria.

“Wow…thanks Twilight. I don’t know what to say.”

“Rainbow, there’s no need for that,” stated the unicorn. “Besides, I know what you’re thinking. Those feelings from yesterday wouldn’t have just vanished. So, I prepared a little extra.”

With that cryptic message, Twilight began walking toward the stadium. Once again, Rainbow didn’t bother to ask what the little extra was. By this point she was more than happy to let her partner take control of today. The pair walked to the queue. And then walked straight past it. Twilight headed straight towards the side door and snuck through.

“Twilight, we’re not going to line up?” Rainbow asked nervously. She was all for being rebellious, but she never wanted to do anything that upset other ponies.

“Oh, that’s alright. The tickets for this air show actually sold out a month ago. I had to ask Princess Celestia to help out. Which she was more than happy to do.”

Rainbow detected a slight hint of smugness in the normally humble unicorn’s tone, and giggled quietly to herself.

At the end of the passage leading into the actual arena stood one of Celestia’s pegasi guards. As the pair neared, the guard approached them with a stern look etched upon his face. Rainbow readied herself for a scolding.

“Twilight, hey! You made it! Come on through!” the guard said cheerfully.

“Thanks, Iron Shield!” Twilight returned with equal cheer. The pair walked towards the VIP boxes led by the guard.

This was just another time Rainbow was surprised by her long time friend. Her connections in Canterlot were never something Rainbow had given thought, but her admiration for the seemingly simple unicorn rose just a bit more from this event.

The pair sat in the VIP box, eagerly anticipating the show. Slowly, more and more ponies spilled into the arena, taking up the lower seats. Eventually, the arena was packed with the buzz of excitement only an event like this could bring. A loud bang from the centre of the arena declared the show had officially started.

A pegasus pony wearing a tuxedo entered the stage. “Fillies and Gentlecolts! Welcome to the Wonderbolts air show! What you are about to witness are some of the most amazing feats of flight ever achieved by ponykind! And might I remind you, you are not to attempt any of these tricks at home. Try them somewhere else.”

The joke earned a chuckle from the audience, as well as a childish scoff from Rainbow. “Oh, please. I do these at home all the time.” Despite her usual cocky attitude, her eyes shone brightly with anticipation.

“And now, introducing the Wonderbolts! First, the fearless leader, the ace, the one you know as…Spitfire!”

Spitfire burst in from the side as the announcer yelled her name. Her trail was a blazing flame, and as she entered she pulled off several barrel rolls that would have landed any regular pegasus in the hospital. It was quite a sight.

“Next up is a pony who is often mistaken for thunder itself. Give it up for…Soarin!”

Soarin flew in from above, his powerful wings sending gusts of wind in all directions, his trail an electrified dark storm cloud. With each flap of his wings, thunderous rumbles echoed throughout the stadium.

“Now, don’t blink, audience, or you might miss this next one. The fast, the furious…Fleetfoot!”

Fleetfoot seemingly appeared from nowhere. His agility was amazing. Momentarily disappearing from sight and materialising someplace completely different. He left no trail, only bent wind followed in his wake.

The audience went wild. This announcer was a master of controlling the crowd. Deafening cheers rang throughout the arena praising the famous daredevils. Eventually, however, the noise died down and the announcer began speaking again.

“Now, audience. I have some very special news for you. It appears that we have a guest flier today. Some of you may have heard of her. She only helped save our fair country twice. The only living pegasus able to perform the legendary Sonic Rainboom, Rainbow Dash!”

The announcer, in sync with the spotlight, pointed towards the VIP box where a flabbergasted Rainbow Dash sat dumbfounded in her seat.

“Rainbow Dash, it would appreciated if you would come down here!” the announcer exclaimed.

The wide-eyed pegasus seemed incapable of processing thought. It wasn’t until Twilight leaned next to her ear and whispered into it that she reacted.

“Rainbow, you alright?” Twilight asked worriedly. She was worried that this little…surprise might have been a bit too much.

“Twilight…I’ll talk to you in a bit.”

With those words, Rainbow streaked away form the VIP box, straight to the stage where the Wonderbolts were standing. Even from her seat, Twilight could see the excitement in her friend’s eyes. She showed no nervousness. No fear. This was something she had been ready for her whole life. Several pegasus ponies came onto the stage to fit Rainbow into the official Wonderbolts uniform.

Twilight was imagining the spectrum of emotion racing through Rainbow. Excitement, pride, elation, and she hoped, gratitude. Tears were forming at the corners of the flier’s eyes as she donned the uniform, complete with the official crest of the Wonderbolts.

The audience was unsure of how this wild card was going to be incorporated into the routine. Surely, she couldn’t be as good as the Wonderbolts? Were the famous fliers about to get dragged down?

On stage, Spitfire seemed to be discussing something with Rainbow. Eventually, their discussion ended with a mutual nod. About five minutes had passed since Rainbow had entered the stage, and the audience was hungry for action.

Suddenly, Soarin took off. Cheers erupted as he spun higher and higher, leaving thunder in his wake. He flipped. And began diving straight towards the ground. At the same time, Spitfire took off, heading straight towards the descending pegasus. Fire and thunder got closer and closer, to the point where a collision seemed unavoidable. At the last second, they both veered off course and missed each other by a hair. Twilight cheered along with the rest of the audience at this amazing trick.

Not noticed by a majority of the audience, however, was that the two remaining pegasi on the stage had disappeared. Around the stadium, Fleetfoot and Rainbow pierced the air with unbelievable speed. They wove around the rings, nets and obstacles set up around the arena with amazing grace. Twilight recognised some of Rainbow’s signature moves as she dipped and dived through the terrain. She was in her element.

The tricks continued on for about an hour. Non-stop. The Wonderbolts, Rainbow included, were indeed amazing athletes. Finally, Soarin, Fleetfoot and Spitfire landed on the front stage. Rainbow, however, continued to ascend past the open roof of the stadium. Immediately, Twilight knew that the audience were in for a treat.

She continued ascending until she was out of sight. The audience looked up, scanning the skies for any hint of the pegasus. Slowly, a speck became visible in the night sky. It looked to be a cyan blue arrow cutting through the air. A cone formed around Rainbow. It was close now.


An explosion of colour surrounded Rainbow, expanding until it filled the entire night sky with a spectrum of bright colours. Contrasted against the midnight blue backdrop, it was a glorious sight to behold. The audience ‘ooh’d’ and ‘ahh’d’ as they witnessed the legendary manoeuvre.

Rainbow landed on the stage with the Wonderbolts to massive applause and deafening cheers. She had certainly proved herself tonight. Twilight watched from the sidelines, pride emanating as she watched her best friend grab just a small slice of her dream.

The announcer declared the show over, and the satisfied ponies slowly filtered out of the stadium, still buzzing over the sight. A wrecked looking Rainbow Dash greeted Twilight back at the VIP box with the Wonderbolts uniform tucked behind a wing, along with the trio of Wonderbolts.

“Twilight, if I’m dreaming, don’t ever, ever wake me up.” Rainbow looked to be on the verge of tears, something extremely rare for the headstrong pegasus.

“Don’t worry Dash, it’s real,” Spitfire laughed.

“Thanks guys,” Twilight began saying to the Wonderbolts, “for the favour, I mean. Rainbow’s been wanting to perform with you guys for quite a long time, now. And I didn’t want to ask Celestia for so much help.”

“DON’T TELL THEM THAT!” Rainbow frantically yelled.

This earned another hearty laugh from Spitfire. “It’s cool, Dash. We knew anyways. Besides, we were glad to have you in our show tonight. You were amazing out there.”

The compliment from her idol had left Rainbow in a daze.

“Also…keep the uniform. You’ll need it. Eventually. See you around, Dash, Twilight.” Spitfire gave a small smile and began walking away, Soarin and Fleetfoot in tow.

Rainbow slowly processed the hint. “Wait, I’m ready to need it now!”

“When you truly believe that, we’ll be more than happy to have you on board. But for now, there are other matters in your life, right?” Spitfire looked cryptically at Twilight before turning away again. “So, guys, what’s for dinner?”

“Apple pie!” Soarin yelled happily. The Wonderbolts exited the arena, leaving only Twilight and Rainbow.

“No. Don’t say anything yet.” Rainbow took a deep breath before speaking again. Her nerves were still rattling from adrenaline and disbelief. “Twilight…you…I don’t know what to say. Just…thank you. So much. For everything. Not just for this, for today, but for being such a good friend recently. My best friend. Someone who I’ll always want to be with me, no matter what.”

Twilight struggled for an answer, but her throat had turned dry.

Rainbow shook her head before regaining her usual self. “Well…that was a pretty awesome day. Can’t wait to finally have a big meal and go to sleep.” Her unenthusiastic tone didn’t match what she was saying.

“Wait, Rainbow. We’re not done yet. There’s one more thing I wanted to do today.” Twilight gulped. This was it. The activity that she had been anticipating and dreading all day. But it was too late to back out now. She was going to tell her everything.

Twilight stretched out her shaking hoof. Rainbow silently agreed, and held on tight as the unicorn’s horn glowed and took the pair to their final location for the day.


The dark interior of Ponyville Library greeted them. Twilight’s home.

“So what else you got planned?” Rainbow asked.

No response.

“Still being all mysterious, huh?”

It was then that Rainbow noticed Twilight was shivering violently. “You cold?”

She nodded.

Rainbow wasn’t usually one to openly show gushy emotions, but given what her friend had done for her today, she didn’t hesitate. Slowly, her wings embraced the quivering unicorn. Twilight buried her face behind the feathery canvas like it was a security blanket, and there she stayed. Rainbow didn’t force anything. Twilight would say what she needed when she needed.

That time came soon. “Rainbow. I’m happy that I could help you today. The Rainbow I know is confident, athletic, amazing…and beautiful. I want you to know, that if you ever need my help, I’d be more than willing to give it to you. I’m sure you know what you mean to everypony else, but you don’t know what you mean to me.”

Before Rainbow could respond, Twilight’s horn glowed, and a song began playing through the gramophone. A short silence followed. Softly, slowly, the sound of the piano met their ears. The melody was sweet, and sang of tender affections. It wasn’t the sort of song the fast-paced pegasus enjoyed, but she was more willing to listen than ever.

As the song played, the nervous unicorn began shaking even harder. Tears began cascading from her eyes. Rainbow panicked, unsure of how to console her friend, but as she listened to the lyrics, slowly, she began to understand the feelings Twilight felt for her. She understood her fear, her sadness, and most of all, her affections.

The wings wrapped around Twilight tightened even further, and the unicorn responded in turn by wrapping her hooves around the pony she loved. The pair didn’t think as two ponies anymore. Instead, they understood each other’s feelings beyond words. Nothing needed to be said. The only thing remaining in the world to them was each other, and this song. Both of them knew this moment was going to be etched into their memories forever, and treasured every passing second.

All of Twilight's emotions could no longer be contained. Bittersweet tears fuelled by fear and happiness spilled out openly. Through this one, single song, she said everything she would struggle to with her own words.

Sadly, though, the song had to end. The pair sat in silence on the floor of the library. Twilight feared to look up to meet Rainbow’s eyes. What would she find? It frightened her to an insane degree. But she had to look eventually. There was no turning back now. There was no way things would return to normal after what she just told Rainbow.

Twilight felt moisture on the top of her head. She looked up. Mirroring her own eyes, Rainbow’s were streaking with tears. The pegasus finally understood her mistake of taking too long to realise her best friend’s feelings, and regretted it, because she realised she returned those affections with greater ferocity.

“Rainbow…just in case you didn’t catch that, I lov-”

Twilight’s nervous sentence was interrupted by Rainbow’s lips meeting hers. Electricity, shock and happiness ran through the unicorn. The kiss was unlike anything Twilight had ever experienced. To love somepony, and to finally know that they love you back. The feeling was unmatched by any other. She gratefully returned Rainbow’s advances; elated that her first kiss was stolen by somepony she treasured so much.

The pair simply put all their pent up feelings into that one kiss. In a few moments, they had communicated more to each other than any other time throughout their friendship. By the time it ended, neither was willing to leave the embrace of the other. There they sat, perfectly content to be in the company of new love.

“Hey, Rainbow?”


“Are you doing anything tomorrow?”

The end.