//------------------------------// // Chapter 21: Everything Falling Apart // Story: Black as Sin // by BearstarSeraph //------------------------------// Chapter 21: Everything Falling Apart “That’s good to hear, Luna,” Celestia said sitting at her desk, “And Discord?” “He has regained movement of his hands, but cannot lift his arms without screaming in pain. Doctors are also reporting he is talking to himself excessively and are worried about his mental state.” Celestia sighed and rubbed her temples, “Not the harmony mage again…” “Sister, we understand the trepidation, but there is nothing we can do about this pony at the moment. If they were dangerous, Discord would be the first to raise the alarm.” Celestia sighed and dropped her hooves on the desk, “I know…” Luna giggled, “You sound like a whining filly.” She stopped laughing. “But sister, Vegeta wishes to be informed on why Pinkie was wounded. We know we cannot be involved, so we will leave for our quarters and wait for moonrise.” “No,” Celestia said. “Go stay with the girls and Bulla. I’m sure they have not been able to keep these events to themselves.” “Truth, Lady Rainbow Dash and Applejack have no mask. We will check on them at once.” Luna turned around and left the room. Celestia sighed. She looked at the stack of papers from the incident all over her desk. “Guard!” she called out. One poked his head in the door, “Yes, sire?” “Go fetch the ducal couple and Bocce from their chambers.” “Yes, sire.” He saluted and left. ~~***~~ “You wished to see us, your majesty?” Fancy Pants bowed. Fleur dis Lee and Bocce bowed as well, with Bocce shaking like a maraca. “Yes, I have a favor to ask the three of you. It is possible to refuse. You may rise.” The three stood up. “Prince Vegeta has finally awaked. You three are aware he nearly lost his life to save Pinkie?” “A dark mage… died…” Bocce mumbled. “We were aware he was unconscious, but not that his life was in danger,” Fancy Pants said. “Yes, he took a drastic turn for the worse after you witnessed my sister’s joy at his sudden improvement. I will get down to the point. He wishes to know what happened to Pinkie, and I believe a simple conversation will satisfy him.” “You… wish us to talk to the dark mage?” Fancy Pants gasped. “My lady, you know the consequences for us when this leaks?” “Yes, I am aware of the utter failure to keep anything that has happened today a secret,” she said gently, “Which is why I am asking, not ordering.” “I…” Bocce stuttered. “I…. would like to meet him! Ju…. Just once…. To say thank you.” “Fancy,” Fleur leaned into him, “Surely we can simply stand in the hallway while Bocce gives a simple thanks.” “He sighed, “Fine. But as your lawyer, keep things simple and quick.” ~~***~~ Fancy Pants, Fleur dis Lee, and Bocce waited in the hall. “Prince Vegeta,” Celestia stepped in the room, “Are you awake?” “I am now… What’s up?” “The pony Pinkie saved has agreed to talk to you,” Celestia said. “Will you greet him?” “Yes! Yes, of course! Bring him in here.” “Bocce, you may enter.” Bocce entered the room, and was startled by the giant mass of plaster case. “By the sun?! What happened to you?!” “The Everfree Forest…” Vegeta rolled his eyes, “broke almost every bone in my body. Now get over here where I can see you.” Bocce swallowed and tiptoed over. He looked slack jawed at Vegeta. Vegeta raised an eyebrow. “What? Not what you expected?” He chuckled, “Did you expect a flaming skull surrounded by hellfire?” “Prince Vegeta, watch your sarcasm,” Celestia scolded. “Umm… yeah. Actually…” “Well, you have nothing to fear from me.” Then he looked over himself, “Especially currently.” He looked back at Bocce. “Your name is Bocce, correct?” “Yes, sire.” “Vegeta is fine. My title is just an artifact of my birth. I gave up all power to run off with a wealthy merchant’s daughter and joined their familial house.” “So… So you're technically a peasant?” “Don’t get me wrong. My wife’s family is so wealthy and influential that if I had married into the royal family, it would have been a serious downgrade in power and status, but if you want to get technical, yes, I am considered a peasant in my wife’s country.” “A peasant family more powerful than royalty?” “I’m sure it’s hard to understand, but yes. Much more powerful. The country would collapse without my wife’s family. The phase ‘Too big to fail’ exists for merchant companies that become so powerful they become de facto rulers in their own right.” At this point Fancy Pants and Fleur stuck their heads in just to confirm their ears. Bocce looked up at Celestia. She nodded, “He speaks the truth. Isn’t your own family the newest member of the Golden Circle in Las Pegasus, Bocce Boules? You also have marital ties to the Millionaire Row of Manehatten, if I’m not mistaken.” “…Yes… how much do you actually know about me?” Celestia lowered her head and smiled into his face. “One of the Great Bearers nearly died saving you from assassination inside a Ducal mansion. You think we wouldn’t want to know exactly who you were, young Bocce?” He shrank and shivered. “…no… ma’am…” Celestia raised her head, continuing to smile at him the entire time. Vegeta grimaced and pinned his ears back. “And I thought my mother-in-law had a creepy, all-knowing smile…” Celestia turned her smile to Vegeta. “Continue, young Bocce.” Bocce looked at Vegeta, who was suddenly not the scariest thing in the room. “Well, I’m in charge of my family’s properties in Ponyville. And I met a mare named Sea Swirl. We were together three years and I was about to propose to her. Then she disappeared. Almost a year later, I got a letter. She said she was actually a daughter of a low-ranking noble family, and that she was pregnant. Her parents had locked her up in the house and were planning to dump the baby and pretend it never happened and needed help. I went to my father with the letter and he disowned me right there and had me dumped in the desert outside the city limits by the police. I was found by a bison tribe who took me to the nearest town with a train station. “But anyway… three months ago, she escaped and was at the Canterlot train station to go to Manehatten to hide with my aunt. She went into labor and gave birth on the platform. My daughter survived despite being so premature. But since then, her family has been blacklisted and will go bankrupt on Monday. She’s…. has a stalker, since prep school, someone named Blarney.” He looked at the door. “Duke Fancy Pants says he’s part of another Ducal house, second only to the princesses.” He looked back at Vegeta, “We tried again today, but got caught. Duke Fancy Pants said they have influence over the police and courts in the city. She’s being held prisoner now. He’s about to buy out her family and force the marriage. We have until tomorrow to beat their price to take control of her family’s company instead.” Vegeta lowered his eyebrows, “Do you know how much money you need?” “We were trying to figure that out when… when…” he started to cry. “We were next to a balcony with open doors for the breeze…” Bocce lay down and put his hooves over his eyes, “It was so fast…” “Stand up,” Vegeta said. “If this Blarney went out of his way to hire assassins to kill you, it means you actually have a clear chance to succeed. Take that to courage and think about your mate and child.” Bocce took his hooves off his eyes. “I said… STAND UP!” Vegeta barked. Bocce jumped to his feet. “Now…” Vegeta asked, softening his tone. “Did you figure out how much money?” Bocce shook his head. “So… how were you going about it?” “A sto… stock split… the baby…” “Alright, that’s enough,” Fancy Pants suddenly stepped in the room. “You’ve compromised your legal standing enough just by stepping into this room. You cannot now take advice from a blooming dark mage, forgive my language, princess.” She nodded. “Of course.” “And you are?” “Duke Fancy Pants, and also lawyer for this young man.” “So the murder attempt happened in your home?” “There is no need to explain further,” he said curtly. “By your leave, princess.” Celestia nodded. Vegeta saw Bocce suddenly get surrounded by magic and floated forcefully out of the room. “I hope these answers solve things for you,” Celestia said. She turned to leave. “Celestia! Wait a moment,” Vegeta called out. “Vegeta, I understand your desire to help, but Duke Fancy Pants is correct on this matter. The best thing you can do is stay away.” “Can I just say one thing?” “You just did,” Celestia said as she stepped out of the room. Celestia paused briefly when she heard Vegeta’s screams of rage echo through the halls before she continued on. ~~***~~ Princess Cadence stuck her head out of Discord’s door after Celestia passed by. Then once she was out of sight, she went to Vegeta’s room. “And what was this latest tantrum about?” she said, lighting her horn as she entered. Vegeta lifted his head. “Princess Cadence?! Oh, thank goodness. I need to talk to someone reasonable here. And yes, I know you shot me. Please hear me out.” Cadence looked confused but did not stop the magic in her horn as she walked around the bed. “What is it that you want?” “I was just talking to the people-ponies involved in Pinkie being shot. But I wasn’t even able to say anything back. There is a giant fucking hole in their plan and its going to get someone killed in the next few days.” Cadence sighed annoyed, “Alright, I’ll hear you out.” “This is all over a young noblewoman trying to elope with her lover over a higher ranking sutor. They have been caught before, and now there is a newborn involved. The marriage is being forced through tomorrow and the father was the pony Pinkie shoved out of the way in an assassination attempt.” Cadence’s jaw dropped. “And what is Princess Celestia doing about this?” “Absolutely nothing as far as I know.” Vegeta was surprised when Cadence dropped the glow from her horn. “Ok, tell me everything…” ~~***~~ A few minutes later… “I see,” Cadence said. “Now what is it you wanted to say?” “This Blarney is buying out the family through some kind of company. I assume from stock split it means they were calculating the price including the baby’s shares. The baby that was going to be thrown in the trash if she hadn’t escaped and basically miscarried publicly. Is there even a birth certificate? Is the baby in the family registry? Why would they give any recognition to the garbage that destroyed their wealth and power?” “You think there hasn’t been a stock split. Which means they wouldn’t be buying enough to stop the takeover. But even so, buying the company won’t necessarily stop the marriage.” “Princess, tell me, does the royal family have higher jurisdiction when it comes to performing marriages?” “You want one of us to marry the parents by force? Equestria is not a dictatorship, the princesses are just as under the law as everypony else.” “But can they be married tonight?” “It will probably be thrown out in court.” “And how long will that take?” “And destroy the reputation of the palace? If this is who I think it is, he’s descended from the old unicorn royal family before Celestia. The Marquess of Folderol and Dukes of Gleaning are not to be messed with. Celestia is not going to risk it. Her stewardship is the only reason the three of us have any influence at all.” “Luna said you are a foreign empress.” “I am a princess of Equestria. I was installed as ruler of the empire after the fall of King Sombra, the last dark mage to plague this land.” Vegeta closed his eyes, “I see. So it is a puppet government.” He opened his eyes. “So, empress, are you perfectly ok with Pinkie being permanently disabled for nothing? Bocce is not going to live much longer, and the newborn won’t survive the week if the marriage goes through.” “It’s not uncommon for a noble to claim parentage after the fact if the parents disagree with the marriage.” “This couple lived in Ponyville, for years, and got pregnant there. You're saying some stranger walked into that town without being noticed, raped the female half of a young, prominent wealthy couple where if you scream on one end of town everyone can hear you clearly on the other, then left without being lynched by an angry mob? Don’t make me laugh. No one is going to believe it. That baby is as dead as her father.” Cadence briefly closed her eyes and lowered her head slightly. She raised it, “I know you’re only so invested because of Pinkie Pie. But I will bring up your concerns.” “Thank you.” “But before I go, what would you do if you weren’t bed bound?” “Abduct the family and hide them until we could get them off world. Once safely on Earth, we could make moves against the assassins without worrying about their safety.” He paused, “Could also just buy out the entire company. I’m sure my father-in-law would love the business opportunity on another planet.” “You would have to put in a royal lien to pull that off.” “What’s a royal lien?” “Nobles get dibs on any sale. Even stripping out nobles of lesser rank. It is an old system, but there are still spoiled ponies who do it if they get beat at auction or if they want neighboring property for a new swimming pool. I remember when I was first brought to the city, an entire section of the city was taken by a noble’s lien. Made thousands homeless.” “And Celestia did nothing?” “It’s the law of the land, as she said.” “How long does a lien last until it is canceled by nonpayment?” “Why?” Vegeta smirked, “Like I said. My family would be interested in business dealings with this nation.” ~~***~~ “A LIEN?!” Celestia shouted as she stood from her desk. “Cadence! How could you?!” “It’s not like you would ever grant it to a foreign power.” “Cadence… You do know that the law states that any alicorn is automatically a royal of Equestria?” “Even him?!” she pointed towards that wing of the castle. “The law does not specify the pony’s race beforehand…” Celestia sat back down. “The limit is one month from the declaring of the lien… but the public—” "Princess Celestia!” A soldier ran into the room floating a folded newspaper. He plopped it on the desk. “There are pegasi newsies everywhere in the sky blanketing the entire city with this edition. Thousands and thousands of copies littering the ground everywhere.” “Princess Luna betrays Equestria for dark mage. Possible return of Nightmare Moon?!” Celestia stood so fast her chair slid back. “What the buck?!” She scanned the first few paragraphs. “Captain Spearchucker, you fool.” “Do you want to start making arrests?” The guard asked. Celestia took a deep breath. “No. No, it’s far too late for that. It would only make things worse. Like we had something to hide.” She looked at the guard, “You found this outside the castle walls?” “No, inside. Seems some of the newsies hid in clouds and peppered the palace. We’ve collected 43 so far, but we don’t know how many they tossed before they were noticed.” Celestia gasped, then teleported. ~~***~~ Celestia landed outside Bulla's room, and could hear the commotion. Celestia threw open the door, almost ripping it off its hinges. “Ima gonna buck these bastards into next week!” “Not if I get done with them first. AJ!” Dash shouted back. While Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked like they were about to get in an argument over who would get to beat up who, Twilight was spinning in a circle in one of her panic attacks. Luna was sobbing, being hugged by Fluttershy and Bulla. “It is ok, Princess Luna. All the adults think you’re Best Pony,” Bulla said. "Luna!” Celestia galloped into the room. She hugged her sister. “Don’t worry. We will fix this.” “We don’t see how sister…” she bawled. Cadence teleported into the room holding a paper in her magic. “Princess! I caught the staff reading… I see you already know.” Luna wiped her eyes as Celestia stood. “Yes, we know.” “How are we going to counter this?” Cadence asked. “We will need to read this carefully and come up with rebuttals for a public statement.” “As if anyone would believe us,” Luna cried. “Luna has a point,” AJ said. “This ain’t just about Princess Luna. The main thing is about Vegeta.” “Can’t we just say Daddy is scary but not bad?” Bulla asked. “Fluttershy said the story is that Daddy is bad and Luna is friends with him so she must be bad too.” “That is one road we could take,” Celestia said, “albeit the most difficult option.” A guard came into the room, “Forgive the interruption princesses, but Duke Fancy Pants is asking for an urgent audience concerning the news special edition.” “Wait… Have we been spoiled for the case by what’s inside?” Luna looked up at Celestia. Celestia grabbed a newspaper and looked at the title page, “I only skimmed the first few paragraphs. Where did you see that information?”   “Page 8, we believe.” “So it continues on page 8?” She said as she began counting the pages. “Princess Celestia,” Cadence said. “It’s the entire edition. Not a cover story. It’s all 21 pages.” Everyone could see Celestia’s heart drop on her face as she took the newspaper and began turning the pages one by one. “Oh no… it mentions Duke Fancy Pants by name…” ~~***~~ “I can’t believe Poppycock turned this around so perfectly on us,” Fancy Pants said, pacing back and forth. He stopped and pointed at Celestia, “Princess, I demand you correct this fallacy at once!” “I have every intention to,” Celestia said. Suddenly a scroll popped in front of Celestia’s face. Fancy Pant’s ears fell when he saw the Bar Guild’s seal. Celestia’s ears also drooped as she read it. “It says your law license has been suspended pending an ethics investigation. And any evidence of crimes will be forwarded to law enforcement.” “And let me guess. The names listed are all allies of Duke Poppycock?” “Blarney is listed as the one overseeing everything, yes.” “Princess Celestia,” A guard ran in and saluted. “There is a standoff happening between the city and palace guards.” He floated over a letter, “A warrant for the arrest of a Bocce Boules for the attempted assassination of Lady Pinkie Pie and high treason.” Celestia stood up. “What?! By whose authority?!” “It is signed by Judge Blackstone.” “But it did not even occur in his jurisdiction!” “Oh no…” Fancy Pants said. “Princess, I feel Bocce is being set up as a sacrificial lamb.” Celestia gasped and put her foot to her mouth. She quickly regained her composure. “Guard, leave us. Tell the city guards we are reviewing the documents.” “Yes, sire.” He left. “So we either turn over Bocce and let this miscarriage play through,” Fancy Pants said. “Or we dig ourselves into a massive hole by admitting the truth.” “It would also expose our intelligence methods to the Gryphon Empire. And that it was Prince Vegeta who recognized the weapon when we call it by the words in his language. We don’t even know its name in griffean.” “That a weapon exists that creates fatal wounds that can’t be healed will also send the public into a panic…” Fancy Pants sighed. “Looks like we have no choice but to let them take the boy and kill him.” Celestia looked at him confused before realization entered her eyes. “Yes… with the griffons already having struck once. This is just to get him in a cage he can’t escape from…”  Suddenly Celestia smiled. “Wait… That’s it!” ~~***~~ “Princess Celestia, this is highly unusual.” “You are the one who charged him with assassination and high treason, Judge Blackstone,” Celestia said standing in front of his bench. “As such he is a political prisoner and belongs in the crystal dungeons under the castle.” “Also,” she continued, “I expect to see the evidence you were given to issue this warrant. There must be something the palace has missed in our own investigation that would sway you to such an extreme decision.” “Arrangements will be made. But as it is my understanding that your evidence comes from those associated with black magic, no judge in Equestria would ever allow such evidence in court. Not only is it immediately invalid by law, it would lead to a unanimous conviction if presented to a jury.” He smiled, “And with current events, I’m sure the royal family is already swamped.” Celestia gave a masking smile, “I thank you for your concern. But everything is under control.” Celestia turned around to walk out, “I expect your documents at the end of the second hour.” ~~***~~ Down below the palace, Bocce is in a cell. It is a large cell and plush furniture and privacy screens were added to make it comfortable, but the bars did nothing to calm his mind. ~~***~~ Out in the city, Cadence and Twilight teleported in front of the city offices. Cadence fluttered her wings to flatten her feathers. “You ready, Twilight?” “As I’ll ever be…” ~~***~~ The two walked in and everyone froze. They joined the counter line, but everyone quickly stepped aside insisting they go first. Twilight awkwardly kept saying thank you and Cadence strode confidently up to the front. “How may I help you princesses?” “We are searching for information that should be in the city’s citizen registry. We kindly insist to be escorted to the hall.” “Yes… of course. Let me get a staff member to assist you.” ~~***~~ The two were escorted into the large hall by a staff member and a group of city guards. Twilight spun at the mountains of books and documents. “This is amazing!” “Twilight. Focus,” Cadence said harshly. Twilight stopped in her tracks. “So, may I ask what it is you're looking for?” the staff member asked. “We can do so ourselves,” Cadence asked. She looked to Twilight. “Princess Twilight, your search spell.” “Yes!” Twilight lit up her horn and a wall of magic swept the room. Many books and scrolls lit up purple. The staff looked dumbfounded at the glowing books. “The search magic will light up any document in range that has the words I think about on it,” she said, proud of herself. The staff member saw where most of the documents were concentrated. “Are you looking for a birth certificate, your majesties?” “That’s none of your business. Twilight, teleport all marked documents here.” Twilight lit her horn again, and a huge pile of books, scrolls and loose documents appeared on the tables. “Already sorted by date,” she smiled. The staff member noticed some old books. “Did you scan the whole building? Those look like old doomsday books from the founding of the capital.” “Yep!” Twilight beamed. “You all may stand by the door. And do not disturb us,” Cadence said sternly. She turned around, “Princess Twilight, come.” Twilight immediately went to the pile of modern documents. But Cadence did not join her. Twilight saw Cadence go over to the old books at another table. “Twilight, can you cast the search spell on these again?” “Oh, yes!” Twilight said enthusiastically. She cast the spell again, and all but one book lit up in whole. The remaining book only lit up in a thin strip. Cadence opened that book, and pulled out a modern document. “Wait, how did a modern birth certificate get into an ancient book?” “Because someone hid it, Twilight.” She held it up for her to read. “Look for documents containing this extra information.” Twilight nodded, then cast a third time. A single light lit up in a stack of papers. Twilight pulled it out. “It’s a stillborn record. But how can there be a stillborn certificate and a live birth certificate for the same baby?” Twilight scanned them with a different spell. “They both have the royal magical seal on them. So they are both official. I don’t get it.” “Here let me see that,” Cadence said, gently taking the stillborn certificate in her magic. Suddenly they popped away. Cadence turned to the guards. “You will be hearing from the palace soon about this strange indiscretion.” Cadence teleported. “Wait! Cadence!” Twilight followed.   ~~***~~ They both arrived in the palace. “Cadence! What is this about? I don’t get it?” “You’ll understand soon, Twilight,” she said, turning into a hallway. “Isn’t this the royal guest suites in the Lunar tower?” Cadence walked over to the guards at the first door. “Announce us to Duke Fancy Pants and Duchess Fleur dis Lee, please.” The guards saluted, and the one on the right entered the suite. He quickly returned and the two princesses entered. “Hello, Duke Fancy Pants. It has been a while.” “I wish it was under better circumstances,” he said as the two bowed. She looked at the table, “Doing the math to buy out Viscount Trident?” He sighed, “With Princess Celestia protecting young Bocce in the crystal dungeons while she works out the optics of the situation, it seemed prudent not to give up.” Cadence poofed the two documents in front of her. “I am sorry to inform you, you will need to redo your calculations.” She floated over the documents. “The baby is publicly listed in the family registries as stillborn, while a live birth certificate was discovered hidden in a doomsday book deep in the archives.” Fancy Pants took the papers in his magic. “They both have legitimate seals on them.” “That’s what I don’t get?! How? Will someone please tell me what’s going on here?” “Corruption, summer child. Pure corruption,” Fancy Pants said. “Wait…” Fancy Pants put the papers down and went to the piles of papers neatly stacked on the floor. He split a stack and pulled out several papers, “If the baby is publicly listed as stillborn, that means these documents are fake!” Twilight walked over, “Can I see those for a moment?” Twilight took the documents and casted a spell on them. Suddenly glowing purple letters appeared. “These aren’t forgeries… Someone cast illusion magic on these pages! But how?! The royal seal is a preservation spell. Immutable!” “Princess Twilight, can you copy what the actual script is on these pages?” Fancy pants asked. “We will need to preserve the spell for evidence.” Twilight poofed scroll and quill in the air. “Yes.” A few minutes later, everyone is sitting at the table. “Ok, there’s nothing special in these pages,” Fancy Pants said, putting the copies down, “Just a continuation of the previous. “So…” he continued, “Not only was there no stock split, there also was no issuance of new stocks in the weeks prior.” Twilight was scribbling notes. “Wait, a fake stock split would make you pay less than needed, but a fake issuance would make you pay more! I don’t get it…” “But does the combination give a net loss?” “… Yes, but only by a single bit.” “Then it was designed to make us spend as much as possible while still losing.” “And if you decided to buy more? This is just the minimum?” “Then it would go a long way to bankrupt us. I’m sure there are auxiliary plans in place if they went so far as bribing notaries.” Twilight hung her head. Suddenly a guard came in. “Announcing Princess Celestia.” Celestia came in. “Hello, oh… Princess Cadence, Princess Twilight? Why are…” Celestia darted up to the table. “Are you ok Twilight? You look like you want to cry?” she asked, putting her arm over her shoulder. Twilight broke down and started to cry burying her face into her fur. Celestia looked at the group, “What has happened?” ~~***~~ Celestia looked over the papers as Cadence took her turn at comforting Twilight. “I understand your emotions, dear Twilight. This is distressing to me as well.” She cast a spell on the papers. “There. The illusion spell had a timer set to magic consumption. This will lengthen the spell while noting when the original pool runs out.” She put the papers down. “Good work thinking of checking the birth certificates, Cadence, Twilight. How did you think of it?” “It was all Cadence,” Twilight said, pointing at her. Everyone looked expectantly at her. “It was actually Vegeta,” she sighed, “After I heard him scream and saw all of you leaving his room, Princess Celestia, I went to see what his latest tantrum was. He was adamant in his logic that the baby was not included in any ownership and both the baby and her father’s lives were in immediate danger.” “Great…” Fancy Pants sighed frustrated, “More of the dark mage…” “I originally went to prove him wrong,” she continued. “But the second Twilight’s spell teleported an old doomsday book, I knew he was right.” “Yes,” Celestia said, “Bocce’s enemies are moving swiftly using our own justice system against us. I’ve managed to buy some time, but he will die shortly if things continue like this.” She looked at Twilight, “Twilight, you will need to testify about this new spell of yours in court and how you created it. Please tell us so we can prepare.” “I came up with it after visiting Earth. They have a thing they call Google. You enter a few words into a device called a computer and it collects all manuscripts containing those words instantly.” “Sounds like an interesting artifact,” Fleur dis Lee said, “I’m sure it will make a good item for import.” Twilight shook her head. “It doesn’t use magic at all. Earth has no magic that I saw on my trip. We all thought no magic existed there at all until Prince Vegeta and Bulla came.” “You’ve been to the country the dark mage comes from?!” Fancy Pants exclaimed standing up. “Yes...?” “Duke,” Celestia said harshly. “My apologies princesses,” he said, picking up his chair and sitting back down. Celestia closed her eyes and rubbed her nose, “This greatly complicates things. Especially that you are physically incapable of lying convincingly, Twilight.” “You want me to lie under oath?!” Celestia ignored the outburst. “Fancy Pants, how much money will it take to secure a controlling interest in the company?” “Originally, all the liquidity I have,” he said. “But with this new information, I can guess it was designed to bankrupt me even without doing the math.” “True… Then we must find other means to rescue Bocce and his family…” “I know my husband will disagree,” Fleur said. “But the dark mage has had perfect insight into this fiasco.” She looked at Twilight, “and with diplomatic contact preexisting between our countries, he is involved whether we like it or not.” She turned to her husband, “Unless you wish Bocce to die and Lady Sea Swirl to be callously sold to her stalker. You know that stallion’s reputation.” “What reputation is this?” Celestia asked. It was clear from her tone she already knew, but wanted confirmation. Fleur hesitated, “Well, you didn’t hear this from me. But mares tend to disappear from the cabaret clubs he frequents and he is deeply involved in the working of the orphanages he founded that specialize in young fillies.” “Why are you saying his founding of orphanages is a bad thing?” Twilight said. “That sounds wonderful. His generosity should earn a medal.” Everyone looked at her. “What?” Fancy Pants sighed. “Fleur is trying to hint at pedophilia without outright accusing the stallion. You have a lot of learning to do on how to converse in noble society,” he said, rubbing his head. “What’s pedophilia?” Everyone focused on her again. “What?!” ~~***~~ Back in the hospital wing, Vegeta, Discord, and Pinkie have been shoved into the same room. “And that’s the last page,” Pinkie said, folding the newspaper. “Bunch of meanie liars!” “Fucking hell…” Vegeta put his head back on his pillow. “Agreed,” Discord said, “That is one lovely noose they’ve created. It’s going to be hard to break.” Vegeta lifted his head and looked at Discord, “Why? That’s so full of holes, it might as well be cheese!” “You know that, and I know that. But we don’t think like ponies think. That is an ironclad story; if anything, the truth would look like a convoluted lie.” “Why?!” “Because of your dark magic. Vegeta, a pony’s magic is tied to their cutie mark. Which is the physical representation of their mana heart that surrounds their soul. Say a pony has a baking cutie mark. It’s not just that it’s what they are best at or enjoy doing. It is their destiny. If that pony tries to do anything else other than what their cutie mark subscribes, they will fail horribly. It is a law at the foundation of magic. A pony cannot act against their destiny. Their road is fixed the moment their minds align with what their mana heart already preordained and the mark appears.” “So, ponies don’t have free will?” “They would argue they do. But pony magic is harmonic in nature. While I am chaos. The personification of free will. Ponies cannot use chaos magic.” “Are you saying I’ve lost my free will?!” “Not with your dark magic. Ponies consider dark magic just as much a perversion as chaos magic. It’s pure selfishness. Imposing your will on the herd instead of going along with the herd. Imposing your will against all else is the root of violence, mind control, and pain. Ponies are not naturally born with dark magic. They have to corrupt their own hearts to use it by doing unspeakable deeds. Which with everything we know about you, you’ve done in spades.” Vegeta rolled his eyes. “Great… … Wait a minute,” he stopped lowering his head and brought it back up. “If magic is destiny, then shouldn’t magic have a co—” “Hello everypony,” Celestia walked in unannounced. “Seems like quite the gathering. May I ask the occasion?” “I just read the newspaper to everyone,” Pinkie said. “Since Discord can’t use his arms and Vegeta can’t read.” “And I just explained why Vegeta having dark magic will supersede anything we try to say in defense.” “It’s good you decided to read the paper to Vegeta. It will make the next decisions quicker.” Celestia grabbed Pinkie’s and Discord’s beds and pushed them against the walls. She then walked in and turned around. “This room is going to be cramped.” “Oh, you’re back,” Vegeta said as Fancy Pants and Fleur dis Lee walked in. Cadence and Twilight followed. “What the hell happened to you?” Vegeta said, looking at her. “You look like a kid after being told Santa isn’t real.” “Ped… pedo-pedophilia…” she stuttered. “OK! WHO THE FUCK NEEDS KILLING ONCE I’M OUT OF THIS CAST?!” “I fully agree with Vegeta on this one,” Discord said. “Or maybe I should turn him into a filly himself?” Celestia raised her hoof, “Let’s get to the topic at hand.” She teleported a table into the room and changed its size so it fit in the room. She then popped in all the papers and spread them out across the table and Vegeta’s cast. “Ok, Let’s begin. Duke Poppycock with the help of his relatives and allies in the judiciary and law enforcement have completely fabricated the situation surrounding Pinkie’s injury. Naming Bocce as the killer. I have placed Bocce in the crystal dungeon for now while we figure out what to do next. I’ve personally requested the evidence surrounding the warrant, but that won’t be here for another hour. I can already guess there are many false testimonials.” She looked at Vegeta, “You were correct in that the baby was not included. This allowed us to find several forged documents that had been notarized. I’ve already summoned them to the palace. Once here, I can have the palace guards detain them.” “Then the palace guards hold no jurisdiction in the city?” Vegeta asked. Celestia shook her head, “No. And with the corruption on display, we cannot trust the city guards. We need an immutable case that would make the judges involved back down.” “Discord just told me that will never happen because I exist,” Vegeta deadpanned. “Yes, I heard the conversation from the hallway,” Celestia sighed. “That is unfortunately an inconvenient wall we must climb.” “Why can’t we just tell everyone the truth?” Pinkie asked. “Vegeta saved my life.” “The newspaper directly states you share powers with Vegeta,” Fancy Pants said. “Saving your life is now just one dark mage saving another.” “Ki isn’t evil!” “I know that and you know that,” Vegeta said. “But no one else has ever… wait…” “If this world has Germans…” he muttered. “Celestia, are there counties that would be called ‘The Far East?’ China? Korea? Japan? Anything sound familiar?” “Why?” “On Earth, it’s those civilizations that have the word ki in their language and actively practice it religiously. Every other nation considers it not real and a superstition used by charlatans and scammers. But it does exist obviously.” “And why would your country have anything to do with this?” Fancy Pants said. “Because we are twin planets bound together by threads of fate,” Celestia said. “You are saying ki might already exist here?” “It’s not like I can teach you in less than an hour even if I was healthy.” “Cadence, Twilight, find whatever you can. Contact any embassies you need to.” “Come on, Twilight,” Cadence said. She looked at Fancy Pants and Fleur at the door, “Excuse us.” After they left Fleur spoke up, “You said ‘planets’. As in not from Equus? Aliens?” “Welcome to your first contact,” Vegeta chuckled, smirking. “But Twilight said she visited your country,” Fancy Pants interjected. Vegeta lifted his head. “Is there some kind of portal home?! Why didn’t you tell me?!” “It only opens once every three years for a couple days. And it already cycled two months ago.” “And there is no way to force it open?” She shook her head, “No. The only reason Starswirl the Bearded was able to create the mirror to begin with was through stellar alignments. It was once opened at his whim, but after 20 years it stopped working as the alignment ended. But 300 years ago, it began cycling. We have never figured out why.” Vegeta thought. “This is real to everyone. I need a real-world reason.” “We fell out of alignment? What was the date?” “Twelve hundred years ago was when he died.” “Well, without knowing how our calendars align I don’t know anything other than it was a real fucking long time ago. Why did he make it?” “He threw dangerous prisoners into it. Trap them in a world without magic. Any magic they went in with would immediately dissipate and they would become helpless.” “And get killed by the locals?” Vegeta raised an eyebrow. “We’re talking about my home here.” Celestia’s eyes widened. “Never crossed your mind, huh?” Vegeta glared at her. “No…” She lowered her eyes. “But those were much more violent times.” “You scaly bastard,” Vegeta thought as a memory crossed his mind. “Three hundred years ago on my calendar was when the Namekians gifted Earth a set of dragon balls.” “The artifact that brought you here?” Celestia said. “You think they bleed off enough passive magic to temporarily reactivate the mirror?” “Do you have a better explanation for a world with no magic?” “Forgive me your highnesses, but may we turn back to the issue at hand?” Fancy Pants asked. “I would say establishing a long history between our planets is relevant. If the ultimate wall is me, then we need as many planks as we can get to build the ramp over it. I need to look normal and give a good reason for the trust.” “Still, we do need to edit this carefully… As a foreign nation is involved. We are already in a dangerous spot diplomatically. I would rather avoid triggering a war while trying to save Bocce.” “Are there any projectile weapons here? Like cannons?” “Yes, but they run on magic.” “And fireworks?” “Also magic.” “But were they originally? On Earth, fireworks are made from black powder invented in the Far East. It was Europe and their colonies that weaponized it to such lethal perfection.” “You think the gun might have precedence here?” Celestia asked. “The only difference between a floating log and a boat is imagination. Collect enough logs and a basic raft is inevitable.” “Yes, I will return shortly.” Celestia teleported away. A few minutes later, she returned. “Ok, I intercepted Cadence and Twilight. They’ll be looking for black powder as well.” “So,” Fancy Pants said, “How are we going to stop the selling of the company and the forced wedding?” “What about that royal lien Cadence mentioned?” Vegeta asked. “That would cause widespread panic,” Celestia said. “The laws around ascension into Alicorn hood do technically make you a member of Equestria’s royal family. But you are a dark mage.” “Can’t one of you declare the lien?” “The scandal would be too great. We are pitted against the remains of the royal family that preceded our election. And they have us deeply outmatched.” “Cadence also said the same thing about forcing a marriage before the deadline…” Vegeta pressed his lips together. “What about rescuing the baby?” he asked, “I assume pedophilia came up because of this case?” “We do have the live birth certificate,” Celestia said. “But Bocce’s name is not on it, and we will need Sea Swirl to testify who the father is to change it.” Everyone was silent. “Could we bring Luna in here…” Vegeta asks slowly. “Why?” “I have an idea. And I want to practice.”      “Ooooooooh,” Discord smiled. “I know where this is going.” “Which is?” Fancy Pants asked, worried at Discord’s enthusiasm. “Vegeta can physically move things in and out of the dream world. Not copies or anything. The original, physical item." “You want to get her testimony while asleep tonight?” Fleur looked at her husband. “Would that be immiscible in court?” “It is a very dangerous precedent if we even succeed…” he said. “Dream magic is not universal to Princess Luna. And there is no guarantee that this ability can’t be replicated with normal magic… But back to the company… I barely have the money, but with Poppycock being my main rival on the noble stage, this is clearly a trap also set for myself.” “Why not ask for other investors?” Vegeta asked. “No noble will risk their reputation associating with Trident or even myself right now.” “Then why stop at nobility? Bocce’s family sounds filthy rich, well connected, and influential enough to get away with attempted murder of him.” Fancy Pants shook his head, “Sky yachts are the realm of the nobility. Peasants cannot own one no matter how wealthy they are.” “Is this a law?” “Tradition. And no one would dare break it. It would be social and political suicide.” Vegeta sighed, then looked at Celestia, “Can you just randomly make someone a noble?” “It is like Fancy Pants said, even with a very good reason, the timing and aftermath is suspect.” “Would defeating Twilight in magic be a good reason?” Pinkie blurted out. “Bocce has defeated Twilight twice in levitation magic, even after an alicorn!” “He has?!” Celestia turned around surprised. “Yeah! And his dad had to get restraining orders to keep Twilight away because she refused to give up! That has to be on file in Ponyville.” “So,” she put her hoof under her chin, “use Bocce’s ennoblement as blackmail to get the money. Pure hardball.” She lowered her hoof. “I love it.”