//------------------------------// // The Reveal // Story: Unexpected Traveler // by DatGuy1st //------------------------------// Silence has fallen in the throne room. Equestria has experienced strange things in this era, Nightmare Moon, Changelings, Discord, Crystal Empire, and many more wacky things. But none of them expected to see a version of Prince Blueblood, who is not what anypony can call a model of what princes should be, who ascended into alicornhood. Princess Celestia walked forward and asked. "Blueblood?" Which made the Prince smile as he answered. "Yes, it's me. Your nephew." All of the guards remained silent with their spears and magic ready. After all, Prince Blueblood was never a great magical user, fighter, and leader. The only thing he is good at doing is manipulating others to get what he wants, especially his aunts. Only a crazy pony would pull off something like this. Disguising as an alicorn version of Prince Blueblood? Madness? Yet, their princesses' lack of negative reactions stopped all of them from reacting. Princess Luna approaches to stand beside his sister. She was full of doubts. Her nephew is not somepony expected to become an alicorn. No changeling was crazy enough to do this, but there is no changeling magic. There is also no illusions. The only thing she can sense is his alicorn magic. When sensing the magic of creatures around you, an individual has a unique feel that makes his magic different from others. She knows her nephew's magic because as much as Luna dislikes Blueblood, he is still family. And his visits to share ridiculous requests also helped. His magic is slightly different due to his existence as an alicorn, but the magic is still the same. The alicorn magic is genuine. He is her nephew. Filled with shock, Princess Luna simply asks, "H-how? This is not something anypony can fake." In response, Prince Blueblood used his infamous smirk that the unicorn Bluebood always has on his face, further proving his identity, and replied, "That is a long story. I think it is better to talk about this somewhere private. But, I assure you that I am Prince Vladimir Blueblood" as he looks at the few guards and ponies peeking at the entrance with shock. "What are we going to do with him, Your Highnesses?" a Royal Guard asked as she held her spear in case of an attack. Other royal guards look at Blueblood with doubt and suspicion. With the Sisters reminded they were not alone, Celestia looked at them. "Stand down, my little ponies. It may be difficult to believe, but this alicorn is really Prince Blueblood." Celestia said with a motherly smile as she wiped her tears. "We have sensed his magic, and there is no doubt about his alicorn magic. Our nephew has found a way to ascend into alicornhood." With her words, the royal guards shifted their attention to the Prince. Eyes filled with shock and wonder as they started comprehending their princess' admission. If it is truly Prince Blueblood, then the question is how and when did he become an alicorn? Mostly how, as again, Prince Blueblood is far from what you consider someone worthy to become an alicorn. He didn't even bother to learn a shield spell, which is a very common spell taught to all unicorns. Thinking about it makes their head hurt, along with the fact that Prince Blueblood can now terrorize their descendants with his sheer arrogance and brattiness. Not that anypony is dumb enough to voice that out loud. As their questions floated in their heads, the famous or infamous Prince smirked in amusement at their curious faces (ponies have very expressive faces). "I believe it is better for everyone who witnessed my glorious form to stay here so I can tell my story. It is unfair that our subjects will remain in the dark about who I am." Blueblood gestured the ponies outside the throne room to come in. "Come inside if you want to know the truth." A few Royal Guards tasked at the back with ponies from the cleaning staff walk in slowly filled with doubt. As Prince Blueblood closes the room and uses a silence spell to ensure that no one outside can hear, both Princesses comprehend the last part of his sentence. "What do you mean, nephew?" Luna asked with suspicion. What does he mean who am I? "I do not know where am I or what Equestria is this. But in summary, I'm your nephew from the future or an alternate reality. As you can see, I have ascended into alicornhood and ruled Equestria with Twilight Sparkle after you two retired." His explanation is unbelievable like you have been told that there is a dragon capable of eating the world. The ponies try their best to comprehend this information. Why can't he just be a Changeling that loves playing pranks? Imagine the Royal Sisters. Alternate reality? Star Swirl the Bearded created the theory of the multiverse and alternate realities. However, there was no way to prove the existence of those realities. Thus, the concept has not been verified. 'Until now...' The Princesses would love to think about that more, but another revelation sent their minds to a screeching halt. Ascension? Ruling with Twilight? Retirement? Celestia and Luna chose Twilight as their successor, but Blueblood was the next choice if something happened to the three of them. Cadance is ruling the Crystal Empire, and their nephew is more like the fifth choice. 'However... it does explain how we have not sensed him.' It is impossible to hide that you are achieving alicornhood. In the event of ascension, the ascending pony releases high amounts of magic that everypony can sense from far away, no matter the power of someone's anti-magic barrier. Blueblood doesn't even know how to create one. Plus, there is always a light show in the sky showing the ascended pony's cutie mark. "You are ruling Equestria with Twilight?" Princess Luna asked to confirm what she heard. "Yes, I rule Equestria with her. It is still a diarchy, but I usually travel town to town to observe their status and offer protection while Twilight focuses on the paperwork." Prince Blueblood said with a smile, not telling them that he also did this to avoid paperwork. Sometimes, Twilight managed to track him down and drag him back to Canterlot because she refused to suffer alone. "I would love to explain more, but what I will share is quite personal. Thus, I will only share with my aunts," Blueblood looked at the ponies around them. He can see their growing disappointment. He stared at his aunts. When their eyes connected, the Sun Princess turned to her little ponies. "As much as you all want to know everything, if our nephew requires privacy, we must respect his wish. I require two guards to ensure no one enters the throne room while all of you must return to your duties. I also asked you all to remain quiet about this. I promise to reveal this to everypony inside the castle but not to the public." Reminded of their duties and responsibilities, everypony became disappointed. They promised to remain quiet, but before they left. "I was a spoiled brat to all of you who work for Equestria. For that, I am sorry." A shocked silence fell in the room. Everypony can't believe their eyes. Prince Blueblood apologize? He apologizes. All of them suffered insults and ridiculous requests from the Prince. Through all of their time spent with him, he never apologized. Blueblood only views himself in the right, never looking back at the pain, exhaustion, and stress he caused to others. They want to deny his apology. Yelled at him for trying to prank them. However, the look of eyes filled with regret stops all of them. If you asked them the similarities between the Unicorn Blueblood and Alicorn Blueblood, the answer is they have a mask to hide anypony from seeing their true emotions. Current Blueblood said that emotions are for the weak, with the alicorn standing before them, never showed anypony about his thoughts. A pony can see what the Unicorn Blueblood is thinking if you observe enough or know him personally, but the alicorn mastered the art that not even his aunts can read him. One by one, all of them left, some in deep thought, others believed the apology was a prank, and the majority murmured to ask if this is all a dream. The day just started too...