GARO: Canterlot Wolves

by Kamen rider accel 2

Chapter 3: The Makai way

Where There is light, Shadows lurk and fear regains. Yet by the Blade of Knight, Mankind was given hope.

Flash stood in a grassy field as he watched the area around him. The place was well beautiful as the wind blew the grassy field and the light shown on the trees around the palace. He stood in his Makai uniform and looked at the peak of the area as the light shown over him. He felt at ease as he breathed in the fresh air of the environment.

"Flash..." He heard a soft voice as he looked at behind to see a older women standing in a white sun dress and had a brown robe on her shoulder. She had white cream skin, beautiful long purple hair with white streaks hair and blue sparkle eyes that were clear as the ocean. She looked at the boy and held out her hand infront of him."Would you like to come with me now."

Her voice was soft and brought ease to his heart and mind."Come my young Knight. Come with me towards the light." She insisted to him. Flash didn't know what to think as he start to slowly held his hand out towards her as her smile grew.

"Stop! Don't do this!"

He instantly stopped in his tracks as he was almost close. He looked behind to see non other then the original Garo standing behind him. He had green coated eyes and his armor design was a bit different as form his. Garo glared at the person behind him as his green eyes glowed with green fire leaking out of it."Don't Listen to her or anything. Don't fall in to the temptation of the once forgotten. She is a mare memory of yours that is trying to take you."

Flash looked back to the women as her figure changed. Her white dress was holding red colour on it indicating blood. It also was the blood leaking out of her mouth. Flash got wide eyes and took a step back from her."No Flash, Dont leave me behind! Please I don't want to be left behind again, Don't leave me back there as you did before! Please!" She desperately asked the teen boy as he saw her. Her demoner changed from human to suddenly a black skeleton Horror as it glared at him and launched at him hungrily.

Flash yelled as he just woke up. He took heavy breaths to calm him down as he looked to find him self in his bed room.

He was sweating heavily as his hair was a bit messy, He looked around and see that it was time to wake up as he was late for school. He took a deep breath and got out of bead to get ready. He was agian having the nightmare agian as it's been a about years as the incident happened. He tryed very hard but that nightmare always got him in deep trouble as always. But never the thought he had to brush it off his mind and think on doing his duty.

"Master Flash! Master Flash!" A voice spoke as the door of his room opened and a man in a butler outfit came in. He had white grey skin and he less hair on his head as he wore small reading glasses over his eyes and wore white gloves."Master Flash your awake, Thank goodness. It would have been difficult to wake you up if not." He sighed in relief.

"What's the matter Gean. Your in a rush today then usual." Flash chuckled.

"Oh right!" Gean remember as he took out a red envelope out of his pocket."This arrived today. I believe theres a job out for you." Flash checked the red envelope and saw the stamp on it. This was from the watchdog lady her self and it looks like it's a very serious mission.

Flash narrowed his eyes at this."Gean, Fetch me my Duster."

The door of the library burst open as the girls had made there appearance known to the ones there.

"Alright, No one worries cause we...are" Rainbow trailed off as she saw that the library was fine and some students were going on there way and some were reading."hear?..... Ok now this is weird."

"I'll say, Didn't the students said that there was trouble in the school library right about now." Applejack stated looking at the scene with serious look."Was that a prank or something?"

"If it was, It wasn't anything but a mean prank. They had the gale to ruin our precious time like this." Rarity huffed angrily.

"I don't think this was any type of prank. If it was something like that then it wouldn't be much convincing or anything else." Sunset stated."Maybe the wild Equestrian Magic maybe causing this type of thing to happen. We all know what it's capable of and we even seen it first hand on what it can do."

"True on that." Twilight muttered as she can clearly remember her past experience with the power on first hand."The Magic may be clocking it self around making us think it's all ok from the human eye. So we have to split up and look for the place which the roge magic be hiding it self on."

The girls agreed but rainbow didn't like that much."But it'll be more easy for me to find it by using my speed up close on it. I can find it in less then a second and we'll be done from hear on out." She told her intellect friend.

Twilight bit her lower lip as she had a bit of doubt in her chest that she didn't know why."No, It's better for us this way rainbow dash. Who knows what the magic can do or effect us in anyway. It's nothing a problem to be more careful sometimes. So its best to save your speed for when it's needed fully on the field."

"She's right rainbow dash, We can use your and applejack help in taking care of the magic of it turns out to be a big problem. So it's best this way."

"Fine, You win then." Rainbow Dash agreed with her two teammates and Bandmates as the girls momentarily split up form the group for there search."I'll go hight. You girls go low so you we can cover more grounds hear."

"That's a good idea. If anyone finds the siting of the roge magic. Give the other a call and we'll be there. Don't engage the thing on your own."

"Got it." The girls agreed.

"Oh! It's gotta be like a secret agent type mission then! We gotta call one of us out like a nicknames then! Oh maybe I can go with the pink bomer, Or Maybe Pinky mayhem." Pinke excitedly squealed as she hoped around."Pink bomber is in location, What is your state's Blue Typhon. Or Dazzling Destra."

She looked around to find that her friends were no where to be scene."Opps Maybe they all left already then." She hoped into the other direction to state the trail but little did she knew, She was being led away to where the Horror was waiting.

Rainbow dash speed in one aile of the library and checked for any of the books to see if it was enchanted or not."Nope, Nope, Nope, Naeh, Nada. No sir Rey." She checked the section with her super speed as she looked around.

After finding nothing in the section she dashed to the other and checked to find the same thing as she was getting tired of this."Don't use your super speed rainbow dash, It will be to easy' come on it will be that easy to finish this and go back. What's the big in deal of not doing so!" She muttered to her self as she kept going."It's offely quite a bit hear. I didn't hear anyone talk or anything. Then again this is the Library of course."

She speed to a near table and stopped to find some teens reading there. She was hoping to ask about if they saw anything. She went towards one boy,"Hey there, If your not to busy I was hoping to ask-"


"But I just wanna ask that."


"Ok but this is important. You see me and my."


"Ok! Now your doing it." Now Rainbow dash was getting angry."Listen, Me and my friends are trying to ask if you saw anything out of the blue or so. Nothing to wrong or anything just some."

"We have told you to be quite." The teen cut her off as his voice became a bit serious toon as he tilted his head towards her."Respect the Rules of the library." He told as he went back.

"Ok bub, Fine dint tell me if you scene anything out of the blue or so. It's not like it's any dangerous to you or so." She sarcastically muttered as she up and left.


She stopped as she heard it again but she heard it as it was a hallow type sound released from it."Hah?" She looked back to find her self face to face with the teen boy as he was standing behind with a wicked smile.

"Respect... The Library... rules." Just as she could comprehend on this she was grabbed by the throat by a black claw.

Rarity and Applejack were looking at the bottom half of the library as they strolled around to see for the magic.

"I swear, All this studying is causing me to gain wrinkles." Rarity ranted out as she checked the shelf." The opposite time I should be doing is perfecting my new dress and to find ideas about how to make it new fabulous or such. Not the other thing on being stuck in a chore of finding the roge magic." She wined a bit.

"How do you think I feel. Everyone had an important part today but it had to be delayed because of this. We still had to find out about that mysterious boy in Armor you know."

"Oh Yes! How can I forget such a dashing man in Armor. He was like my dream knight to take me to my castle." She dreamily said as she remembered Flash alter ego a bit back. Applejack mearily rolled her eyes at her friends antics."Come on snap out of that. We gotta think of our job first."

"Yeah yeah, I get it." She waved her friend off as she looked to see a girl passing by."Let's ask about anything suspicious from her. Maybe she had saw something back there that can help us."

"How come? Twilight and Sunset told that the Magic can make it self unknown. Maybe they don't even know them self. And we might be on a goose chase."

"It's better to be careful then to not to. Plus what are the chances that the Magic is controlling them such." Rarity said to her as she went towards her not knowing that what she was getting her self in to."Excuse me Darling, But can I happen to ask you about something. You see me and my friend are trying to find that if anything is wrong about hear."

She said putting a hand on her shoulder. But just as she did she felt something off about this as she then try to let it go but it was stuck suddenly on the girls shoulder. She try to pry it off but it wasn't even moving."Applejack, I think I need your help in this!" She called her friend in worry.

"Hold on!" She ran towards her as she then try to pry her friends hand off the girls shoulder. But to her surprise the hand won't even budge."What on hey is wrong. How is this hand so much stuck on the her!" She grunted.

"Does it look like I know!"

Both were trying there hardest on getting it free. But it was getting little to no where. The other teen girl suddenly put her hand on her shoulder touching there hands as they both stopped and looked at her. Her head suddenly did a 180 and twist it self back. It released a bone crunching sound as she looked at them with a grin that went towards her ears."Let me Guide you to your destination!" She spoke in dreadful voice as she grabbed them without them even knowing what is happening.

Twilight walked through the halls of the library as she looked around in finding the thing what they were looking for."If the magic is being used by someone or something then the person will likely make it less obvious and it will be used in hiding in plane sight."

"That's some good deduction you had there kid. I didn't think you be getting good in finding things." Twilight spun around to see a girl her age but looked one year high. She had pure white skin and orange small hair style to the side. She wore a hoodie on her back and had a wore simple jeans pant and orange shirt."I say that you got what it takes to be a full on detective."

"Um, Who are you supposed to be. And what are you doing hear." Twilight asked but she saw something on her side shoulder. A symbol that she recognised a while back."Wait, That tattoo on your shoulder."

The girl looked at that."Oh yeah, I liked it form the store I saw it so I thought why not get it on my clothes then. It be a good to be in the new fashion sence."

"No, I scene the symbol a while back. Your one of those Makai knights group. Your from the Makai order!"

"Hmm... You got one correct and one wrong. I am from the Makai order but I'm a Makai priest. Not a knight." She said the last part with Venom in her toon."It's seems to me like you were told on what and who the order is but not all of it I seen. So meaning the who ever told you about this is must be an idiot on keeping the full secret from you."

Twilight blinked in surprise at her blunt answer. What does she mean by keeping the information form her and why?"I'm not in comprehension on what you just told me. What do you even mean that I should have been told about this. Well I would like to be told about this and want to find out my self on what secrets you hold but."

The girl cut her off by placing her finger over her lips."Just be quite for a bit. You can be seriously annoying at times like this." The girl told with a huff of anger."Listen, What you are needed to know about the Makai Order and on why you are needed to know about this will be told later. Right now we are in a situation that is putting your friends in danger."

"Wait, My friends and I have come to stop a wild Equestrian Magic that has been told to be roaming around."

"That's half of the truth. The other half is that of the Horror is the one to cause it." She told making Twilight blood ran cold as she heard this."Wait! The monster from before or is it a different one. It may be after my friends! We gotta-"

"Stick together," She stated."The Horror is mostly on a hunt for the magic of yours as it is told that the magic is quite rare to be scene around hear for a while. So it will be later that the Horror will wait for the right opportunity to get all of you together so it can feast on your flesh and magic."

"That still doesn't make it better?!" She yelled at the Priestess."No, But it will give us a bit time to save them from there doom." She logically stated as Twilight calmed a bit down but still had a trouble look on her face."Just stick with me in this. We'll find the missing team of yours and I'll take care of the Horror, So it will be a win win."

"How do I know you wont double cross me or anything." Twilight said in suspicious toon as she still had a bad felling on the girl.

"You got no choice what do ever to judge me there girly. I'm the only one hear that can fight the Horror and you can't leave the library cause it now has a barrier for no one to leave. So your stuck hear with nothing else to do but to wait and b monster chow." She stated what so ever as she didn't leave her look."So you just gotta stick with me on this and nothing else."

"But" Twilight wanted to argue with her but knew she was right and she didn't think her magic can be a help at all. So she naturally desided to go with the logical point in this."Fine, You win then."

The Makai priest smirked,"Good answer, So fallow me then. If you wanna stay alive then don't go anywhere else." She ordered as she went in front as Twilight fallowed her behind.

Flash reached the library door as he had just gotten on the news. He quickly made him self at school as he was in his Makai uniform and kept his sword with him. He held up zaruba to inspect for any presence of Horror.

"Yup, As they had confirmed. There's a Horror in side Zaruba scanned the library inner aura."It's also another problem that I can sence magic in side there. There 9 certain aura in there that are releasing the magic around inside."

"Great" Flash muttered in sarcastic manner."So not only the horror is inside but the ones he is after are in there aswell. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, But no they just did and we gotta hurry."

"Just one problem is with us."

Flash touched the door as he was then flung back as a shield form around it."There's a barrier preventing it from anyone entering. The Horror wants no one else to intervene in its meal."

"Dang it!" Flash cursed but he took a deep breath and calmed down."Fine. Looks like I have to force my way inside then. The girls inside may not even know of them being led to a trap." He stated as he took out his sword and then slashed at the door.

Twilight was fallowing the Makai priest as she was going in the direction which the device in her hand was telling her to go. The Makai priest had a amount of aura that was hold of strong will. She was quite intriguing to Twilight as she had her. And the most odd part was that, She told her about the Makai Order that Flash had told her but much more and also that why wasn't she told. What did she mean by this?

"Hey um, I didn't quite catch your name back there." Twilight started the conversation to begin with. The tension was getting thick for her."My name is Twilight, But I think you may know that already when you meat me... But I mean if you didn't well it would be rude not to tell!" She quickly stated not to get out of character but she was getting embarrassed now.

The Priest smirked at her reaction,"Hah, Well your a chatty one. Most of the group needs a chatty one in life to help ease in some situations or they'll end up losing them self to a very poor situation." She told as she went on."The names Emilia, Emilia longheart. I'm what I told you a Makai priest, My speciality is in making of Makai tools that are help in subduing Horror or taking them out."

"Oh, So you make weapons and stuff then. That's cool in a way." Twilight said but then thought what she said in the last line.'No idiot don't make her feel down on her work!'

"And what do you mean that in a way?" She raised a brown in offence."Your saying that my work is just a second rate thing in my quest." She got serious.

"N-No, I didn't, I didn't mean it like that!" She stampers a bit as she got her hands on a defensive way."I, Want I meant was, was..." She was trying to find a way to tell her but losing it badly as she didn't have much in conversation like this.

Emilia soon laughed at her,"Haha... I'm just pulling your leg there girly. No need to in scared over your head. I know my work may seem a bit unknown but I can tell you that it's helps in saving a lot of lives and stopping Horrors much. You may not know it but the Makai priests are also strong in there own way and have defeated quite a bit of larger Horrors." She said as Twilight eased up a bit." Don't worry about this much girly, Once I stop the Horror hear we can continue the chat out hear longer."

"Ok then." Twilight simply said as she had to know more on what she was going in to but she had taken that down for a bit till she and her friends got out of this whole mess."So, What will.. um what will I do if we find the Horror then?"

"Stay out of my way that's what. Your magic is unneeded in the battle as it won't effect much on the Horror. The Horror are some how immune to the Mana of the work place that revolves around the daily life. They won't be effected by some magic but it doesn't mean that some magic can harm the Horror in a way." She explained that to her making her have a hope in her eyes."But don't even get your hopes that high girly. The Magic I'm telling you about is very much a dark magic syndrome that a human being can't wield." She said shutting up her thoughts.

"Well, So what type of things does effect the Horrors in a way to damage them. I mean you told that our magic can't effect it in any physical way of course so that may be a problem a lot. But why it is still after us. Sorry I mean they?"

"...." Emilia gone quiet for a time being making Twilight worried a bit as she suddenly stopped in her tracks."The Horror is near. Get to a safer area." She instructed as Twilight didn't have a time to ask when the Book shelf's around the place suddenly start to move around and then they suddenly moved out of the way as the books and shelf's disappeared leaving them both in a clear room.

Twilight was shocked and amazed in this as she didn't know the ability to bend the matter at will."Now is no time for being amazed. Get back and get to a safer ground or place. The Horror is on its way hear and he'll be coming after you in a mere second if he sees you."

"You can't be more right there my dear good miss." They both heard a voice and soon saw dark smoke coming in to view as it all came in one direction taking form as it reveals to be a humanoid being in a golden suite and had his hair in slight side."I'm happy for you two to come in my domain and see through all this. It's been quite lonely for me hear as you kids don't come in hear more often then usual. As you all are stuck with your handy tools in the daily basic and such."

Twilight took a gulp and came forward with all her will as she could feel the killing aura around the horror. This, This was nothing like she or the girls have ever faced before."Were,.. Were are my friends? What have you done with them?!" She demanded but she was feeling sacred every second she was standing there.

"Oh, You mean the 6 girls that came in hear with you. Oh I can say I'm keeping them for 'Safe keeping' a while. I wanna saver there magic for a little while before I chow down on there Flesh and Bones. It's been ages since I had a taste of the magic around hear in this generation. It's very rare to keep a count on where it is hidden now a then when those knight and Priests keep on hiding it from us." The Horror stated as he got back a bit and cracked his neck to get ready."But don't be a downer there girl. You'll be joining them in my prison once I deal with the likes of her." He gave a grin that literally went ear to ear.

Twilight was wide eyes as she heard this as her friends were in danger."W-W-what... What do you-"

The Horror had launched a long finger nail right at her before she could even ask him. But Emilia came in time and grabbed the shocked teen and jumped out of the way in time. The Makai priest took Twilight in a safe distance and put her down."This is no time for questioning the Horror! You have to get to safety and get away form them. I'll go and free your friends from him then."


"No Buts! Your friends are still safe right now from the horror as he stated that they are for his last meal meaning he kept them alive. Once I defeat him they all be free." Emilia explained to her as she didn't take her eyes of the horror a second."Listen to me for once and get your ass of hear! Your safety also matters the most as we all need you for the future!" She shouted to her making her confused in the last line.


"Get To Safety!" She shouted as Twilight snapped out and did what she eas told."*Sign* This girl is gonna be a problem for me in the future and such." She muttered with a slight tired toon.

She narrowed her eyes as she saw an incoming balde right at her behind as she jumped over doing a back flip, as she was in mid air she took out a gun that had a badge of string attached to it like a gun amo area and shot the horror. It released a Bach of strings at him as he grabbed the string and pulled her towards him. She came flying in but she smirked and used the force in kicking the Horror in the face with her heals as she then jumped behind him and pulled the string that then attached it self over the Horrors arm where he held it and was pulled back. She swing the horror around with well strength as she hurled him to the side and crashed him down. The Horror got up as he growled at her, He suddenly then sliced his arm where the String was, His arm regenerated back as he then launched at her giving her a soft kick as she blocked it but she could feel the heavy blow in it.

Both then got in to a hand to hand combat state as they released punches and kicks. Emilia doged a side punch as she grabbed his hand and gave him a elbow blow on the side and ducked down and gave him a uppercut bit the Horror grabbed the leg and twisted it making her grunt in pain as he delivered a right side punch on her face and then grabbed her shirt and gave her a headbutt, But she took the blow and got her leg free and jumped on his face and grabbed it with her legs as she got down on her hands and threw the Horror back with her leg force. The Horror was flung back but he landed swiftly on the floor with little to problem as he smirked at her bit it faced as he saw her giving him a smile. He felt something was behind him as he felt something behind him. He twisted his head back to find a seal on him as it glowed and exploded taking him with it.

Emilia smirked at her handy work as she got up from her position but she still hand her guard up as it takes more then this to take the Horror down. She felt something coming in her way from the smoke as she jumped up to avoid it in time to see a ball of lightning was directed at her as it exploded behind her."What the?! When did the Horror learn to do that!" She was shocked as she doged the upcoming strikes aimed at her. She ran in the other direction as the attacked fallows behind as she doged the lightning balls directed at her. She took out a seal and threw it at where the Horror was in the smoke. The Lightning ball and the seal connected which then released a giant volt of energy in the room making Emilia be flung back as well as the Horror. The area where Twilight was had also been taken back by the force that wave released.

Emilia got up from the Shock as she looked to see the Horror getting up aswell."Oh, It looks like you were surprised by how I was able to cast a magic spell am I not mistaken," He said to her as electricity formed around his hand."Well, Lets just say that I had gotten by hands on something that was able to grant me this. It feels so good to have a bit of Magic around now and then doesn't it." He said as his hands turned in to sharp claws.

"Dang it, He must have gotten the wild magic that was roaming around hear." She mentally cursed her self for not seeing it earlier.

Meanwhile Twilight was having her own thoughts in this,"No way, He's using the Wild Equestrian Magic! That must have what Emilia was trying to tell me back then. Our magic may not be able to effect the Horror in any way but this Horror can use the Magic it self on its own will!" She theorized at this, "Now I know why Flash and Emilia were trying to get me and the girls away from them." But little did she knew it was also for a Another reason.

"What's the matter there Little girl. Are you scared now that you dint have the upper hand in stopping me. I was in for it that you will have the confidence needed to beat me there." The Horror taunted at her as her eyes were covered by her hair."What the matter? Cat got your tongue."

She didn't say anything but then she lied up and smirked at him."Uh, Who said that I was out hear alone coming to you." She gave him a sly smirk as he got confused.

But the confusion was cut short as they heard a bang come from the entrance of the library as the Horror soon figure out what she was planning this whole time. The Door was burst open as Flash came in running as he shelted his blade back in. The Horror cursed as he didn't wanted a Makai Knight to come in hea right now. But He then saw the sword holder and knew who it was."Masaka! Your the Golden knight Garo!"

Twilight hid and saw Flash as she hoped he will be able to help out in this. Emilia looked a little so pleased by the knight coming in but she had to make amends for now since the Horror has to be taken care of."Ara, Ara. Look who finally desided to participate in this fight. Didn't you knew to keep a Lady waiting this long do you."

Flash looked at her and developed a annoyed look,"Emilia, I thought you didn't need any help in taking down lesser Horrors from a Makai Knight. Didn't you say that your self back then."

"Desperate times comes Desperate matters you know."

"Now, Now you two we have a job to do right now if you haven't noticed then. We can talk about your crushes later." Zaruba reminded as he teased a bit.

Flash ignored the last comment and focus on the Horror Infront,"So it looks like you are the same as your after the Girls then."

"Be Careful there Golden knight, He had the wild magic in him. I don't know how he had gotten his hands on it but he is on well use in it." She simply told him with lazy toon. She then took out a brush as she pointed at him."But it doesn't mean we can't counter the Magic now do we."

"I go to the right while you take him on in the left. You gotta take it out from his main weakness." Flash stated as he took out his sword and ran forward towards the Horror who ran at him aswell. The Horror suddenly made a blade out of thin air and both clashed in a sword fight. Flash wing his sword around as he blocked the incoming strikes and slid to the side from the claw as he grabbed his hand and stabbed his sword at Horror chest making the Horror screech in pain but to his shock the Horror then smirked as two more hands came out from below and grabbed his arms. He launched a electric shock as Flash felt the volts of energy Pearce in his skin and veins"GAHHHHHH!"

The Horror twisted his arms more and more. But Flash soon dished the pain away with force and kicked the horror in the side with enough force to make him let go and the spin kicked him in chest as he was flung back but Flash didn't stop as he jumped up and came down in a spinning kick right at the Horror as he was flung to the side of the room as the horror skidded halt. The Horror got into a spider like position as he launched him self at the knight with blinding speed But Flash saw it coming as he shelted out his sword and ducked from the blow as well as giving one right into his legs as they were cut off. The Horror screech in pain as black blood spew out of his legs but he still had his strength as he twisted him sled towards Flash and then Burt out to reveal to his form.

It was a 7 foot tall hulking spider like figure with dark red skin and Mantis type legs with the nails attached to them. He had armour plating on his front and side aswell as the Armor on his shoulder with skulls on them. He also had Six Arms with each holding a small dagger sword which has red blood on them. His back had sporting of Six bee wings and had a his face was of a Spider with the mouth of a human which was stitched together as it had a mouth pate hiding some of its features but was till scene.

Twilight saw this and couldn't help but have a panic attack. The creature Infront of her looked to be out of her worst Nightmare and had been in for years. Flash grind his word agianst his ring as he held him forward to examine this horror." Zaruba!"

"This is the Horror Torrent! This one uses fake ways of traps to lore in his prey to devour them." Zaruba stated as he scanned the Horror."Go for the main head. Its it's main weak point. Dont let the dagger get you thought they have paralyzing poison on them. Just by one hit you'll be at his mercy." He warned his partner as Flash took the information.

"Got it then." He said as he gave Emilia a look." Think you could get the magic of his in check."

"Hm, That depends on the offer. You promise to not eat me out saying I was hear." She question with a question.

"If we get out of hear, I never once even saw you to begin with." Flash simply said as he ran at the horror as Emilia smirked. Flash took out his balde and clashed with the Horrors daggers. Both and launched on full assault as they clashed swords with one after another. Flash had been able to keep up with the Horror movement in each strike as he Blocked the incoming form the side and then dogged the two in front as he needed to be careful. He jumped and kicked him into face as it gave him and opening to cut one of the arms off.

The Horror used his wings and made a gust of wind making Flash flew back. The Young knight skidding at the Floor managed to hold on to the floor as the Horror flaw directly at him, Flash ducked quickly as he spun from downwards group and managed to evade the Horror assault. But the Horror changed direction in zig zag way and came in kicking him in the chest as he flew back and crashed in the wall making a dent. Flash grunted as he took the attack but saw the Horror came for another assault.

Flash looked at the Big Horror movement and got on with the things around. He used the wall behind him and back flipped in the near second when the Horror came and Slashed the Horror wings right off his back."SSSSSHHHHHHHHHH!"

The Horror let out a screech of pain that sounded with a high shrill voice that made Twilight cover her ears."Seriously! How much sound can a bug make!" She grunted in pain.

The Horror got mad as he had now wanted to end this. His arms that held the daggers start to gain electricity and shot right at him as he avoided the blasts. He jumped in perfect acrobat skills and successfully avoided the blows. The Horror launched more and more energy strikes but suddenly his hand was grabbed by a orange whip that came out of no where. He looked to see it form into a bracelet as the lightning disappeared from his hand. The Horror was shocked as he glared at the Makai priest who had her brush up.

"What do you think. I didn't have a match in handling the power. You should have thought twice as I know a thing or two on dissembling magic a bit. This wasn't exactly hard in any way or so." She said as she gave a smirk."Now he's all yours Golden boy. Take your kill."

"Thanks for the help then." Flash told as he raised his sword and cut open a magical circle as it dropped his armor. Now stading in Flash place was the legendary Garo.

Right as it happened the man from before was watching from the shadows as he looked at the fight with Close eyes. Garo ran at the Horror as he clashed blades with one another but the Horror was being pushed back by the strength of the Makai knight. Flash strength had been boosted up in higher regards when his in the Armor as he can level on the strength with higher beings. But being in a time limit tends to cause him much trouble.

The Horror was being pushed back by the shear force and with the magic out he didn't have ten upper hand in this but it didn't Nena he had tricks up his sleeves. He raised one of his hands as the ground underneath him shook as some rocks burst out and flung at him. But the Golden knight smashed through them with his fists with ease as he ran at the Horror. Garo threw his sword at the Horror as the Horror jumped up to the roof as he dogged the sword but he didn't see the sword suddenly change direction and came at him as a boomerang and came at him, Before the Horror could even know what happened the Horror legs were cut off as it fell down.

Garo jumped in fast speed as he roar as his mouth open. He launched a his fist at him and with enough force the Horror was flung back with enough force as he crashed into the back of the wall. Garo landed on the ground as the sword came to him and he grabbed it. The Horror was now getting weakened in as it got up from the attack but he still had energy in him. He launched a spider web at him But Garo jumped over it and suddenly threw one of his back scarfs at him as it got him in a bind with the golden ring, Garo ran on the scarf with ease as he spin kicked it on the face and another and another and soon launched rapid kicking on to the Horror face with blinding speed.

Twilight was getting amazed in the fight as what the Golden armor boy displaced. It, It was amazing, Intriguing and most of all she couldn't know why but she was being drawn to the fight for some reason.

"HAAAAHHHHHHH!" Garo roared as he spun the Horror trapped in his scarf and flung him up."Flash end this now! Your timing is almost reaching its limits and you know this will be bad!" Zaruba reminded his partner quickly as he didn't want to make things more worse.

"Got it! Just need to end this now!" Garo said as he took his sword and held out the lighter and soon lit it with green Flames." I will cut down your Inga, Horror!" He launched him self with enough force as he came at the Horror as the Horror didn't have time to take in what to do as his head was soon chopped down from his body. Garo soon landed down as he shelted his sword as the Horror body disappeared in to black dust as well as the head.

Garo Armor soon vanished levaing Flash in his palace as the teen took a deep breath and signed in relief." That's could have gone better at hand if you haven't taken time in showing off there partner." Zaruba chuckled a bit."You really show her there on what you got in your plate."

"Oh you be quite there. I wasn't showing off on some one or no one. The Horror was just as strong as the rest." Flash simply told his ring.

" I don't know about that. You were showing it quite off back there." Emilia teased in as she got into the argument." If I dint say much, it looked like you were trying to get my heart back there."

" You shut it. No one ask you or anything!" Flash snapped at her." And now we're even. You can get out of hear thought as I don't want Micro to go in a rage state on seeing you right now."

Emilia smirked flatten a bit but she kept it up still."Well, I did wanted to meet the bearer of the New Armor of Yaiba. But looks like you didn't had much time to tell her on her quest needed."

As soon as the words of Yaiba came out of her mouth. Twilight instantly thought of hearing that name. That, That name had been spoken before but, But where did she hear that one name. And most of all why is it connected to the Makai Order, Is this some sorth of Makai knight or someone. Why? Why can't she remember that name. Before she even could remember that the place gotten back to normal as the shelves came in to there place. Suddenly the Mane 6 were all on the floor where the three (count the living ring) were.

Twilight snapped out of her thoughts as she ran for there safety."Girls! Sunset, Rarity." She checked on there pulse to see if there breathing or anything as she was glade they were." Don't worry Girly, Your friends were mostly knocked out conscious as there only in shut eye. So get them to the infirmary as they need a bit rest."

Twilight took her words and signed in relief. Now she has that out of the way,"Ok, Now that the things are back to normal. Mind telling me on the Makai Order which you work at. I didn't get a full explanation on what it is."

"You were the one to actually run off before I could even go to details. And you didn't even let me finish my explanation." Flash reminded with a Deadpaned look as Twilight blushed at the memory." But I can't fault you as you didn't know and you were suddenly told of this, You must have gotten a lot on your plate and had to take a step back."

"That may be the case, But what I'm mostly shocked is that why the heck no one told her about the Makai Order to begin with. She had the right to know according to her bloodline." Emilia stated as she eyed Flash who looked away all of a sudden.

"Bloodline? What do you mean by this?" Twilight got confused."I mean, Why do I need to know about this order. Not that I complain or anything as I will most likely want to know about this but. Why so easily do you wanna tell me this."

"It's cause you have a unique bloodline and your the only one left." A voice spoke as Twilight turned to see her two Principle and Vice- principal coming in." Principal Celestia and Vice principal Luna! Mam, We were just, The girls and I were trying to fight off the Wild magic and "

"At ease Twilight, We know about what really happened hear." Luna told as she looked at the girls." We must get them to the infirmary to get the check up on. We have to be able to explain to them all on what we know. I dint want to repeat my self on the explanation any time soon as it can be a headaches."

"Ara Ara, You don't want that to happen to you now. Do you Luna-san." Luna gave the young Priests a hard stare as Celestia spoke up." Emilia what do you want hear. I thought you were operating on the Different side of the city."

"Oh Celestia-san, How nice of you see you aswell. As you may know I was tasked by lady watchdog her self on what I have to do. She had gotten a word of the wild magic in the area as it was unleashed a while back. So she gave me the tasks on finding the wild magic on the lose." She stated as she took out the green orb shocking Twilight.

"Wait, That is wild Equestrian Magic and it's very dangerous in the mind. Sunset even told me on what it can do and I have experienced it on before hand!" Twilight siad in worry as Emilia laughed.

"Sorry Girly. But the Watch dog wants to know if the magic can be stable on handle. She can neglect the Magic as I had shown you before hand on what it can do. So don't need to worry for this. So without further adiou. I say you fair well." Before Twilight could say or stop her she suddenly teleported her self away form the room.

"Hah, Now what does the watch dog want to do with the Equestrian Magic." Celestia muttered to her self as Twilight looked at her Principal with shock." Ok what is happening right now. How do you all know so much about this and how and why do you know this!"

"Easy there Twilight, Were getting there Young Twilight, Bit like we said. We need to have you girls in for it together. So let's carry your friends to the infirmary and we let you then know what it's really about and you'll get your answers." Celestia gently told as she and Luna helped up in taking the girls to the infirmary. Flash also help in carrying them aswell. Twilight wanted to know what this was bit she signed and let the explanation be told later on.

Unnoticed to the others how ever is that the Figure from before was still there as he had managed to kept his presence unknown for a little time. He had to say that he was a bit disappointed in the Golden knight skills as he could have done much more better in the fight but he had to then remind him self that this is a new beginner and his skills will eventually grow in time to time. And when he is on the true trial of potential will come. He will take the pleasure in fighting with the Holder of Garo him self. But he now had more urgent news to give and it looks like the barrier of Yaiba is in the hands of the order now. Let's see on what she'll give in. He then went into the shadow and got out of the room.

Now that the girls were taken to the infirmary and we're patched up to go. Soon one by one they start to gain concession as they got up with headaches.

"Uh, What the hay had happened?" Applejack grunted as she was the first one to awake."What the, Why are we hear?"

"Thats a question we been having in our own life. Why are we hear? Is it a chance to live a life of your own or have to go and play in the game that the gods and made in our lives." Pinkie stated as she got up.

"I ment why are we hear in the library." Applejack stated as she could only blink at her pink hair friend in a bit shock.

"Oh, I don't know my self." She happily stated.

"Oh my head, This is quite the headaches I gotten today. I can not work with the likes of this as it will interfere with my work!" Rarity dramatically shouted as Fluttershy got up aswell.

"What the heck are we doing hear all of a sudden? Shouldn't we be at the library." Rainbow dash said as she was confused as the rest."One minute we were off to finding the wild Equestrian Magic and the next thing we knew were hear."

" I don't know aswell Rainbow dash, I got no clue on this." Sunset told her.

"I believe we have the answer on what you girls were looking for." They all snapped there heads to see Flash, Twilight and there Two principles standing there at the door.

"Twilight! What happened back there?! Did you stopped the Magic that was causing ruckus in the library." Sunset asked as she then paid her eyes on Flash."Wait, What is he doing hear? Does it had to do something with him like the previous time."

"... Actually yes it did." Twilight nodded her head." Flash over hear had saved our life back there as we had just gotten into the trap on the Horrors play. Luckily he was there in time to save us and with a bit of help from another person we were saved."

The Girls were glade they were fine but then one thought enter there mind."Horrors?" They all asked.

Principal Celestia had stepped in the conversation as it was time to reveal who they are and what this is."I'm so glade you had asked this. It's time you girls know what the truth is and what really is happening since the past few weeks."

"Wait A Minute!" Rainbow dash halted them." Principal Celestia and Vice principal Luna, You two knew about this and him?"

"Yes my dear Rainbow dash. Yes we did, I will have to say that it was quite hard on keeping this big secret form your group but we had to make a Amends for all of us. What you all may know us is that we are the head principles of the schools but what who we truly are, Is that we are Makai priests of the East." Principal Celestia stated as the girls minus Twilight were confused as Twilight was shocked beyond believes. The girls saw there friends look and got the idea that it may have something to do with Flash and the Monsters.

"Wait so your telling me your also with the makai order aswell. The same one that Flash is in at. Your telling me your also in onel this!"

"Yes its right Twilight we are. And it looks to us that you are also in this aswell Twilight, Or should I say the Young bloodline of The Yaiba." Luna stated.

"..... What?"

Right a few blocks away, The Figure from before had gotten into an alley as he was waiting for someone. Soon another figure landed as it reveals to be a cloak individual.

"Were you able to get what we needed." The cloak individual sounded female but judging by the voice it was a bit older.

The man nodded."Hai, The one who you were looking after is indeed the blood holder of the Yaiba Armor, But no need to be sacred as she her self dint know what the Makai Order or anything of that was. So she's more of a insecure and naive as the she can be." That had putten the Clark figure at ease."What abouts the other blood holder of hers."

"Same as the first. They both have the same no knowledge of this and even if own of them do get that. They can't be able-" A spear came and was flung to the wall inches were the man face was. He wasn't fazed by this want so ever."Oh, Did I say something wrong."

"You know exactly what you did! There is no or and buts in my mission. I want to reclaim what had been my from the very start. She and the other boy have not to know about this world and never. It would have been easy to kill them but the pesky knights and priests had them in to there custody. So what I will like for you to do now is get the holder out of getting the one prize that isn't hers!" The cloak individual hissed at the man as the red eyes glowed under the hood."I aspect you to do this well and out Soliman. Or else the Master wont merciful in your next incounter."

Soliman didn't say anything as he watched the individual go away in a huff. When she was gone he then smirked."I may be loyal to him in many ways, But he knows to never come in my worrier way of battle." He told no one but him self." Now, Let's see what you have in store for me, The new owner of Garo."