The Color of Apples

by Jet Howitzer

Addendum II: What Sound do Hooves Make?

They go Cloppity Clop. Yeah, this is my acceptance of the fact that I've written some clop, and now I'm going to do what some of you are probably looking forward to. I'm going to write the scene that takes place at the end of this story, since many of you have clearly seen through my writing to make out the implications. So, I'll be writing the scene. It'll be a separate story, since I don't want to have to change the rating for this story. I'm doing work on it slowly, since I want it to come out right.

I'll post a blog when it's done, and a link to that story here when it's done. That way you don't have to search for it if you're reading this story in a single sitting.

-Jet Howitzer