A New Pet Cat Named Neferpitou

by Anime0CC0Manga

Touch And Go


"Tag Sire?"

Neferpitou tilted her head and looked up at Discord in confusion, who was currently stretching out his body, in a very over-exaggerated manner, like rubber, and seemed to be preparing himself for something that might require movement and physical abilities.

"Yup, we're playing Tag, which is a game that involves the tagger chasing the person that needs to be tagged, hm, maybe 'Cat and Mouse' would be more accurate and easier to explain in your situation?~"

Discord reached behind Pitou's kitty ears and pulled out a mouse, which looked just like him, but dressed in a mouse costume. He looked at her with a teasing smile while nibbling on some cheese.

"I believe I understand the rules of the games, but I'm still confused as to why you would ask your lowly servant to do such a thing?"

Neferpitou was a bit conflicted; while she was willing to play and entertain with her Lord of Chaos, like they had done with the pony puppets last week, she still felt hesitant about the idea of attacking him in any way, even if it was just a simple chase and touch game.

"I must confess, even though I'm not someone who takes pleasure in fighting, I will admit that being challenged and pushing myself is thrilling itself~"

Discord then floated behind her, grabbing and rubbing her shoulders, leaning close to her ear and whispering into it.

"A feeling you, no doubt, want to experience~"

Discord wore a knowing smirk, even letting out a joking chuckle when he saw the chimera neko look away shyly and gently blush in light embarrassment.

"W-Well, um..."

Neferpitou didn't know whether she should deny or accept what she was feeling, which only made her Sire laugh and then disappear completely, which startled her, even though she couldn't see where he had gone, she could still hear his voice.

"Maybe some motivation will help you feel more willing to play along?~"

Discord's voice continued to be heard by the Royal Guard, who were still trying to locate him.

"How about this, if you managed to touch me, even if it's just your fingertips or whiskers, not only will you win~"

A present box had fallen and landed in the arms of Pitou, who couldn't help but look at it in confusion, but was still listening to the voice of Discord.

"But you also get to ask anything you want, whatever your little bug cat heart desires~"

Hearing that definitely perked up the cat ears of the Royal Guard, which Discord noticed and chuckled at.

"So, ready to play?~"

Discord opened the lid of the gift box and looked at the Chimera Neko with eager anticipation; to which she simply stared back at him.


No matter how much Neferpitou wanted to deny it, she just couldn't shake the feeling of excitement and readiness that filled her heart and body; even her kitty tail wagged wildly with those same feelings.

"Then Let The Games Begin!~"

Discord then disappeared back into the box after making his declaration of the start of the game, which Pitou quickly opened and looked inside the present, only to see a silly drawing of her sire that teasingly made fun of her.

'Heh, of course it wouldn't be that easy.'

Neferpitou closed the present box back up and carefully set it down on the ground, though when she did, her kitty ears perked up again and looked around with predatory wide eyes.


In an instant, Neferpitou suddenly jumped in the direction she was looking at, with enough speed and force to break the sound barrier, even knocking down any chaotic beings or objects nearby; all so that she could head towards and reach out to the Draconequus, who leaned against a tree and watched her approach with an amused expression.


However, despite only being inches away from Discord, he managed to avoid her by simply splitting apart and letting her pass through without touching him; after missing, the Royal Guard forced herself to land and stop herself, quickly turning around to look at her Lord of Chaos, but only saw nothing but an empty space. However, she wasn't really surprised by that, in fact, she expected that he would move away like this, and with that in mind, she wasted no time searching for him again before jumping towards where he was at next.

"Try Again!~"

But Discord once again simply avoided the Chimera Neko and disappeared again.

"Missed Me!~"

And again

"To Slow!~"

And again

"Not Even Close!~"

And again

"Are You Even Trying?~"

And again, no matter what Pitou did, no matter how fast she was, or what tactics and tricks she used, even when using her Clownesque Puppeteer, she could not even touch Discord, who continued to avoid her and disappear again, no matter how close she got, all while doing it with a teasing laugh and smile that never left his face.

'I can see him when he appears.'

Neferpitou didn't give up, however; each time she jumped, and each time her sire avoided her, she took these opportunities to learn and improve.

'I can anticipate where he'll show up next.'

Each mistake that Neferpitou makes, she will have to deal with the consequences and learn from them.

'I can probably even get close enough to almost catch him.'

And each time Neferpitou misses the first time, she will always try again, getting a little bit closer to achieving what she's trying to do.

'But all of it doesn't matter if he can react just as fast, even if I can predict and go towards his next appearance, he'll just disappear before I can even reach him.'

In the grand scheme of things, Neferpitou being a step closer to Discord, was like saying she was able to almost reach infinity; essentially, she was nowhere close at all, and she knew this.

'My Lord is amazing, I expected no less from him~'

And knowing this, Neferpitou couldn't help but see her Lord, her Spirit of Disharmony, the one she saw above all others, including herself, with great admiration and awe, but like she had already thought to herself, it was expected, even if her expectations were surpassed.

'But I need to change my strategy.'

After the last attempt at chasing and failing, Neferpitou landed on the ground again, though this time, instead of jumping, she simply sat criss-cross on the ground and began to concentrate.


As soon as Neferpitou said this, a new puppeteer appeared before her, but seemed much different compared to her Clownesque counterpart, not only in appearance and design, but also in how it worked; rather than controlling others against their will, the Terpsichora instead controlled herself.

'No more predicting, guessing or planning.'

As Neferpitou let Terpsichora take hold of her, she was also letting out a huge amount of Nen aura, known as En, with a range of 2,000 meters. This allowed her to know exactly where everything was and was, from something as simple as a pebble, to something as large as a long-legged, tall bunny, which promptly went insane and passed out after being caught in the aura.

'All I need to do is just move, without thinking about it...'

And after setting everything up, Neferpitou just sat there on the ground, doing nothing but patiently waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting some more, and waiting even more than that


And after waiting, Neferpitou felt just a tickle of a disturbance, and once that feeling was felt, Terpsichora, with a simple twitch and pull of the strings, was able to send the kitty cat towards the direction without hesitation, and basically instantly, even leaving a large crater from how hard and fast she jumped away from the spot she was sitting on.


So fast in fact that Pitou was already in front of Discord when she teleported in; who could only react with a surprised yelp before being pinned down by her.

"Tag, you're it~"

Neferpitou couldn't help but feel beyond ecstatic; her heart was beating fast, her mind racing, and her blood rushing. The feeling of pure pumping adrenaline was so intoxicating that she almost forgot who she was pinning down.

"Ok, ok, you win, you win, but only because I felt like letting you win!~"

The voice of a laughing Discord startled the chimera neko out of her thoughts, and realizing what she was doing, she quickly jumped off of the Lord of Chaos and returned to a respectful kneeling position.

"As you say, Sire."

Neferpitou tried to regain her composure, returning to her proper and servant self, but she could not hide the very embarrassed blush she had on her face, which made her Sire smirk, but he said nothing about it.

"So, what do you want as a prize, you can ask for anything from me, no limits?"

Discord felt entertained enough with his loyal Royal Guard that he decided to honor his end of the deal, all while he knelt back down to pick up the present, that Pitou had carefully placed on the ground, and gave it back to her.

"My wish? My wish..."

Neferpitou grabbed the gift box and examined it with a complex expression, despite being promised such a thing, and knowing she couldn't lie to herself about her interest, when she finally received what she had been given, she found herself feeling pressured, overwhelmed, and like she was doing something she shouldn't as a lowly servant.

"Is for you to be it."

And so, with all that in mind, Neferpitou, instead of choosing something absolutely life and world-changing, all she could ever wish for, was for them to continue playing Tag, but this time, with her being it, which surprised the Draconequus at first, but he soon shook his head and snapped his fingers.

"Heheh, alright then, as you wish~"

Discord, now looking more cat-like, got into a pouncing position and playfully glared at the chimera neko, to which she looked down at herself to see that she was more of a chimera mouse instead

"Catch me if you can Sire!~"

Neferpitou, now back in her playful mood, reactivated her Terpsichore once more and ran off, despite being as small as a mouse, she was still just as fast as ever, which made Discord laugh and start chasing after her like the cat he was, though while literally playing the "Cat and Mouse" game, the spirit of disharmony couldn't help but think to himself.

'This is fun, so much fun, even more funner than creating chao- erm, no, chaos is still better... I think?...'
Oh no, Discord is slowly second guessing himself in what he actually like to do, that doesn't involve causing literal chaos~

(BTW hope you love the Neferpitou and Discord fan art, made by LewiNog)

/Neferpitou New Interesting Ability\

The Teacher: A special puppeteer that doesn't necessarily control people, but instead acts as a guide and helps those learn how to use Nen.

Baker Muppets: A dozen Muppet-like puppets that know how to bake and make treats and sweets.

Alpha Omega: A wooden looking puppet that takes the form of an alpha creature and controls those weaker than itself like a, well, alpha.

Farmer Soldiers: An army of farmer puppets that each have a role in farming, like gardening or fruit picking.

Rainbow Delights: A puppeteer that controls clouds and changes their weather, ranging from rain to snow.

Nittens: A special cat puppet that knows how to make clothes and knit and such.

Chimera Ant Queen: Due to not serving her real king, not to mention being the last remaining female chimera ant in existence, she will go a small genetic biological change and become the new Queen of the Chimera Ants, kind of like how a male clownfish turns into a female after their mate dies, however, due to her being very powerful, not to mention she wasn't born to be Queen despite taking the role, if she wants to make some children, she will need to eat something that either equals or even surpass her own power, someone like Discord or the MLP Princesses for example, normal or weak character will not work, like base form Mane 6.

(OK, this last ability probably doesn't make sense, but I wanna add my own spin and twist on the biology of Neferpitou/Chimera Ants, you know, to keep things interesting and unique... Also there's a character that I want to bring into existence that requires this specific ability, you'll probably see her soon in this story~)