How I became an Equestrian

by Raybony

A New Day, A New Life

I waked up in a white room, the color was so strong that it hurt my eyes just to look at it, the room itself was striped from anything; no door, no windows, no furniture. I was the only thing inside of it, but I could feel something else, another presence but anywhere I looked I only saw a white wall.

I look at myself to see I'm human, my clothes now a set of white shirt, trousers and shoes, not my normal set of T-shirt, Jacket, Jeans and climbing boots.

"Hello, is anyone there?" I called out, the echo of my voice was the only reply. I started to feel lost, lonely, confused. 'How did I get here, what happened, was I dreaming? was I dead?'. I wonder trying to figure out what was happening.

"Do not worry thyself friend" I heard a voice, gentle put powerfull at the same time."thou are here as we have warning."

"Who are you, where am I and what do you mean a warning?" I said not sure where this entity was.

"There is no much time for us to anwser thy quetions, hear us out for great danger lies ahead of thy path." Danger? what was she talking about? "The terror and evil in thee have been set free on our lands, and the prophecy declares only its master may destroy it before it destroys the lands."

"What do you mean? I havent created anything of evil intensons, and even if I did I would never release it into Equestria." I shouted back to the room, I would never do anything to harm such a peacefulplace.

"We know that thou would never do something to harm this lands, but this evil was release after thou though you had defeat it." No she couldn't mean. Thy nigthmare has broken free from its prison and will feast upon the magic of every being that comes across, until there is not a single trace of life to feed on."

'No, of all the things that could happen not this, he can't be here its not possible, I don't want the nightmares to happen again, not again not for real' I cried internaly, thoes nightmares had hunt me for so long, imaging that it would happen at any moment in real life, it was torture.

Do not worry thyself, everything will be fine, but remember this, thee are not alone, you have friends in here that will help thee in this matter, they will show you the key to defeat this evil." She said in a soothing tone, and I coild swear I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. "We must go now, remember what we said and be ready to fight the nightmare.

"Wait, I still have questions." I called out but there was no reply. I felt the floor tremble and the walls in the room started to crack. the whole room fell and left me in darkness, and in front of me was my nightmare, he was huge I couldn't see his body only his face, he was laughing as his head went to scoop me up in a bite.

I scream louder that I ever did before, the pure horror that you are about to be killed is one of the worst feelings in the world. "ARGGGGGGG..."



I looked around, I was in what seemed to be a hospital room, the sterile green adorn the walls and sheets, and the smell of medicines and decinfectents fill my nosetrills.

I heard a door open a white earth pony with a pink mane tied back enter, she had a red cross as a Cutie mark. "Your awake, what happend?" She asked as she went to check the medical clipboard at the end of my bed.

"Sorry had a nightmare" I told her reasuring her that I was fine, I looked at myself and I was suprised to see myself still a pony. 'Why am I still a pony? I'm no longer in my dreams, or dream realm or whatever.' I wondered. I took a second look at myself and saw a had bandages strap in different parts of my body. "Excuse me, but what happened to me?" I asked but I alredy had a good idea what happened.

"Well sir, it seems that you were attack by a Timberwolf, only this one seemed to be larger that the average."

So they think it was a Timberwolf, thats good I don't want to raise any questions about how I got my wounds. "So who helped me get to the hospital? becauseI can't remember a thing of what happened"

"We believe you teleported from the place were you were being attack and ended up in the basement of a house. As for who helped you qet here it was Miss Twilight Sparkle, she is waiting outside until you wake up, do you want me to let her come in?"

"Yes please" It would be good to talk to someone I know.

The nurse noded and went out the door. 'I hope Twilight knows what happened to me.' After a few minutes of waiting the nurse and Twilight came back to the room. "I will leave you now, if you need anythingh just press that button on the wall and I'll be here for whatever you need."

"Thank you Nurse Red heart, will do." Twilight said as the nurse left the room, Twilight turn around and faced the Stallion that was on the hospital bed. "Hello sir, I don't want to stress you after what you went through but can you tell me who you are?"

"Twilight it's me, don't you reconize me?" She looked at me with a confussed look, not sure what this pony meant. Oh that's right, I'm a pony know, silly me. "Twilight it's me Luis." Twilight lookes shocked at this but not as much as I though. "Well that explains why it seemed that you dissapear when I went to the bassement to find you." Twilight said. "But what happened to you? What did you do to turn into a pony?" She said with concern and interest.

"I went to get the book that you asked me to, but when I thouched it I got transported into another realm."

"where exactly? it seems hard to believe that I book can do something like teleportation."

"I know what you mean, I got transported into a realm that was connected to the real world and my dreams, I don't want to go to details now it has some bits I want to forguet for the moment, all I can say is that I transform into a pony in there and I think that resulted on me being a pony here." I told trying to keep as simple as possible.

"Ok Luis, but I would like to hear more about this later, the doctors say that you can check out, all you need to do is fill some forms and we can go." She said montion me to come.

"Very well" I said stepping out of the bed, but when I tried to walk towrds twilight I lost my balance and came down face to the floor. "Ow"

Twilight came next to me and helped me stand up. "Take it easy it, you are still weak from your injuries"

"But I feel fine, I'm just not used to walking on hooves, which is strange, in the realm I was able to run normally" I replied having a difficult time to coordinate my legs.

Twilight was silent for a moment thinking for a reason to my problem. "You said that this was a dream realm, maybe you just imagine yourselfe able to do all that."

"Maybe, so all I need to do is practice to walk on my hooves" I said starting to walk slowly, using Twilight as support.

After I change out of my hospitals robes and filled the forms, me and Twilight went out and decided to take advantage of the situation to show me around town. I was starting to get the hang of walking but I still lost my balance once in a while. "And this is the town square where all announcements are made and special events organize; and down the road we have Carousel Boutique, If you want to get your own clothes as a pony just go there."

"Thanks, I'll think about it." I looked around, feeling that something was suppose to happen. "Is it me or is it too quite?"

"What do you mean?" looking at me skeptical.

"Don't know, it feel like something is missing, like something that its natural, something like..." I was stop as a pink blur pass next to me, making me spin around on the spot. As I stop spining and focus my eyes I saw a smiling Pinkie Pie in front of me. "Pinkie Pie, ofcourse."

"Hi Twilight, why didn't you tell me about your friend? I would have trown a big 'Welcome to Poniville Party'. Although I didn't feel my Pinkie sense tingling, then he must have been for some time." Pinkie eyed Twilight curiosly. "Were you hiding him from me all this time?" She said bouncing around me as she always does.

"Pinkie I didn't hide him and he is new to Poniville, this is Luis remember?" Twilight pointing her hoof towards me.

"You can change into other stuff Luis? can you teach me to change into something else, I would love to be a cake so then I would know what I would tate like, but if I'm a cake I wont be able to taste me." She was blarting out bouncing on the spot.


"Oh I know I'll ask someponyelse to tate me, then he will tell me what I taste like."


"But what if I lose part of my body, I don't mind losing part of my hair, but what if he eats my leg, or hoove, or my head, I need my head to think..."


Pinkie looked to twilight who had a frustrated look, Pinkie awnsering like nothing "Yes Twilight?"

"Pinkie, Luis doesn't know how to change shape, he was transformed somehow into a pony when he was helping me on the library." Twilight awnser.

"WOW, what happened? do Humans also have magic?" Before I could say anything to her a voice in the sky called out.

"Hey guys whats up, who is the new guy?" Rainbow Dash yelled from a cloud, she started decending and landed in front of us.

"Hi Dashie, we are fine, and look Luis is a pony now, isn't it incredible, I just know we are going to have so much fun with him." (Not in that way if you know what I mean?)

"He, Luis, a stallion? haha, good one Pinkie, but he can't be Luis, you know what he is and this guy" RD started to eye me in a seductive way. "Its too good looking to be him, tell me hunk do you have any marefriends?"

I started blushing madly by what she said. 'Does she really find me attractive? why would the fastest, bravest and most radical pony be trying to hit with me? Not to mention she has a nice rump' I meantaly slap myself when I though that. 'Did I just said I like Rainbow Dash? I can't like her like that, I'm a human not a pony why would I even though of that?'

I just stood there my faceso red that it matched the crimson color of my eyes. "Rainbow, this 'is' Luis, he got transformed somehow when he"

"You don't need to say it again Twi, just say that he was transformed and thats it, no need to explain in full detail." Pinkie said interrupting Twilight.

"Wait, are you serious?" RD asked earning a nod from everypony, imediatly her face turn red of embarresment from what she had said before. " I-I-I didn't mean any of it, I swear, I was just messing around, you don't look strong, handsome and cool at all, nope not at all" she blurted out giving a really large sheppish smile.

"I'm gonna pretend that I never heard that, do we all agree?" I said earning a nod from everyone. I looked at the sun and saw that it was starting to go down, it wouldn't be long before Luna's moon would be risen into the night sky. "Ok then, I think we better go, it is pretty late and I would like go to sleep."

"You're right, that trip around Ponyville took a long time, I need to research that book that you found, it may tell us why did you change into a pony and maybe a way to send you back. I'll see you guys tomorrow, G'night guys." Twilight said as she headed to the tree house.

"I better go to, I must get ready for that wonderbolt's try-out next month" She said as she started to flap her wings and lift off the ground.

"Try-out? They finally invited you join them?" I asked, it was hard to believe that she was finally joining them.

"Yep, that Rainboom at the weeding plus me fighting against so many changelly really impress them enough to try and join them. 'llI have to be in top form to ace this test, it'll be a pice of cake."

"Cake? really, can I have some when you pass the test?" Pinkie beamed at the mention of cake, hopping around.

"Pinkie, she means it will be easy, there won't be actual cake there." I told trying to ease the pony a bit, if that was even possible.

Pinkie looked at me with one of her silly grins. "Ofcourse I know that, if it really was going to be a piece of cake I would have passed the test before Dashie, I just love cake."

"Pinkie, your so random" RD and me say at the say time, after that RD flew off into the night sky, towards where I would guees was her house. "So Pinkie, shall we go to your house?" I asked her, she still talking about cakes like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh yes, just one sec" She said as she pulled out her party canon and got inside of it. "Well what are you waiting for, get in." She said waving me to come with her.

"I think I would ratherrrr" I was grabed by the hoof and pulled inside the canon, next thing I know me and Pinkie are going through the sky with Pinkie yelling "Adventureeeee". We then somehow landed on the ground like we were never falling at all, and Pinkie hoping towards Sugar Cube Corner.

"Well are you coming or not?" She asked waving me to come in.

"I guess we should go in, before Mr. and Mrs. cake start wondering where you are." I said which makes her giggle.

We go inside the shop and I can smell the sweet scent of pastry and cake mix. We head for the stairs and stop when we hear a voice calling from downstaris. "Pinkie is that you? did you find that friend of yours that you told me was coming?" Mrs. Cake appear at the bottom of the stairs, a smile adorning her face. "Oh hello there, you must be Pinkie's friend, my name is Mrs. Cup Cake, but just call me Mrs. Cake."

"Hello Mrs. Cake, it's nice to meet you, Pinkie has told me a lot about you." I give a small smile and a gesture.

"Oh I'm sure she has, she told that your new to town and were looking for work, I would be happy to offer you a place here, Pinkie can give you the details, now run along it is late and we have a busy day tomorrow."

"Yes Mrs. Cake" Pinkie and I say before heading up, she shows me the guest's room and leaves me be. I slump into the bed and put on the covers. I looked at the celing and start recaling the event of the day.

'Man what a day, I wake up to find myself in equestria, then I get intrrogated by Twilight, giving a brief history lesson, I fight my nightmare and destroy it, and now I'm staying at Sugar Cube Corner and have a job; yep this has been an interesting day'.

I then remember that small dream I had at the hospital. 'If my nightmare its really alive and now free in equestria, how am I suppose to defeated, and did that voice mean when it said that my friends will show me the key to defeat it?'.

I stared at the celing for a long time wondering what would I do, but I decided to leave it for another day, I felt my eyes go heavier as sleep started to come, before long I let go and went into the sleep, where rest awaited.


I heard the sound of birds singing outside the window, I had just woken up from such a lovely dream, a lamd of sweets and treats, I could still feel it as it was right next to me. Wait I eally could still smell it, but it smell of cotton candy and cookies, I slowly open my eyes, and right in front of me was a sleeping Pinkie Pie, her hooves wraped around me and mines in her.

I didn't what was going on but I single though manage to escape my lips. "Waattttttttt."