My Little Discord: Friendship is Magic Season 1

by Musiclover435

Prologue Part 1

A cloaked figure taller than an average pony is seen running for her life. They were carrying a bundle in their arms, both were hidden in the darkness of the night. The moonlight seemed to be her only guiding light. The cloaked figure seemed to be standing on two legs and panting heavily. she seemed to be limping from a distance, it was obvious that she was weak but her adrenaline was keeping her going. ‘I need to hide him. No pony will suspect him of being around ponies. He’ll be safe here. Star Swirl said we could come for anything if needed. He said that he lives within the Everfree Forest and the castle within. He can help my son, he’s the only one I can trust.’

The two-legged creature found herself near the Castle of the Two Sisters in a garden filled with statues. ‘The Princesses Luna and Celestia, they can protect him.’ The creature kissed the bundle and then set him down. “Stay safe, my son. I cannot return but I know you will be safe here. Goodbye, my baby. Be strong and use your magic for good. I know you can. I’m sorry.” With tears in her eyes and a heavy heart, she left, knowing she could never return.

Princess Luna was walking through the garden with a lot on her mind. It had been a few years since Star Swirl the Bearded and his friends disappeared. Things between her and Celestia had started to feel different since then. She started to feel left out of their royal duties. More ponies would go to her for advice since she raised the sun while she would stand in the background, hidden from her sister’s bright shining light. ‘If only I could find somepony that would appreciate my nights.’

A faint crying took Luna out of her thoughts. “Crying, who would leave a baby in the garden? How did the gardeners not catch them? How did the guards not see someone come in?” Luna ran direction of the crying and she soon saw a red bundle in the moonlight. Luna gasped and flew to the bundle. “You poor thing, who would leave you here alone?” Luna carefully picked up the baby and unwrapped the head and was shocked at the sight. It was a baby Draconequus. The baby was brown with a long head, and no horns but would develop them soon. He had no teeth which indicated that he was still young. He had the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a dragon, and the left leg of a goat. In addition, he had a bat's right wing, a blue pegasus wing, a black mane, and a long red tail with a white tuft on the end. The baby was crying his eyes out. “Shh, shh, it’s okay. I’ve got you, little one.”

The baby started to settle, revealing his yellow eyes and red pupils, both his eyes were different sizes. “Where is your mother, little one?” Luna flew to the sky, hoping to find his mother but saw nothing, no pony flying in the sky, no pony running, nothing. It’s like the Draconequus’s mother, vanished. Luna looked at the bundle in her hoofs. He fell back asleep as if nothing had happened. Luna smiled at him, “Well, little one, let’s get you inside and some milk. I’m sure you’re hungry.”

Luna brought the baby inside and had a maid bring her a baby bottle and milk. The draconequus woke up moments earlier and once the bottle was in his mouth, he quieted down. Luna was baffled to see a draconequus in Equestria. Star Swirl had told them of Draconequus and their chaotic magic. He met them once but they seemed unbothered and uninterested in pony kind and any other creature in Equestria. The draconequus told him that when the war happened centuries ago, many of their kind were killed so they decided to live peaceful lives away from all creatures. So how did a baby Draconequus end up near their castle?

A cooing sound took Luna out of her thoughts, she looked down and saw the baby looking at her curiously. She smiled at him. “It’s okay, little one. It is late for you. I will talk with my sister after she raises the sun.” Luna took the baby to her room and gently set him on her bed. She was able to get a better look at him now that he was on her bed with the blanket removed. He was healthy, with no ribs showing, his fur was soft, his feathers were recently preened and no scales were flaky so why would they abandon him for no reason?

Luna curled up on her bed and used her magic to bring the baby closer to her. The baby yawned showing how tired he was but still didn’t sleep even with Luna curled up next to him. “Hmm. Maybe a lullaby will help. I know one that might help you, little one.”

“Distant moon so big and bright
Softest silver glowing through the night
High atop the mountain gold
Sun unseen
The world is cold

The baby's eyes started to close slowly as Luna looked at him with a smile.

Here I wait
And here I stand
Early morning
Northern Hour hand

The baby’s eyes closed and his breaths started to get deeper as Luna laid her head down with the moon’s light being the only thing brightening up the room.

Studying in solitude
Looking for a hidden clue
I wish to see this world through my own eyes
To calm the elders and silence their cries
Because of you
I now gaze up and sing
The Lullaby of The Moon.”

The two fell asleep together with a bond form and a story to tell to her sister. They slept peacefully with Luna smiling in her sleep, feeling that for the first time, she could have someone to love her nights, just as much as she did.