//------------------------------// // Prologue Part 2 // Story: My Little Discord: Friendship is Magic Season 1 // by Musiclover435 //------------------------------// Luna woke up from possibly one of the best sleeps she had in a long while. She saw the baby still asleep clutching her tail like a stuffed animal. She looked out the window and saw that Celestia was raising the sun. Using her magic, she began to lower the moon. ‘Good thing I awoke before Celestia noticed.’ Once the sun’s morning rays shined in her bedroom, the baby Draconequus woke up. ‘I should come up with a name for him.’ The Baby stretched and yawned then looked at Luna expecting something. Luna stood up, stretched herself, and then used her magic to put the draconequus on her back. “Come on, little one. Let’s go see my sister and get you something to eat.” Luna walked in relative silence to the kitchen, mainly because she was lost in her thoughts on how she would tell her sister about the baby Draconequus and more importantly, see if she could keep him. Once she arrived at the kitchen, she saw Celestia eating breakfast and talking with one of the maids. “Good morning, sister. I trust you had a good night.” “Indeed, sister. A productive one at that. I found something unusual last night and I wanted to discuss it with you.” Celestia raised her eyebrow in surprise, Luna’s nights were normally peaceful with not much to report so her finding something was unusual. She turned and Celestia’s mouth dropped in shock. “Is that…?” Celestia walked closer to her sister to get a closer look at the baby Draconequus. “Yes, I found him in the castle gardens wrapped in a blanket. I tried to find his mother but I didn’t find her.” “I remember Star Swirl telling us about the draconequus but it seems strange to find one out here, especially one this young.” “I am unsure myself. With Star Swirl gone and no way to find the Draconequus tribe, I was thinking he could stay here.” “Luna, I don’t know. Draconequus are known for their magic.” “I know but… look at him.” The draconequus in question was still laying on Luna’s back sucking on his tail, giving Celestia the cutest eyes imaginable. Celestia sighed. “Okay, he can stay. Who knows? Maybe his magic will be useful to help Equestria.” Celestia didn’t voice it but she thinks that his mother could return for him or at least someone who knows him, when that happens, she wonders f her sister will be able to give him up. Luna smiled brighter than a full moon. “Thank you, sister. I think he will be an excellent addition to the kingdom.” “I’m sure he will. Have you thought of a name for him?” Using her magic, Luna brought the draconquus to her face and he just stared at her while she stared at him. “Discord.” Discord squealed at the name given. “I think he likes it.” “I think he does too.” From that day forward, Luna and Celestia raised Discord as if he was their own. While some ponies were apprehensive of the draconequus but some soon came to accept Discord, especially those in the castle. Celestia was busy with her royal duties during the day but Luna made any time should could to watch Discord. Discord soon saw Luna as his mother and Celestia as his aunt. As Discord grew older, his magic did as well. Discord’s magic was very chaotic and he was still having trouble controlling it. His emotions normally dictated what would happen. Luna found herself quite entertained when giving Discord a bubble bath, he made himself and Luna float like bubbles. While fun, she had to get Celestia to help get her and Discord down. No matter what, Luna loved Discord. Even when she stopped King Sombra, her mind was always on Discord. When she and her sister found the Elements of Harmony, her mind was on Discord. She feared that others would judge him and hurt him, after all, he wasn’t a pony and his magic was uncontrollable. While she and her sister made sure Discord knew he was loved and many of the castle residents loved him, ponies outside the castle were different. Things began to change a few months after Discord turned 8. Discord could remember this time as if it was yesterday. Very often, Discord would walk through town with his mother and his aunt and he normally wouldn’t leave their side. However, if it involved an important meeting or when they had to raise the sun and moon, he would join his mother since he loved seeing her raise it, even if it was past his bedtime, he normally would be asked to find someone else to play with, read, or go through town alone. This was one of those times. Discord would find himself playing in the gardens or walking through town. Today, Discord decided to walk through town. When his mother and aunt were with him, everypony would bow to them. Whenever he was alone, no pony would bow at him and he could feel the judgmental stares at him. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see mothers beckon their fillies closer. ‘Why don’t they understand that I don’t want to hurt them? I know I look different but that shouldn’t mean anything, right? Mommy said so, Aunt Celestia said so.’ “I can’t believe the princesses took that… thing in.” “He isn’t a pony.” “He’s a freak.” “He doesn’t belong.” Hearing enough, Discord went home. It was the same every time he went into town alone, everypony would talk about him behind his back. He wanted friends, but no pony wanted to be friends with him. After Luna finished her meeting, she walked through the castle looking for her son. She knew he would either go on a walk through town or be in the library. She saw him on the floor with a closed book that was a bit too advanced for his age. She sighed. ‘Again… why do they appreciate Discord like they appreciate my nights?’ She walked inside the library and lay next to Discord. “What are you reading?” “A book?” “Really? It doesn’t look like it. You seem to be laying on the floor with a closed book.” Discord stayed silent. “Moonlight, what seems to trouble you?” It was quiet between the two, while Luna often enjoyed silent moments like this with her son, this was not one of those times. “Why is everypony mean to me?” “Moonlight… I…” Luna was stuck. She didn’t know what to say. “Why can’t I make friends? s it because I don’t look like a pony? Is it because of my magic? My wings?!” Tears started to fall from Discord’s face. “Why does everypony treat me differently?!” “I’m sorry, Moonlight. I don’t know.” Luna brought Discord into a hug. As tears fell down Discord’s eyes, tears developed in Luna’s. ‘I know exactly how you feel Discord. I wish I could make it better.’ Wanting to take his mind off what happened, Discord asked his mother to read him stories and play with him. Since she didn’t have anything else until she raised the moon, she agreed. It helped take his mind off what happened ad helped him see that he still had his mother and his aunt for him, nothing could go wrong. He just wished he noticed the signs before everything went wrong the next day.