//------------------------------// // Prologue Part 3 // Story: My Little Discord: Friendship is Magic Season 1 // by Musiclover435 //------------------------------// Discord could remember this day like it was yesterday, it was the worst day of his life. It started after he woke up and his room was covered in polka dots, and it seemed like the gravity turned itself off. “DISCORD!” He could hear his aunt from outside. He snapped his fingers and everything was back to normal. “Sorry, Aunt Celestia!” Discord got out of bed and sighed. 'I wish I was better at controlling my magic.' He went to the bathroom to tidy himself up. He brushed his mane and fur, checked his pegasus wing if it needed to be preened, and the scales on his dragon leg and tail if any needed to be removed. Once he finished, he left his room to eat breakfast and greet his mother and aunt. After breakfast, Discord had to leave the castle since his mother and Aunt needed to talk with other ponies about the creatures in the Everfree forest so he decided to walk through town to the park. He loved building sand castles with the young fillies and colts, even though he knew their parents did not like him. The pegasi hadn't had it rain in several days so he could enjoy the warm sand. When he arrived at the park, the young fillies and colts were there but other ponies he knew were there. "Barron." discord whispered to himself. Barron and his gang were the meanest to him. If the princesses weren't around, they were always mean to him and no pony did anything to stop them. "Hey, Dipcord!" Discord flinched. "It's Discord." "Listen, Dipcord. This is our park. Right?" "Yeah, freak. It's ours." "No, it's not. It's everypony's park. I can come here like everypony else." "Yeah, but you're not a pony. You're a freak." Discord started to get annoyed. "No, I'm not. I'm not a freak." "Yeah, you are, Dipcord. No pony likes you. I mean, I'm sure the princesses are pretending to like you." "My mom loves me! Aunt Celestia loves me! They tell me that all the time!" Discord shouted with tears in his eyes. "Prove it, Dipcord!" Angered by his comments, Discord's magic started to go haywire. Sand from the sandbox floated out and into the eyes of Barron and his gang. "My eyes! I can't see!" Lightning struck down in the park, causing everypony to flee in terror. The ground paths turned into soapy paths and the playground came alive. Barron slipped on the path breaking his leg and before anypony else could get hurt. "DISCORD!" Discord opened his eyes, not even realising that he closed them. He snapped his fingers and everything turned back to normal. Celestia flew down and she was not pleased. Discord looked at his aunt sadly with his ears down, knowing that he was in a lot of trouble. After apologizing to Barron and taking him to the nearest doctor, Celestia brought Discord back to the castle to talk about his actions. "Discord, I know you have trouble controlling you making but you can't do things out of anger." "Celestia, Discord has told us that Barron and his gang are notoriously cruel to him because of his appearance." "I know that, Luna. But that doesn't give him the right to use his magic in a way that hurts others." Tired of hearing his other and aunt going back and forth, Discord shouted, "I'M SORRY!" They stopped and looked at the young Draconequus. "Aunt Celestia is right. I should have walked away from the situation like you taught me but I didn't. I deserve to be punished." "Discord, you're grounded for three days. No library, no going to the garden unless you are with one of us, and no dessert." Discord nodded and flew to his room. He stayed there until dinner. After one of the maids called him for dinner, Discord walked out to go to the dining room when he heard soft crying. He flew to the noise and saw it was coming from his mother's room. He knocked on the door and called for her, "Mom, are you okay?" He opened the door and saw her laying on her bed. She looked up and saw him, "Discord, what are you doing here?" He walked in and told her, "Cherry Bomb called me for dinner and as I was going to the dining hall, I heard you crying. Are you okay? Did... did I do something to make you sad?" Luna gasped. "No. Never, moonlight. You never make me sad." She walked over to her son and gave him a hug. "I am fine. Just a rough day." "Are you sure, mom?" Luna nodded. "Yes, Moonlight. Come on. I know Cherry has made a great dinner for us tonight." Luna used her magic to put Discord on her back and they walked over to the dining hall together. Discord missed moments like this and he wished he prodded his mother more about her feelings. At dinner, the tension in the room was so tense that you could cut it with a knife. Cherry made the a simple hay berry soup for dinner but his mother and aunt was quiet. Discord may have been young but he could feel that something was off. For the longest time, it felt it was because of him and what happened with Barron today. The three of them stayed quiet at dinner, not knowing this would be the last time they would be eating together like this for a very long time. That night, Luna decided to tuck Discord in bed after they watched her raise the moon. "Mom, will I ever make a friend?" Luna looked at her son with sadness in her eyes. "Moonlight, I know you will. You have me, Aunt Celestia, and the many servants in the castle." But Discord shook his head, "I know but I mean somepony my age or somepony that will like me for me. Somepony who won't judge me for how I look or my magic." Luna sighed. "I am unsure, Moonlight. I wish I had an answer for you. For now, you should get some sleep." "Can you sing me the moon lullaby?" Luna smiled and started her song. “Distant moon so big and bright Softest silver glowing through the night High atop the mountain gold Sun unseen The world is cold Here I wait And here I stand Early morning Northern Hour hand Studying in solitude Looking for a hidden clue I wish to see this world through my own eyes To calm the elders and silence their cries Because of you I now gaze up and sing The Lullaby of The Moon.” Discord closed his eyes as he fell asleep peacefully. Luna gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Good night, Moonlight." She closed the door for the last time. "... and that princess will be ME!" Discord awoke to screaming and sounds of a battle. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Mom?" He looked around and saw no one. "Aunt Celestia?" Sounds of a battle outside made Discord look out the window. He saw a black form and a white form flying out side. Wanting to see what was happening, he flew through the castle saw his aunt crash to the floor. "Aunt Celestia?" He looked around, searching for his mother but she was nowhere to be found. "Where's mom?" He was about to rush to help his aunt but she came out with the Elements swirling around her. She flew to the sky with a protective barrier around her. "The Elements of Harmony? Why does she have those? I thought Aunt Celestia couldn't use those without mom but where is she?" Discord walked outside and saw his Aunt and a black alicorn. He hid behind a rock scared of the Alicorn. He couldn't help but think, 'Who is that? How did an evil alicorn come to the castle?' The black alicorn and Celestia fired their powerful magic at each other. However, the magic of friendship was stronger and it overwhelm the black alicorn. Sending her to the moon, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Discord's ears perked up. "M... mom?" Tears form in his eyes as a figure appeared on the moon and Celestia flew down with the Elements next to her. Tears fell from Celestia's face, she was clearly distraught. "A.. aunt Celestia?" Discord came out from his hiding spot scared and confused. Celestia looked over and saw her nephew. "Discord?" She breathed out. She held out her hoofs and Discrod flew toward them. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Fearing the worst, he asked, "Aunt Celestia, what happened to my mom? Why did she look like that? Why did you do?" Tears started to form in his eyes but instead of answering him, she continued to hug him in silence. Later that night in Celestia's room, she explained what happened. Luna had turned into Nightmare Moon wanted to have the night last forever. As hard as Celestia tried, she couldn't help her sister, his mother, so she had to banish her to the moon. Discord remained quiet as tears silently fell down his face. When she finished, Discord just had one question on his mind. "Will... will I ever see my mom again?" With her tears now dried up but with sadness still in her voice told him, "Yes. One the longest day of the 1000th year, the stars will aid in her escape." "Will she be cured?" Discord asked immediately but with sadness in her voice, Celestia said, "I don't know. She might not be. I'm sorry, Discord." Discord stayed silent as he hugged Celestia tightly. "Discord." He looked up to his aunt tears flowing down his face. "This is not your fault. You know Luna would tell you that a 1000 times over." He nodded but said, "Yeah, but why does it feel like it?" They remained on Celestia's bed in silence until they fell asleep. The servents only awoke them when it was time for Celestia to raise the sun. Once she raise it, she returned to her room to rest with her nephew who hadn't moved a muscle. In the days that past, Celestia worked to repair the damages that occurred while Discord remained in his room. Because of what happened, Celestia removed his grounding but he didn't show much of a reaction. Instead, he just stayed in his room, singing his mother's lullaby softly to himself. While he blamed to himself for his mother's banished, Celestia blamed herself for his sister's banishment. It took several weeks for things to return to normal but now Celestia was in charge of raising the sun and the moon. One day, things changed in ways Celestia never expected. "Discord, you want me to do what?" "Make everypony forget that I am a draconequus. I taught myself how to change my shape." With a snap of his eagle claw, Discord turned himself into a young colt with brownish gray fur, black mane and tail, red eyes that looked nothing like his old ones, and a blue unicorn horn. He didn't have a cutie mark on his flank. The blue horn was the only thing that closely resembled his draconequus shape. "See? I worked on this for weeks. Please? I don't want to lose you because of who I am." Celestia walked over to Discord with sadness in her eyes. "Discord, I know that you miss Luna. I miss her too but having everypony forget who and what you are isn't the answer." "Isn't it?! I can't go into town without everypony thinking I did something to my mom. Everypony thinks I did something to her or that I killed her. Please, Aunt Celestia, please?" Celestia sighed. She knew nothing was going to change his mind. He was so scared and frankly, she was too. She lost her sister and she was afraid of losing Discord and he was scared of losing her. "Okay, I'll have everypony forget but please, when we are alone, look like yourself. I want to see you for the real you." Discord nodded. "Okay, I promise." Using her magic, everypony from the servants to the ponies outside the castle, nopony know that Discord was a draconequus. In the days that followed, Discord would go to town in his pony form and tried to make friends but he still couldn't make one. He liked things that others didn't, he made jokes that nopony liked, and many ponies found his blue horn weird. 'Even when I disguise myself, I still can't make friends.' From that point on, Discord remained in the castle. He would travel with Celestia to meeting and attend Galas but he rarely socialized. He grew and eventually created a cutie mark for himself, a twister to represent his chaos, Celestia's idea not his. He grew as time moved on and when alone, he would practice his chaos magic either in the garden at night with no guards around or in his room with the door locked so he could remain in his draconequus form. However, even when they left the Everfree Forest and moved to a new place, he still didn't make friends. This worried Celestia as she knew that Discord needed friends and not just her and the servants in the castle. The only thing that never changed was Discord flying to the highest point of the castle to talk to his mother. He didn't know if she could hear him but he didn't care, he just wanted her to have some company. After 1000 years, when her star pupil, Twilight wrote her a letter addressing her concerns about the Mare in the Moon, this gave her an idea for both ponies to finally make some friends after all this time.