//------------------------------// // Ch 6: Busted! // Story: Raising a Human in Equestria // by Flame6666 //------------------------------// Busted! Co Author: The “Special” Pegasus This is boring. Where did everypony go? Unspoken or not, the inquiry was one worth considering as not one single hoofstep could be heard in the outdoors. Johnny explored this mystery further for awhile, only to be distracted by the muffled music and conversations emanating from what must have been the biggest treehouse he’d ever seen. It was unlike anything Johnny had ever set his eyes on. He never imagined a massive tree with windows and even balconies to be part of the town. First the huge candy house, then the place that looked like a funny hat and now this really huge tree? How somepony could make a residence out of a large flora was beyond little Johnny’s mind and in his astonishment, he looked toward the top balcony with more than a little curiosity. Then his gaze shifted to the tree right next to it. Walking towards it, he hastily concocted a plan, before clinging to the branches and beginning his ascent. He finally reached the same altitude as the balcony the tree was parked by and looked inside its window, determined to learn the secrets of the mighty treehouse. What, or rather who he saw would eventually change his life forever. A familiar purple unicorn ducked into view of the window. Then she looked at the tree Johnny was situated upon. Then she saw something that caught her eye. Something that, though she didn’t know it, would change her life forever. “What in the world is that?” She said to herself as she opened the window for a better look. What’s she doin’? Oh no, did she see me!? Deciding that he could learn the tree’s secrets some other time, he started to climb down the tree. With only five feet to go, he decided to risk the fall. Once he landed, he ran in top speed and around the closest corner he could find. But it was too late; the unicorn had a full view of him when he landed and now her curiosity was unstoppable. She ran back downstairs to start following this new creature. This isn’t the kind of scientific opportunity that you just let go of. *Back Downstairs* The party was back in full swing after the unicorn’s discovery of the effects of drinking hot sauce. All the partygoers were happily talking and dancing, all but Applejack. As she watched Fluttershy talking with Rarity, until something clicked in her head, eyes widening as she galloped over to her in panic. “Fluttershy!” The timid pegasus shrank back from the shock of Applejack’s sudden yell, “Y-yes, Applejack?” “Is Johnny alright!? He’s still at yer cottage, right!?” she whispered, her voice brimming with hysterics. Fluttershy had a blank look on her face for just a second before she covered her mouth with her front hooves whispered, “I-I left him at my bird choir rehearsal!” she started to shake in fear before Rarity put a comforting hoof on her back. “Now now, Fluttershy, there is no need to worry. Little Johnny may be young, but that doesn’t decide his intellect. Why, knowing him, there’s no doubt that he’s back at your home, having a positively merry time with Angel—” Just then the purple mare whom this party was thrown for raced down the stairs and pushed her way through the partygoers, leading to a series of yelps and mildly injured ponies. She was about to reach the door but stopped when a familiar voice called out to her, “Twilight where are you going?” She turned around, went straight to the voice’s source and lifted him into the air with her front hooves, “I saw an alien Spike! It walked on two legs and it was wearing some weird clothes! It was climbing a tree and I think it was trying to spy on us or, or maybe it was trying to make first contact!” she squealed with more excitement than she’d ever felt before she dropped Spike and ran outside to look for this strange alien. The three mares looked on in silence as they were joined by Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. After half a heartbeat the five of them bum rushed for door and raced out to find their youngest friend. * * * Night had fallen over the town of Ponyville and Johnny was more or less, running for his life. After sneaking a peek at the party and only being seen by one of its patrons, Johnny’s heart was racing and adrenaline was pumping into him. He ran in random directions, constantly looking over his shoulder to make sure that nopony was following him. As he was passing a rather unique, rounded building, he started to hear voices, so he jumped into one of the bushes that ran along the towering building. “Did ya see him Dash?” Was that Applejack!? “No! I looked all over for him but the guy’s really good at hiding.” Rainbow Dash too? Oh Celestia, I’m doomed. “Can’t you find him Pinkie?” “Nope! I’m trying to find the new pony! She shouldn’t miss her own party after all, that’s just silly!” she said with a smile. “Why not!? Aren’t you even a little worried about Johnny!?” “Of course I am, Dashie.” Applejack spoke up, “Listen, all this standin’ around is gettin’ us nowhere fast. We need ta find Johnny before the other ponies start comin’ here for the celebration. We got an hour at most before they start makin’ their way here. Now then, while Fluttershy gets her animals to help, let’s start lookin’ again.” The other two nodded and went their separate ways. “I’mma tan that colt’s hide when this is all over.” she said more than loud enough for Johnny to hear and then left to go searching for him. I am so dead. After that thought he realized what they had said, “Wait... this is where the Summer Sun Celebration is goin’ to be? I’ll just hide out here an’ wait for it to start.” So he waited... and waited... and waited... until the sun had just finished its descent and successfully pulled Johnny to the world of sleep. * * * Johnny started to stir himself awake as the sound of hooves clopping on the floor reached his ears, “Ugh, what time is it?” he looked out of bushes and saw that ponies were starting to gather into the town hall he had spent the past several hours next to, It’s almost time! He waited until all the ponies were inside to stick his head out of his bush to look through the window. He was amazed to see so many ponies in one place, he could even see all his friends. “They must be worried sick about me.” he let out a sigh of regret, “Oh well, I’ll say I’m sorry later.” Moments later the ponies in the town hall started panicking, “Wait, what’s going on in there?” A great blue smoke swirled on stage and out came the biggest pony that Johnny had ever seen. Is that the Princess!? She’s even bigger than Big Mac! She’s even cooler than I ever thought she’d be! Wait, what’s she doin’? The Princess’s mane was swirling around the room and causing lightning to to shoot down towards a few guards that looked to be attacking her. Why are they attacking the Princess!? All she’s doin’ is makin pretty lights! The Princess turned back into blue smoke and flew out the door with Rainbow Dash following close behind, only to stop shortly after in defeat. Rainbow hovered there in the air until she saw that new mare and the dragon running out of town hall, “Where’s she going?” Then out the corner of her eye she saw a bush move, “What was that?” She flew down and landed near the bush. Oh no, she saw me. I’m gonna be in so much trouble. Gotta think, gotta think, gotta think! Johnny jumped out of the bush and hugged her as hard as he could. “J-Johnny!? Oh, you are going to be in so much trouble—” “Rainbow! I finally found one of ya! Fluttershy left me alone and I uh... I tried ta make it back to the farm but I-I got lost.” Johnny looked pleadingly into her eyes. Rainbow let her anger aside as she patted Johnny on the back and returned the hug, “Hey it’s okay, these things happen. I’m going to take you back to Fluttershy’s place and then we have some stuff to do okay?” He nodded and then Dash grabbed him in her hooves, flying him to the cottage. When they arrived, she let him down and tried to wrap things up. “Alright Johnny, you go right to bed and I’ll go get the others and talk to that new pony. I think she’s hiding something.” “What’s she hidin’?” Johnny asked. “Uh, y’know what, never mind. You just get to sleep, okay? We’ll talk about this tomorrow.” “Okay. G’night, Rainbow Dash.” Johnny let out a yawn as he went inside the cottage, closed the door and went straight to bed. *Dawn of a New Day* It was the early morning and Johnny was still sound asleep in Fluttershy’s guest room, where he was surrounded by the five ponies that raised him, plus two. “I-I can’t believe it... it’s a real life alien!” Twilight whispered, barely containing her filly like excitement. Applejack eyed her new friend with a little annoyance, “First off, Twi, he is my li’l brother an’ second, how do ya know he’s an alien? Couldn't he be some critter from the Everfree?” Twilight tore her eyes from the new specimen to face Applejack, “While it’s true that some believe that not all the creatures from the Everfree Forest have been documented, I believe that nopony has discovered anything like him before, I’ll have to look through all the books related to the Everfree to confirm but whether he’s an alien or a native creature, I think that you guys have discovered an entirely new species!” she said bouncing in place. Rarity stepped closer to the ecstatic mare, “That’s all well and good, dear, but I must ask, what has gotten you so excited?” “I’m just thinking of everything I have to do now! I have to learn everything about him, how his body works, what he eats, what he thinks, what he does! Oh, this is a dream come true, just think of the possibilities! There’s so many tests to perform!” she said, loud enough for Johnny to stir a little. While Twilight had the biggest smile plastered on her face, the others had a look of worry, “You're going to e-experiment on him?” Fluttershy squeaked out and Twilight nodded, a confused expression taking over her features. “Well, yeah... is that a problem?” Twilight was getting a bit uneasy at this point. “Twilight,” Applejack started, “The main reason why we kept ‘im hidden all this time was because of ponies thinkin’ of takin’ ‘im away an’ doin’ tests on ‘im. Which is exactly what ya’ll were thinkin’. Sorry, Twi, yer a good friend, and we might even be connected by the Elements of Harmony, but if ya’ll do anythin’ ta my li’l brother, I’ll applebuck ya so hard that it’ll send ya to next year.” Twilight’s ears, along with her scientific ambitions, flattened at the farmer’s discouragement. “But... but—” The dragon next to Twilight sighed and interrupted her, “Twilight, do you really want to lose your best friends over something like this?” Her eyes darted back and forth as her mind was in turmoil, passing up on a once in a lifetime opportunity or losing the best group of friends that she has ever had. After the storm in her head was settled she finally sighed and whimpered out, “No...” she looked up at Applejack, “Can I at the very least write down observations on him?” Applejack scratched the back of her head, “Well... I guess that’d be fine, so long as ya leave ‘im be.” “Good luck with that.” Said the dragon, his arms crossed in a gesture of cynicism. A smile instantly returned to Twilight’s face as she squealed like a little filly, which woke up the child occupying the bed. He slowly opened his eyes as the light from the open window assaulted his eyes. As his ocular startup completed he noticed that he was surrounded by his family along with the mare that saw him along with her dragon. Silence filled the air as Johnny’s eyes shifted from pony to pony, finally landing on the new face and saying, “Uhm... hi?” The mare gasped, “He can talk!” she then pulled out a paper and quill and started writing, “Subject: Johnny, appears to be capable of Equestrian speech. Oh, this is going to be so exciting!” she said, bouncing in delight again. Twilight then remembered the question she was asked, “Oh sorry hello, I’m Twilight Sparkle, what’s your name?” Johnny looked at Applejack to check for permission, she nodded, “Uh, my name is Jonathan Apple, but everypony calls me Johnny Appleseed.” he said as he lifted the covers off of him and sat up on the bed. Then a loud gasp came from Rarity, making him jump, “Johnny, what happened to your clothes!? Why is the bell missing!?” “Wait, a bell? Didn’t we hear a bell yesterday when we met Fluttershy, Twilight?” asked the dragon. “Hey, you’re right, that must have been Johnny we heard.” she answered back. “I uh... I-I.” Johnny’s eyes looked at Applejack. He knew full well that no one, pony or otherwise could lie to her and get away with, so he let out a sigh, “...I ripped it off, Rarity.” “Why would you ever need to rip it off, dear?” Rarity asked. “W-well if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to sneak around Ponyville.” “Um, Johnny... why didn’t you just come back to the cottage?” Fluttershy asked. “I got lost.” Applejack glared at him, “I mean... I-I wanted to explore Ponyville.” “Wait, so you lied to me!?” Rainbow shouted. He nodded, his head turned away from her in shame. “Not cool, Johnny. Not cool.” “Oh leave him alone, Dashie, it’s not like it mattered anyway.” Pinkie said with an optimistic smile, as would be expected from the baker. “I’ll never lie to you again, Rainbow.” Johnny said, looking down. “Pinkie Promise me.” Johnny’s eyes grew wide, he knew exactly what a Pinkie Promise meant for anypony who made it, but first, he thought for a minute and grinned. “I Pinkie Promise to never lie to you, Dashie.” “My name isn’t Dashie, Johnny!” The group shared some well meaning laughter at Rainbow’s outburst until Applejack spoke up, “Alright, enough o’ that. So Johnny, ready to go home? Everypony that came for the reunion left this mornin’.” “Sure, Applejack.” he looked toward Twilight, “It was nice ta meet ya, Miss Twilight and uh—” “Spike.” the baby dragon said. “Spike.” Johnny nodded and climbed off the bed. “Well, see ya around. I’m ready to go, Applejack.” The farmer nodded and the two left the cottage. Along the way, all Johnny could think about was everything that happened yesterday and adding two more to his small list of ponies that he knew. Little did he know that this list would grow exponentially by the end of the week. AN: Finally we can start having this story start moving! Oh man, you guys have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to get past this part, so much stuff is going to be happening after this point! Yep that’s all I got to say, enjoy and hate the hype I just gave you because a TON of stuff is about to happen for the next few chapters, ‘til next time readers. C-AN: Sorry about the late update folks, but hey, try writing at midnight with a headache and see how that feels. Now then, hopefully things get better as time goes, but I don’t think the schedule is too reliable as is.