//------------------------------// // The Final Battle (Part 1: Dennis) // Story: G5 Adventures in The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie // by ponydog127 //------------------------------// As the group raced to Bikini Bottom with the crown, things were getting worse in Bikini Bottom. By now, the enslaved citizens continued to work nonstop on the many statues of Plankton in the city. And all the while chanting, “All Hail Plankton”. Meanwhile, inside the Krusty Krab 2, Plankton walks in toward the poor, still-frozen Mr. Krabs. “Well, Krabs, you know what today is?” Plankton asked, looking toward the calendar, which read March 13th. “Sorry about this calendar.” He ripped the page off, revealing the next day underneath. “March 14,” Plankton read. “Wait, that’s not right. It should say, ‘The day that Krabs fries’!” He began to laugh wickedly just as King Neptune’s coach pulled up with the king, Arrow and Mindy inside of it. “Guess who’s here,” Plankton chortled before going to open the door. XXXXXXXXX Meanwhile, David Hasselhoff cut through the ocean waves, gliding across the sea like a motorboat. As he swam, he passed a fisherman’s dinghy, but the incredible force of his wake rocked the boat and threw the poor fisherman into the water. Sitting onto his back, SpongeBob, Patrick and all their friends all hung on as they raced for home. “There it is!” Sunny pointed to an island in the distance. “Bikini Bottom is just under that island!” “Hooray for Hasselhoff!” SpongeBob cheered. “Nothing can stop us now!” “Unidentified object off the hindquarters!” Zipp then pointed behind them as she lifted her visor. As the group watched, something seemed to stream across the ocean and was gaining on them fast. “It looks like…” SpongeBob started, but all of a sudden, the Cyclop’s boot to be exact, emerged from the ocean's depths. “Bigger boot? But how?” “Hmmm...” Misty hummed. “Something doesn't feel too right...” As she said this, the boot quickly caught up with them all and stopped behind Hasselhoff’s foot. From the bottom is a green, smudged smear, and from it, the splotch peeled off and morphed back into Dennis with his sunglasses smashed, his clothes tattered and his teeth jagged. “AHHHH!!!” the twins screamed. “IT’S DENNIS!!!” “Did you miss me?” Dennis smiled wickedly. The elder ponies instantly formed a barrier between SpongeBob, Patrick and the twins, hoping they could fight Dennis off until they got to Bikini Bottom. XXXXXXXXX Back inside the Krusty Krab 2, a fish drummed a sad tune as King Neptune prepared to punish Mr. Krabs. Plankton sat off to the side in a beach chair, eating popcorn and enjoying the exciting show. “This is the best seat in the house!” Plankton gushed. “All right, Neptune, let’s get it on!” “Eugene Krabs,” the king said. “Your six-day reprieve is up! And it is time for you to die!” Krabs rapidly sweated mounds of ice cubes, he tried to tell him, ‘Please, I didn’t do it’, but he could barely talk, and the king didn’t hear him. “There is nothing else I can do.” Just then, Princess Mindy, Queen Skygrace and Princess Riverstream appeared at the king's side. “You can give SpongeBob and his friends a little more time,” Mindy suggested. “Except give SpongeBob and his friends a little more ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-time? What?” the king immediately realized, but then turned to Mindy and the seapony toyals furiously, making Riverstream yelp in surprise. “Mindy, will you three butt out? I won't have you stalling this execution!” “Stalling? Excuse me, Neptune, but we're not stalling anything,” Queen Skygrace said in a firm tone. “Yes you are,” the king said. “No we’re not,” Mindy answered with the shake of her head. “Yes, you are. You're doing it right now.” “I’m… stalling?” Mindy clarified. “Yes,” the king answered, and Plankton felt his patience begin to leave him as this continued. How much longer could this go on? XXXXXXXXX Back above the ocean, aboard Hasselhoff’s back, things were not going smoothly for SpongeBob, Patrick, and their friends. Dennis had them cornered, slowly and menacingly approaching them, removing his sunglasses so he can look them straight in the eyes while his shadow loomed over them. “Now… where were we?” He kicked Sunny and Misty down, causing them to scream and for Zipp and Pipp to catch them. “Guys, RUN!!” Hitch cried. “Actually... no, Hitch,” Arctic said, planting her hooves on the ground. “We're tired of running!” “If we run now,” Patrick said, preparing to fight, “we’ll never stop--” But like the group expected, Dennis merely threw Patrick toward Hasselhoff’s feet. “RUN, SPONGEBOB!!” SpongeBob screamed and ran under Dennis’ legs with Tropic under his arm to avoid getting struck by whatever weapons Dennis still had. The ponies blasted and kicked and punched as much as they could, but Dennis was always able to strike them down. Dennis tried to stab SpongeBob with one of his knives, but SpongeBob and Tropic were too quick, ending up with Hasselhoff getting stabbed by the tiny fish-sized knife. “Ooh!” Hasselhoff cried. “Take it easy back there, fellas!” “SORRY!!!” Izzy cried over the rushing water. In the meantime, Dennis was coming closer and closer. The spikes in his boots gleaming. The group was trapped, the ocean waves churning between the lifeguard’s mighty legs. “We gotta jump to the other side!” Zipp said. “It’s the only way!” Pipp and Zipp flew across, and the four wingless ponies were right behind, leaping across and barely making it to the other side. “Tropic! SpongeBob!” Pipp cried. “Be careful!” “Come on, kids, give it up!” Dennis warned. “Dennis always gets his man.” SpongeBob looked down toward Tropic, who was panting in a frightened manner, and toward the water below, before making a crazy decision, grabbing Tropic and making a daring leap to the other side. “NEVER!!!!!!!” Time seemed to move slowly as SpongeBob bounded toward Hasselhoff’s other leg. But eventually, time resumed once they reached the other side. “Yes!” Tropic enthusiastically cheered. “We made it!” Apparently, so did Dennis, who somehow reached the other side behind SpongeBob, causing him and the green unicorn filly both to scream. “You’ve got guts, kids. Too bad I gotta rip ‘em outta ya.” “We don’t know what Plankton’s paying you,” SpongeBob spoke up, digging through his pants. “But if you let us go, I can make it worth your while.” SpongeBob pulled out a wad of bills, handing it to Dennis, who swapped the dollars swiftly. “It’s gonna take a lot more than five…!” Dennis looked at the bills. “What is this?” “That, sir, is five Goober Dollars,” SpongeBob told him. “Legal tending at any participating Goofy Goober--” But Dennis threw the dollars aside and grabbed SpongeBob by the throat, resulting in SpongeBob grabbing a bottle of bubbles. “I got bubbles-- fun at parties!” He held up the wand, spraying soapy bubbles toward Dennis’ eyes, the bubbles bursting on contact. “My eyes!!!” Dennis clutched his eyes and hurled SpongeBob over to the side. SpongeBob screamed and wailed before he was caught by a pink arm. “I got you, SpongeBob!” Patrick reassured his friend. “Thanks, buddy!” SpongeBob said. Suddenly, Dennis appeared, standing over them. His spiked boot rose above their heads, ready to stomp them flat with his cleated boot. “Uh, thanks a lot.” “We got this!” Sunny said as she in her alicorn form, Izzy and Misty magically held up a shield. “That’s it!” Dennis said, his eyes sore. “I’m through messin’ around! See ya later, fools!” Suddenly, they looked up and see that Hasselhoff was swimming straight towards a catamaran. “Everyone, duck!” Tropic shouted, and she, her friends and even SpongeBob and Patrick managed to lean down. Dennis just recovered, only to see the approaching catamaran, and screamed before… WHAM!! Dennis fell into the sea and to his assumed demise. “See ya!” Patrick said waving to the fallen Dennis. “Phew… that was close,” Misty sighed, putting a hoof to her chest in relief. “Hopefully we can get to Bikini Bottom before something worse happens.” XXXXXXXXX Meanwhile, back in Bikini Bottom-- er, Planktopolis-- Mindy and King Neptune were still arguing inside the restaurant. “So you think… I’m… stalling.” By now, King Neptune had enough of it, as he clenched his fists in fury. “GAH!!!” Neptune roared. “Where am I, in Crazytown? I have had enough of this nonsense! You all, even the royal sisters, are to wait in the carriage until the execution is done!” “But Neptune--” “NOW!!!” Neptune roared, causing them to dart outside. To be extra certain the princess won’t interfere, Neptune fired a blast from his magic trident, and chains and padlocks appeared, sealing the doors and windows. Outside, Mindy bashed the doors as the sisters pulled on the chains. “No, no, no!” This caused Skygrace to look hopeless at the sky. “Oh, SpongeBob, Sunny... wherever you kids are, you better hurry!”