Sonic X Frontiers

by SonicStreak5344

Episode 1: A New Beginning and New Arrival Part 1;

Episode 1: A New Beginning and New Arrival Part 1;

(Sonic X US English Dub intro Starts;)

(Intro Ends;)

Location: Ponyville at the nearby downtown; 2 years later;

Ponyville once home to Twilight before she left for parts unknown was enjoying a peaceful morning as the sun rose into the sky. Everyone came out of their homes to start work or just start their day. There were no clouds in the sky and everything seemed right with the world.

But there was someone in town who wasn’t as happy like everyone else more like sad and lonely than everyone else. It was at a normal house with two floors in downtown and everyone just go by it like it’s not even there. Inside the house were furniture with a tv in the living room and a kitchen while the upstairs had a bathroom and a single bedroom with one occupant in the bed. The occupant was Shining Armor who got out of bed and went over to a nearby dresser which showed his face which hadn’t changed much since the past 2 years. The place was cheep and had enough money to pay for everything from food, water, tv, and other things since his time in guard. However, Shining had to find a new job and tried many things like working with the mail, logging, working at the fire station, and other things, but in the end he just gets told that he was not meant for this kind of work except being in the fire station as he did made some progress on it and got some work yet that went up in smoke too.

Now the only thing that Shining did was run Golden Oaks Library which was Twi’s old home as Spike had moved back in with his parents. He hadn’t spoken to them in two years and wonder how they were doing. Yet a soldier like him running a library it didn’t match for him.

As Shining got himself ready for the day he looked at his face which seemed normal, but a year ago he got attacked by a group of stallions who were angered by what he did to Twilight and thought that they would take matters into their own hooves. They soon enacted an act of revenge for Twilight and one night they attacked Shining who was on his way home doing a late night shift at the post office. The former captain of the royal guard tried to defend himself, but there were too many and got knocked out cold before the stallions left him beaten up and injured. The next thing Shining remembered was waking up in the hospital with bandages over body and luckily no broken bones from his attack after a good samaritan found him and called emergency services and was rushed to the hospital while the stallions were arrested and charged with assault and several other charges before sending them to jail. It wasn’t long until Shining’s injuries were fully healed and was sent back home yet no came to visit him.

Despite this Shining kept looking for Twilight and asked around hoping someone might’ve seen her recently or where current whereabouts were, but they always end the same way. Nothing, but just glimpses of her or others saying she was in distant parts of Eques. He was so busy with search for Twilight the unicorn stallion wasn’t able to find himself a mare who he liked in Ponyville.

However, has Shining been able to ask Cadence to marry him again after their big breakup. The answer was a big no. Besides that dream died a long time ago as Shield and Cadence tied the knot while Shining was left as a bystander who no one knew his name anymore. He was happy for Cadence yet was sad at the same time. Was there anyone out there for him to be in his life after all that’s happened to him?

Someone who understands how he feels and could show compassion for him. Like anyone be there for him. He was just a civilian now nothing more who was pretty much looked down upon by everyone yet Ponyville’s residents they since forgiven him as they showed sympathy for the stallion who was left heartbroken and alone. Many tried to get Shining to smile again or feel happiness, but with varying degrees of success even Drepy Hooves invited him to her home with her family for dinner with some significant success. However, it didn’t work as Shining was still in his down state, but there was some hope of bringing him out.

Once he got his mane taken care of and scrounged up some breakfast being some cereal that he got from grocery store Shining went outside and headed into to town. As he opened the front door the unicorn came to see a usual sight that he been seeing for the past 2 years as the paved streets with sidewalks while cars drove down the city street through downtown. It was hard to believe this medium sized city was actually Ponyville thanks to the advances in technology and transportation. Shining soon closed his door behind him and locked it before going towards the location of the Golden Oak Library which was down several blocks east of Shining’s home.

The walk down the street was pretty uneventful as Shining looked around the street he was presently on passing homes and businesses on both sides of the road. However, unlike everyone else who started buying cars like the Chevy Traverse, Ford Focus, or other manufacturers Shining didn’t buy a car for his own as it would save time for his commute to the Library cause he didn’t have enough money to buy one. Besides walking to the library was better than driving and would give Shining much needed exercise.

It wasn’t long until he arrived at his sister’s old place. Golden Oaks Library still looking good after Twilight left. Once he got to the door he unlocked it with the key that was given to him by Miss Mayor when he took charge of running the place and went inside. The inside looked just the way Twilight left it, but Shining did a few tweaks to the inside like getting computers so visitors could access the World Wide Web, play games, or look for books. It was quite work, but Shining didn’t mind as it really help take his mind off things.

He went over to the close sign near the front window and used him magic to flip it around and go to its open side. Once he did that he went over to the checkout desk to spruce things up a bit as he knew there were going to be ponies and stallions coming here to check books out. As much as Shining liked this place since it was Twilight’s home he couldn’t help, but feel something was missing from his life.

As he got to his station Shining began to straighten up the desk just as he heard knocking from the front door. That was strange he wasn’t expecting anyone this early. So Shining got up from the desk and walked over to the door before opening it up with his magic opening it up. When he opened up the unicorn saw two stallions wearing military uniforms from the National Guard and standing in front of him was Shield Wing with a smile on his face now prince Shield Wing after marrying Cadence, but still maintained military rank as Captain of the National Guard. Soon Shield said to Shining with a smile as he glad to see his old friend since 2 years ago, “Morning Shining! So this is where you been for the past two years hard to believe this place used to be your sister’s home.”

Shining gave Shield a small smile and said back to the pegasus Captain for his surprise visit, “Hey Shield. It’s been a while.”

Shield nodded and said back to Shining knowing it had been a while since the two friends last seen each other, “Yeah. It has. It’s hard to believe it’s been two years already. Is it ok if we come in?”

Shining nodded and stepped out of the way and allowed Shield and his guards to come in to the room as the unicorn closed the door behind his surprise guests. Shield looked around the library and said to Shining as he saw a few improvements done to the place since the unicorn stallion took charge of the place, “Whoa. This place looks like it’s been given a renovation recently did you do it?”

Shining replied back to Shield and said to his friend with his small smile as he put some books up to their proper shelves after the Cutie Marks Crusaders returned a few books recently, “Yeah. But I kept much of the place the way it was when Twilight ran and lived in this place. Even her room, kitchen, and downstairs lab.”

Shield nodded in reply knowing that Shining wanted to keep Twi’s place clean and upkeep for when she comes home hopefully someday. Despite their argument long ago Shining still loved Twilight as his sister and couldn’t help, but feel sorry for him as she was the only thing in his life. Soon the white unicorn stallion asked Shield as he put a pile of books on their rightful shelf, “So how are things in Cantalot?”

Shield soon responded to Shining’s question as he said to the unicorn stallion with a bit of a smile, “Doing ok. The newly overhauled military is doing very well with all our new equipment and everything including the new training our recruits are having making them tech savvy. As for Cadence she’s doing pretty well too and is taking care of things back at the city with Luna. I just came down to Ponyville to see how the construction of the new Ponyville military base is coming along.”

Shining looked back at Shield and said to him as he did hear on the news that a new military base was being built near Ponyville, “Oh yeah I forgot that Ponyville is getting a new military base. I heard it’s almost finished.”

Shield nodded in agreement as he was the one who authorized the construction of the new base in Ponyville with approval of the higher ups in the military including Luna. It was make sure Eques was never taken by surprise from any new forces that wanted to invade or take over Equestria while ensuring the safety of everyone in the city. Soon Shield asked Shining with wonder, “Say Shining once you’re done here want to have dinner at one of the restaurants here in town once you get done here for the day? I won’t be going back to Cantalot until late tonight.”

Shining looked back at his old friend as walked behind the checkout desk and said to him with a small smile, “Thanks Shield. Will 7:00 o’clock do?”

Shield nodded as he had nothing at that time before he said his goodbyes to Shining and left the library with his military escort. Shining smiled as it felt good to have some company to be with him as it could get quite lonely when your by yourself and living on your own. However, the unicorn stallion couldn’t help, but feel like he was missing from his life and was trying to find it as he was lost. Right now he had to be ready as ponies, stallions, mares, and colts were about to come in to check out books or be on the computers. This was going to be a busy day.

Hours later at 7 O’Clock PM at one of Ponyville’s local restaurants near Sugar Cube Corner;

It felt like hours until Shining was able to close the library for the day after being very busy running Golden Oaks Library. Once closing time came the white unicorn closed up the place before going Streak Racks’ hay burger place which was a famous local restaurant in Ponyville that was built not far from Sugar Cube Corner where Pinkie Pie still works and lives with the Cakes, but rarely sees her come out of the place. Probably trying to keep herself busy like Fluttershy who still lived in her house outside of town while Rarity, Rainbow, and Applejack joined the new military just after they began to recruit new members including pilots and others.

Shield was already at the restaurant with his guard escort waiting for Shining to arrive and once they got seated and their drinks with the dinner they chose. By now the duo had gotten their food and the two were eating their dinner with no word was spoken between them. After all it had been two years since they last saw each other last yet Shining knew what Shield’s been put to recently, but the Pegasus stallion never asked Shining how things been for him.

Once Shield had finished his hay burger he looked at Shining and asked him with a concerned look on his muzzle, “So… any luck on finding your sister Shining?”

Shining who was about to take another bite out of his hay burger which was floating thanks to his magic stopped eating and laid his burger on its plate before a sad look formed on his face before saying to Shield, “No… I’ve been only getting pieces and whispers from others who’ve come into the city saying they might’ve seen her in distant parts of Equestria. I even checked Cloudsdale, Manehatten, Vanhoover, Vas Pegasus, and a few other places, but there is still no sign of her.”

Soon Shield took a deep breath and said to Shining with a unsure look on his face, “Look Shining I know this is something you don’t want to hear right now, but I think it’s time to move on. It’s time for you let Twilight go.”

Shining’s eyes went wide and glared at Shield exclaiming to him as he was near his breaking point, “What?! You want me to forget about her completely after what I did to her?!”

Shield who was taken aback by Shining’s sudden outburst exclaimed back to his holding up his forelegs as the unicorn took it the wrong way, “No! That’s not what I meant! What I mean is you need to stop looking for her and get on with your life. She’ll show up when she is ready to come home!”

Shining calmed down and looked down at the table with a sad frown on his muzzle as he said to the pegasus as Twilight was all he had left, “You don’t understand Shield I’ve been searching for her for 2 years and… she’s the only thing I have in my life right now.”

Shield understood what Shining was talking about after being thrown out by his own family for breaking their family apart said to him with a look of sympathy, “You never talked to Spike or your parents since 2 years ago. I’m sure by now they’re probably worried sick about you considering the… argument you guys had before you were thrown out.”

Shining just turns his head to the left and looks down as the thought of the family that threw him out of their lives would want to talk to him said to Shield in a depressed tone, “Why would they care about me? I’m nothing to them than just a failure and a disgrace besides… I destroyed our family thanks to my actions. I just… don’t know what to do anymore…”

There was a long silence as Shining lost his appetite and wasn’t hungry anymore as Shield thought for a moment on how he could cheer the unicorn up. Shining was soldier and was born for battle as he was one of the best soldiers from the Equestrian military academy that ever graduated before the whole military was reformed and upgraded by Shield and Luna. However, Shield never told Shining there was a 2nd reason for why he can to Ponyville in the first place.

Soon Shield said to Shining as he said to him with a small smile on his muzzle, “You can rejoin the military Shining. You just got authorization to rejoin by high command, but it’s up to you to decide.”

This caught Shining’s attention who looked at his old friend with confusion as Shield pulled something out from his saddle bags with his left foreleg which had a form from the military and it had Shining’s military profile on the paper. The royal blue pegasus stallion placed the form on the table right in front of the white unicorn stallion who looked it over with disbelief at what he was seeing. This form was a resignation to rejoin the military and it had a position the Equestrian Marines of their 23rd Regiment that specialize in winter combat conditions and is considered one of the elite units in the Marines with state of the art equipment and gear with experienced members.

Shining looked at Shield with his shocked look on his face and said to the royal blue pegasus stallion, “Shield is this?”

Shield nodded in reply as he said to Shining in acknowledgement knowing this was the real thing and not of Shining’s own imagination, “You guessed it Shining. It’s your resignation form back into the military. We have a new advanced military base set up at Fort Blizzarton in Eques’ northernmost region near the Frozen North. After your um… step down from Captain of the Royal Guard the higher ups in the new military decided to bring you back into the armed forces as a soldier in the Marine branch in the 23rd regiment. There’s also a possibility of you rising in rank too. I know you been living a civilian life for 2 years now Shining, but this might be your only chance to turn your life around.”

Shining looked at the form and could see much of it already filled out and the one that authorized the resignation was Shield and to his surprise Cadence as he saw her writing on it. Did Cadence really still cared about him after all these years? It was kinda shocking yet it was hard believe for him. However, memories of his failure to protect Cantalot from the Changeling Invasion popped up in his head spreading seeds of doubt and reluctance in Shining’s brain. What if he messed up again or let everyone down like last time?

Soon Shining said to Shield as he held onto the form in a unsure tone, “I… I don’t know Shield… after what happened from the Changeling Invasion 2 years ago I’m not sure about this. I’ve been out of action for quite a while and would everyone accept me as a marine after what I’ve done?”

Shield gave Shining an understanding frown as he understood why the unicorn was so reluctant to rejoin the armed forces. He still had doubts about himself to being a good soldier or a leader after the whole Changeling Invasion fiasco 2 years ago said to him in a understanding tone of voice, “I know you can’t forgive yourself for what happened Shining and your not the stallion that you once were, but we must all move on from our pasts to live in the present. Twilight would want that from you and think about how sad she be if she found you like this.”

Shining didn’t say anything as looked down and closed his eyes knowing this was so much to take in. What if he wasn’t ready to go back into the military or lead to more disaster? He didn’t know what to do and Shield understood what he was going through right now in his mind and heart.

Soon Shield said to Shining as it was best to let the unicorn think it over in his head as he said to him in kind voice, “I understand buddy I’ll let you decide if you want to or not. It’s your choice, but just… think about ok. You know my cell number when you made up your mind.”

Soon Shield got up from his seat and left with his National Guard escort leaving Shining at his seat watching the Pegasus leave feeling like he didn’t know what to do. Yet what was his heart was telling him? Take the chance and rejoin the military as part of their new armed forces or pass it up and let time just fly by him?

Deep down Shining knew Shield was right and he couldn’t go on like this forever as he was one of the greatest soldiers that the Equestrian military academy ever had graduated and they wanted him back in their ranks. Yet would everyone accept him as one of their own again or just look down at him for his inability to prevent the Changeling Invasion. Shining didn’t know what to think so he decided to head home as the sun was beginning to set for the day.

It was an uneventful walk home as Shining walked down his street and at last came to his house. Once he got to it the unicorn unlocked the door with his magic and went inside he closed said door behind him before heading to this bedroom to get some much needed rest after a hard day’s of work. As he was heading upstairs Shining was thinking about what Shield said to him earlier when they were having dinner knowing that he was right, but wasn’t sure about it.

As he got upstairs he went to his bed and got in it as Shining laid his head down on his pillow before pulling the bed covers over his body with his magic. As he kept thinking about it Shining remembered the painful memories of when he was relieved of his royal guard duties after the fallout of the Changeling Invasion. He soon looked up and saw next to the bed was a desk that had a turned off light and next to it was a picture of Twilight and Shining himself when they were younger taken at the city park in Cantalot.

As Shining looked at his picture of himself and Twilight when they were younger and saw the happy looks on their young faces. It was hard to believe Shining used to be that happy with Twilight by his side. Now all that’s left is only regret and sadness that is part of the ever present empty hole in his heart as tears began to form in his eyes.

A hole that never seals up and grows waiting for the right moment to consume you when you’re at your lowest point in your life. Devoid of feeling any joy or happiness and wishing you never existed or wasn’t even born. That was what Shining was feeling right now in his heart. However, he remembered the day when his dream of him and Cadence being together died. A day he would never forgot.

One Year Ago;

It was a partly cloudy day as Shining was at the Ponyville Fire Department doing some maintenance on one of the respirators that the firefighters use this one in particular was the one he used. He didn’t mind the work he was doing and felt a bit happy about giving back to Ponyville’s community who by now accepted him as one of their own. The fire department was kind of enough to give him the job as a firefighter as one of their older members retired from the department and needed someone to take his spot.

Now Shining saw some action as a firefighter and saw a few fires and helped rescue some civilians trapped in burning buildings and houses. Thanks to modern firetrucks they reach fire emergencies much quicker. It made the unicorn feel like a hero which helped lift his spirits a bit.

“Nice job on the maintenance on your respirator Shining.”, came a voice as Shining looked the right and saw the Ponyville Fire Department’s fire chief Hot Spot a fire red stallion that a bit younger than him with a mane and tail that was yellow and orange like fire with a cutie mark that had a symbol for a raging fire. He had a small go t on his chin and was smiling at Shining.

Shining smiled and got up from his spot putting his gear next to the door and said to Hot Spot, “Thanks Chief! I just thought I would do some maintenance on my gear besides you want all of us to be prepared when there is a fire.”

Hot Spot nodded in agreement and said to Shining as he told something, “Oh! I was invited to a wedding in Cantalot by your old friend Shield Wing! He’s getting married today!”

Shining looked at Hot Spot with a shocked look on his face and said to him, “Shield is getting married?! That’s great! Who’s the lucky mare?”

Hot Spot grimaced and looked to the side a bit unsure how to say this to Shining as he said to him with a sigh, “Well Shield is marrying… ‘sigh’ Princess Cadence.”

Those two words hit Shining harder than a ton of bricks as his face changed to a saddened frown and said to Hot Spot, “What? Shield is marrying Cadence.”

Hot Spot nodded in reply and said to Shining with a sorry look on his face as the stallion was never given an invitation to the wedding after the Changeling Invasion fiasco not long ago, “I’m sorry Shining. I know you two were once close, but you might want to stay here in Ponyville it would save you a lot of heartbreak. I got to get home and get dressed for the wedding I’ll see you tomorrow.”

So Hot Spot went to his car being a Ford Mustang GT before driving out of the parking lot leaving Shining at the open fire station in disbelief and shock. This couldn’t be happening to him. Cadence was marrying Shield and he was never told about their marriage proposal. A sad and depressed frown formed on Shining’s face as he sadly went back into the fire station with his gear being levitated by his magic.

Several hours later the sun had begun to set as everyone had gone home and Shining was the last one to leave as he closed the last big door to the fire station and locked up the place for the night. He looked towards Cantalot in the distance which had grown into a bustling city with a few skyscrapers in the metropolis. He wanted to see Cadence or Shield and ask them why was he never told of their marriage, but would he be welcomed there or thrown out.

The unicorn decided to take that chance as his horn was charged up with magic before he used a long ranged teleportation spell and teleported to Cantalot. The next thing he knew Shining was in his old hometown and saw many guests wearing fancy suits and dresses for the wedding were heading for Cantalot Castle which had its gates open as cars were being parked and ponies, stallions, colts, fillies, and mares were getting out attending the wedding. The unicorn soon ran in dodging guests and guards who were shocked by what they saw a white and blue blur rush past them.

Shining kept running hoping he would catch them in time hopefully let them rethink this whole thing over. However, the unicorn’s timing was too late as he heard bells ringing and knew what those were. It was the wedding bells for the church and Shield and Cadence were now husband and wife meaning Shining already too late as he came to a backed up crowd who were cheering and waving their hooves in their as he saw both Shield and Cadence come out of the church wearing wedding clothes with Shield wearing a uniform similar to what Shining wore two years ago, but made for a Pegasus stallion while Cadence was wearing a beautiful white wedding dress and both were wearing wedding rings.

As the church bells rang with the sight of the two Shining could only watch from a distance as Cadence and Shield were now husband and wife. The heart wrenching pain in his heart made him feel even more alone and now all his dreams and hopes were completely gone. His dream of marrying Cadence died as his eyes began to tear up and wanted to run away and go some place and cry.

Shining turned around and ran away from the castle and headed for the nearby forest not far from the city as tears came from his eyes. The sobbing unicorn stallion ran past shocked and surprised guests as he went by them and missed oncoming cars before he reached the forest. It wasn’t fair! Why was everyone able to have happiness while he had to suffer for his actions and be left alone by his own family?! All he asked for was to be happy again and not be alone anymore.

It felt like minutes until he reached the forest not far from the city as Shining came to a secluded area of the forest surrounded by trees before coming to a stop and flopped to the ground and began to cry. It was all his fault and now his last dream was shattered to pieces as it opened up old emotional wounds left behind. Shining heard voices from those shunned him and scolded him in his head as he felt even sadder and alone.

As he weeped he said to himself as there was one pony that he wished was here and could of made things better for him, “I’m so sorry Twilight… ‘whimpers’ I’m so sorry…”

Shining kept crying for what seemed like hours before he fell asleep filled with empty dreams until he was woken up by the sound of laughter some time later. By now the evening sky was the star filled sky of night and a sound came from his right. The unicorn soon got up and walked towards the source of the sound coming up on a hill which overlooked the royal gardens. In the garden was the wedding after party as guests and personal friends were eating, dancing, or playing games and joining the part was the newlyweds Shield and Cadence.

Both Shield and Cadence looked very happy together as Shield’s parents were talking to Luna who had a happy look on her face and even Celestia who had a bit of a smile, but looked like she had much regret and pain in her soul. There were many guests ranging from family members, relatives, and friends who were having a wonderful time. Even Nightlight and Twilight Velvet were there with Spike wearing nice clothes were also attending the party meaning they got to go the wedding too. Everyone except poor Shining who was in the forest watching what was happening.

As Shining watched the wedding after party begin the white stallion began to have tears in his eyes again as the pain and regret reminded him how much he failed everyone. He had no future, no family, and no one left to love or even fight for in his life. The heartbroken stallion watched party continue as he hearing laughter and joy from the guests before turning around and going home with his head low with tears trickling down his face. However, he didn’t know Cadence saw him in the distance as she felt his sorrow and sadness in the once proud stallion that she once loved.

The newly wedded alicorn mare just watched Shining disappear over the hill and could only have a look of sympathy for him. No one loved or cared for him anymore yet despite moving on from him and marrying Shield as her husband she couldn’t help, but feel sorry for the unicorn. A unicorn that was alone and left to suffer in grief and pain for his actions that cost him everything.

Soon Cadence utter under her voice in a sad and concerned tone wishing there was something that she could do to make him smile or feel joy again, “Oh Shining…”

Present Day;

By now Shining had stopped crying after remembering Shield and Cadence’s wedding and was laying on his right side looking at the picture of Twilight and himself. The white stallion wished things were different and how much time have passed as Shield’s words came floating back in his head, “I know you can’t forgive yourself for what happened Shining and your not the stallion that you once were, but we must all move on from our pasts to live in the present. Twilight would want that from you and think about how sad she be if she found you like this.

Maybe Shield was right. Shining should just put his past behind him and live in the present knowing that it was best thing to do. Twilight would be sad if she saw him this way and would want him to take this chance to rejoin the military which Shields’ offer still stands. She would really want Shining to be happy.

Shining looked at Twilight in the picture before getting up and used his magic to levitate his cell phone over to him before putting in Shield’s cellphone number and called him. The phone rang and rang trying to pick up the signal until at last Shield answered the phone saying to it, “Hello?

Shining placed his phone on speaker setting said to Shield as he finally made a decision, “Shield… I’ll take you up on your offer. I want to rejoin the military.”

Shield soon said back to Shining at his answer to rejoin the military with a pleased voice knowing he made the right choice, “That’s great news Shining! I’ll get in touch with command and send you your new uniform and gear. Also the base is expecting you to be there in several days. You might want to book a train ticket to Fort Blizzarton. Once you get there you’ll have to be trained in order for you get used to the new tech and equipment we have now.

Shining said back to Shield as he replied back through the phone in a thankful smile and tone of voice, “Thanks for the heads up Shield. I’ll talk to you later then.”

Shield said back to Shining from the cell phone in reply with a pleased tone of voice, “You too buddy. Welcome back.

Shining ended his call and put his cell phone down to the desk near his bed as a smile formed on his muzzle. The unicorn looked at the picture of him and Twilight when they were just kids and knew he made the right choice. It was time to stop moping around feeling sorry for himself and look towards the future.

Tomorrow he starts packing for his deployment and gets his new uniform. Shining Armor was back.

2 days later at the Ponyville Train Station;

So 2 days later Shining was shipping out to his new deployment in the new Equestrian military wearing a new winter camouflage marine uniform as he waited at the train station to catch his train heading up north with his luggage. Although he was glad to be in the military again yet a part of him knew it was going to be long time before he sees warm weather again as he was being stationed at new high tech base in the frozen north. Also he would probably never see his family again in a while.

Family. A word that meant so much to him now had an empty meaning for Shining as he had no family to go back to after being thrown out and forced to live on his own. Maybe it was for the best that no one was here to see him off which it would save them all the trouble. Yet Shining longed for being part of a family again as he never felt so alone in his life considering how much it changed.

Will his family ever forgive him for what he done in the past or just let him fade into obscurity? Those questions were left in Shining’s mind and even wondered if Twilight would ever forgive him too. Maybe or maybe not yet that was fate to decide if he’ll ever find happiness again or someone to let into his heart again.

As Shining stood on the platform by himself he heard the sound of a car coming into the parking lot which caught his attention. Coming in was a 2023 blue Chevrolet Traverse before parking in the lot near the station. Soon getting out were Twilight Valet, Nightlight, and Spike who came to see him with concerned looks on their faces.

The 3 came onto the platform and saw the unicorn stallion looking at them with a bit of surprise on his face yet an ashamed look on his face. Soon Shining said to his family after seeing them for the first time in 2 years, “Hey mom. Dad. Spike.”

Soon Nightlight said to Shining for the first time in years with a bit of a small smile, “Hi son. We heard from Shield that you rejoined the military and that your going to be stationed near the Frozen North.”

Shining nodded back at his father and said to his family as it was good thing Shield decided to tell them about where he was going, “I know I won’t be coming back for a while. But… what you all doing here? I thought you hate me for breaking our family apart.”

Nightlight sighed in regret and knew what they did wasn’t the best choice they made not understanding what their son was feeling at the time before saying to Shining, “We understand what your saying son true we did hate you at first, but when we realized what we did it made us realize that we should been there to comfort you not throwing you out of home to live by yourself.”

Spike looked down at his feet and said to Shining in regret as he had a role in this too, “Yeah… during our fight I said some things that I should never have said to you. I was so mad with you for not listening to Twilight and letting her runaway I didn’t know what I was doing until the damage was done. I didn’t listen to her warnings either.”

Shining smiled at bit and said to Spike as he understood what his little dragon brother was feeling at the time, “I know Spike. You were upset and angry with yourself for what happed, so you took it out me for not being there for Twilight or listening to her.”

Spike smiled a bit as Shining had forgiven him a long time yet he hadn’t forgiven himself for his failure that left him in this situation. Sure he wasn’t the stallion that he used to be and had to live by himself for 2 years as he searched for Twilight. That was the only thing that kept him going until now as he knew Twilight will show herself when the time was right.

It was hard for them to accept what they did to Shining as he was suffering more than anyone else in Eques. There was one time Cadence came to their house personally just a few days after Shield and her wedding and told them that she saw Shining and how hurt he was showing that she still cared about him. Nightlight and Velvet were easier to reason with as she knew Twilight better than anyone in Eques, but Spike still harbored a few bad feelings about his unicorn brother until Candace upset with Spike’s behavior gave him a stern talking to. She told him that harboring a grudge against his own family was unacceptable especially towards a stallion who has suffered and struggled so much and show no amount of compassion for Shining as the baby dragon was blaming himself for not being there for Twilight. She told him to let go of that grudge and make things right with Shining before he looses the only chance to make amends.

That conversation made Spike really think about his behavior and became ashamed of his down right awful behavior to Shining. He was his brother and said many hurtful things to when they had that argument that one night. He even said that he didn’t deserve to be Shining’s brother after the way he treated him and wanted to make things right. Now Spike got the chance as the two were amending their brother sibling bond.

Twilight Velvet then said to Shining as she told the white stallion something that he thought he would never hear again with a kind and gentle smile, “Shining no matter what happens we’re still a family. That’s something that will never change no matter what your welcome to come home anytime when you get back.”

At that moment Shining smiled, but his eyes watered with tears of joy before he embraced his mom while the white stallion let his tear drop from his face. After all this time they still loved him and Shining thought he was all alone when everything happened two years ago with nothing left for him to hold close to his heart. Now there was something to live and fight for and that was for his family. If they forgiven him one day everyone else will too.

As Spike and Nightlight watched the touching moment between mother and son they heard a loud blast of a whistle from behind.

The family of four turned around to see puffing into the station was Southern Pacific GS-6 4-8-4 Northern type with the number 4460 was pulling in with a mixed consist of lightweight streamlined and heavyweight passenger cars with 18 car in all as the Imperial Limited bound for Eques’ west cost arrived to pick up and drop off passengers for destinations west or north. The streamlined cars were painted in the Southern Pacific’s famous Daylight passenger train colors of red, orange, and black while the heavyweight cars were painted in the SP’s two tone grey scheme used for their heavyweights cars and some of their lightweight streamlined passenger car. The train soon came to a gentle stop at the platform as the locomotive’s bell rang before the conductor came out with a step stool and passengers began to disembark from the train. By now more passengers from Ponyville had arrived while Shining and his family were talking and were boarding the train. This train happened to be Shining’s train that he was going to catch and would take him to his destination of Fort Blizzarton.

As Shining let go of his mom and watched the passengers board he looked at his family one last time knowing it was time for him to go. Soon the white stallion said to his family with a small smile on his muzzle, “Well… here’s my train. I’ll see all of you some time soon.”

Twilight Velvet and Nightlight smiled and nodded in reply as they knew this goodbye for now, but knew Shining will be fine by himself. After all he was capable of protecting himself and others from harm. Soon Spike said to Shining as he gave out his right hand a fist for a hoof bump, “Go get em’ bro!”

Shining smiled at this and said to his little baby dragon brother as his support was greatly appreciated, “Thanks Spike. It means a lot.”

Spike smiled as Shining bumped his right foreleg with Spike’s right hand gently just as the Conductor called out loud as it was almost time for the train to depart, “All aboard!!”

Shining looked at the train and back his family before Twilight Velvet asked the unicorn stallion with a small smile as it was almost time for their son to go, “Promise us you’ll stay safe out there son. Ok?”

Shining nods in reply and said back to his mom as he promised her that would take care of himself while he was at his new post, “I promise Mom. I’ll be careful and if I find Twilight out there. I’ll bring her home.”

Then Shining gave his family three last minute hugs before he grabbed his bag with his magic and quickly got aboard the train by one of the still open passenger cars and the car he was in was a streamlined lightweight coach in the middle. Soon the conductor boarded the train with his stool as the locomotive’s bell rang as it was time to go. Soon the engineer of the locomotive got the all clear to depart the station and with steam weeshing from the cylinders alongside the opening of the locomotive’s throttle as the train moved into motion slowly at first and picked up speed as the engine blew its whistle as it departed the city.

As the train began to get farther away Shining poked his out of the window at his seat and called back to his family, “I won’t let you guys down again! I’ll make you all proud!!”

Soon Shining closed the window just as the conductor arrived to collect his train ticket as the passenger train accelerated out of town and into the distance. Spike and the rest of their family smiled and watched as the train that Shining was onboard became distant before disappearing out of sight heading for it’s destination as Nightlight said in a low yet proud voice knowing Shining will do his very best at his 1st new deployment, “I know you will son. Good luck…”

Soon the trio headed back to their car so they can head back home and hopefully wait for Shining to contact them when he gets in to the new military base at Fort Blizzarton. They knew the unicorn stallion can take care of himself as he been on his own for the last two years and with new comrades at the bees he’ll be fine. Little did they know was when Shining came back he was going to be different and in a way no one ever expected.

Somewhere near the Frozen North in the mountains 12 miles northwest of Fort Blizzarton;

The upper northern part of Equestria near the Frozen North was like the North Pole on Earth with winter conditions that would make you wish that you lived somewhere tropical. No one ever lives up in these parts. The mountains that Fort Blizzarton is situated is known for their rough terrain from the mountains themselves to even cold temperatures in the low 20s to the low 30s, but it can warm up once in a while during the spring or summer months. However, in the fall and winter months the temperatures drop down staying in the temperatures mentioned before which can cause havoc on everyday live.

Ever since Eques had advanced to the 21st century level of technology, science, and other fields, especially the military there been recent exploration into the mountains and into the Frozen North. Many scientists been studying the native wildlife that called these mountains home and even discovered aquatic life in underwater caves that connect to many spots throughout the mountains. Thankfully with the introduction of scuba gear and other equipment to help researchers survive the cold climate of these mountains and their underwater caves including lakes a lot of data had been collected on them.

However, this certain part of the mountains had somepony holding up in a nearby cave. Inside the cave was none other than Twilight Sparkle who had ran away from home after the fallout at the wedding rehearsal 2 years ago, but Twi looked sad and alone. Twilight hadn’t changed much since she left Equestria and wondered all over the place coming to towns and and cities she never been to even seeing species and animals she never saw before in her life.

Twilight had been lost for 2 years as she had no idea where she was or how long she been gone from home ever since she ran away from home after the fight she had at the wedding rehearsal. Ever since she left Eques she heard what happened in Eques after the Changelings were defeated from other travelers in her travels like her friends getting their just deserts for not listening to her warnings, Cadence’s rejection of marriage to Shining, Celestia being held responsible for not seeing the invasion coming and listening to her student, but the biggest thing she heard was Shining being fired from the Royal Guard for his negligence and was pushed out of his home by Spike and her parents. This made Twi feel better as everyone got what came to them which was out of spite.

However, that’s when she began to change as Twi heard things about her home with devastating results that she never wanted her friends going their separate ways, Cadence marrying a stallion that was friends with Shining since their academy days, Celestia became sad and bitter rarely showed herself to anyone leaving Luna to run Eques both day and night, and biggest devastating blow to her was Shining had been left by himself and living in Ponyville with everyone shunning him or scorned him for his actions including getting beaten up in a act of revenge by several stallions who wanted to him to suffer for what he did to her. Shining was left hurt and bruised before being sent to hospital where he fully recovered before going off the radar with only a few sightings of him in town. This made all of Twi’s anger and rage at everyone turn to sorrow and guilt as she now blamed herself for destroying their lives and almost got her brother badly hurt in an act of revenge. Everyone saw her as the victim yet does everypony know what Twi’s loved ones were feeling right now.

Since then Twi been wondering across the country she ended up in the upper northern part of Eques near the Frozen North which she arrived 2 days ago. Presently was she in a cave waiting out a sudden later summer and early fall snowstorm that was blowing through the area and had a small campfire to keep her warm while having a scarf around her neck from the last Winter Wrap-Up she been to with her friends. It was hard to believe it been 2 years now and had no idea where they are now. Some friend she turned out to be to them especially to her brother who she destroyed his heart and life. She abandoned them and knew she committed a horrible mistake as the unicorn should stayed with them and prevent this from happening.

Now she had no home or friends in her life yet Twilight wondered if she never came into their lives. Could things been better off everyone if she didn’t come into this world? Would everyone be happier? No. If she didn’t come along Nightmare Moon would have taken over and Celestia would have never gotten back Luna thanks to Twi and her friends. Everyone has a purpose in life with a destiny that they must choose and those paths would be filled with moments of joy, laughter, excitement, turmoil, sadness, anger, grief, and many others.

Then… why did Twilight feel so lost?

As Twi looked at the campfire she created laying on the snow she said to herself in a sad voice, “I really miss home… Mom, Dad, Spike, Shining, Cadence, Celestia, and… ‘whimpers’…my friends…”

Twilight began to cry as she really missed everyone as it was all her fault for not being there for everyone and now she was alone in the wild for 2 years. She had lost her way when she ran away from home and caused these consequences for her friends and loved ones. Was Twilight running away from home or was she really running away from her guilt and responsibility for the events that happened to those around her? What will she do if Twi didn’t know what to do herself?

Go home. Make things right. Be there for everyone. They need you more than ever. The little voice in her head made Twilight unsure of that choice yet deep down it felt like what was the right thing to do. She had to go home back to her family and friends. For all she knew they could searching for her and worried sick beyond belief especially her mom and dad.

As she stopped crying before drying her tears Twilight knew the little voice in her head was right. A determined face formed on Twilight’s face as she knew what she must do. It was time for her to go home and make things right.

Twilight looked at the campfire she made and put it out by slapping snow over it which extinguished the flames before leaving the cave and braved the cold weather. All she had to do was head south and if by chance she could make it back home to Equestria. That is if the weather doesn’t make her a frozen pony popsicle in the process on her journey home.

As she exited her cave Twilight then headed where she thought was south hoping to reach home. If she could reach a town or city she might be able to call any of her loved ones from home and send somepony to come pick her up then she can get a ride home. However, what Twilight didn’t realize was she heading northwest towards the mountains and was about to land herself in deep trouble and danger.

Several Minutes later…

Twilight didn’t know where she was going as she walked through the howling wind and the falling snow hopping to find a town or city where she can call for her family and get a ride home. However, she was wrong everything was being drowned out by the snowstorm she was in which had jumped to a full on blizzard with full white out conditions! Twi knew she had to find shelter before it was too late. As she was trudging through the snow and had her eyes nearly closed Twi thought she spotted something up ahead, but it was hard to tell what it was thanks to the snow. But she can make it out as a building, but it had high fences and strange design to the building.

As she looks at the strange buildings Twilight said to herself knowing if she got to that place first then she could wait out the storm, “If I can take shelter at that strange place then I can wait out the storm until it passes!”

So Twilight resumed walking until she came to sport where her right foreleg hit something metallic and hard. The was a loud clang and the smart unicorn looked down just in time to see a large metal door below her which looked alien in design. Before she had time to say something the door opened up revealing a dark abyss below and fell into it screaming as she fell in and was gone from sight just as the door closed.

Inside the shaft Twilight was tumbling down a dark metal tunnel as she was screaming in fear as it went from left and right until she spit out on a hard floor and heard a loud yelp of fright from a group of what she thought were ponies and stallions. As rolled onto her back Twilight said to herself in pain after the unexpected drop into where she was now as she had her eyes closed, “Ow… ok never do that again.”

When Twilight opened her eyes she found herself inside a large room on the floor and was surrounded by beings that were different from her kind. Instead of being ponies or stallions these creatures were humanoid beings similar to monkeys, but they lacked any tails were wearing clothing like ponies and stallions most of them were wearing lab coats and medical scrubs like doctors do at times. They had different skin colors, eye colors, different faces and looks, and different hair colors and styles with some short and some long. However, what made Twilight shocked the most was that they all had hands with two with five fingers. All of them were looking at her with surprise as one of them said to another one yet sounded feminine like a pony or mare, “Look! It’s one of those unicorn inhabitants of this world!”

Soon another one said to the voice that just spoke and this one was in a male voice, “It must of fell through one of the roof doors!”

Twilight soon got up to her hooves as she rolled off her back and managed to stand up and saw the creatures in the room. There was more too as there was strange looking animals with these beings many looking like they were elemental shaped by the elements of nature itself. Soon Twilight heard a young female who was in front of her that sounded like a teenage girl say to someone, “Mom is that one of those non Pokémon creatures you and your team been studying?!”

That question was answered by an older yet younger voice around in the early 30s or late 20s say to the younger female voice, “Yes Liko! I can’t believe found it’s way into the base!”

Twilight looked up and saw a girl with whitish peach color skin with black hair with blue highlights on the inside that is tied with a green clip, fair skin, and light blue eyes looking at her wearing teal blue shirt with paints that long and were black made for winter conditions. Beside her was a green cat like creature with grass like characteristics to it with a defensive stance and the younger one was holding onto a older who had blond color hair that tied in a bulb in the back, similar colored skin, and blue colored eyes just like the younger female being. She was wearing medical scrubs with a stethoscope around her neck and looked just as surprised as everyone else.

Soon the older one looked at the younger one and said to and it’s green cat pet, “Liko. You and Sprigatito go find your father and tell what happened! Stay there with him and your siblings until I’m done here! Ok?”

The younger one nodded in reply and said to the older with a concerned look on her face, “Yes mom.”

Twilight was shocked at what she just heard as the younger one called that older one mom that meant they were mother and daughter. The strange green cat was named Sprigatito which sounded strange to the unicorn pony. Soon the being known as Liko grabbed Sprigatito with her hands and ran outside to another room leaving poor Twilight with the rest of these beings who was beginning to feel scared.

Just then another one of the being this one having tan skin, green eyes, and black hair came up to Liko’s mother and said to her urgently, “Dr.Ketchum we need to take this creature to the lab for quarantine, examination, and testing! We can’t allow anyone here in the base to get contaminated by the strange energy it’s generating!”

The female blond humanoid being wearing the medical scrubs nodded and agreed with the male being that just spoke to her and said, “Agreed Matt. Take her to OR 1 for full examination and testing! Prep for an exploratory surgery on it too since is our first subject and we needed to know everything about it. I’ll join when I’m suited up and keep it alive.”

The male being nodded just as several beings wearing surgical gowns, masks, and gloves came out of the room that was the lab they just came from with two creatures wearing similar clothing. They all even had caps on their heads and as the female lead one was getting ready the others looked at Twilight who gulped and slowly scooted away from the beings towards a corner and started to tremble in fear. Were these things actually real extraterrestrials from another planet?

Soon the beings that just came out began to advanced on Twilight who responded by scooting back even more. The more they got close to her the move she scooted back away from these aliens. As much she didn’t want to admit it Twilight really wished she was back home with her friends and family not being here about to be taken for some examination to take peak inside her.

Twilight backed away from the humanoid gowned alien beings as they preparing to take her into the room for the an exploratory surgery on her to examine and study her. The unicorn shook her head with fear in her eyes and begged them to leave her alone, “No! Don’t come any closer!! What do you going to do to me?!!”

But the aliens didn’t answer as two of them grabbed Twi by her forelegs bringing her into the room as she let out a high pitched and terrified scream as everything went white, “AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!”

3 Days later;

It been three days since Shining been on the train to his new deployment spot as it was arriving at Fort Blizzarton a icy modern city with roads and everything back in Eques as the train led by a Southern Pacific Railroad AC-12 Cab Forward No. 4294 with the train that originated in Ponyville. The train had locomotives switched out two days ago to handle mountain grades and the possibility of snow slides and harsh winter weather which were common in these parts. Thankfully there were days when it stops snow and everyone can enjoy the winter mountain scenery of the mountains.

The train soon came to a gentle stop as the passengers who were waiting to disembark from the train got up as the intercom came on as the head conductor said to the passengers that were de-boarding the train, “Thank you for riding with us passengers. Please take your luggage and personal belongings out of their places when you’re leaving the train. Thank you and welcome to Fort Blizzarton.

Shining got his bag with his magic before getting up from his seat and headed out of the car he was in presently. Once he reached the vestibule between his car and the heavyweight coach car in front of him the unicorn stallion walked down the steps before stepping onto the step stool laid out by the conductor. Soon Shining was back on firm ground as he took in his surroundings as the station platform were busy with passengers getting off or on the train while luggage was being loaded into the sleeping cars or coaches. The unicorn stallion decided to get going as he was meant to arrive at the Fort Blizzarton military base in a few hours, but first he needed transportation and hoped that someone could pick him up then take him to the base.

Despite the cold Shining was wearing a standard issue military winter jacket with the winter camo on it which was keeping him warm. He was about to go into the station when he heard a male voice with a military tone to it say to him, “Are you Corporal Shining Armor?”

Shining looked to his left and saw dark green earth stallion wearing military winter gear as well and appeared to be waiting for him. The unicorn stallion flew cleared his throat and said the the Earth Stallion, “Yes sir. I’m Shining Armor.”

The earth stallion smiled a bit and replied back to Shining as he was glad that he arrived right on time, “Well then welcome to Fort Blizzarton Shining. I’m Sargent Major Forest Rush part of your platoon, but you can call me Forest if you like.”

Shining smiled a bit and said to Forest as the two stallions shook hooves, “Thanks Forest.”

Forest smiled back and replied back to Shining as they stopped shaking hooves, “Anytime… now we better get you to base. Don’t want your first day here be wasted.”

Shining had to agree as he was led off the platform and into the parking lot of the station where a waiting military humv in winter camouflage paint was awaiting them as Forest unlocked the vehicle before getting inside on driver side while Shining on the other hoof opened the door on the passenger side with his magic before getting in with his bag. Once he was in Shining placed his bag in the back of the vehicle before buckling up in his seat before he closed the door behind him just as Forest did the same thing. Once they were in Forest turned on the vehicle and put it into drive before driving out of the parking lot with his forelegs on the steering wheel.

Once they reached the road Forest turned on his left turn signal before turning left and drove onto the main road as they passed cars and trucks on either side of the road. Shining saw the snow covered city look pretty nice especially in this winter setting which he never about this place since he spent most of his time Cantalot and Ponyville. It was pretty clear that this town was quite the vacation spot for ponies and stallions to get away from hot weather and cool down, especially for the winter time.

As the humv rolled down the roar for a few miles before turning to the right going into a driveway Shining saw a modern building that looked it came from a comic book and it was surrounded by military personal wearing the clothing he was wearing. That was the new military base he was going to be stationed at and Shining was utterly amazed at what he was seeing presently. The unicorn stallion didn’t know what to say, but there was only one word that he can describe this place. Awesome.

Soon Forest pulled up the main gate and showed a unicorn stallion soldier on guard holding holding what appeared to be some sort of weapon like a blaster of some kind that was black in color. Normally he would see that in comic books, but in real life that was completely different story as Forest showed the guard his ID card and the stallion opened up the gate allowing the two to enter.

Soon Forest drove the humv up towards the base as the vehicle passed equestrian marines stallions, ponies, and even mares walking in the snow or on the pavement of the base coming from training exercises or drills. There were also truck like vehicles with treads made for snow conditions or even ice looking like small mobile command centers and there were some vehicles designed for snow including more humvs and even heavily armored tanks and personal carrier tanks in the same winter camo. There were even some military platoons wearing drysuits with scuba gear on them for ice diving training missions.

Shining was amazed at the equipment that the base had in their arsenal before Forest turned right again just as the main building’s left side which had hanger like doors opened up revealing a large hanger inside. Once the military vehicle drove into the building Shining saw more military vehicles inside there were F-117 Nighthawks, F/A-18 Hornets, F-16 Fighting Falcons, and even a few F/A-22 Raptors. Also there were more humvs being checked over by marine mechanics mostly unicorns or earth ponies even some pegasi.

Soon Forest brought the vehicle to a stop before turning the vehicle off and said to Shining as he looked around in utter amazement at what he was seeing, “Well Shining here we are!”

Soon Forest got out the military vehicle by opening the driver side of the vehicle before Shining followed suit doing the same and used his magic to pick up his bag. Soon he climbed out of the vehicle which his bag in tow and closed the door behind him with his magic just as the unicorn heard a male voice from the left, “So your Shining Armor that I’ve been hearing about recently!”

Shining looked to the left and saw a silver unicorn stallion that was a bit older than Forest Rush yet near the same age as Shining himself with a pale blue mane with a military cut for both his mane and tail, his eyes that were grey in color, and wearing a equestrian marine winter camo uniform with his name on the right side of his uniform. It read Lt Colonel Snow Buster which appeared to be the name of this unicorn. Forest Rush came over and gave the stallion a military salute with his left foreleg saying to him, “Lieutenant Colonel Snow Buster sir!”

Shining did the same thing gave the unicorn a military salute as well before the new unicorn stallion said to them, “At ease you two. Glad you to see our new Corporal arrived safely.”

The two stallions stopped saluting the stallion before Shining said to Snow Buster with a bit of a smile, “Nice to meet you sir. I take that you’re the leader of the 23rd Regiment?”

Snow Buster nodded and said to Shining as he spoke to him with a grin as he knew the former captain of the Royal Guard did his homework on the way to the base, “Hit the nail right on the head Corporal and your highest ranking commanding officer. I heard great things about you from Captain Shield Wing including the incident that caused you to take military leave for 2 years.”

Shining looked down feeling a bit unhappy about the mention of the Changeling Invasion that happened two years ago and said to Snow Buster in a bit of a down tone, “Yes sir. It’s… something I’m not very proud of in my life and it nearly costed me everything I held dear.”

Snow Buster gave Shining a sympathetic look and said to him knowing it was a sensitive subject that Shining really wanted to forget about, “I understand Shining. Everyone in the military doesn’t blame you for falling for Chrysalis’ disguise. You just made a simple mistake that’s all, but anyways… great to have you back in our ranks.”

Shining looked up at Snow Buster and smiled at him as it was reassuring that everyone in the military knew he made a simple mistake. It could have happened to anyone and they didn’t held anything against him for it. This was fresh start for and Shining was going to make the most of it.

Soon Snow Buster looked Forest Rush and said to the green stallion knowing that Shining needed to get situated and showed to his sleeping quarters, “Sargent Major Forest. Show Shining to his sleeping quarters in the barracks then show him around the base before reporting to the pool area for training. I want him up to date in his training before he goes on missions or any training drills.”

Forest Rush nodded in reply and said to Snow Buster with an acknowledging look on his face, “Understood sir! I’ll take him to the barracks then show him around the base.”

Shining looked at both Forest and Snow as he was wondering why he was going to a pool first instead of weapons training learning how to hold and use those new weapons he saw earlier. Soon he asked Snow Buster in a confused tone of voice, “Uh excuse me Lieutenant Colonel, but why the pool first?”

Snow Buster looks at Shining and says to him with a smile knowing he was going to learn some new skills, “Well Shining you’re going to learn how to be a scuba diver. The 23rd Regiment specializes not only in winter combat, but also underwater combat involving ice diving and diving in caves. Once your done in 4 weeks you’ll be a fully certified diver and trust me your going to learn a lot of new skills here!”

Shining was shocked at what he just heard as he was going to become a full fledged diver with scuba gear. He never thought he would become a real diver, but always wondered what was below the surface of lakes, rivers, and oceans. Now he was going to get the chance.

Soon Snow Buster walked away from Shining and Forest before the green earth stallion said to the white unicorn stallion, “Come on Shining! I’ll show you to the barracks before I show you around the base.”

Shining looked at Forest and said to him with a smile as he was going to get his first diving lesson today which he couldn’t wait, “Right behind you Forest!”

Soon Forest led Shining out of the hanger and headed into the base with their destination of the barracks that was located somewhere in the advanced base. As the two went through one of the doors Forest led Shining down a modern hallway passing more marines wearing the same kind of uniforms as Shining and Forest were wearing. Everyone looked at Shining giving looks that told him that they were glad to see him back among their ranks making Shining more comfortable than ever before.

They kept walking for a few more yards until Shining and Forest turned left going into another hallway when Shining accidentally bumped into someone head on as the two let out a yelp of surprise and shock, “Wahh/Ooof!!”

Forest stopped and looked what happened as Shining rubbed his head and said in an apologetic tone of voice as he looked up to see who he bumped into, “I’m sorry! I didn’t see you… there…”

Shining trailed off and stared in awe at the who he just bumped into as he saw a beautiful unicorn mare that was 2 years younger than him with a slightly dark ice blue coat with a long light blue and white striped mane and tail, but her mane was in the standard military bulb style, beautiful crystal blue eyes filled with compassion, kindness, great intelligence, and courage, and wearing the usual military uniform that he and everyone else was wearing, but had a stethoscope around her neck and was using her magic to levitate two files probably medical files. She looked beautiful and Shining felt his heart racing feeling quite nervous as the unicorn mare rubbed her head before looking at the unicorn stallion before she said to him smiling, “Oh! Sorry I didn’t see you there!”

Shining shook his head and exclaimed to the mare saying to her in his apologetic tone of voice as he and the mare got up to their feet, “N-no! I-It was my fault for not looking where I was going! Uh I’m Shining! Shining Armor!”

The mare looked at Shining and smiled at him warmly saying to him, “Oh so your Shining Armor the former captain of the Royal Guard before it become the National Guard I’ve been hearing about recently. I’m 2nd Class Major Ice Mist your platoon’s medical officer and surgeon.”

Shining blushed a bit gaining a dreamy look on his face as the name Ice Mist sounded lovely. However this action was making Ice Mist a bit concerned as she asked the unicorn stallion with a raised eyebrow, “Uh Shining are you ok? You look all red.”

Shining snapped out of his daze and exclaimed to her in a panic trying to regain his composure as his face blushed bright red, “Uh! Yeah! I’m fine!! Heh! Right as rain here!! Eh heh!”

Shining soon gave Ice Mist a sheepish smile who nodded in reply before saying to him with a smile, “Ok, but if you feel like something is wrong stop by the medical wing to get yourself checked over. I got to run though. I got to get these medical files to the medical wing! Talk to you later!”

Soon Ice Mist ran around Shining and head down the right hallway leaving said unicorn stallion watched her head for the medical wing feeling like his heart was stolen from him. It was a feeling that he never thought he would never feel again since he lost Cadence’s love and respect followed by Shield marring her. Forest Rush rolled his eyes and grabbed Shining by the collar of his uniform with his right foreleg and said to him with a flat tone, “Come on Romio let’s get you to the barracks before I show you around. Your first diving lesson is soon and you don’t want to be late!”

With an yoink Forest pulled the lovestruck unicorn stallion towards the direction of the barracks with Shining’s bay not far behind.

10 Minutes Later;

“Here we are Shining! Your room.”, announced Forest as the two arrived in the barracks moments ago and show Shining to his room as he opened up the door. Inside Shining saw a two bunk beds with a bit of a medium sized room that had a desk with two tables and closets for the two occupants. The unicorn sat his bag down next to one of the beds and noticed that there was another bag on the top bunk. That meant he had a roommate that was going to sleep with him.

Soon Shining asked Forest with a raised eyebrow and said to him, “Uh Forest? Whose bag is on the top bunk?”

Forest Rush just smiled and said to Shining as he explained to him, “Oh that’s Sharpshot’s bag. He’s part your platoon and is the team’s scout and sniper. Hails from Las Pegasus and is a natural sharpshooter.”

Shining nodded in reply before asking Forest with a raised eyebrow and confused look on his face, “So uh? Where is Sharpshot?”

“Oh he’s in the medical bay getting checked over. Since we need you get to know your way around here how about we start there first!”, replied Forest with a smile and began to walk away from the room before Shining followed suit and closed the door to his room behind him with his magic.

It took a few more minutes until they arrived at the medical wing as Shining saw the place look like a modern hospital with medical officers and doctors going around tending to patients with either minor injuries or just scratches and bruises. There were doors to the operating room and even a lab were medical officers do tests or other important work in the medical field. However, Shining noticed that they were heading for the OR as Shining asked Forest with concern, “Uh are we going in their Forest?”

Forest glances back at Shining said to him with a raised eyebrow and a curious smirk on his face, “What? You afraid of going into the OR Shining?”

Shining shook his head and said indignantly to the Sargent Major feeling a bit offended, “What?! No! It’s not that it’s just normal ponies and stallions aren’t normally allowed back there!”

“True, but that’s where Sharpshot is and there’s someone here I want you to meet. Come on and follow me.”, said Forest as he went through the operating room doors behind Shining followed behind him feeling a bit nervous. The duo walked down the hall and turned right before coming to a Operating Room which had OR 2 and could hear talking from two stallions one sounded like he was gripping about something to his patient, “Seriously, Sharpshot you need to take better care of yourself! Next thing you know you’ll loose one of your wings in those reckless tricks you do!”

Soon Forest led Shining inside the room as the two heard a younger voice saying to the 1st one in a nonchalant tone like it wasn’t a big deal, “Oh come on Doc it’s not that bad! It’s just a scrape and I didn’t need surgery for it!”

Once they were inside Shining saw two stallions one was on a OR table with a bandaged left wing while the other was tending to the Pegasus that the wing belonged to. The pegasus stallion was hot red with an orange and blue color mane and tail and had a military haircut to it with curl at the front of the mane. The stallion had blue eyes and target marker for a cutie mark on his flank. While the other one was a unicorn stallion, but a bit older than the stallion on the table his coat was white with a white and two thick red striped mane and tail and a light blue eyes. However, the unicorn was wearing a surgical gown with hoof gloves and cap, but wasn’t wearing a surgical mask over his muzzle and saw the annoyed look on his face while the Pegasus had a smile on his face.

Forest soon cleared his throat catching the two’s attention and saying to them, “‘Ahem’ if you two are done? There’s somestallion here you two might want to meet.”

The two stallions looked to see Shining step into the room from behind as the Pegasus stallion said in shock, “Shining Armor?! So the rumors are true!”

The stallion got off the table much to the unicorn stallion’s cringe at the Pegasus getting off his table as the red stallion said to Shining was a grateful look on his face, “It’s a honor to meet you at last sir!”

Shining raised an eyebrow with a surprised look on his face and said to the Pegasus, “Uh thanks. You must be Sharpshot?”

Sharpshot smiled and said in a cocky voice like he was ready for action and a fight, “The one and only! I heard we’re roommates now!”

Then the unicorn station that was working on Sharpshot said to the hot red pegasus as he was hoping Shining wasn’t going to follow the hot headed pegasus’ path, “I hope you don’t end up like Sharp here after he clipped his wing on a training exercise.”

Shining looked at the stallion and was about to ask Forest who was he until Sharpshot said to him, “The grouchy stallion behind me is Med Clamp. He’s a war veteran and is base’s highest skilled medical officer and surgeon.”

Shining nods in reply before asking Sharpshot about what he was doing in here in the first place, “So uh? What are you doing in here in the first place Sharp?”

Sharpshot just smirked and started to practice some moves like punches with his forelegs and kicks with his back legs before saying to Shining, “Oh I was just practicing my fighting moves in the air before I clipped one of my wings on a pole during a training drill, but I’m ok now! Watch!”

Soon the red pegasus began to show off making Shining think of Rainbow Dash as he could see the similarities between the two. However, Sharpshot was too busy showing off when he accidentally smashed his right foreleg into a piece of medical equipment being an heart monitor and sent it falling over before it hit the floor hard as the earth stallion sniper meekly frowned and said in embarrassment, “Oops!”

Med Clamp looked at the piece of equipment that Sharp knocked over and damaged it as he looked at the earth stallion and exclaimed to him in utter annoyance, “Sharpshot I needed that!!”

Sharpshot looked at the veteran combat medic from the Equestrian Army and smiled meekly saying to him, “Heh… sorry doc.”

Med Clamp just groaned and walked away to look for help getting the piece of the medical equipment fixed before there was a medical emergency that required it. Shining just watched Med leave the room as he said with a surprised look on his face, “Geez you’re right he is an old grouch.”

Sharpshot looked at Shining sand said to with a bit of a smile, “Yeah, but he’s a master in surgical operations and emergencies. Med is one of the best medical officers in the Equestrian military.”

Shining wasn’t sure before Forest Rush said to Sharpshot with a bit of smile on his face, “Sorry Sharp, but I got to show Shining around the base and get him to his first lesson.”

Sharpshot nodded and said to Forest Rush knowing he was going have to help Med clean up the mess that red hot stallion made moments ago, “Ok. I’ll probably stay here and clean the mess up that I made. I don’t want Med grilling me for that little mess up I did moments ago. I’ll talk to you tonight Shining.”

Shining nods in response to his roommate before leaving the OR with Forest in tow as the continued his tour of the base. Once they left the med wing they came to the mess hall, the armory, the recreation room where soldiers could hang out and have fun, the maintenance wing where all military equipment was repaired, laundry room, courtyard outside, and a few other places before coming to their last stop which was the pool room as Shining saw ponies, stallions, and Mares in the pool having a swim or doing scuba training. There were 4 different pools and the biggest one was the first one which was pretty deep.

Soon Forest turned around and looked at Shining with a smile as it was time for him to start training and said to him, “Ok Shining. Time for your first diving lesson you might want to suit up for this.”

Shining nods in reply knowing that he was going to get wet soon headed for the nearby Changing Room where personnel slip into their personal wetsuits or drysuits for dives. Thankfully, Shield and Cadence herself got Shining a new drysuit just before he was shipped off to the base as a gift with his own scuba gear with a new full face diving mask included. The gear was located in the changing room and when Shining found it at his locker he smiled before getting out of his uniform and changed into his drysuit before getting his scuba gear on the best he can.

Once he came out Shining looked like diver with his drysuit being sky blue and black with a rubber hood that went over his head and mane with a pocket that was made for his horn. He had two black and light blue color flippers for his back hooves to help him swim through the water, a white color scuba tank on his back on his diving saddle, a black weight belt around the center of his body, black colors hoses connected to the tank to his apparatuses, a buoyancy vest that was part of his diving saddle, a high tech dive watch, oxygen and carbon dioxide gauge, depth gauge, a sky blue colored spare regulator that were for emergencies, and around Shining’s neck was a sky blue full face mask. The suit felt a bit tight, but felt warm as the suit kept Shining’s coat dry while in water with low temperatures.

Forest looked over Shining who was already suited up for his first lesson and said to him with a smile, “Well that was quick. You ready?”

Shining nodded in reply and said to Forest with a small smile on his muzzle, “Yeah. But who’s going to be my instructor for my dive training?”

“Me of course!”, came a certain female voice from before as Shining and Forest turned around to see Ice Mist wearing scuba gear too, but her gear was a lighter shade of blue near the color of ice itself and had a custom colored full face mask, flippers, drysuit, regulator, and scuba tank in ice blue colors. Shining was surprised to see Ice Mist again and didn’t know she was also a diver too and was Shining’s dive instructor.

Shining was surprised by this revelation and said to Ice Mist with shock, “Your my dive instructor?!”

Ice Mist nodded and said back to Shining with a grin on her muzzle, “Sure and I happen to be a Divemaster too, so I have what it takes to get you trained and make you ready.”

Shining nodded in reply and knew she was right. After all he was here to get up to speed and improve his skills and make him mission ready for future missions that will require his platoon to take on. He knew there was going to be a lot of work ahead of him. Soon he put on his full face mask over his face thanks to his magic making it secure before taking breaths from his oxygen tank on his back. It wasn’t Ice did the same thing with her full face mask thanks to her magic before saying to Shining via the full face mask’s installed microphone, “Now its time to get in the pool to start your first lesson! See ya in the water.

Soon Ice walked to the edge of the pool as and jumped into the shallow end of the pool water with a splash!


Soon Shining did the same as he walked up to the shallow end of the pool and looked down to see Ice swimming underwater as she was breathing from her gear. The white unicorn stallion then the same as he jumped in lightly before shoI g underwater with a smaller splash. He soon swam to Ice who began to give his first lesson as his new training began.

For the next 4 weeks Shining did diving lessons with Ice Mist who taught much about scuba gear maintenance and major basics about scuba diving especially Ice Diving. While this was happening Shining got weapons training learning to use the MR2490 a battle rifle that shoots polarized magic energy cases like bullets made out of pure magic energy with grenades and even learned how drive military vehicles. There was combat training including many other things including First Aid to his teammates if they ever got in trouble and needed help.

There was a few hiccups along the way, but Shining persevered through them all until he was fully trained and was now a certified diver for both normal diving with ice and cave diving. The unicorn never felt so proud about himself and his platoon congratulated him for his hard work and dedication. Soon after Shining rose up through the ranks of his team to the rank of Staff Sargent 2nd in command of his entire platoon alongside Forest Rush. But one day thing will change Shining’s life forever as a routine training mission would turn up unexpected results.

Meanwhile on Planet Mobius… (Several Months after Sonic and company returned from Space);

Sonic the Hedgehog the fastest thing alive and Planet Mobius’ heroic defender wasn’t having the best of days as he dodged left and right missing gunfire from Doctor Eggman’s tin toys that were guarding the mad doc’s newest base. This new one was a large tower like building situated not far from where Eggman’s old coastline base was located. Ironically this new one looked similar to the one that got sent to Earth by Chaos Control months ago only to get destroyed in the end by a military attack. To make matters more annoying was it was 3 o’clock in the morning and everyone was probably still fast asleep, but the stakes were pretty high right now considering Eggman had all 7 Chaos Emeralds in his greedy grasp and even had the nerve to abduct both Amy and Cream & Cheese in the middle of the early morning.

Ever since Sonic and his friends returned from space after the defeat of the Meteriex the blue blur and his friends went on many new adventures in saving the world, made new friends, discovering Shadow had survived the final battle with Dark Oak and his last two generals, got new rivals like Jet the Hawk for example, battled new enemies including a deity of night called Dark Gaia, and the best part in Sonic’s case kick Eggman’s sorry mustache to the curve. Today was no different except for the fact Eggman had picked a lousy time to enact this latest scheme in building his Eggman Empire even Sonic needs the recommended 8 hours of sleep which can make a person pretty grouchy, but on the bright side this gives Sonic the chance to take apart his arch foe’s tin toys.

As Sonic neared the base’s main gate Sneezer robots alongside with tank treaded robots, Egg Pawns with blasters of missile launchers, and Egg Fighters equipped with blasters as well were firing at the blue hero trying to stop him. But it was no use as Sonic jumped into the air and landed onto top a Egg Pawn commander causing the other robots to looked at the hedgehog teen who smirked and said in a mischievous tone, “Ohhhhh guys… looking for li’ old me?”

One of the Egg Pawns exclaimed to his fellow robots as it pointed towards the blue hero, “THERE’S THE HEDGEHOG!! BLAST HIM!!

The robots quickly aimed their weapons at Sonic and the Egg Pawn Commander who realized he was about to get reduced to a pile of scrap metal soon exclaimed to his troops, “NO!!! APORT FIRE!!! DO NOT SHOOT AT SONIC YOU WILL HIT-

He never got the chance to finish as the robots fired at Sonic and the Egg Pawn Commander, but the blue blur jumped off the head of the robot and over the wall. The Egg Pawn Commander, however, got fired on instead as missiles and blaster fired rained down on him and obscuring him in black smoke. When the robots stopped firing at last they found their egg pawn commander in pieces when the smoke drifted away showing what they hit instead. It was clear Sonic tricked them and to add insult to injury the blue hedgehog got into the base.

On the other side of the wall Sonic landed on the ground and was ow racing across the courtyard of Eggman’s new base at high speed as the nearby turrets and more robots equipped with blasters fired at him trying to take him out. But Sonic was too fast for any of the blasterbolts to land a hit on him as he closed in on the tower where no doubt Eggman was with the girls alongside the Chaos Emeralds. As he got closer the blue hedgehog teen said out loud with a smirk, “Man, Eggman is sure loosing his touch! I thought there were more of his toys guarding his new base!”

But Sonic spoke too soon about that notion as he got closer to the tower when bursting out the floor were two E-12 Behemoths with two hulking Egg Hammers equipped with jet thrusters on their backs giving them the ability to fly. The four robots glared at the blue intruder that had infiltrated before Sonic quickly went to the right and kept running as a light blue streak followed behind him. The blue hero looked behind him and saw the two of the four robots were chasing him and called to the bots, “Ah you want to chase me huh? Heh well then try and catch me if you can!!”

Sonic picked up speed and ran faster leaving robots in the dust as they activated their jet thrusters and accelerated after the blue hero. The blue blur raced into a large open entrance to the tower which was almost like a hanger before his two pursuers raced in and kept chasing the hedgehog while wrecking the inside in process. They kept chasing him until the other Behemoth and Egg Hammer burst out of the left side of the hanger blocking Sonic’s path, but he managed to go through a smaller exit on the right side of the hanger evading the roadblock.

Soon Sonic raced outside of the hanger just in time for one of the Behemoth robots to burst out of the roof of the hangar. The blue hedgehog felt like he was having a case of deja vu as this felt familiar about all of this when he got out of the emergency exit. This was just like the time when they were sent to Earth and didn’t Eggman have a spring trap waiting for Sonic when he stepped on a large panel on the metal floor of the base after he got out of a similar hanger at that old tower base in the forest.

Sonic quickly looked at the ground and saw a large panel that had Eggman’s face on it ahead of him, but he quickly went to the right and gone around that certain spot. However, one of the Egg Hammers that were chasing the blue blur did as it landed on the ground as its thrusters were overheated only to launched into the air by a powerful spring. The unlucky robot flew through the air before landing on the ground seconds later before its hulking hammer smashed into its head taking it out in the process. Sonic smirked as he saw the event occur and called to the 3 remaining robots that were chasing him, “Hey guys! Ya missing someone? Cause I think one your pals just took a little fli-IIIIIIIGHT!!!”

Sonic was too busy taunting to the 3 robots he didn’t know there was another spring trap waiting for him which activated when he touched the panel and launched him into the air. The 2nd Egg Hammer capitalized on this mistake as it flew up up to the hedgehog and swung its hammer at Sonic which slams into him hard causing the blue blur to grunt in pain before being sent flying into the sky. Before the robots could celebrate there was a dark orange colored streak of light from the sky and slams into the Egg Hammer that just sent Sonic flying going through the chest and out the back before going after the airborne blue hero.

The streak then grabbed Sonic before it landed with the blue hero on a certain yellow wing of a X winged jet aircraft just in time. Soon the blue hedgehog opened his eyes and looked at who just saved his hide just moments ago and standing there looking at the base below was Shadow the Hedgehog and the two hedgehogs had landed on the X-Tornado piloted by Sonic’s best buddy and kid genius Tails with Knuckles the Echidna and Rouge the Bat riding separately in the two cockpits. Sonic quickly responded to Shadow for saving his tail just moments ago saying to him, “Thanks for the save Shadow!”

Shadow just scoffed and said to the blue hero for letting himself fall into the that second spring trap, “You should have been more alert to traps that the doctor placed in his base Sonic.”

Sonic just frowned and retorted back to the black hedgehog saying to him as he had no idea that Eggman had a 2nd hidden spring trap waiting for him, “Hey! At least I avoided the first one and how I was suppose to know there was a second one waiting for me! You got to give me credit there Shadow!”

Shadow was about to say something to Sonic before Tails yelled at the two hedgehogs who alongside Knuckles and Rouge could hear the two arguing, “Sonic this isn’t the time for an argument! You have to stop Eggman before he uses the Chaos Emeralds for whatever he’s planning to use them for!”

Sonic and Shadow looked at each other and nodded in agreement knowing that stopping Eggman comes first as Tails turned the X-Tornado around and headed for the base at high speed. Sonic jumped into the air just as a slot under the X-Tornado opened up and launches a power ring out of said slot before then blue hedgehog grabbed it with his right hand. A yellow light came from his hand as the blue hero spun head over heels preforming his signature Spin Attack transforming into a high speed spinning ball before racing forward for the base and its robots. Soon Sonic began to take out the robots that he didn’t take out earlier destroying the robots that were defending the front gate that he just came from earlier and smashed into the wall that was protecting the base heading straight for the two Behemoth robots. Sonic still using his Spin Attack slammed into the first Behemoth robot pushing it back into the 2nd one and onto a lower turret. The Behemoth’s armor was pretty thick and Sonic had a bit of a hard time getting through the armor, but in no time managed to smash through the two hulking robots causing them fall down on the turret causing it to explode in a ball of fire.

Just then a 3rd Egg Hammer came out of the floor and swung its hammer at the spinning hall form of Sonic only for the blue hero smash through and through the hammer wielding robot as he rocketed up towards the upper level of the tower base destroying one of the lights. With Sonic now inside the base Shadow, Tail, Knuckles, and Rouge decided to take out the remaining robots and defenses to give him alongside Amy and Cream & Cheese a clear path to get out of the base. If Sonic could get the Chaos Emeralds then he can go Super Sonic and deep fry Eggman’s plan.

Little did they things were going to be a bit different this time.

Inside the Tower;

The entire facility was going into full lockdown as alarms went off and doors were closed and locked to prevent Sonic from getting to Eggman and Sonic’s captured friends. Soon the door to the main lab slammed shut and locked itself as a console showed a display of the entire building on full lockdown. At the said console was Deco who looked back at Eggman who wasn’t too pleased about Sonic trying to interfere with his plans yet again and said to him with a delighted tone of voice, “Good news Doctor Eggman! The entire base is in full lockdown!”

Soon Beco joined in the conversation as he was at his station putting in commands at his console which was deploying robots throughout the building to stop Sonic and said, “And all your remaining robots are being deployed to stop Sonic from reaching us!”

“Yeah! Sonic can’t get through all those other robots if he tries to get to us!”, came a voice voice that sounded new, but filled with stupidity before belief causing Deco and Beco to groan in annoyance.

Soon a 2nd new voice came saying to the first one annoyed with the owner’s stupidity knowing that Sonic easily get through the remaining robots with no problem, “Doh Grounder you tank treaded bolt head! Sonic will be here any minute and he can still ruin everything!”

Deco and Beco looked at the owners of the two voices with flat looks as the two were arguing again. The voices belonged to their predecessors who were not as smart as they were. The two robots were named Scratch and Grounder who were Eggman’s first assistant robots, but also programed to hunt down and capture Sonic when he was younger. Scratch was a robot chicken who had hands and legs and was just as tall as Eggman himself while Grounder was a green robot with tank treads instead of legs, a drill cone like nose on his face, and had two short arms with drill bits in place of hands. Scratch was a bit smarter than his counterpart as Grounder was completely idiotic, but his lack of intelligence is made up by multiple features installed on him when he was first built. There is a 3rd robot named Coconuts was a monkey robot designed just like Scratch and Grounder, however, he was demoted to sanitation duty after he failed numerous times to capture Sonic before being replaced by Scratch and Grounder until Deco and Beco came along with Bokkun after the two dumb-bots failed Eggman for the last time when Sonic was 14 years old. Eggman at the time threw them out, but kept Coconuts around to take care of his bases and flying fortresses until he found the two robots recently begging the mad doc to take them back. Knowing that he was going to regret this in the end Eggman took them back and now work alongside Deco, Beco, and Bokkun. The two robots were arguing about Sonic not reaching them before Eggman enacts his new plan.

Deco was about to say something to the two dumb-bots until they heard an annoying cowboy accent voice, “Now wait a minute there’ partners! I reckon that dang gum varmint won’t get past those Sneezer bots! They’ll shoot him like a fish in a barrel!”

Then another voice saying to the cowboy voice not sure that was good idea since Sonic was known to make a mess of Eggman’s robots in the end, “Uh Cubot I don’t think Sonic will let them shoot him since they don’t have good track record.”

The two new voices belonged to Eggman’s newest assistant robots named Orbot and Cubot and they were smaller than Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts, Deco, and Becoe. Orbot was a sphere shaped robot with electronic blue eyes with a electronic blue mouth which moved up and down when he talks, had red hands, a red top that is his head, and a black bottom. Originally Orbot was grey and black with a personality that Eggman disliked immensely when he was first built and laughed at Eggman a few times like getting humiliated in a village after villager hit him with a rock and then kicked out of Möbius’ core by Dark Gaia after that Eggman reprogrammed him with a personality that he could tolerate. Cubot was similar to Orbot, but instead of being red and shaped like a sphere he was yellow and was shaped like a cube. Cubot’s hands and the top of his cubed shaped head were yellow. However, there was something wrong with him when he was first built as he had faulty voice chip which can cause him to switch to different voice settings with accompanying different personalities. His original voice is… well… let’s just say Eggman even wonders why he built him in the first place as Cubot was even more idiotic than Scratch and Grounder were combined.

At last Eggman yelled at his assistant robots as their jabbering were giving him a headache, “QUITE YOU MECHANICAL MORONS!!! YOUR GIVING ME A HEADACHE!!”

Scratch, Grounder, Cubot, and Orbot wisely shut their mouths knowing that they made their creator very annoyed with their antics. As Eggman looked at the screen showing Sonic’s attack on his new base the mad doc growled saying to himself, “Grrr that blasted Sonic! Why does he always have interfere with my plans when I try to take over the planet?”

Soon Eggman heard female voice from behind him and looked to see Amy with Cream & Cheese in a capsule like container holding them as insurance in case Sonic tried to stop the mad doc as the pink hedgehog said to him, “Because he’ll never let you get away with your plans Eggman! Sonic will stop you no matter what happens!”

Cream had agree with the pink hedgehog as she said in agreement, “That’s right! Mr.Sonic won’t get away with your plans.”

“Chao chao.”, said Cheese agreeing with Cream’s statement as Sonic had stopped almost all of Eggman’s schemes.

“Really now eh?”, began Eggman as he smirked at the trio revealed to them he was holding in his right hand the last chaos emeralds being the cyan colored one before he continued talking to them, “Well this time that meddling blue pest won’t be able to stop me! Once the final Chaos Emerald is inserted into my new energy amplifier Mk II all my robots will become invisible! Not even Sonic or Shadow will be able to stop them! Gahahahahahah!!”

Eggman laughed at the end of his speech thinking he had the upper hand, but he was wrong as a certain high spinning blue ball was heading straight for the main lab door. The mad doc was about to say something to his two captives when there was a loud explosion from behind him as someone had just busted down the door. Sweat dropped down Eggman’s face as he had a pretty good idea who it was as he looked back at who had just barged in.

The smoke drifted away and standing triumphant was Sonic who had taken care of the robots that Eggman sent to stop him Amy and Cream exclaimed in joy at the sight of the blue hedgehog who just arrived in time, “Sonic!”

Eggman who was taken by surprise just muttered in a nervous tone as he knew Sonic was head to stop him, “Sonic…”

But then the mad doc remembered his trump card causing him to regain his confidence and gained a devious grin on his face, “Heh still you’re too late!!”

Eggman put the last chaos emerald into it section of the Energy Amplifier Mk II and closed the top before quickly putting commands into his machine before looking at Sonic holding the trigger to activate the machine. Soon the evil genius said to the blue hedgehog hero that has come to stop him and his new scheme, “You won’t be able to stop me this time Sonic! Heheheh all I need to do is push the button on trigger and then you and your pesky friends are history! Hohohohohoho!!”

But Sonic just grins at Eggman as all he had to do is grab the trigger or the Chaos Emeralds and go Super Sonic to seen Eggman’s new plan down the drain as he said to his arch foe, “Oh really Eggman? I’ll just have to grab that trigger out of your hands or take the Chaos Emeralds from ya. Hope your insurance covers Super Sonic damage.”

Eggman’s face fell at that point and gulped nervously knowing he was in a tight spot. If Sonic takes the trigger from him then his entire plan fails or if Sonic gets all 7 emeralds he can go Super Sonic and destroy his entire base. Either way the mad doc was on the short end of his rope and knew Scratch and Grounder wouldn’t be able to catch Sonic since they failed at every when they try to catch hedgehog.

But then behind Sonic were two Sneezer robots appearing out of the white light and were locked onto the blue hero. This made Eggman regain his confidence and gained a relieved look on his face. Then his face changed to an evil grin and said to the blue blur, “Well I hope you have health insurance Sonic because you’re about to get skewered! BLAST HIM!!”

Then the two Sneezer robots started firing at Sonic who started to run around the lab at high speed all the while Eggman and his assistant robots cheered for the two bots as the mad doc yelled to the two, “That’s it! Keep firing! Don’t let the pest escape!!”

Blaster fire went over the place going in different directions as the two robots kept shooting at Sonic. There was even one time they almost got Grounder which caused him to loose his head which was detachable as his head landed on the ground and his eyes spun around in a dizzy state. If this kept up things could go out of control real quickly.

Soon Sonic decided to destroy the two robots as he jumped into the air did his homing attack on the first Sneezer robot before getting behind the 2nd one after the air he got from his jump after he destroyed the first robot. The second Sneezer robot turned around just in time to see Sonic coming at it as he used his boost move to ram into the bot sent it flying backwards, however, it crashed into Eggman’s energy amplifier Mk II which was right behind it!

That’s when the machine began to spark and overload as the Chaos Emeralds’ power began to activate and that meant one thing. Chaos Control.

Eggman looked at his new machine in horror before exclaiming to Sonic for his little stunt he pulled with the Sneezer robot that was sent flying into his new machine, “LOOK WHAT YOU DONE SONIC!!!”

Sonic gulped at this and looked back at the machine as it began to spiral out of control as the entire room was engulfed in a bright white light. Outside beams of white light shot out of the tower like building before it was consumed by the white light as it began to form a white dome. At the same time Tails and the others with addition of the Chaotixs, E-123 Omega, and Big the Cat who were on the ground had made a path for Sonic when they noticed the light. Tails, Knuckles, and Rouge knew what that meant and they were in for another ride to a new world.

Soon Tails said to everyone present in the X-Tornado, “Guys! Hang on tight!”

Just then the white dome began to expand catching anyone who wasn’t far from the dome as Sonic’s friends, animals, and others were caught in the light as everything went white. Little did anyone know when our heroes wake up they were going to find themselves in new forms and in a new world while being reunited with friends like Blaze the Cat from the Sol Dimension, Silver the Hedgehog from Möbius’ future, and a few others.

Back on Terra a week later after Shining became a full fledged diver and Staff Sergeant in his platoon;

It was a simple day as Shining and Ice were doing a simple Ice Diving training mission at a nearby lake that was already frozen about 20 clicks due southwest of Fort Blizzarton, but the waters were strangely warmer for the time yet they were in the 30 degrees range. It was still cold enough to give anyone hyperthermia if they stayed in the water too long. Shining and Ice were already geared up in their drysuits and scuba gear with their flippers on and the spot where they diving was put up by a flag which was opened up by cutting out a large chunk of ice or the frozen lake as Sharpshot and their comrade Sky Drop a Pegasus stallion wearing the usual winter camo marine uniform was bundled up with the equestrian battle rifle in his forelegs keeping a sharp look out for any trouble. The vehicle that brought them to spot was one of the large truck like vehicles called the Snow Crawler which was faster than the name suggested.

As Shining and Ice put their back legs into the cold water of the lake Sharpshot said to the two unicorns with concern as they had limited amount of time before their gear freezes up, “Be careful down there you two. I don’t want the Sargent Major grilling me and Sky for something happening two you two.”

Shining looked at Sharpshot and said to him with a smile, “Don’t worry Sharp. Ice and I can take care of ourselves. You and Sky will watch out flanks while we’re underwater and give us cover if something goes wrong.”

Sharpshot had to agree with Shining until Ice spoke to the white unicorn stallion, “Ready Shining?”

Shining looked at Ice and nodded reply before saying to her, “Ready!”

Soon the two put on their full face masks and strapped them onto their faces with the straps to make sure they were secure. Both took deep breaths from their masks before sliding off the icy edge of their opening and entering the cold water below. Sharpshot watch his two comrades disappear below the water and said to them with concern, “Good luck.”

Down below in the water Ice and Shining swam down to a underwater transmitter that the military had placed in the lake when Fort Blizzarton was being built as air bubbles came from their masks as breathed from their air supplies. Shining was using his horn to light the way down to the bottom of the lake floor as he said to Ice from his mask’s microphone, “Man, no wonder this place is cold! I may be used to Ice diving now, but I can’t believe there was something down here!

Ice looked back at Shining as she spoke through her mask’s microphone and was downloading data from the transmitter on the conditions of the lake, “I know I helped put this transmitter down here in this lake. You should see this place in the spring and summer.

Shining was about to reply when suddenly there was a loud sound which was similar to glass breaking as a wave of unknown energy flew by them and it felt even more powerful than the Elements of Harmony yet the energy felt chaotic. Soon Shining looked at Ice and said to her in shock at what they two just felt, “Whoa! Ice did you feel that just now?!

Ice swam up to Shining and nodded in agreement as she said back to him in reply, “I did! Whatever it was had more power than the Elements of Harmony or even stronger than that!

Just then the two heard a loud crash from the surface as something or someone hit the surface of the ice and crashed into the water below. The two unicorn military divers looked up towards the surface and saw in the distance what appeared to be a stallion sinking into the water before it began to flail and suddenly swam up to the surface, but was blocked by the ice. The stallion began to beat the ice trying to break it and get out of the water before it was too late.

That’s when both Shining and Ice’s rescue training kicked in as the stallion wasn’t going to survive long in this cold water for long. Shining looked at Ice and said to her urgently knowing they didn’t have much time to loose, “Come on Ice! We got to help that stallion get out the water before he’s done for!

Ice nodded in agreement and said back to Shining as she had her emergency regulator ready to go, “Right behind you Shining!

The two divers soon swam up for the surface so they can reach for the stallion who had just plunged into the lake like a rock. The only question was who was this stallion and was he connected to the strange energy they felt moments ago? More importantly who was the stallion that just fell into the lake?

(With the drowning stallion;)

The stallion was actually Sonic who was banging on the ice with all his strength with his new sky blue right foreleg which used be his right hand after Eggman’s energy amplifier Mk II went out of control and activated the Chaos Emeralds’ power induced Chaos Control sending him to a new world. This time unlike the last time Sonic and company were sent to a new world the former blue hedgehog was transformed into a Pegasus stallion. But Sonic wasn’t concerned about that right as he was desperately trying get out of the water. The water was very cold almost freezing and to make matters worse Sonic was running out of air fast and he couldn’t get through the spot he just smashed through as the ice sheet covering the spot he came through was already sealed up!

It would have been nice if Sonic had gills to help him breathe in water, but to his misfortune he didn’t and had to turn into a mythical winged horse from human legend. The blue hero knew he was so going to get Eggman for this if he can survive the cold lake water right now. Sonic kept banging on the ice and was running out of air trying to find a way out of here when he heard breathing from below him.

But then he heard something below him as Sonic looked down and saw two unicorn divers wearing drysuits and scuba gear swim up to one was white and was a stallion while the other was ice blue and was a mare. The two saw Sonic’s cheeks becoming blue as he was running out of oxygen for his lungs as the female diver said to him through her full face mask’s microphone speaking like a human, “Quick! Breathe through this!

The mare held up her spare regulator and gave it to Sonic who put it in his mouth and breathed from her scuba tank as air bubbles came from the rebreather taking slow deep breaths. As oxygen was filling his lungs the stallion said to the mare from his mask’s microphone, “Come on Ice! Let’s get him up to the surface fast!

The mare known as Ice nodded in reply to the stallion before she motioned Sonic to grab her left foreleg which he did without question. Soon the two led him through the lake using flippers on their back legs to help swim through the water as Sonic kept breathing through the regulator that the mare gave him seconds ago. The blue hero could feel his body temperature dropping slowly and wanted to get out of the water soon until he was opening in the ice that the divers were leading him too.

It wasn’t long until they reached the opening before Sonic and the Mare were the first to emerge from the water breaching to the surface as Sonic felt fresh air go into his new nostrils still breathing from the regulator before he and the mare were pulled out by a red hot pegasus stallion wearing military winter camo uniform with cold weather gear and some sort of gun on his back. Once they were on dry land Sonic took out the regulator from his mouth and breathed heavily from his mouth and nose catching his breath.

Soon the mare still having her scuba gear and drysuit on came over to Sonic and said to him with concern, “Sir? Are you alright?”

Sonic looked at her and was about to say something until he fell forwards, but the mare caught him with her forelegs. She noticed a red streak going across his face and felt his body temperature rise up meaning he was sick with a high fever from being in the cold water too long. She then looked at her comrades just as the stallion diver got out of the water from opening in the city and said to them urgently, “He’s got a fever and looks pretty bad! We need to get him back to base immediately!”

The other three nodded in agreement as they quickly gathered up their gear and took it to a strange vehicle that Sonic never seen before in his life. At that time his vision became blurry and started swimming before everything went black. Little did Sonic know he was in safe hooves.

2 Days Later;

Everything was black for Sonic after he lost consciousness when Ice, Shining, Sharpshot, and Drop pulled him out of the freezing water and got him to their vehicle. After that he blacked out and everything was just a blur until he was woke up by sounds. The sound of a heart monitor online registering steady slow beeps and muffled voices around him.

Sonic opened his eyes, but everything was blurry filled with movement and colors, however, the blue hero knew where he was now a hospital as he heard Shining’s voice as a white with blue blur wearing a military digital winter camo uniform asking a icy blue blur wearing light blue clothing with a stethoscope around her neck, “How’s he doing Ice?”

The blue hero closed his eyes and opened them again as Ice’s voice came as she said to Shining as Sonic’s sight began to clear up, “He’s finally regaining consciousness Shining. It’s good thing we found him in time before hyperthermia or frost bite could kick in from being in that cold water for that long when we found two days ago.”

Then Sonic groaned as he closed his eyes and opened them again like before, however, this time his eye sight came back completely as both Shining and Ice’s bodies and forms came into view as a relieved look came on Shining’s face and said to the sky blue pegasus, “Hey! He’s awake!”

Sonic who was surprised by the sight of both Shining and Ice let out a startled voice, “Aaahh!”

The sky blue pegasus now wearing a hospital gown was in a modern hospital bed and hooked up to modern monitors that were tracking his vital signs tried to get out of the bed in a state of panic as he scrambled to his new feet, but got held down by both Shining and Ice. As Sonic struggled to get up from his bed Ice exclaimed to him trying calm him down, “Easy! We’re not going to hurt you! You’re safe!!”

But Sonic didn’t listen as he let out an annoyed and aggravated reply saying the two unicorns as he struggled against them, “Ugrrr… let me go!!”

But all he got was from Shining who was helping Ice hold him down trying to prevent him from hurting himself, “Not until you calm down!”

It wasn’t long until Sonic finally calmed down and once he did both Shining and Ice let go of him as the blue hero took in his surroundings. The sky blue pegasus was indeed in a modern hospital room yet there no windows in the room making it hard to tell where Sonic was right now. But he could tell the room looked similar to the hospital rooms that Earth had which the blue hero never been in during his time on Earth.

Soon Sonic asked out loud to Shining and Ice as he finally looked at the unicorn duo with a curious look on his face, “Where am I and… who are you two?”

Shining gave Sonic a reassuring smile knowing the former blue hedgehog been out for two days when he was brought to their present location, “Your presently in the medical wing of Fort Blizzarton’s Equestrian military base. I’m Staff Sergeant Shining Armor of platoon 24 of the 23rd Regiment of the Equestrian Marines and the unicorn mare wearing the scrubs is our platoon’s medical officer and surgeon 2nd Class Major Ice Mist.”

Ice nodded reply and said to Sonic with a kind look on her face with sincere tone of voice, “Can you tell us your name please? I’ve never seen a pegasus stallion like you before especially, with that unique Cutie Mark on your flank.”

Sonic looked at Ice Mist and could tell both her and Shining meant no harm to him. After all they did save him from becoming a frozen block of ice in that frozen lake, so he owed them that much. He might as well answer their question, but what was Ice talking about a Cutie Mark. He was more confused about this Cutie Mark business that Ice was talking about. Sonic soon looked at right flank and saw a strange blue fireball mark that seemed to be representing his super speed.

Soon Sonic looked back up at the duo and said to the two military officers with a smile on his new muzzle in his usual cocky voice, “The name is Sonic. Sonic The Hedgehog!”

Shining and Ice gained confused looks on their faces before glancing at each other thinking that when Sonic hit his head hard when he smashed through the ice when they rescued him. However, Sharpshot and Sky Drop told them when they got back to base they saw a strange portal opening in the sky when they felt that wave of unknown chaotic energy. Then they saw Sonic get spit out of the portal heading towards the frozen lake before smashes into the ice and sink into the water below. If their comrades were telling the truth it could be possible for someone from another world to come to Terra.

Soon Ice looked back at Sonic and asked him with a raised eyebrow on her face, “Are you really telling the truth here?”

Sonic nodded in acknowledgment as he was being fully honest to both Ice and Shining as it was the actual truth, “Yeah!”

Shining and Ice looked at each other and could tell Sonic was telling the truth and if it was true then they were actually speaking to a real alien from another planet. If Sonic was really an alien from another planet then why did he look like a normal Pegasus stallion for? Only one way to find out.

Soon Shining looked back at Sonic and spoke to him with a curious expression on his face asking him, “So Sonic… how in the world did you get sent to our world?”

Sonic scratched his mane with his left foreleg and said to Shining with a sheepish smile on his new muzzle, “Well… that’s a bit of a long story Shining.”

So the blue hero told his story to Shining and Ice who were amazed at what they heard from the blue blur. Sonic went over everything mostly what happened after he and his friends returned home from outer space with the Chaos Emeralds with the defeat of the Meteriex from recent adventures to making new friends and rivals. He even told them how he got here to this point now. It all started when Eggman managed to snatch the last chaos emerald from Amy who he kidnapped alongside Cream & Cheese early in the morning when they weren’t expecting it as Eggman had already collected the last 6 emeralds a few days ago. His plan was to use the emerald’s unlimited power to make his robots stronger with a new energy amplifier machine, but that proved to be a mistake as Sonic and his friends learned of what happened and raced to Eggman’s new base to stop him. When Sonic at last confronted his arch foe to rescue his friends a fight soon broke out resulting the energy amplifier Mk II go haywire and with all 7 chaos emeralds within it caused once again Chaos Control. The next thing Sonic remembered was being in this new form and crashing into the ice cover lake that Shining and Ice were diving in.

The two unicorns were shocked to say the least and didn’t know Sonic had been on so many adventures and battled all kinds of enemies. Aliens, robots, monsters, deities, and many other things that made the foes that Twilight and her friends faced 2 years ago before the whole falling out at the wedding rehearsal occurred when Twi ran away from home. Sure it was crazy to meet someone from a different world, but a superhero that has faced enemies that made Nightmare Moon and Discord alongside the Changeling Hive look like colts or fillies throwing fits.

Just then the door to the hospital room opened up and walking into the room was Snow Buster who was called in by Shining when they brought Sonic to the base. The trio looked at the Lieutenant Colonel who had just arrived as the head of the 23rd Regiment glanced back at Shining and Ice before saying to them as he looked at Sonic, “Is this the Pegasus stallion you and your team found in that frozen lake you two?”

Shining nodded in response and said to Snow as he knew that he needed to be debriefed on what they witnessed and the information that they got from the blue hero, “Yes sir. The stallion behind us is not exactly an Equestrian. He’s an alien blue hedgehog from a planet called Mobius located in a different dimension. His name is Sonic the Hedgehog.”

Snow looked at Sonic who smiled sheepishly at the Lt Colonel of the 23rd Regiment and said to the military stallion, “Uh hi.”

Snow Buster walked up to Sonic and inspected him as he said to the blue hero with an intrigued tone and look on his face, “So you’re from a different world huh? You look pretty fast for your appearance.”

Sonic nodded in reply as he said to Snow Buster knowing he wanted to be told what the blur blur told Shining and Ice with a bit of a smile, “Uh thank you sir. But… uh I never got your name.”

Shining and Ice looked at Sonic knowing the blue hero had no idea who he was talking to before this time Ice spoke to Sonic as she cleared her throat and introduced him to Snow Buster, “‘ahem’ Sonic this is Lt Colonel Snow Buster of the 23rd Regiment of the Equestrian Marines. He’s the leader of the regiment and our commanding officer.”

Sonic looked at Snow Buster and gained a bit of a sheepish look on his face knowing he hadn’t known the silver unicorn stallion was the leader of the regiment. The blue hero said to Snow in a sheepish tone of voice, “Uh heh. Sorry about that sir! I didn’t know you were a military leader!”

Snow Buster just smiled and said to Sonic understanding that he wasn’t aware of his military rank or the fact he was the leader of the 23rd Regiment, “At ease Sonic, but just call me Snow Buster. Before I came in here I heard everything that you told Shining and Ice from behind the door. I must say you seen large amounts of action on your adventures and previous battles which sounds pretty incredible.”

Sonic smiled at this as he could tell Snow Buster believed him and his story before the silver unicorn stallion looked at Ice and asked her wondering how Sonic’s condition, “Anyways how’s Sonic’s present condition Ice?”

Ice levitated at smart tablet device which had everything on Sonic ever since he was out cold at the frozen lake and brought to the base for medical treatment said to Snow, “He’s pretty much all healthy Colonel. He dodged quite a few bullets like frost bite and hyperthermia, but the only thing he got was just fever. As for physical injuries he just got some bruises from crashing into the ice of the lake that Shining and I were in on the day we found him. They all healed and Sonic can be released today given his fully recovered condition.”

Snow Buster nodded in reply knowing that was good news for sure before looking at Sonic and knowing that it was best that the blue hero stayed under Shining’s platoon’s watch just in case this Doctor Eggman character shows up to cause trouble, “Good. However, I think Sonic should remain under our watch cause I have a feeling things are going to be different tomorrow.”

Soon Snow Buster looked at Shining and said to him in a military tone of voice, “Shining! You’re in charge of Sonic! I’ll have a bed ready for him in your room if it’s alright with Sonic that is.”

Snow Buster, Shining, and Ice looked at Sonic who was contempt with the offer and the request to stay at the base for a while. After all he had no idea where he was or had a clue to where his friends were or the Chaos Emeralds, but on the bright side he had a warm place to sleep and have some local help that knows the area. At least he won’t be freezing his new tail off in a fridge place outside this place as he said to the group, “Sure thing. I hope I won’t be a burden you guys.”

That wouldn’t be a problem for Shining and Ice with the rest of their platoon thankfully. Soon Sonic was discharged from medical care and was taken to the mess hall for some much needed food since Sonic didn’t have anything for the two days he been out for when Shining and his platoon found him. Sonic was a bit concerned about the food they were eating since it was mostly plant based foods with fruits, bread, vegetables, and dessert more importantly holding utensils with his forelegs which were once Sonic’s hands, however, getting across the base on his new legs was 2nd nature to Sonic since he did have to walk on all fours when he was turned into a Werehog when Eggman unleashed Dark Gaia back home.

At first Sonic have trouble with getting food into his mouth, but managed to to adapt to his new form 5 minutes later. After that the blue blur was eating like everyone else in the hall and managed to finish his food with no problem. Besides he hadn’t eaten since the last time he was awake. Once he was done with his dinner tray the former blue hedgehog said out loud to Shining who had just finished his food too with a smirk on his new muzzle, “Man! That hit the spot! I never knew I was that hungry!”

Shining just smiled and said to the former blue hedgehog, “I can tell. You been out for several days since you were brought here Sonic.”

Sonic opened his eyes and looked at the unicorn stallion with a smile on his face, “Yeah well since I been a sleep for a few days I need to get some much needed exercise after being cooped up in a hospital bed out cold. Does this military base have Gym or something where I can let loose a bit?”

Shining thought for a moment and remembered when he first arrived at the base Forest did show him a large gymnasium with a running track and everything. It was even big enough for pegasi to fly around at high speed. Soon the white stallion looked at Sonic and said to him with a smile, “Yeah! The base has one and it’s quite big too! I’ll take you there before we head to my room.”

Sonic grinned and the thought of him being able to see what his new body can do flew into his mind. Besides he wanted try out these new wings of his that were apart of this new form. Soon he said to the former captain of the royal guard with an eager tone of voice, “Well? What are we waiting for? Let’s get moving and head for the gym!”

Shining raised an eyebrow and thought to himself in a surprised tone of voice, ‘Whoa. I didn’t know Sonic is pretty eager to test out his new form. He kind of reminds me of Rainbow Dash.

The thought of the element of loyalty made Shining think about Twilight’s old friends. Out of all of her friends Rainbow felt the guiltiest of all of them after she abandoned Twilight when she was hurting and tried to warn them about Chrysalis’ plans. When the newly rebuilt Equestrian military came the Wonderbolts were integrated into the Equestrian Air Force and Rainbow was old enough to enlist in the military. She soon learned how to fly a plane and become a skilled pilot. When she was sent off to boot camp for her official Air Force training she vowed that she would never leave any pony or stallion behind ever again and to honor and remember Twi. Shining did learn that Rainbow manage to get into the Air Force as a fighter pilot in one of the fighter squads that works alongside the Wonderbolts and was a hotshot pilot too. One of the best with consideration of her becoming a Captain of her squadron.

Deep down Shining knew Rainbow and the others missed Twilight so much wishing she would come home someday, so they can properly apologize to her for what happened two years ago. If Shining’s family had forgiven him for what happened then it was possible for Twilight to forgive her friends one day. But the unicorn stallion was soon shaken out from his thoughts as Sonic called to him, “Uh hello? Earth Shining! Is there anyone in there?”

Shining snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Sonic who had an impatient look on his face as he was raring to go. Soon the unicorn stallion said to Sonic as he got up from the table, “Sorry about that Sonic! I was just thinking about something… come on let’s go to the gym.”

Soon Shining began to leave the mess hall and head for the base’s gym as Sonic looked at the unicorn stallion with a raised eyebrow. The blue hero did overhear that Shining was once Captain of the Royal Guard 2 years before it was reorganized by the new Captain Shield Wing as the National Guard with the new overhauled military. If Shining was that an important military figure then what he doing here?

Sonic decided to keep that thought in the back of his mind as Shining may not want to talk about his past cause from what he heard from the other marines something pretty big happened 2 years ago. Right now he could only think about getting some much needed exercise after being knocked out for several days. The former blue hedgehog soon went after Shining using a bit of his speed to catch up with the unicorn and wondered what this gym looked like.

Several Minutes later;

Soon Sonic and Shining arrived at the northwest side of the base where the gym was located as they saw stallions and ponies from unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies or stallions in a huge gym. Some were running on a huge track that looked several miles long while pegasi were flying through an aerial track going through hoops hanging from the sealing. There were what appeared to be basketball courts with marines playing a game similar to basketball while others were on treadmills or other equipment that could a pony or stallion work out. There was even a boxing ring for ponies or stallions to spar against others.

Sonic’s mouth dropped with shock and said in amazement, “Whoa! Now this is a gym!”

Shining nodded in agreement and said to the former blue hedgehog in agreement, “Yeah. I was quite shocked when I first saw this place.”

The sky blue pegasus stallion had to agree with that statement as the two walked for the running track as the two saw several stallions in different coat colors with a jade green earth pony behind them. The group looked like they were racing as they went around the last turn and went past the stallion duo as a dark blue earth stallion crossed a makeshift finish line first. The stallion cheered and haves in his victory as his fellow competitors came over and congratulated him for his win.

Shining soon said to Sonic as the stallions and pony were pretty fast thanks to their military training that helped increase their speed and endurance while running that fast, “Man those guys were pretty fast. They’re not like cars, but they could keep up with some.”

Sonic smirked and looked at Shining before he said to him, “Yeah. But if you want real speed I’ll show first han… err… hoof.”

Sonic corrected himself as he was getting a bit mixed up with the words here since the equestrians didn’t have hands or had humans here. Shining understood the hero’s confusion as Sonic walked onto the track. Just then the group of stallions and the single pony started racing again as they thunder down the track like a stampede. Sonic smirked at this and bend down waiting for the right moment to display a bit of his signature speed as he watched the group of Equestrian marines getting close to the first turn.

Now!’, thought Sonic as he rushed forward and to Shining’s surprise with everyone else in the gym felt a powerful rush of wind as the sky blue stallion raced away in a light blue colored streak and a loud whose. Shining had his eyes closed as he holding on the floor as the tailwind that Sonic made when he raced off from his starting point. How could Sonic create wind that strong not to mention run that fast on his legs as a few pegasi were known to fly faster equal to a jet plane, but running was whole other story.

Sonic was running down the track with ease and managed to catch up with the group of stallions with no problem and said to one who was red with a black mane with smile, “Hi there!”

The stallion looked at the blue stallion with confusion and exclaimed to him, “Hey! Who are you?!”

But Sonic didn’t answer as he winked and raced off again leaving a light blue streak behind leaving the group in the dust before making a lap around the track then went faster as he did more laps at a rapid pace making everyone stop what they were doing and watched him with shock. No pony or stallion had ever seen a stallion run that fast before especially a pegasus stallion which were known to fly at fast speeds in the air, but on the ground that was a different story.

Soon on his 105th lap Sonic came back to his spot and jumped into the air and opened his new wings flying off at super sonic speeds leaving a light blue streak behind him. Everypony or stallion on the ground looked up into the air with disbelief as the sky blue stallion began going through the hoops and even jumped from the walls using his wings to navigate around the airborne track.

Everyone on the ground watch with astonishment as they never seen any stallion go that fast or fly as fast a super sonic fighter jet. Shining was utterly amazed as he saw Sonic testing out his new form’s wings before the blue hero made a sharp dive towards the ground and curled into a ball spinning head over hooves. He soon landed on the ground with a hard stomp on all four of his legs like it was nothing. All the marines looked at the blue hero as he got up from his spot and looked at everyone with a smirk on his face.

Soon Sonic said to everyone who stared at him gob smacked and in shock, “Well? What do ya think?”

Shining snapped out his daze and ran up to Sonic and said to him in amazement at the spectacle he just witnessed moments ago, “Sonic… that was amazing!! I never knew seen anypony or stallion can go that fast before!!”

Sonic chuckled at this and said to Shining as if it wasn’t a big deal since he can go even faster than that, “Well they don’t call me Sonic for nothing. Besides… I can go even faster than that and can even create a sonic boom!”

“What?! You can… make a sonic boom and go faster than what you were going at earlier?!”, exclaimed Shining as he felt his mind totally blown away at what he just heard and saw.

Sonic nodded and said to him with a grin and a wink of his right eye, “Yep. But if I was Super Sonic I can go faster than the speed of light!”

Ok. Now Shining was totally blown out of the water. He knew Rainbow Dash was fast in the air, but Sonic was not only fast on his wings, but also his legs too. And this Super Sonic form he mentioned could go faster than the speed of light or even faster than that.

But then everyone heard an unfamiliar strong voice call out to everyone in the gym, “Hey! What’s going on in here?”

The other marines looked towards the source of the new voice and saw a group of 5 stallions walking for the commotion. They were a Special Forces squad that was stationed at Fort Blizzarton and were an elite unit in the special forces taking on missions that were considered suicidal or beyond dangerous. As the pony and stallion marines stepped out of the way letting the group through giving them a path to Shining and Sonic.

Sonic looked at the newcomers with shock as he could tell from first glance these stallions were extremely well trained. Soon he looked at Shining and asked him as he looked at the new group, “Um Shining? Who are these guys?”

Shining was about to say something when the leader being a slightly younger Earth Stallion with a dark red coat, brown eyes, a military buzzcut black mane and tail with his mane with a small cow lick on the front, a well muscled body indicating he was strong, nearly as tall as Shining, and wore a Army digital camo uniform said to the sky blue stallion teen, “We’re Squad 99. An elite Equestrian Special Forces unit assigned to dangerous missions that the normal soldiers in the other branches can’t handle. The name is Hunter Tracker and I’m the team leader of the squad. But everystallion or pony just calls me Hunter.”

Sonic had to nod in reply as he could tell from his name this Hunter character was an expert tracker and hunter thanks to his name. The blue stallion looked at the other four stallions with interest as he inspected the other ones. The two on the left were different in stature, but they were just as especially well trained as Hunter. The one in the front was a unicorn stallion, but was bit slightly shorter than Hunter and had more of a high intellect and tech support, wore black glasses with clear lenses to indicate his brain power, had dark blue eyes, had a pure white coat, a short black and thin striped bright red mane and tail, and had a Equestrian Air Force uniform with their digital camouflage colors. The other one behind the smart looking stallion was a unicorn with a pale light blue with yellow buzzcut mane and tail that were short, was slightly taller than the smart one in front of him, had light brown colored eyes, and wore a standard Equestrian Marine Core digital camo uniform. However, Sonic saw that this stallion had an advanced prosthetic left foreleg that looked like it came from outer space.

The last two on the right side behind Hunter were different like their teammates and were just as skilled as the their leader. The stallion in the back which being a earth stallion was taller than the others and looked pretty strong with powerful muscles for all his legs wearing a Army Uniform like Hunter, his coat was dark green with grey colored eyes, had what appeared to be a scar on his right cheek of his face like he got it from a battle some time ago, he didn’t have a mane, but did have a military buzzcut dark red tail, and his uniform was bigger than the standard ones made for stallions or ponies. The last one in the front of the hulking stallion was a pegasus the same size as the stallion that had the advanced artificial foreleg and had a Equestrian Navy Uniform in their digital camouflage colors, he looked cunning with a calm and focused feel to him meaning he could be a sniper, had a dark blue colored coat, a thin dark grey color mane with a smooth buzzcut tail that was the same color, and had a toothpick in his mouth.

Then Hunter introduces his team to the blue hero teen glancing at the two on the left and then to the two on the right saying to him, “These are my squad mates. Tech Support our technical, scientific, and technical specialist or Tech for short and Echo Lock our team’s scout and combat specialist But we just call him Echo. The big stallion on the right is Wrecking Ball our team’s muscle and heavy weapons specialist.”

But the big earth stallion just laughed and said to the blue hero with grin on his muzzle slamming his forelegs together like fists, “Hehehe, but just call me Wrecker for short!”

Sonic just nodded in reply before he looked at Hunter as he introduced the last member of his squad and said to him, “And our last teammate here is Long Range our sniper and he can can take out a enemy no matter of range or weather condition.”

Soon the dark blue stallion took out his toothpick with his left foreleg and said to Sonic in a low and confident voice, “Just call me Crosshairs young stallion.”

Crosshairs soon put his toothpick back in his mouth and put his left foreleg down on the ground as he looked at Shining and the blue hero. Sonic knew these guys were extremely skilled and trained for military standards as they definitely looked like they were part of the best that the Equestrian Military has to offer. Not to mention they seemed like they came from different branches of the military before being transferred to the Special Forces branch thanks to their military uniforms.

Soon Shining who was in shock to meet this squad in the flesh said to Hunter and his team as he heard of Squad 99 since he was here, “So you’re Squad 99! I heard so much about you guys from everybody else here in the base! I’m-“

“Shining Armor. Presently at the rank of Staff Sargent and 2nd in command to Commander Forest Rush of Squad 12 of the Equestrian Marine Core’s Advanced 23rd Regiment and recently reinstated in the Equestrian Military a month ago after being reduced to civilian status for two years by Captain of the National Guard and Prince Wing Shield and Princess Cadence alongside Princess Luna. Previously the Captain of the Royal Guard until 2 years ago. From Equestria’s capital city of Cantalot. Born 24 years ago at Cantalot Skylight Hospital. Blood type AB+. Parents Nightlight and Twilight Velvet before alive and well with adopted dragon sibling Spike the Dragon presently living with them in Cantalot and has one biological sibling Twilight Sparkle who is presently unaccounted for after running away from home two years ago.”, said Tech in a smart and intelligent tone as he adjusted his glasses as he spoke about Shining’s background profile from the military’ database on their active members and even their past members.

Shining just looked at Tech in awkward silence before he said to Tech feeling a bit blown away before what he heard from the smart unicorn stallion, “Uh… yeah. I guess those military background checks are pretty thorough when the military got overhauled 2 years ago.”

Sonic who heard everything looked at Shining with shock as he realized at what he heard in the Mess Hall was true and said to him, “You were Captain of the Royal Guard Shining?!”

Shining looked back at Sonic and said to him with a bit of a frown and an agitated voice, “Was Sonic. I was Captain of the Royal Guard. But not anymore…”

Sonic looked at Shining with an eyebrow raised and saw that the white unicorn stallion was agitated, but also almost sad as well. Whatever happened 2 years ago Shining didn’t want to talk about and sounded like something bad happened back then. Almost like he didn’t want to be reminded about what happened back then.

Echo looked at Shining and said to the former Captain of the Royal Guard with surprise as he never told Sonic about his past, “You never told your new friend here about what happened to you 2 years ago?”

“Yeah considering what happened with that invasion and everything I thought you didn’t forget about it.”, agreed Wrecker feeling a bit confused about Shining not telling Sonic about what happened that caused him to lose his position and spend his life as a civilian.

This made Shining even more agitated and was beginning to make him loose his temper, but he tried hard not to loose himself to his rage, “I told you! I put that behind me long ago!”

Soon Crosshair spoke to Shining saying to him as a certain question was brought up, “Then where’s your little sister? It’s been two years since she was last seen.”

Shining’s face fell before looking at the ground in shame as the sting of guilt and pain remained behind after fallout of Changeling Invasion. Sonic, however, never knew Shining had a little sister and missing at the moment, but the blue stallion was starting to get annoyed. Shining was a friend and he saved him from becoming a frozen pegasus in that lake days ago and there were a few things that Sonic didn’t tolerate or liked especially bullies.

Soon Sonic stepped up front of Shining looking at Squad 99 dead in the eye and said to them, “Alright I heard enough of this nonsense. Look I don’t know what happened with Shining two years ago, but for your sakes cut out before things turn ugly. I for one don’t like bullies picking on my friends!”

Shining looked at Sonic with amazement as he called him his friend. A smiled formed on his muzzle feeling better as Sonic had his back and didn’t cared what happened to him 2 years ago. Soon Wrecker said to the blue pegasus teen saying to him, “Hey we didn’t mean that! We know it wasn’t Shining’s fault for falling for Chrysalis’ deception. I could happen to any stallion!”

Sonic just frowned and said to Wrecker with a glare, “Oh really now? But the way I see it’s not nice to remind someone of something painful in their life that they want to put in the past! And… it sounds like your looking for a fight.”

Squad 99 looked at Sonic thinking he was crazy even the other marines, but Hunter could tell that this blue pegasus stallion was different at first glance. There was a noble warrior heart in him. A true hero that stood up for his friends and protected the innocent. Soon Wrecker said to him with an annoyed look on his face, “What?! You think can take one of us on?! You’re just a teenager!”

Sonic smirked and retorted back saying to Wrecker knowing he could beat the strong muscled earth stallion, “Yeah, but I beat foes way bigger and nastier than any of you guys ever seen. I wouldn’t have to break a sweat!”

Soon Wrecker walked forward and looked down at Sonic who was still standing there grinning at him with an annoyed frown on his muzzle. Secretly the big stallion had to give the sky blue pegasus stallion much deserved credit no stallion or pony had the guts to talk down at him right in his face. Whoever this teen stallion was he sure wasn’t afraid of him or wasn’t afraid of a fight. More like he was itching for a fight.

Soon the strong stallion said to Sonic with a growl, “Think you can take me on little guy?!”

“Yeah! I’ll even give you the free shot at me! If you can hit me that is.”, replied Sonic who was still looking at him grinning.

“Oh yeah?! Then what’s your name before I knock your light out you blue pegasus?!”, said back Wrecker now feeling more annoyed.

Sonic smirked and said back to the strong muscled earth stallion, “Just call me Sonic. Besides in a few seconds you’re not going to know what hit you!

“We’ll see about that! Take this!!”, exclaimed Wrecker as he sent his right foreleg flying for Sonic who just stander there casually.

Everyone thought the sky blue stallion was going to get squashed including Shining, but they were soon mistaken when Sonic just simply dodged to the right with ease in a split second. Wrecker’s right fore-hoof only hit air and looked to see Sonic on the right side of his hoof with shock and said to him, “How did you-“

He couldn’t finished his sentence when Sonic quickly squatted and turned around before delivering a powerful kick to Wrecker’s chest with his new back legs. The bulky earth stallion was sent flying backwards several feet before he landed on the ground on his hooves. He groaned in pain as he felt that attack and realized that Sonic wasn’t just fast, but strong too. He never saw his attack coming before it was too late.

All the marines had seen everything with different looks on their faces and one earth stallion said to a Pegasus pony with shock, “Did you just see that?! That stallion managed to land a hit on Wrecker and dodged his attack like it was nothing!”

“I know! It was too quick for me to see what happen!”, replied the pony as she was in disbelief too.

Soon Wrecker managed to get him back upright and looked at Sonic who just smiling at him. The strong stallion scowled and ran for Sonic trying to run him down, but the blue blur suddenly raced away in a light blue colored streak before Wrecker can hit him. The strong stallion screeched to a sudden stop and looked around in shock before Sonic began to deliver a downpour of homing attacks on him as he got pounded like a drum or a nail getting hit by a hammer multiple times.

Tech watched in interest as Sonic kept delivering his homing attacks onto Wrecker as Echo just said to Hunter and the rest of their team, “Who is this stallion?! He’s kicking Wrecker’s flank like he was a rag-doll!”

“More than that. I believe this stallion is able to obtain super sonic speeds or more with ease and isn’t just fast on his hooves, but it is possible that he is also just as fast on his wings. It could be his talent or was born with this super speed of his when he was a colt.”, said Tech as they watched Wrecker get hammered by Sonic like it was nothing.

Hunter now interested in the fight noticing Sonic’s hits were not as damaging as the blue hero wasn’t trying to badly hurt Wrecker. He was just bruising him up and going easy on the strong stallion. It was clear Sonic was going easy on him.

Shining on the other hoof watched in amazement as he never knew Sonic was able to fight and was able curl into a ball and home in on enemies like a homing missile. If Sonic capable of this kind of combat then what could he do when he goes all out.

Soon Sonic landed on the ground in front of Wrecker with a smirk on his face and said to him as he had a few bruises on his body, “Give up big guy?”

Wrecker now really annoyed with Sonic glared at the blue hero and exclaimed to him as he got to his hooves and ran towards him, “NOT IN YOUR LIFE!!”

The strong stallion brought up his forelegs into the air when he reached Sonic and slammed them into him. With a tremendous crash dirt and debris went to the air after Wrecker’s attack landed its mark. Everyone knew Sonic was probably in a crater banged up a bit and Shining hoped the sky blue stallion was okey.

At last Wrecker said in triumph as he managed to land a hit on Sonic at last, “Haha! I got him!”

But he was wrong when the dust cleared Sonic wasn’t in the created that Wrecker made with his forelegs like he wasn’t there in the spot at all! Wrecker looked around in shock realizing he didn’t hit him before he heard Sonic’s voice above him, “Hey! Muscle head! Heads up!”

Wrecker looked up just in time to see Sonic who had made a huge jump into the air as he was coming down with his Stomp attack with a light blue cone around his right back leg. Sonic soon landing a powerful hit on the strong stallion’s right side and with tremendous slam smashed him into the ground. Dust and dirt flew into the air after the strong crash before Sonic burst out of the cloud and landed in front of it looking back at it with a smirk.

Within the dust cloud poor Wrecker was on his back and moaned in pain as he felt like he got run over by a large dump truck thanks to Sonic’s Stomp Attack, “Oooow… that kind of hurt.”

Once the dust cloud disappeared and everyone could see him in the creator that Sonic made thanks to his Stomp Attack. No one ever imagined he had those kinds of attacks or could beat one of the members of Squad 99 in a fight. Soon a pink unicorn pony marine said out loud with amazement, “Whoa! He’s good.”

Soon Wrecker rolled onto his hooves before Sonic came over and held out a hoof causing the earth stallion look at him with confusion. Then the blue hero said to him with a smile on muzzle, “Need a hand big guy?”

Deciding take the offer of help from Sonic Wrecker got a grip on his left foreleg before the blue hero pulled him up from his spot. Soon the bulky stallion said to the blue blur still surprised that Sonic actually beat him despite being a 16 year old teen stallion, “I don’t know what to say, but your one heck of a fighter!”

Sonic smiled and said to the hulking earth stallion as he was impressed with Wrecker’s strength and skill, “Yeah. You weren’t bad yourself! Your actually ok in my book dude.”

This praise made Wrecker laugh in delight before giving the blue stallion teen a tight hug with his forelegs and said to him in joy, “Your okey you blue winged hotshot! You’re welcome to team up with us anytime!! Hahahahaha!!”

Sonic choked and gave a pained smile on his muzzle and said to Wrecker in a pained tone, “Your- ACK- welcome Wrecker! You mind letting me go? You’re crushing my spline!”

The big stallion let Sonic go and gently put him down on the ground on his hooves before Shining came over said to the blue hero, “Sonic… thanks… for sticking up for me.”

Sonic looked at Shining and said to him with a smile on his muzzle, “Heh it was nothing. Besides that’s what friends are for after all. Standing up for each other when things look tight.”

Shining smiled at this before Sonic held out his right foreleg and the unicorn stallion responded by bumping his right foreleg with Sonic’s leg. Once that was done Wrecker said to the former captain of the Royal Guard who looked at him, “Uh Shining about what we said about what happened to you two years ago. We didn’t know you still had… well… problems with accepting what happened.”

Shining sighed and said to Wrecker with a small smile, “It’s ok Wrecker. I forgive you and your squad, but I wish could forgive myself for what happened back then.”

Just then yellow pegasus stallion came in and said to the group of marines as it was time to get to bed, “Come on everybody. Time to hit the hey.”

Everyone nodded before they began to walk for their sleeping quarters to settled down for the night as some of them stayed behind to put equipment up or turn machines off. Among the group Sonic was walking beside Hunter and saw Shining in front of him as they e steered the hallway heading for the barracks. Soon Sonic looked at Hunter and asked him, “Hey Hunter? I was wondering about something. Why was Shining so agitated when you guys mentioned something happening two years ago?”

Hunter looked at Sonic and said to him knowing it was best that Shining told himself considering that it was a personal subject, “I think it’s best that Shining tells you himself Sonic. He may not like to talk about it, but if you want to know about happened he’s probably the only one who can tell you from his perspective.”

Sonic nodded in agreement before he picked up speed and caught to Shining as everyone went their separate ways. It wasn’t until Sonic and Shining arrived at the room that former Captain of the Royal Guard and Sharpshot were sharing in the barracks. Sonic looked around he was going to share with Shining and this Sharpshot stallion character that the white unicorn stallion mentioned on the way here to get some much needed rest. Once Shining opened the door they saw an inflatable bed in the center of the room with bed sheets on it which was meant for Sonic. Soon Sonic looked around the room and said to Shining with a raised eyebrow on his face, “Ok. I didn’t know you had this size of a room to sleep.”

Shining responded to Sonic’s response as he took off his military uniform and said to the blue hero with a smile, “Yeah. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing. Besides Sharpshot is quite the snorer when he sleeps.”

Sonic groans knowing he wasn’t going to get much sleep given the fact Sharpshot wasn’t going to give him much sleep. He was about say something when a curious look formed on his face as he saw next to the bunk bed on a nearby desk was of a younger Shining when he got into the Royal Guard years ago and beside him was a younger yet older Twilight near her teenage years when she was Celestia’s student before she ran away. Soon the former blue hedgehog looked at Shining and asked him before looking back at the picture, “Hey Shining? Who’s the purple unicorn with you in this picture?”

Shining looked back at Sonic and saw the picture as a sad smile formed on his face before he joined the blue blur saying to him, “Oh. That’s my little sister Twilight Sparkle. I haven’t seen or talked to her since two years ago.”

Sonic looked back at Shining and saw the expression on his face and could tell something happened between the two of them. It may have something to do with what happened 2 years ago when Shining was Captain of the Royal Guard. Besides Hunter told Sonic if Shining wanted to talk about what happened it was up to him before the blue hero asked him with concern, “So… what happened between both of you?”

Shining sadly sighing in regret and replied to Sonic telling him what happened saying to him what happened two years ago, “Well let’s just say Twilight tried to warn me, her friends, my little dragon brother Spike, and Princess Celestia about a evil insect Equien queen that was disguised as Celestia and Luna’s niece Cadence who was I going to marry. We didn’t listen and sent her home which broke her heart later running away from home. After that Chrysalis launched her invasion on Cantalot, but the real Cadence and Luna stopped the invasion and after that things got bad. I was relieved of my position and spent most of my life as a civilian finding jobs at Ponyville. Even my own family didn’t want to talk to me for what I did and threw me out of my own home and Cadence ended up marrying another stallion last year.”

Sonic gained a sympathetic look on his face and felt sorry for Shining after hearing what happened to him two years ago. It was hard to believe how one simple mistake could cause so much damage to everyone around Shining. The blue blur could tell those painful moments still lingered in the unicorn’s heart, but seemed better with coping with them during those years.

Soon Shining smiled a bit and continued talking to Sonic as he told him, “But a month ago Cadence’s husband who happened to be a old friend of mine from my military academy days came to see me and told me that I was allowed to rejoin the military as a position opened up here in Forest’s platoon. I accepted the offer and came here, but I also managed to fix up my relationship with my family and now I can go back to Cantalot anytime. I also promised that I would find Twilight and bring her home.”

Sonic smiled at this and was glad that Shining was able to repair the damage done to his family and could guess they felt pretty terrible for throwing their own son out on the streets like that. Things looked dark at first, but eventually things got better and now Shining was glad to have a caring family that wanted to be there for him when things look grim. Soon he asked Shining with a newly formed look of concern as he glanced back at the picture of the younger Shining and Twilight together in the park, “You think you’ll find your little sister Shining?”

Shining just said to Sonic shaking his head with an unsure look on his face before saying to the blue hero, “I’m not sure Sonic… but, I’ll find her one day.”

Sonic smiled at his new unicorn friend before he looked at the picture of Twilight and Shining together knowing that one day the two will be together again. Soon after that the duo got into their beds as Sharpshot came in and was introduced to Sonic by Shining before all 3 of them went to sleep. They had training drills tomorrow and Sonic was tagging along with them on their training mission as they were going have to get up early. Once Shining turned out the light both he and Sharpshot fell asleep while Sonic just looked up at the sealing of their room wondering where Twilight was in the first place. According to what Shining said to him Twilight hadn’t been seen in any part of Eques except rumors of her being sighted by different individuals saying she was heading up north around Fort Blizzarton after that she just went off the radar. Sonic couldn’t place it, but something in his bones were telling him that Twilight could be in big trouble right now. But the real question on Sonic’s mind as he closed his eyes going to sleep was where was Twilight now.

At the Hidden Base not far from Fort Blizzarton;


Twilight was running down the sleek looking hallway as the light blue hospital gown she was wearing flapped in the air. She felt so tired and weak, but she had to keep going or she’ll get captured again and taken back to that lab she was in. This was her one and only chance to escape and get out of this place before these aliens or better known as human beings with their elemental powered creatures called Pokémon catch her.

Soon the smart unicorn came to an intersection where multiple hallways converged as a female voice came on the intercom of the base exclaiming to all personal, “ALERT! SUBJECT 1 HAS ESCAPED FROM LAB 1 AND IS TRYING TO ESCAPE THE BASE!! ALL TEAMS INTERCEPT THE SUBJECT BEFORE IT GETS TO A ESCAPE EXIT!! COMMENCING LOCKDOWN IN CORRIDORS 3 & 4!

Twilight looked back and saw high tech doors closing behind her and quickly started running again as she made a right turn to the left heading down corridor 5. She knew it led to another escape exit out of this place and she would have to run fast to reach it. Like really fast like Rainbow goes at times.

As she ran down the corridor Twilight thought of how long she been here as a lab rat for these humans which was a month with a week added to it. The humans did some painful tests on her, but they showed her mercy giving her anesthesia to numb the pain and the anesthetic gas they gave her was advanced one of them called it Neo Nitrous which was like Nitrous Oxide what hospitals and dental offices use for patients, however, it was perfectly safer to use on her alongside humans and Pokémon. The smart unicorn was given many anesthetic inductions while having flashbacks of what was being done to her like implants, extracting genetic samples from her body, tissue samples, and other things. However, she later that the humans found a way to artificially extract her magic from her horn, so they can study it in a liquified form.

Also Twilight overheard from one of the scientists that they captured a pegasus stallion just the other day when a mysterious group with advanced cars and tech were spying on the base, however, caught onto the group making them retreat. But one car got left behind before it disappeared in a strange purple and white light it’s driver, however, was left behind when one of the team leaders grabbed him or her out of the vehicle before it vanished wearing a strange suit before transforming into a Pegasus. They were doing some tests on him or her right now, but Twilight had to get out of here first and find a military base hopefully finding someone who can help her rescue the stallion or pony that was captured. So she waited for the right chance to escape and got her chance when some scientists were getting situated for the night and had accidentally loosen her restraints and that’s when Twi made her move knocking out the two humans with a stun spell before getting out and made a break for it.

As she kept running Twi saw stairs going up towards an emergency exit that rested at the top of the stairs as she said to herself, “Almost there! Just got to keep running!”

Soon Twi made it to the stairway and began to run up the stairs as the alarm blared and right lights flashed as she kept going. It all felt like a blur to her as she went up stairs after stairs until at last she reached the top floor before coming to a door that had a red sign that said Exit at the very top. Suddenly, Twilight heard fast footsteps from behind her as she looked back and an heard unfamiliar male voice, “The subject is this way! Don’t let it reach the exit!”

Oh no! They were gaining on her! Twilight had to get out of here now before she was caught again. The smart unicorn looked at the door and used her magic to twist open the nob of the door before opening it and ran out only to come in contact with chilling cold weather and pitch black expanse of night just southeast of the entrance she fell through a month and a week ago. She quickly ran into the snow covered environment and not looking back heading southeast as she swung the door closed behind her and made it out of the complex just as her pursers came out and looked around to see Twi was long gone. They may have lost her tonight, but they were track her down tomorrow as she was implanted with 4 microchips relaying her position and location.

This was far from over. It was only just beginning.

Sonic X US Announcer: Looks like things are about to heat up for Sonic and Shining! Will they be able to save Twilight from her pursuers before it was too late? Or will this mysterious force capture her again? Find out next time on Sonic X Frontiers!