Discord Discordant

by TheAceofClubs

Chapter 2 - Parents Know Best

Chapter II

Twilight had found that chocolate rain was nowhere near as entertaining as anyone might’ve thought at first. The downpour of chocolate rain hadn’t been at all that bad until they’d travelled under the city of Cloudsdale. The group had stopped to put a cover over the top of the cart, but that hadn’t helped them with their already soaked cloaks and manes. A heavy tapping was heard from the canopy of the cart as the chocolate milk downpour hit the top with force. Twilight wrenched her soaked cloak off and threw it aside in annoyance. She’d likely catch a cold if they started getting towards the colder reaches of Equestria before everything began to dry; something she wanted to avoid having in the next country.
“You okay out there Shining?” Night Light asked his son who was still trotting along, mightily pulling the cart along by himself.
“Yeah, don’t sweat it.” Shining Armor chuckled from beneath his hood. “It may be soaking wet, but at least it tastes nice.” Cadance had pulled down her own hood and looked out towards Shining.
“You’re sure I can’t help?” She asked quietly. Shining shook his head.
“As much as I’d like to see you wet, I think I’ll pass. You need to conserve your energy.” Shining said teasingly, making Cadance’s face flush red.
“So Twilight, if we’re under Cloudsdale at the moment, how long do you think it’ll be until we reach the border?” Spike asked the dull violet mare. Twilight’s horn glowed for a second and a map flew from her saddlebags and opened in midair.
“From here we’d usually head in the direction of Manehatten, making for the quickest route to Heifngard.” She said loudly enough that everypony could hear.
“Usually? Which direction are we going this time?” Night Light asked curiously.
“Straight north.” Twilight answered.” There’re train tracks between Canterlot and the Crystal Mountains that go through to the dominion on the other side.” Night Light tilted his head in confusion.
“But, wouldn’t that make the journey longer?” He asked, answered by a nod from his daughter.
“Yes, but Princess Celestia told us that we should take the route that got us out of Equestria fastest.” Twilight explained. “She didn’t say why.”
“Well, if the princess was so sure of it, then I guess she must’ve known what was best.” Velvet said with a smile which Twilight nodded in agreement.
“Once we’ve passed around the Galloping Gorge we’ll need to prepare for colder weather.” She said quietly. “The Frozen North range is far from a walk in the park.”

Princess Celestia felt like she had been walking forever. She had no means of telling how long exactly she had been in the maze, but she was sure that it had least been four hours, if not more. The alicorn mare couldn’t help but feel anxious at the eerie silence that had followed her since her first turn in the maze, broken only by her own hoofsteps.
‘What is Discord playing at?’ She asked herself constantly, trying to figure out the draconequus’ mindset. He hadn’t said anything to her since the start of the maze and Celestia couldn’t figure why he’d just let them get on with their task instead of bothering them every few seconds. Discord was a difficult creature to read as it was, but this behaviour completely baffled her.
Celestia’s ears pricked up as she came to attention. There was no mistaking that sound. It had been Luna, screaming. Her heart sinking in fear for her sibling, Celestia broke into a gallop, twisting and turning around the corners of the maze, trying her best to get closer to the source of the sound.
“Luna!” Celestia shouted out worriedly. “Luna, where are you?” Another scream was heard, this time much louder and closer. Celestia continued dashing along the path until suddenly she halted on the spot. There was a mare in front of her, but it wasn’t Luna, although she was a similar size.
“Hello Celestia.” The mare said quietly, looking up at the princess, causing her to freeze up as she took in the familiar face. She was a light violet colour, with a long flowing mane of dark blue, a long and slender horn protruding from her head.
“What’s wrong?” The mare said with an emotionless voice, taking in the shocked expression on Celestia’s face. “Aren’t you happy to see me? I can imagine why you wouldn’t be, after all that you’ve done.” Celestia’s eyes widened and she could feel sweat running down her neck, taking a step backwards as the mare in front of her took a step forwards to keep the distance between them constant.
“I-I-“ Celestia stuttered, lost for words as she found herself without any words.
“I should never have let you take the throne.” The mare said quietly. “You banished your own sister, nearly let Equestria fall into ruin on a number of occasions and worst of all, finally broke Equestria’s seal just because you couldn’t express kindness to the one that claimed love for you.” Celestia gasped at the last point, thoughts and reasoning spiralling through her mind. It was all just a trick.
“Discord!” She shouted aloud. “What’re you up to?” There was no answer though.
“Discord!” She shouted again, followed by laughing from the mare in front of her.
“Come Celestia.” She said, turning and trotting elegantly around the next corner. Celestia stood, rooted on the spot as she considered her options. There were no other directions for her to go, so she had no choice but to follow. With a deep breath she stepped forward, finally finding strength in her legs again; ready to face whatever challenge Discord had prepared for her.

Twilight had never imagined that a railway line could successfully run through a region as inhospitable as the Crystal Mountains, but a strong bridge had been built through the range to keep the passing trains steady. This rail was the one the group had chosen to travel on, although none of them particularly liked doing so. Twilight was unsure whether the train station at Canterlot had stopped running and she couldn’t help but grow cold every time she heard a sudden noise or when the wheel of the cart met a bump. Luckily for the group however it didn’t seem the rail was in use and the journey became a bit less cautious.
“So, you’re saying that this entire range is covered in crystals?” Spike asked with wide eyes, responded by a swift nod from Cadance. “That’s awesome! Maybe I can hop off and grab a-“ Twilight  was the one to draw up a hoof to his lips to quiet him.
“Not so loud Spike...” The grey mare murmured to the young dragon. “We don’t want to trigger an avalanche.” Spike scratched his head in confusion.
“But don’t trains run through here all the time?” Spike asked. “There’s no way I’m being noisier than a train.” Twilight turned her head back to her assistant and shot a disapproving glare for talking back to her, causing Spike to shrink on the spot. Twilight turned back to her viewpoint out the back of the cart, magically pulling her cloak back around herself to take the chill off of her.
“...Twilight honey, are you okay?” Night Light asked quietly, approaching his daughter. Twilight simply nodded. “You’re sure?” Twilight nodded again.
“Does it matter?” Twilight responded blankly. Night Light frowned and sat down.
“Of course it matters.” He murmured to her. “You’re my daughter and it hurts me to see you unhappy.”  Twilight didn’t respond, so Night Light continued. “Are you thinking about Princess Celestia?”
“You are, aren’t you?” Night Light pursued adamantly, leaving Twilight silent. “I know how to tell when you’re lying Twilight. Do you want to talk about it?” Twilight stayed silent for a few seconds, pondering the moment. She certainly didn’t want to let her problems hinder the rest of them, but she knew her dad wouldn’t stop until she said yes.
“...Okay.” Twilight said quietly. “But can we talk alone?” Night Light blinked for a second, glancing at Velvet for a second before nodding. With that Twilight stood and hopped off of the cart, standing on the bridge behind it, waiting for Night Light to follow.
“So, what’s got your goat?” He said after dismounting the cart as well, carefully being watched by Cadance, Spike and Velvet. Twilight waited for a little distance from the cart to be gained before she continued.
“I’m just worried.” She responded quietly enough that she couldn’t be heard, even with the echo of the mountains.
“About the Princess?”
“Sort of.” She said vaguely. “She’s capable of taking care of herself. So I don’t need to worry about her wellbeing.” Night Light tilted his head confusedly.
“Then what are you worried about?” Twilight opened her mouth to answer, but procrastinated for a second.
“O-our wellbeing.” She finally said, causing her father’s eyebrows to rise in surprise.
“There’s something Princess Celestia hasn’t told us. That’s the feeling I get.” Twilight explained carefully.
“So you’re worried that whatever it is she hasn’t told us is a potential problem to us?” Night Light asked for confirmation.
“Maybe.” Twilight said. “I’ve never actually felt so mistrustful of her though. I’ve always looked up to the Princess as a source of help and protection.” Night Light’s expression softened at this.
“I don’t think she could blame you for that Twilight.” He said softly. “She gave us just enough information for us to understand what we should be doing, but other than that, nopony understands what’s happening.” Twilight looked up at him with wide eyes. “You’re not the only one in this boat honey.”
“I-I-“ Twilight’s words faltered at her father’s glance. He had missed her point, but she admitted that she hadn’t put it across very well and even so, his words had dug deep into Twilight’s mind.
“Me, your mother, Shining, Spike and even Cadance are here with you now.” Night Light continued. “None of us know exactly what’s happening, but we’re all sticking to it for each other’s sakes. We’ll all find out what’s happening in our Equestria together, alright?” Twilight finally managed a small smile. It had always been her dad’s style to get all passionate about his pep talks and instead give a speech and this time it had been especially welcome.
“Th-thanks Dad.” Twilight whispered as Night Light stopped to give her a loving hug. “You’re right. We’ll do it tog-“

Celestia felt like she had been following the mare before her for hours, but she didn’t dare ask more. It had been a millenia since Celestia had last seen her and she had never for one moment thought she would have seen her again. She wanted to ask her so many questions, but she was unsure of how to go about them. For all she knew the pony before her could’ve just been an illusion of Discord’s. As Celestia turned the next corner she noticed she was in a wider area, but that wasn’t what caught her interest first. The maze had opened up and she could see a crowd on either side of the room, all watching the thrones at the front of the room in awe. By the thrones were several ponies. The mare she had seen before, alongside two younger-looking alicorn mares, one white with a short pink mane dropping over her eyes and the other with a dark azure coat and blue-gray mane twisting into a plait down her neck. It took a second before Celestia realised that those two were Luna and herself. She thought back to the time she had last seen the image before her, over two thousand years before. This was her crowning ceremony.
“Proud citizens of Equestria, we are gathered here on this most joyous of days to witness the crowning of Equestria’s new queens.” Celestia jumped as the voice of the first mare rang through the hall.
“On this day my very own daughters, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, shall taketh from us upon themselves the burden of caring for our beautiful country.” She continued, her voice amplified thanks to her own royal Canterlot voice.
“Long live Princess Celestia, long live Princess Luna!” The crowd called in chorus. Celestia watched the two young mares beside the first mare stand adamantly on the spot with serious looks on their faces. She recalled how nervous she had been quite well.
“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, are you ready to take the vow of service to the kingdom of Equestria?” The mare asked the Celestia and Luna from the past.
“We are.” Past Celestia announced blankly.
“Then we shall begin.” The light violet mare turned and approached an altar behind the thrones, where seven gemstones were laid out; the elements of harmony. The two young princesses followed her and stood straight again.
“Princess Celestia, step forward.” The violet mare said to the pink-maned mare, who did as was commanded, standing before the altar. “Repeat after me.”

“I Celestia, princess of Equestria, hereby swear to uphold the harmony and peace of this fair kingdom. I swear to show care and compassion for all things great and small, to breath life into the relations between our neighbouring nations and to protect and serve all who deserve it. I swear this now in the presence of the elements of harmony; honesty, generosity, loyalty, kindness, laughter, love and magic.”

“Very good. Princess Luna, step forward.” The violet mare said, this time facing Luna, who approached as well and repeated the oath.
“Then I, Clover, high queen of Equestria, hereby abdicate my crown, my subjects and my kingdom to you. Long live Equestria, long live High Queen Celestia, long live Queen Luna!” As the mare violet mare, Clover, finished her words a burst of applause reverberated throughout the throne room as crowns levitated forward, each taking their places upon the mares’ heads.
“Long live the queens! Long live Equestria!”
The real Celestia smiled slightly. Their coronation had been a proud and happy day and it felt nice to relive the experience. But the feeling was fleeting. Something was amiss about the situation. Why would she have seen her coronation again? What did it have to do with the current situation, or with Discord?
“I was so proud of you.” Celestia looked back up from the floor to see Clover again before her, the crowd and the wide room vanished from before her. “But where did I- no, you, go wrong?” Celestia’s throat clenched at these words.
“Mother...” Celestia tried to stay, but was silenced by a shake of Clover’s head.
“No Celestia.” She said blankly. “You broke that vow several times. You banished your sister, allowed the kingdom to fall into chaos and used the instruments of peace, which you even swore upon, as instruments of conflict.” Celestia gritted her teeth.
“Enough Discord.” She said quietly. “I’m not a fool and this game has gone far enough.” Clover’s expression didn’t change.
“Discord.” She said quietly. “Even now you’re complacent and uncaring for him.” Celestia frowned further.
“The game is up Discord.” She said, ignoring Clover’s words.
“He’s not here Celestia.” Clover answered. “He’s likely toying with Luna as we speak. She never would have had to be involved in any of this. She never had to be involved in this if you had stayed to your vow.” Celestia grunted in anger and stamped a hoof.
“I said enough!” Celestia growled, her composure starting to flake away. Clover shook her head in disappointment and stepped aside again, the wide throne room coming back into view. Celestia jumped as ponies appeared with the sweeping of Clover’s mane, but then looked around in confusion as she realised that Clover was gone.
“You’re sure?” Celestia looked up to see another past incarnation of herself, a mare slightly larger than the average pony, her mane now beginning to flow on the solar wind, a few colours appearing and disappearing with each sweep of the hair.
“Absolutely sure your highness.” Said a royal guard. “Shall I show him in?” The past Celestia nodded in confirmation.
“If draconequus are here in Equestria then it’s a matter that I should address.” As she heard her past self say these words Celestia frowned, turning to the doorway as it was opened, a familiar snakelike figure slithering in before breaking into a rather pompous-looking strut.
“Ah, Queen Celestia, am I correct?” Discord said, approaching the emotionless mare upon the throne. “A pleasure to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine good sir.” Celestia said respectfully, giving a bow of her head in response.
“I’m pretty sure I claimed it first but I’ll let you get away with it.” Discord chuckled. “I must commend you on the manners of your kingdom. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so welcome.” Celestia nodded in response.
“Here in Equestria anypony, or body for that matter, is welcome.” She said proudly. “But I must ask why a draconequus graces our halls. I was under the impression that we were exempt from the chaos your kind bring.” Discord laughed quietly.
“With all due respect Princess, I am not your ordinary draconequus.” He said with a puffed out chest. “No, I hate bringing such unhappiness to others.” Celestia’s expression was one of shock.
“Is that so?” She asked with curiosity.
“Indeed.” Discord said, leaning back as if he was leaning on a wall. “The world is a very unhappy place and it certainly makes my day when I manage to make somebody smile.” With this Discord reached up to his ear and seemingly pulled a bouquet of flowers out of it, before tossing them into the air, and with a click of his fingers, levitating them over to Celestia.
“They’re beautiful, thank you.” Celestia said fleetingly, not wanting to bypass her manners after the kind action. “But I must say, I am quite surprised. It is common rumour that draconequus such as yourself enjoy the mischief you create.”
“Never judge a book by its cover if you ask me.” Discord said with a scowl. “I came to Equestria to seek a means of making a better image for myself. Something more...popular, if you know what I mean.” Celestia tilted her head.
“That’s a fairly carefree action for one such as yourself.” She said questioningly. “I have been told that your kind tend to keep to yourselves unless you have ‘business’ to attend to.” Discord nodded.
“You were told right then, but as I said, I’m an exception to usual draconequus.” He said with a smile. “I merely wish to begin a new life in Equestria and learn to overcome my chaotic past. Celestia was silent for a second before smiling softly.
“You are granted the means to live as any pony in our fair kingdom...” Celestia started, pausing slightly.
“Discord, your highness.”
“Then, you are granted the means and right to live as any pony in our fair kingdom, Discord.” She repeated with a kindly smile. “May you find the salvation you seek.”
The real Celestia’s face was full of disbelief. She had known of this past, after all, it was hers, but she felt horrified that she had made such a mistake.
“Are you starting to see yet?” Celestia jumped and twirled on the spot to see Clover behind her again.
“I-I-” Celestia turned her head again, noticing that her past self and Discord had vanished from the throne room and they were yet again alone. “I never should have said yes.”
“No.” Clover said simply.
“But this could have all been avoided if Discord had never st-”
“No, that was not your mistake.” Clover interrupted. “I see that you still don’t understand, so we shall continue.” Celestia watched nervously as Clover stood and walked back the way they had came, back into the maze. Celestia stood on the spot for a moment. She was following orders from an illusion. She knew that she shouldn’t play Discord’s game, but there was something about it all that made her uneasy, that made her feel like the only way forward was to continue as she had done so far. What scared her most was that she kept forgetting that these were all illusions made by Discord and that she was talking to Clover the Clever as if she really was the pony she had known and loved. One thing was for sure; Celestia had to find a way out of this maze while she still had the will to do so and fast.