//------------------------------// // Chapter Twenty Six // Story: Save The World, Duh! // by TheKing2001 //------------------------------// Trixie I trotted down the street and rolled my eyes at the large Spike statue. The dragon was leaning against it and signing autographs. “Where is Starlight?” I asked Sunset and Derpy curiously as Spitfire landed with three dizzy looking fillies on her back with giant grins. Sunset and Derpy had hinted at Starlight liking me back and I wanted to figure it out for myself. “She’s talking to Sunburst in the castle,” Sunset answered as she pointed a hoof at the castle. “It’s not far.” Starlight and Sunset had apparently forgot they met in the past when they were fillies. Granted, they were super young at the time and it had only been a few times. “Did you have fun?” Derpy asked as she knelt down in front of the three grinning fillies. “Flying is awesome!” Diamond cheered as she blushed. “I mean, it was cool.” We all chuckled as Sunset smirked. “Flying is fun,” Sunset readily admitted. “Spits used to fly me around on her back all the time.” “Spitfire preened my wings,” Scootaloo announced and edged closer to Sunset. “You told me to tell you if anyone did that and well someone did. Are you gonna beat her up?” “Spitfire doesn’t count. Spitfire is technically you’re sister so she’s allowed. She knows more about taking care of you wings than I do,” Sunset said sheepishly before laughing and slapping Spitfires flank with her hoof. “And based on how toned these flanks are, she’d most likely win. Bet ya Soarin is chasing after them every day.” I snickered myself as Spitfire glared at Sunset. “Touch my flank like that again and injured or not, I will break every bone in your body.” “Geez,” Sunset scoffed as she rolled her eyes. “How is Soarin anyway? It’s been awhile since I’ve seen him, High Winds and Surprise.” “They’re fine,” Spitfire grumbled as she joined us after we started trotting again. “Where’s the pacifist?” “Inside the castle,” I said and stood on my hind legs with a grin. “Where the Great and Powerful Trixie shall proclaim her love of Starlight and get her mare!” “Uh huh,” Spitfire smirked and rolled her eyes. “Good luck. Hopefully you two can beat some sense into Princess Twilight.” “Sunset can!” Silver Spoon proclaimed proudly. “She’s strong and fast.” “She’s also injured,” Spitfire pointed out flatly. “I will give you this, she can lay down the hurt when necessary. Why do you think I was always a bit wary of her hooves when we fought? She’s the only unicorn I know who uses her hooves just as much as she uses magic in fights.” “She used to be a scary bully but now she’s awesome,” a lavender unicron with a exploding firework cutie mark admitted and made a circle in the dirt with her hoof. “I need to talk to Cadence, anybody know where she is?” “Castle I would assume,” Sunset shrugged and grinned mischievously. “Got a romance problem for the Princess of Love, Lavender?” “You wish,” Lavender snorted and rolled her eyes. “After my last relationship, I’ll pass on romance for a bit. See ya!” The mare took off in the direction of the castle with probably the biggest grin I’ve ever seen on a pony. “I’m taking Scootaloo up to discuss her wings,” Spitfire said and glanced at dark pink earth pony. “If that’s alright with you of course.” “Go for it,” the mare waved a hoof. “Just be careful and don’t let her fall. Watch her at all times or I’ll find you.” “You got it Miss,” Spitfire nodded as Sunset levitated Scootaloo onto Spitfires back and the two took off. “I’d love to stay but I have a mare to confront!” I exclaimed as I galloped to the castle. I trotted down the hallways quietly in case Flurry Heart was asleep. I really didn’t want to wake up the foal, especially after she got out in Ponyville and almost blew me away with a sneeze. “Thanks for staying Starlight.” My ears flicked as I picked up Sunburst talking in a room nearby. “I really appreciate it.” “Oh it’s nothing,” Starlight laughed as I rolled my eyes. I had a bouquet of purple flowers held in my magic that I knew were Starlights favorite. I didn’t know what they were but I remember her pointing them out when we got off the train. “You’ll always be my friend, right?” Sunburst asked and I raised an eyebrow as I reached out a hoof to open the door. “Right,” Starlight said in confusion. “Why?” I faintly heard a weird noise as I opened the door and my eyes widened at the sight of the two kissing. I dropped the flowers as Starlight stared at me and pushed Sunburst away. “Trixie! This isn’t what it looks like!” Starlight said hastily as I turned away and ran down the hall. I don’t know when I left the castle but I faintly identified the hooves of Starlight chasing after me. “Trixie wait!” I ignored her and kept running as it got hard to see. I vaguely made out Sunset and Derpy giving us concerned looks as I galloped to the train station and skidded to a stop at the booth panting. “Lead the Great and Powerful Trixie on, hmph!” I grumbled and stared at the confused looking stallion behind the counter. “A ticket to anywhere but here please.” “Where to?” He asked and turned to a book. “What part of anywhere but here did you not get?” I snapped angrily as hooves approached me. “Canterlot, Manehattan, Trottingham or Appaloosa, I don’t care!” “Trixie wait!” Sunset called out and I spun around. She, Octavia, Derpy, Starlight and Sunburst stood behind me nervously. “Hear Starlight out.” “No. She lead the Great and Powerful Trixie on. You two lied to me!” I snarled and a few other ponies on the platform stepped back nervously. “She was kissing your brother. I don’t need ponies that lie to me in my life.” “I didn’t kiss him Trixie!” Starlight said nervously and stepped forward. “He kissed me, I didn’t kiss him. I was about to push him away as you opened the door. I told him it wouldn’t work out and we were friends. I like you.” She jammed a hoof into my chest. “She’s telling the truth love,” Octavia announced and stepped forward nervously. “Trust me, I’d know if she wasn’t.” “We didn’t lie to you either,” Derpy said quietly. “We wouldn’t do that. That would be mean.” “I’ve liked you since I first met you,” Starlight wrapped a hoof around my neck. “I may not have been the greatest at telling you because I was afraid you’d leave. Make sense?” I nodded as she rubbed my cheek with a hoof. “Ready to go back to our room?” “Yeah,” I muttered and pressed my ears against my head. “So uh what does this mean?” “We’re dating if you still like me of course,” Starlight promised as her muzzle hovered inches from mine. “Yes,” I said instantly and turned faintly red as Sunset chuckled. I gave Sunburst a look out of the corner of my eye and he nodded at me with a grin. “Excellent!” Starlight removed her hoof and clapped her hooves together excitedly. “Now don’t move.” “Why?” I asked worriedly as Starlight grinned. “For this,” she answered as my anger turned to confusion. I was about to ask for what when she kissed me and my eyes slightly widened. It was sloppy but who cares? I was kissing Starlight for Celestias sake. “Now let’s get back,” Starlight whispered with a wink as we separated and a strand of saliva broke as she leaned close to my ear. “Where you and I are going to have a long night.” She trotted away and flicked her tail seductively as I gulped and eagerly followed her.