Where the Heart Calls

by Laina_Phoenix


Once upon a time, in a magical land called Equestria, Earth Ponies, Unicorns and Pegasi lived in harmony and used their magics to thrive in the land. They were governed by the mighty Alicorns, a race of Pony far more powerful than any other, with the strength of the earth, the speed of the pegasi and the magic of the unicorns.

The alicorns ruled together in five mighty kingdoms at the most magical points of the earth. They were called Solaris Spire, Moon Stone, Everfree, the Crystal Empire, and Canterlot. The alicorns unified the world and all its creatures and brought peace and harmony.

But it was not to last.

The ponies and the other creatures of the world began fighting. They were torn apart by hatred and fear, and when the alicorns tried to stop them, they quickly met their end.

Now the world is divided, and fear keeps us from standing together. The kingdoms still stand, but they are ruled by selfish ponies who think only of themselves.

But legend has it that one day, a child shall be chosen to unite the world once more, and that child will be the one who brings peace and harmony throughout the land.

"But that can't be true!"

Mi Amore Cadenza, a pink alicorn, looked up at the stubborn pegasus in front of her.

"What can't be true, Ally?" She asked patiently.

Allyra, a white pegasus filly, gave a huff.

"That selfish ponies rule the kingdoms! It's not true, you were a great queen!"

Cadence laughed at her granddaughter's indignant face. "Thank you, Ally. But your mother is a great queen too!" She then leaned down and whispered, "When she's not being a grumpy featherhead, that is…"

Allyra giggled, then stopped as she heard a sigh.

"Mother, Allyra needs to sleep. You're winding her up with that wild Breezie tale of yours."

Cadence and Allyra turned and looked at Allyra's mother- Queen Flurry Heart, a light pink alicorn. Allyra looked severely offended. "Mummy, it's not a Breezie tale! It's true, I know it!"

Flurry shook her head while Cadence laughed and stood up. "If you say so, snowflake." She moved up to Allyra and kissed her on the cheek. The seven-year-old squealed and pushed her mother away, exclaiming, "Mummy, gross!"

"Don't you like my kisses?" Flurry asked, pouting. "Well, then, maybe you'll like the tickle monster more!" She bundled up her daughter with her wings and tickled her stomach, much to her delighted protests. Cadence grinned and raised an eyebrow.

"What did you just say about winding my granddaughter up?"

"I'm her mother, I can wind her up all I want," Flurry said simply, finally letting go of the struggling filly.

Cadence shook her head and kissed Ally on the cheek. "Goodnight, snowflake."

As the door shut behind Cadence, Flurry clucked her tongue. "All right, missy, into bed. A princess needs her sleep, after all."

"But I don't wanna! Can't I stay up with you and Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa and Aunty Snow?" She begged but Flurry wasn't swayed.

"Sorry, love. Not happening. You have school tomorrow, remember?

Allyra's face fell and her ears drooped. Flurry frowned and was about to ask what was wrong before she answered. "I don't wanna go to school… the other kids think I'm weird."

"Is it because you can't fly?" Ally nodded, not looking at her mother.

"They're calling me a dumb weirdo, Mummy," She murmured. "They're saying I'm not good enough to be a queen and I should just give up."

Flurry sighed and wrapped her wings around Allyra. Ally looked up at her mum as she said, "You know, Ally, when I was your age, the kids in my class said the same about me."

The filly's jaw dropped. "Really? But you're an awesome queen!" She exclaimed.

Flurry grinned. "Well, it took a while, but I'd say so!" Ally giggled despite herself. "You shouldn't listen to what they say."

"Mummy, it's hard…"

"And it always will be. But you'll find the strength to ignore it. Okay?"

She nodded uncertainly. Flurry smiled and put her daughter in bed with the blanket tucked up to her chin. Allyra looked out the window at the starry sky.

"What's out there, Mummy? Past that magic bubble, the one the Crystal Heart makes?"

She looked at her mother and felt confused at the frown on Flurry's face. "Mummy?"

Flurry sighed. "The only thing that's out there is a blizzard, Allyra. It's been there since before your grandma was born. And it's not likely to go away."

"But what about Equestria? And the other kingdoms and the other ponies?"

"The Crystal Empire isn't part of Equestria, silly filly. You know how your grandma gets when she's telling stories."

Allyra's eyes widened. "But what about the other ponies? Aren't they out there?"

Flurry grimaced. Allyra always was willing to believe whatever Cadence said. She wasn't quite sure how to go about the answer. "Well, Ally… there probably are other ponies out there." She then smiled reassuringly. "But I'm sure they have wonderful kings and queens looking after them. All you need to worry about is our kingdom since you are the next queen."

She gave a silent sigh of relief when Allyra pouted, now put off from the subject. "Mummy, I don't wanna rule the kingdom yet. I thought you were supposed to die first?"

"Yes, Allyra. I am supposed to die first." Flurry deadpanned, rolling her eyes.

Allyra laughed and Flurry couldn't help but smile. She always loved seeing her snowflake happy. "All right, that's enough questions for one night. Time to go to sleep, okay?"

Sighing, Allyra said, "Yes, Mummy…"

"Goodnight, snowflake. I love you."

"I love you too."

Smiling, Flurry shut the door behind her. Allyra waited until she couldn't hear her hoofsteps anymore, then jumped out from her blankets and crawled to her window, opening the curtains.

Past the beautiful, huge crystal city, there was a plain of snow that was there all year round. Her dad said it was because they were so close to the mountains. Beyond that, she could see the barrier- brilliant blue like the Crystal Heart. But outside that…

It was a haze, hidden by the shield, and the illusion of the night sky covered most of it. But, if she squinted, she could see snow battering against the border like a hammer.

Sighing, Allyra rested her chin on the windowsill. What was out there? Could she ever see? Would she be able to go?

Probably not. Her mother was extremely strict about not letting her beyond the city's limits, even though the other foals went out to the plain to play all the time. And she didn't want to make her mum angry.

Ears dropping against her head, Allyra got back into bed and continued to stare out the window. The shield was still visible from there.

Allyra was flying through a blizzard, laughing. This was wonderful; she could fly!

Then she looked down and gasped in delight. There was a group of ponies running on the ground. She grinned. There were ponies out here, after all!

Then she frowned, getting a better look at them, suddenly a lot closer than before. They were all radiating a bright light that felt… weird. Like… she'd felt it before, but it wasn't familiar.

The one at the back was a pink unicorn with a blue-green light. The next was a brown… pegasus? Unicorn? Alicorn? That pony had three horns and was shining a bright green light. Then there was a blue earth pony with a purple light. Next, a light green pegasus with a dark blue light. At the front… a white pegasus with white light, brighter than all the rest.

That pegasus looked familiar…

Allyra started. The pegasus was looked just like her… but a lot older.